Forum » Igre » Steam - Nakup iger
Steam - Nakup iger

oo7 ::
Lastnik največje igralne platforme na svetu bo moral na sodišče
Valve, ki je lastnik storitve Steam - največje digitalne distribucijske platforme za računalniške igre na svetu, tožijo za 656 milijonov funtov (776 milijonov evrov).
Valve, ki je lastnik storitve Steam - največje digitalne distribucijske platforme za računalniške igre na svetu, tožijo za 656 milijonov funtov (776 milijonov evrov).

globoko grlo ::
Ej folk, a se da posamicen spil prenest na druk acc in drug komp?
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

opeter ::
globoko grlo je izjavil:
Ej folk, a se da posamicen spil prenest na druk acc in drug komp?
Na drugi računalnik lahko preneseš v smislu, da namestiš Steam na drugi računalnik (če še ni), se prijaviš z računom, kjer je na voljo dotična igra in jo namestiš.
Prenesti špil med računi pa tehnično ni mogoče, niti ni dovoljeno iz licenčnega vidika. Če hočeš imeti igro na drugem računu moraš (ponovno) kupiti na Steamu ali pa aktiviraš kodo za igro, ki si jo kupil drugje.
Can you give your steam game to a other steam account?
Unfortunately, no. There is no way to directly transfer a game from one Steam account to another. Once a game has been purchased and added to one's Steam library, that license is permanently bound to that account and is unable to be transferred.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Mr.B ::
Lastnik največje igralne platforme na svetu bo moral na sodišče
Valve, ki je lastnik storitve Steam - največje digitalne distribucijske platforme za računalniške igre na svetu, tožijo za 656 milijonov funtov (776 milijonov evrov).
Ja, ne vem če jim bo uspelo. Niso več V EU, tako da primerjave s cenami v moldaviji :-) no ni ravno.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Jarno ::
Začel se je Steam Summer Sale, traja do 11. julija. Če kdo izbrska kakšen dober deal, le pogumno.

Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

KTr1sk ::
Riders Republic -75%
i5-14500k,32gb ddr5,6700xt,nvme2x,hdd4x, Dell G3223Q

Furbo ::
A je kdo kaj poštudiral, kateri steam server je najhitrejši za download iz Telekoma Slovenija?
Iz Hrvaške vleče komaj 10MB/s medtem ko speedtesti kažejo 952 Mbit/s na PCju.
Iz Hrvaške vleče komaj 10MB/s medtem ko speedtesti kažejo 952 Mbit/s na PCju.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

AutoReiv ::
Na Steam-u so naložili gor Tempest rising demo in pa Zephon demo...
Tempest Rising je na foro C&C... se prav realno časovna strategija..
Zephon je 4X potezna strategija.
Je kdo že špilu demo ?
ps. do 22. julija je Tacticon event ...
Tempest Rising je na foro C&C... se prav realno časovna strategija..
Zephon je 4X potezna strategija.
Je kdo že špilu demo ?
ps. do 22. julija je Tacticon event ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AutoReiv ()

Izi ::
Ali je mozno tretji osebi prodati svoj steam acc? Hvala
Buying or selling a Steam account
Uradno sta prodaja in nakup strogo prepovedana in če Valve opazi karkoli sumljivega bodo račun za večno zaklenili.
Drugače je pa Steam račun vezan na tvoj e-mail, lahko se ga sicer spremeni ampak rabiš dostop do starega e-maila.

KTr1sk ::
Ali se pri Steamu savi shranjujejo v oblaku na Steamu?
i5-14500k,32gb ddr5,6700xt,nvme2x,hdd4x, Dell G3223Q

Gregor459 ::

oo7 ::
Glede na govorice naj bi Valve delal STEAM konzolo katera naj bi bila konkurenca Playstationu in Xbox-u ? 
Valve Reportedly Planning A Steam Console To Compete With PlayStation & Xbox
According to the content creator's source, Valve is contributing heavily in the development of drivers for the AMD 9070 GPU, which is set to be released for desktop PCs in the near future. It will be the very first graphics card to feature the manufacturer's new RDNA 4 architecture as well as support for FSR 4 image reconstruction technology.
The insider believes that Valve's involvement in the development of drivers for the AMD 9070 GPU is a sign that the company is working internally on a Steam Console that will come with the SteamOS. He also speculated that another reason why Valve may be working on AMD 9070 drivers is to support third-party manufacturers looking to offer their own desktop consoles alongside the SteamOS license.

Valve Reportedly Planning A Steam Console To Compete With PlayStation & Xbox
According to the content creator's source, Valve is contributing heavily in the development of drivers for the AMD 9070 GPU, which is set to be released for desktop PCs in the near future. It will be the very first graphics card to feature the manufacturer's new RDNA 4 architecture as well as support for FSR 4 image reconstruction technology.
The insider believes that Valve's involvement in the development of drivers for the AMD 9070 GPU is a sign that the company is working internally on a Steam Console that will come with the SteamOS. He also speculated that another reason why Valve may be working on AMD 9070 drivers is to support third-party manufacturers looking to offer their own desktop consoles alongside the SteamOS license.