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Problem, ki mi najeda za popizdit

Problem, ki mi najeda za popizdit

Trancedeejay ::

Sem nedolgo nazaj kupil Athlona 64 3000+ in maticno ga-k8nsc-939 plato. Rama imam 2x512MB (transcend in Geil)......no da pridem do problema....nalozim os WIN XP in mi ne dela Matlab 7, Corel Draw 12.....za popizdit, v cem je fora da ne dela. Na masini zraven vse normalno dela, Corel Draw 9 tudi meni dela normalno. Sicer instalacija programov je normalna .Sicer zalaufata se, samo potem se samodejno zapreta, v cem je fora? Matlab definitivno ne dela na moji masini(oz. se odpre in zapre), na teli ko zdej pisem Barton 2500 512MB ram.......dela vse super. Sem mislil da sem ze kaj staknil kaksno pizdarijo in sem na novo dal sistem gor in prvo stvar poleg SP2 sem dal Matlab 7 in zadeva ne dela.
Kaj bi bilo lahko narobe, je slucajno kaksen propravek za kaksno stvar?
Have a nice Day

Music is the key

Trancedeejay ::

Sem ze zrihtal.
Verjetno bo se kdo jamral ce ima athlona 64 in Matlab 7.

You need to use a "blas" specific for your AMD processor. BLAS is Basic
Linear Algebra System.

Anyhow, it is not so have to fix (but poorly documented in Matlab):

Right click on "My Computer"
Click on "properties"
(This just opens the Sytem Properties dialog in Windows XP; there are other
ways to get there)
Click on "Advanced"
Click on "Environmental Variables"
There are two sets: The lower set is for "System Variables"
Click "New"
Under "Variable" type "BLAS_VERSION" (don't put the quotes ;-)
Under value put "c:\Matlab7\bin\win32\atlas_Athlon.dll"
(Check to make sure that there is a file by that name, otherwise look in
your Matlab folder for a "dll" folder that has the letters "Athlon" in it
and should also have "atlas" in it. Then place the path this THIS under
You do not need to reboot.
Matlab should now work.

If it STILL doesn't work, in the "path" variable under system variables add

Music is the key

Fizikalko ::

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