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Kako preveriš če je ram unbuffered?

Kako preveriš če je ram unbuffered?

Agetis ::

Imam 2x512 MB RAM ECC in me zanima, kje in kako preveriš,
če je ram buffered ali unbuffered!?
Kaj je sploh razlika?!


wind ::

Buffered RAM je drugo ime za ECC rame. Unbuffered so pa rami brez ECCja.

rovtarček ::

kako da potem obstajajo unbuffered ECC rami???

p.s. ne obstajajo pa buffered nonECC rami :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

wind ::


Agetis ::

Hey wind!

Na strani sem nasel:

One common misconception is that if a stick of memory is capable of ECC it must also be registered (this is certainly a common combination). This is incorrect as you can find unbuffered, ECC modules if you look hard enough.

Hmmm...kako se torej to preveri? :)

rovtarček ::

A term used to describe a memory module that contains buffers. The buffers re-drive the signals through the memory chips and allow the module to be built with a greater number of memory chips. Buffered and unbuffered RAM cannot be mixed. The design of the computer's memory controller dictates which type of RAM must be used.

Zgodovina sprememb…

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