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Mirc v taskbaru (winxp)

Mirc v taskbaru (winxp)

CaqKa ::

torej če dam mirca ali winampa na system tray, tako da ga ni na običnem trayu, se včasih ikoni izgubi čeprav mirc ali winamp še vedno igra/laufa. torej kako priti nazaj do priklica programa na namizje?
enak problem sem zasledil na xp-erience.org:
When I minimize mIRC it flies down to the system tray, just the way I want . When placed there it has been set to \"always show\".

In order to open mIRC again I have to double click the icon (of course). It will then be shown on the taskbar again.

But sometimes when I double click the lousy icon, mIRC disappears instead of opens. The icon isn\'t shown in the system tray nor is it displayed on the taskbar.

I am unable to switch to the program using alt-tab or alt-esc. When pressing ctrl-alt-del and clicking the \"Processes\"-folder I see that the mIRC process is still running, and with other irc clients I can see that the mirc client is still online.
It\'s not listed in the \"Application\"-folder so there is no way to switch to it.

From time to time I have the same problems with some other applications. Winamp for instance.

I reckon this is a bug in the system tray or just bad code in those programs that sometimes vanish.

Does anyone know if there are any work around on this, so that I can force a switch? Is there any application for download that allows me to switch between ALL runnings applications?

LP CaqKa

Tr0n ::

Yup. Podoben problem sem opazil pri dial-up povezavah. Vcasih (mogoce 1x na mesec) ko se povezem na ARNES mi sploh ne pokaze ikone v system trayu, tako da se ne morem disconectat oz. moram se enkrat pognat povezavo :). Bug?

sasox ::

Meni se to še ni zgodilo pa to neprestano uporabljam že od beta2 verzije...

CaqKa ::

Andrej? we need help

BlackHole ::

Tron, problem lahko rešiš tako, da še enkrat poženeš bližnjico, ki kaže na povezavo (jaz imam bližnjico na tipkah AltGr+tipka).
Nisem iguren, vendar morda imate nastavljeno, da se ikone avtomatsko skrijejo, če nekaj časa niso dejavne. Nimam takih problemov.

nsignific ::

seveda najverjetnesa in verjetno pravilna razlaga je pa ta da se enostavno sesuje explorer.exe, kar sploh ni redek pojav. ob tem se ugasnejo vsa explorer okna iknoe u trayu pa se odstranijo ob restartu explorer.exe.

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