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Creative GeForce 3 64MB DDR AGP

Creative GeForce 3 64MB DDR AGP

ItAk ::

V ponedeljek dobim Creative GeForce 3 64MB DDR AGP TV-out, in zanimajo me razni članki v katerih je govora o tej kartici. Prednosti - slabosti v primerjavi z drugimi karticami.
Pa naj mi še kdo prosim pove, do kakšne mere je še pametn OC to karto???
Vse kar sem uspel najti o tej kartici je :

High-resolution anti-aliasing (HRAA)™
Lightspeed memory architecture™
64MB Double Data Rate (DDR) memory
DirectX® texture compression
800 billion operations per second
40M triangles/sec
7.36 GB/sec memory bandwidth
4 anisotropic filtered pixels/clock
3.2 billion samples per second FSAA fill rate

Specification 256-bit graphics architecture
AGP 1x, 2x and 4x support, including Fast Writes and Execute Mode
Memory configuration 64MB of DDR memory at 460MHz
200MHz core clock speed

3D Features 32-bit colour and 32-bit Z/stencil buffer
Integrated hardware transform engine
Integrated hardware lighting engine
8 lights per rendering pass
Any combination of infinite, local, directional or spot
Coloured lights
Programmable Vertex Shader
Procedural deformations
Matrix palette skinning
Keyframe interpolation
Radial, elevation and non liner fog effects
Fish-eye, wide angle, fresnel and water refraction lens effects
Programmable pixel shader
Phong-style per-pixel lighting
Dot3 bump mapping
Environmental bump mapping
Emboss bump mapping
Procedural textures
Per pixel reflections
Cube environment mapping
Reflection maps
Accurate, real time environment reflections
Microsoft DirectX texture compression

2D Features High performance 256-bit 2D acceleration
Optimised for multiple colour depths including 32, 24, 16, 15 and 8-bbits per pixel
True colour hardware cursor
Multi-buffering (double, triple, quad buffering) for smooth animation and video playback
X and Y smooth upscaling and downscaling
Per-pixel colour keying
Multiple video windows with hardware colour space conversion (YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0) and 5-tap horizontal by 3-tap vertical filtering
DVD sub-picture alpha blended compositing
Video acceleration for DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and Indeo

Drivers Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition display drivers
Windows 98 display drivers supporting DirectDraw, Direct3D DirectVideo, ActiveX
OpenGL ICD for Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Millennium Edition

System Requirements IBM PC 100% compatible
Intel Pentium II and later processors, AMD K6 and K7 processor families
64MB system memory or higher
50M available disc space
AGP 2.0 compliant slot or better
CD-ROM drive
Windows 95 / Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition

  • spremenilo: ItAk ()

_Mortal_ ::

Fill Rate: 1322 MTeskslov8-O
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?

Vredno ogleda ...

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Kera grafična je bolš?

Oddelek: Kaj kupiti
463005 (2399) _Mortal_

Graphic Card

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
251938 (1625) MaD_Mavr0

Nakup grafične

Oddelek: Kaj kupiti
241471 (1153) [t502]

Uporabnikov test Detonatorjev

Oddelek: Novice / Grafične kartice
62250 (2250) tejo

Emboss Bump Mapping vs. EMBM

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
441681 (1354) undefined

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