Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » Javni razpisi iz področja Z&T
Javni razpisi iz področja Z&T

gzibret ::
V Sloveniji trenutno dela nekaj preko 10.000 raziskovalcev, katerih delo se financira izključno ali delno na podlagi znanstvenih projektov in programov. Te projekte razpisujejo:
- Evropska komisija (frameworks)
- Republika Slovenija (ministrstva, agencije)
- občine (predvsem večje)
- podjetja (no, to zadnje bolj redko).
Ker verjamemo, da tole stran obiskuje tudi nekaj ljudi, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami in si služi denarce na takšen način, se je ekipa Slo-Techa, oddelek Z&T odločila, da odpre temo, kjer se bomo obveščali o aktualnih razpisih na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti. Posebej zaželjeno je obveščanje o razpisih Evropske komisije, saj naša vlada cel čas jamra, da poberemo premalo evropskega denarja, to pa je ena izmed možnosti.
Prosim, da ob objavi ali najavi nekega razpisa zraven poveste sledeče:
Razpisi naj vsebujejo tematiko, ki je skladna z oddelkom znanost&tehnologija. Prosim, ne objavljajte razpisov iz neznanstvenega področja, kot je prostorsko planiranje, varovanje kulturne dediščine, izdelava raznih politik in smernic, javnomnenjskih raziskav in podobno (družboslovci si naj odprejo podobno temo v loži
V to temo lahko dodate tudi povezave na razne evropske, vladne in privatne organizacije, ki objavljajo razpise.
Za začetek nekaj povezav:
- Evropska komisija (frameworks)
- Republika Slovenija (ministrstva, agencije)
- občine (predvsem večje)
- podjetja (no, to zadnje bolj redko).
Ker verjamemo, da tole stran obiskuje tudi nekaj ljudi, ki se ukvarja z raziskavami in si služi denarce na takšen način, se je ekipa Slo-Techa, oddelek Z&T odločila, da odpre temo, kjer se bomo obveščali o aktualnih razpisih na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti. Posebej zaželjeno je obveščanje o razpisih Evropske komisije, saj naša vlada cel čas jamra, da poberemo premalo evropskega denarja, to pa je ena izmed možnosti.
Prosim, da ob objavi ali najavi nekega razpisa zraven poveste sledeče:
- KDO razpisuje;
- NAMEN razpisa;
- KOMU je razpis namenjen;
- KDAJ bo razpis potekal oz. KDAJ je rok za prijavo in izvedbo;
- povejte, ali gre za FINANCIRANJE ali SOFINANCIRANJE ter v kakšnem deležu;
- LINK na razpisno dokumentacijo.
Razpisi naj vsebujejo tematiko, ki je skladna z oddelkom znanost&tehnologija. Prosim, ne objavljajte razpisov iz neznanstvenega področja, kot je prostorsko planiranje, varovanje kulturne dediščine, izdelava raznih politik in smernic, javnomnenjskih raziskav in podobno (družboslovci si naj odprejo podobno temo v loži

V to temo lahko dodate tudi povezave na razne evropske, vladne in privatne organizacije, ki objavljajo razpise.
Za začetek nekaj povezav:
- na SLOVENSKE NEVLADNE razpise (povezave dodane 17. januarja 2006):
- na SLOVENSKE VLADNE razpise (povezave dodane 17. januarja 2006):
- na EVROPSKE razpise (povezave dodane 17. januarja 2006):
Mestna občina Ljubljana - razpisi
Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo RS
Community Research & Development Information Service
Vse je za neki dobr!
- razglasilo: OwcA ()

gzibret ::
Bom dodal kar prvega:
Mestna občina Ljubljana razpisuje:
Javni razpis za sofinanciranje programov in/ali projektov v MOL za leto 2006 in/ali za leta od 2006 do 2008 za področje znanstveni/strokovni posveti.
Vlagatelji so lahko zasebni raziskovalci, vpisani v register zasebnih raziskovalcev (ULRS št.12/05 z dne 10.02.2005) in pravne osebe, ki delujejo na območju MOL in so ustanovljene v naslednjih pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah na podlagi zakona in so skladno s svojimi ustanovitvenimi akti registrirane za opravljanje dejavnosti, ki se nanašajo na razpisano področje sofinanciranja:
Pod 1.1.: javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije, zasebni raziskovalci
Pod 1.2.1.: založbe, javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije,
Pod 1.2.2.: javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije.
Zanimive postavke:
- vrtičkarstvo kot vir onesnaževanja prsti in podtalnice;
- paleontološki potencial grajskega griča.
Rok za prijavo je 13. 2. 2006. Zadevo financira MOL v celoti (vsaj mislim, da), skupni znesek sredstev pa je majhen, 45 milijonov.
Mestna občina Ljubljana razpisuje:
Javni razpis za sofinanciranje programov in/ali projektov v MOL za leto 2006 in/ali za leta od 2006 do 2008 za področje znanstveni/strokovni posveti.
Vlagatelji so lahko zasebni raziskovalci, vpisani v register zasebnih raziskovalcev (ULRS št.12/05 z dne 10.02.2005) in pravne osebe, ki delujejo na območju MOL in so ustanovljene v naslednjih pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah na podlagi zakona in so skladno s svojimi ustanovitvenimi akti registrirane za opravljanje dejavnosti, ki se nanašajo na razpisano področje sofinanciranja:
Pod 1.1.: javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije, zasebni raziskovalci
Pod 1.2.1.: založbe, javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije,
Pod 1.2.2.: javni zavodi, nepridobitne organizacije.
Zanimive postavke:
- vrtičkarstvo kot vir onesnaževanja prsti in podtalnice;
- paleontološki potencial grajskega griča.
Rok za prijavo je 13. 2. 2006. Zadevo financira MOL v celoti (vsaj mislim, da), skupni znesek sredstev pa je majhen, 45 milijonov.
Vse je za neki dobr!

delfinus ::
NAMEN: Razlicen
KOMU: Raziskovalci z naslednjih podrocij raziskovanja: Aeronautics and space, Coherent development of research and innovation policies, Food quality and safety, Information Society Technologies, Policy-orientated research, Research to explore new and emerging scientific and technological problems and opportunities, Specific measures in support of international co-operation, Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems, Human resources and mobility, Science and Society, European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
KDAJ: od danes do zakljucka
Link: KLIK do FP6 razpisov
Tule so se trenutni aktualni in odprti razpisi, ki so se odprti v okviru FP6 (Evropski 6. okvirnega programa).
NAMEN: Razlicen
KOMU: Raziskovalci z naslednjih podrocij raziskovanja: Aeronautics and space, Coherent development of research and innovation policies, Food quality and safety, Information Society Technologies, Policy-orientated research, Research to explore new and emerging scientific and technological problems and opportunities, Specific measures in support of international co-operation, Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems, Human resources and mobility, Science and Society, European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
KDAJ: od danes do zakljucka
Link: KLIK do FP6 razpisov
Tule so se trenutni aktualni in odprti razpisi, ki so se odprti v okviru FP6 (Evropski 6. okvirnega programa).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: delfinus ()

gzibret ::
Ministrstvo za obrambo je v sodelovanju z ARRS (Agencija RS za raziskovalno dejavnost) izdalo razpis "ZNANJE ZA VARNOST IN MIR" (CRP "MIR") 2006.
Razpis obsega sledeče teme:
področje:Slovenska vojska 21. stoletja
1.1. Novi materiali in tehnologije obdelave
1.2. Bojevnik in oprema bojevnika (fiziološke sposobnosti, vadba, obleka in oprema bojevnika, prehrana, itd.)
1.3. Eksplozivna sredstva in viri energije
1.4. Laserski, radarski in optični sistemi
1.5. Senzorski in merilni sistemi
1.6. Druge teme
področje: Razvoj komunikacijskega in informacijskega sistema za potrebe nacionalne varnosti
2.1. Govorne tehnologije
2.2. Varnost omrežij, varnost podatkov in kriptografija
2.3. Informacijski in inteligentni sistemi
2.4. Komunikacijski sistemi
2.5. Druge teme
področje: Obramba proti terorizmu, zaščita ljudi in okolja
3.1. Biometrični sistemi
3.2. Odkrivanje nevarnosti terorističnega napada
3.3. Zaščita ljudi, živali in sredstev
3.4. Varovanje in remediacija okolja
3.5. Vpliv bolezni, bojnih strupov in sevanja na človeka
3.6. Druge teme
področje: Razvoj in upravljanje nacionalno varnostnega sistema
4.1. Pridobivanje in razvoj človeških virov (poklicna vojska, prostovoljna rezerva, obvezna rezerva)
4.2. Izobraževanje in usposabljanje
4.3. Krizno upravljanje in človeški dejavniki v kriznih situacijah
4.4. Vojaška zgodovina in vojne veščine
4.5. Obrambna ekonomika in obrambno načrtovanje
4.6. Politika in delovanje varnostnih struktur
4.7. Civilno vojaški odnosi
4.8. Druge teme
Skupna vrednost razpisa je 3 mrd. SIT.
Pogoj za prijavo:
Izvajalci raziskovalnih projektov v okviru CRP "MIR" morajo izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:
a) Vodja projekta mora imeti doktorat znanosti in v zadnjih petih letih objaviti vsaj en znanstveni prispevek v znanstveni reviji oz. knjigi, kar je razvidno iz baze SICRIS.
b) Vodja projekta mora imeti proste raziskovalne kapacitete najmanj v višini 170 raziskovalnih ur.
Več dobite na strani ARRS tukaj.
Obrazci za prijavo bi morali biti dostopni na straneh ARRS že danes.
Razpis obsega sledeče teme:
področje:Slovenska vojska 21. stoletja
1.1. Novi materiali in tehnologije obdelave
1.2. Bojevnik in oprema bojevnika (fiziološke sposobnosti, vadba, obleka in oprema bojevnika, prehrana, itd.)
1.3. Eksplozivna sredstva in viri energije
1.4. Laserski, radarski in optični sistemi
1.5. Senzorski in merilni sistemi
1.6. Druge teme
področje: Razvoj komunikacijskega in informacijskega sistema za potrebe nacionalne varnosti
2.1. Govorne tehnologije
2.2. Varnost omrežij, varnost podatkov in kriptografija
2.3. Informacijski in inteligentni sistemi
2.4. Komunikacijski sistemi
2.5. Druge teme
področje: Obramba proti terorizmu, zaščita ljudi in okolja
3.1. Biometrični sistemi
3.2. Odkrivanje nevarnosti terorističnega napada
3.3. Zaščita ljudi, živali in sredstev
3.4. Varovanje in remediacija okolja
3.5. Vpliv bolezni, bojnih strupov in sevanja na človeka
3.6. Druge teme
področje: Razvoj in upravljanje nacionalno varnostnega sistema
4.1. Pridobivanje in razvoj človeških virov (poklicna vojska, prostovoljna rezerva, obvezna rezerva)
4.2. Izobraževanje in usposabljanje
4.3. Krizno upravljanje in človeški dejavniki v kriznih situacijah
4.4. Vojaška zgodovina in vojne veščine
4.5. Obrambna ekonomika in obrambno načrtovanje
4.6. Politika in delovanje varnostnih struktur
4.7. Civilno vojaški odnosi
4.8. Druge teme
Skupna vrednost razpisa je 3 mrd. SIT.
Pogoj za prijavo:
Izvajalci raziskovalnih projektov v okviru CRP "MIR" morajo izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:
a) Vodja projekta mora imeti doktorat znanosti in v zadnjih petih letih objaviti vsaj en znanstveni prispevek v znanstveni reviji oz. knjigi, kar je razvidno iz baze SICRIS.
b) Vodja projekta mora imeti proste raziskovalne kapacitete najmanj v višini 170 raziskovalnih ur.
Več dobite na strani ARRS tukaj.
Obrazci za prijavo bi morali biti dostopni na straneh ARRS že danes.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Naj opozorim, da je ARRS (Agencija RS za raziskovalno dejavnost) izdala razpis za sofinanciranje znanstvenih monografij.
Razpisna dokumentacija je kar obsežna, avtor oz. organizacija morata monografijo že imeti napisano, recenzirano... ter predračun tiskarne. Torej za nenapisane knjige ARRS ne da cekinov.
Torej, če ima kdo namen objaviti znanstveno knjigo, material pa že ima pripravljen - GO FOR IT!
Razpis je odprt do 11. aprila 2006.
Razpisna dokumentacija je kar obsežna, avtor oz. organizacija morata monografijo že imeti napisano, recenzirano... ter predračun tiskarne. Torej za nenapisane knjige ARRS ne da cekinov.
Torej, če ima kdo namen objaviti znanstveno knjigo, material pa že ima pripravljen - GO FOR IT!
Razpis je odprt do 11. aprila 2006.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Naj opozorim, da je zunaj razpis za potencialne mentorje mladim raziskovalcem. Torej, če imate doktorat, ste zaposleni v raziskovalni inštituciji in imate SCI objave v zadnjih petih letih ter bi radi imeli podmladek, potem je to prava stvar za vas.
Razpis je odprt do 19. maja 2006.
razpisna dokumentacija
Kandidati za MR-ja morajo biti pozorni na zadevo nekje julija, ko so znani mentorji MR-jem oz. ko bo znano, kdo bo MR-ja dobil in kdo ne. Takrat se kandidat prijavi na razpis podjetja (raziskovalne inštitucije), ki imajo odobrene MR-je, ne pa na trenutni razpis ARRS-ja (Agencije RS za razisk. dejavnost).
Razpis je odprt do 19. maja 2006.
razpisna dokumentacija
Kandidati za MR-ja morajo biti pozorni na zadevo nekje julija, ko so znani mentorji MR-jem oz. ko bo znano, kdo bo MR-ja dobil in kdo ne. Takrat se kandidat prijavi na razpis podjetja (raziskovalne inštitucije), ki imajo odobrene MR-je, ne pa na trenutni razpis ARRS-ja (Agencije RS za razisk. dejavnost).
Vse je za neki dobr!

Cofko Cof ::
The U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana is pleased to announce the annual competition for Fulbright Scholarships to conduct research or lecture in the United States during the 2007-2008 academic year. Applications for the Fulbright Scholarship Program will be accepted from April 15, 2006 until May 26, 2006.
The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 and is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State. Approximately 267,500 "Fulbrighters" have participated in the Program since its inception over fifty years ago. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 6,000 new grants annually, and operates in over 150 countries worldwide. It is the U.S. Government’s most prestigious program for academic exchange.
Razpis Fullbrightove štipendije za leto 2007-2008.
Ars longa,vita brevis.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cofko Cof ()

gzibret ::
Agencija Republike Slovenije za raziskovalno dejavnost je objavila javni razzpis za financiranje "Ciljnih raziskovalnih projektov KONKURENČNOST SLOVENIJE 2006-2013"
Temeljni cilji SRS so naslednji:
1) Gospodarski razvojni cilj je v desetih letih preseči povprečno raven ekonomske razvitosti EU (merjeno z BDP na prebivalca v pariteti kupne moči) in povečati zaposlenost v skladu s cilji Lizbonske strategije.
2) Družbeni razvojni cilj je izboljšanje kakovosti življenja in blaginje vseh posameznic in posameznikov, merjene s kazalniki človekovega razvoja, socialnih tveganj in družbene povezanosti.
3) Medgeneracijski in sonaravni razvojni cilj je uveljavljanje načela trajnosti kot temeljnega kakovostnega merila na vseh področjih razvoja, vključno s ciljem trajnostnega obnavljanja prebivalstva.
4) Razvojni cilj Slovenije v mednarodnem okolju je, da bo s svojim razvojnim vzorcem, kulturno identiteto in angažiranim delovanjem v mednarodni skupnosti postala v svetu prepoznavna in ugledna država.
Predmet razpisa je izbira raziskovalnih projektov za prednostne tematike v letu 2006 na petih težiščih CRP, ki odgovarjajo petim razvojnim prioritetam države, opredeljenih v SRS:
Pogoji, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati prijavitelji na javni razpis:
1) Na razpis se lahko prijavi pravna ali fizična oseba, ki je vpisana v evidenco raziskovalnih organizacij Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije ter izpolnjuje pogoje, predpisane z Zakonom o raziskovalni in razvojni dejavnosti in s predpisi agencije.
2) Vodja projekta mora biti zaposlen v organizaciji, ki je prijavitelj projekta.
3) Vodja projekta mora imeti doktorat znanosti in v zadnjih petih letih objaviti vsaj en znanstveni prispevek v znanstveni reviji oz. knjigi, kar je razvidno iz baze SICRIS.
Vodja projekta mora imeti proste raziskovalne kapacitete najmanj v višini 85 raziskovalnih ur.
4) Raziskovalec, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za vodjo projekta, lahko kot vodja projekta sodeluje na razpisu samo v eni prijavi.
5) Prijava na razpis mora vsebovati prijavni obrazec in vse v prijavnem obrazcu navedene samostojne priloge, ki so sestavni del razpisne dokumentacije.
Razpisno dokumentacijo najdete na strani ARRS. Razpis je odprt do konca junija.
Temeljni cilji SRS so naslednji:
1) Gospodarski razvojni cilj je v desetih letih preseči povprečno raven ekonomske razvitosti EU (merjeno z BDP na prebivalca v pariteti kupne moči) in povečati zaposlenost v skladu s cilji Lizbonske strategije.
2) Družbeni razvojni cilj je izboljšanje kakovosti življenja in blaginje vseh posameznic in posameznikov, merjene s kazalniki človekovega razvoja, socialnih tveganj in družbene povezanosti.
3) Medgeneracijski in sonaravni razvojni cilj je uveljavljanje načela trajnosti kot temeljnega kakovostnega merila na vseh področjih razvoja, vključno s ciljem trajnostnega obnavljanja prebivalstva.
4) Razvojni cilj Slovenije v mednarodnem okolju je, da bo s svojim razvojnim vzorcem, kulturno identiteto in angažiranim delovanjem v mednarodni skupnosti postala v svetu prepoznavna in ugledna država.
Predmet razpisa je izbira raziskovalnih projektov za prednostne tematike v letu 2006 na petih težiščih CRP, ki odgovarjajo petim razvojnim prioritetam države, opredeljenih v SRS:
Pogoji, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati prijavitelji na javni razpis:
1) Na razpis se lahko prijavi pravna ali fizična oseba, ki je vpisana v evidenco raziskovalnih organizacij Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije ter izpolnjuje pogoje, predpisane z Zakonom o raziskovalni in razvojni dejavnosti in s predpisi agencije.
2) Vodja projekta mora biti zaposlen v organizaciji, ki je prijavitelj projekta.
3) Vodja projekta mora imeti doktorat znanosti in v zadnjih petih letih objaviti vsaj en znanstveni prispevek v znanstveni reviji oz. knjigi, kar je razvidno iz baze SICRIS.
Vodja projekta mora imeti proste raziskovalne kapacitete najmanj v višini 85 raziskovalnih ur.
4) Raziskovalec, ki izpolnjuje pogoje za vodjo projekta, lahko kot vodja projekta sodeluje na razpisu samo v eni prijavi.
5) Prijava na razpis mora vsebovati prijavni obrazec in vse v prijavnem obrazcu navedene samostojne priloge, ki so sestavni del razpisne dokumentacije.
Razpisno dokumentacijo najdete na strani ARRS. Razpis je odprt do konca junija.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Odprt je javni razpis za sofinanciranje temeljnih in aplikativnih znanstvenih projektov. Prijavijo se lahko raziskovalne inštitucije ali posamezniki, evidentirani v bazi podatkov SICRIS, nosilci pa morajo biti doktorji znanosti ter imeti vsaj 40 točk.
Razpis obsega tudi postdoktorska izobraževanja.
Razpis je odprt do 21. 9. 2006.
razpisna dokumentacija
Razpis obsega tudi postdoktorska izobraževanja.
Razpis je odprt do 21. 9. 2006.
razpisna dokumentacija
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Priložnost za izdelavo doktorata v Belgiji, za prijavo je še približno en mesec časa:
PhD opportunity at Ghent University Belgium.
Topic: "source identification of nitrate using stable isotopes"
Figures and facts:
• Funding: IWT Agriculture, Flanders, 580.000 €
• Duration: 4 years (1/10/2006 – 1/10/2010)
• WP1 - Exploration
– Evaluation of VMM surface water database
– Exploration and evaluation of some classification methods (“machine
learning techniques”)
– First evalution of physico-chemical variables to be measured relevant
for classification of nitrate sources
– Evaluation of suitability of current measurement frequency and timing
for identification of nitrate sources
• WP2 - Physico-chemical analyses
– Set-up and compare methods for 15N en 18O in nitrate
– Analyses of 11B and 87Sr/86Sr ratio’s (IRMM)
• WP3 – Model building and evaluation
– Physico-chemical and isotope analyses of surface waters in the exisiting
VMM survey system
– Development of a final classification model and evaluation of the added
value isotopes can deliver
– Verification of the classification model for some selected case studies
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2006.
Responsable and contact : Prof. dr. ir. Pascal Boeckx:
tel : (+32)9 264 60 00. fax : (+32)9 264 62 30
secretary :
tel: (+32) 9 264 60 01 fax: (+32) 9 264 62 42
PhD opportunity at Ghent University Belgium.
Topic: "source identification of nitrate using stable isotopes"
Figures and facts:
• Funding: IWT Agriculture, Flanders, 580.000 €
• Duration: 4 years (1/10/2006 – 1/10/2010)
• WP1 - Exploration
– Evaluation of VMM surface water database
– Exploration and evaluation of some classification methods (“machine
learning techniques”)
– First evalution of physico-chemical variables to be measured relevant
for classification of nitrate sources
– Evaluation of suitability of current measurement frequency and timing
for identification of nitrate sources
• WP2 - Physico-chemical analyses
– Set-up and compare methods for 15N en 18O in nitrate
– Analyses of 11B and 87Sr/86Sr ratio’s (IRMM)
• WP3 – Model building and evaluation
– Physico-chemical and isotope analyses of surface waters in the exisiting
VMM survey system
– Development of a final classification model and evaluation of the added
value isotopes can deliver
– Verification of the classification model for some selected case studies
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2006.
Responsable and contact : Prof. dr. ir. Pascal Boeckx:
tel : (+32)9 264 60 00. fax : (+32)9 264 62 30
secretary :
tel: (+32) 9 264 60 01 fax: (+32) 9 264 62 42
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Še ena priložnost za delat doktorat, tokrat v Švici:
PhD position in igneous petrology and geochronology
Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
The PhD project entitled "Miocene intrusions in Southern Patagonia - a possible link to ridge subduction ?" is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for a period of 3 years. Potential candidates should have a strong interest in igneous petrology and geochronology. Hands-on experience in geochemistry is a plus. Serious interest in field work is important.
The objective of this project is to study the Miocene plutonism in Southern Patagonia (Fitz Roy in Argentina; Cerro Donoso and Cerro Balmaceda in Chile), examining to which extent this plutonism is linked to the subduction of the Chile ridge during the Miocene. This study aims to (a) document the geochemical composition of these intrusive bodies to determine source regions and magmatic evolution, and (b) to better constrain intrusion ages, and to unravel the ages of individual intrusion cycles. A petrological characterization in combination with major and trace element studies will form the basis for more advanced geochemical investigations using rare earth elements and radiogenic isotopic analyses. Stable isotope analyses will complement this analytical approach. A second important aspect of the study is age determination. Emphasis will be on Ar-Ar geochronology, combined with high precision U-Pb zircon dating.
The position will start in October 2006, or at the latest in December 2006.
For more information and to apply please contact Dr. Benita Putlitz
phone: 0041 - 21 - 692 43 60
PhD position in igneous petrology and geochronology
Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
The PhD project entitled "Miocene intrusions in Southern Patagonia - a possible link to ridge subduction ?" is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for a period of 3 years. Potential candidates should have a strong interest in igneous petrology and geochronology. Hands-on experience in geochemistry is a plus. Serious interest in field work is important.
The objective of this project is to study the Miocene plutonism in Southern Patagonia (Fitz Roy in Argentina; Cerro Donoso and Cerro Balmaceda in Chile), examining to which extent this plutonism is linked to the subduction of the Chile ridge during the Miocene. This study aims to (a) document the geochemical composition of these intrusive bodies to determine source regions and magmatic evolution, and (b) to better constrain intrusion ages, and to unravel the ages of individual intrusion cycles. A petrological characterization in combination with major and trace element studies will form the basis for more advanced geochemical investigations using rare earth elements and radiogenic isotopic analyses. Stable isotope analyses will complement this analytical approach. A second important aspect of the study is age determination. Emphasis will be on Ar-Ar geochronology, combined with high precision U-Pb zircon dating.
The position will start in October 2006, or at the latest in December 2006.
For more information and to apply please contact Dr. Benita Putlitz
phone: 0041 - 21 - 692 43 60
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
E U R I S Y . O R G išče "project administratorja". Delo je v Parizu, fajn je, da znate francosko, morate imeti vsaj magisterij.... Časa za prijavo je do 7. decembra.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Naj (pravočasno) opozorim na prihajajoči sedmi okvirni program EU s proračunom preko 50 milijard € v šestih letih.
Rok za prijavo še ni določen, je pa fajn malo prej prebrskati o zanimivih temah..... Program je zasnovan zelo na široko, tako, da se notri najdejo tudi takšne teme, kjer lahko kandidirajo npr. nevladne organizacije.
Rok za prijavo še ni določen, je pa fajn malo prej prebrskati o zanimivih temah..... Program je zasnovan zelo na široko, tako, da se notri najdejo tudi takšne teme, kjer lahko kandidirajo npr. nevladne organizacije.
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Odprt je javni poziv za zbiranje vseh idej, kaj naj bi ministrstvo za obrambo financiralo na področju raziskav v prihajajočem letu. Informativni dan je jutri, javni poziv pa je odprt do 22. 1. 2007 (piše sicer 2006 samo IMO gre zanapako v letnici, ker je 22. 12. 2006 preblizu).
Predlogi projektov obsegajo naslednja področja:
1. področje: Zmogljivosti za bojevanje
2. področje: Zmogljivosti za bojno podporo ter sile zaščite in reševanja
3. področje: Zmogljivosti za zagotovitev bojnega delovanja ter delovanja zaščite in reševanja
4. področje: Vodenje, poveljevanje in kontrola
5. področje: Mednarodni projekti "Zaščita sil"
6. področje: Ostali mednarodni projekti
Prijavijo se lahko gospodarske družbe ter javni in zasebni raziskovalni zavodi.
To še ni razpis za (so)financiranje, razpis bo zunaj sredi prihodnjega leta, je pa fajn, da predlagaš, kaj naj dajo v razpis, da te bodo kasneje lažje izbrali
TIA - glej novico 15. 12. 2006
Predlogi projektov obsegajo naslednja področja:
1. področje: Zmogljivosti za bojevanje
2. področje: Zmogljivosti za bojno podporo ter sile zaščite in reševanja
3. področje: Zmogljivosti za zagotovitev bojnega delovanja ter delovanja zaščite in reševanja
4. področje: Vodenje, poveljevanje in kontrola
5. področje: Mednarodni projekti "Zaščita sil"
6. področje: Ostali mednarodni projekti
Prijavijo se lahko gospodarske družbe ter javni in zasebni raziskovalni zavodi.
To še ni razpis za (so)financiranje, razpis bo zunaj sredi prihodnjega leta, je pa fajn, da predlagaš, kaj naj dajo v razpis, da te bodo kasneje lažje izbrali

TIA - glej novico 15. 12. 2006
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Following the decision taken by the Standing Committee on 20 April 2007, a limited number of ESF-LESC travel grants are available, principally aimed at European young researchers, to support their active participation in the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Workshop on Seasonal Prediction in Barcelona, Spain, on 4-7 June 2007:
The event is supported by the Catalan Meteorological Service, the International Climate Variabiligy and Predictability (CLIVAR) Project Office and ESF-LESC (
Full information can be found at:
Deadline for applications: 21 May 2007, 12:00 (CET).
We should be grateful if you would distribute this information as widely as possible. For any queries, please send an e-mail to
Following the decision taken by the Standing Committee on 20 April 2007, a limited number of ESF-LESC travel grants are available, principally aimed at European young researchers, to support their active participation in the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Workshop on Seasonal Prediction in Barcelona, Spain, on 4-7 June 2007:
The event is supported by the Catalan Meteorological Service, the International Climate Variabiligy and Predictability (CLIVAR) Project Office and ESF-LESC (
Full information can be found at:
Deadline for applications: 21 May 2007, 12:00 (CET).
We should be grateful if you would distribute this information as widely as possible. For any queries, please send an e-mail to
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov razpisuje "natečaj mladih energetikov".
Pogoj za sodelovanje je status študenta ali dijaka. Od vas pričakujejo pisne razprave, predloge demonstracij ali učnih materialov (animacije, web strani, delujoči modeli...) iz področja energetike. Število avtorjev je lahko največ 5.
Obljubljajo denarne nagrade, izlet v Francijo (ogled jedrskih elektrarn), predstavitev na kongresu energetike v Portorožu....
Časa je do 30. 6. 2007.
Pogoj za sodelovanje je status študenta ali dijaka. Od vas pričakujejo pisne razprave, predloge demonstracij ali učnih materialov (animacije, web strani, delujoči modeli...) iz področja energetike. Število avtorjev je lahko največ 5.
Obljubljajo denarne nagrade, izlet v Francijo (ogled jedrskih elektrarn), predstavitev na kongresu energetike v Portorožu....
Časa je do 30. 6. 2007.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Odprti so novi CRP-i (ciljni raziskovalni projekti) "Znanje za varnost in mir 2006-2010 v letu 2007". Razpis je odprt do 7. junija 2007 in je namenjen raziskovalcem in raziskovalnim organizacijam, vpisanim v evidenco na Javni agenciji za raziskovalno dejavnost. Skupna višina sredstev je 6.8 mio. €.
CRP je razdeljen v 4 sklope:
1) slovenska vojska 21. stoletja;
2) razvoj komunikacijskega in informacijskega sistema za potrebe nacionalne varnosti;
3) obramba proti terorizmu, zaščita ljudi in okolja;
4) razvoj in upravljanje nacionalno varnostnega sistema.
Detajlnejši razrez sklopov je na spodnjem linku.
razpisna dokumentacija
CRP je razdeljen v 4 sklope:
1) slovenska vojska 21. stoletja;
2) razvoj komunikacijskega in informacijskega sistema za potrebe nacionalne varnosti;
3) obramba proti terorizmu, zaščita ljudi in okolja;
4) razvoj in upravljanje nacionalno varnostnega sistema.
Detajlnejši razrez sklopov je na spodnjem linku.
razpisna dokumentacija
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Agencija RS za raziskovalno dejavnost je objavila razpis za (so)financiranje temeljnih in aplikativnih raziskovalnih projektov v letu 2008. Skupen fond denarja znaša 8 milijonov €. Prijavijo se lahko registrirane raziskovalne organizacije oz. posamezniki, vpisani v register raziskovalcev.
Časa za oddajo vlog imate še slabe 14 dni, do 13. septembra 2007.
ARRS - razpisna dokumentacija
Časa za oddajo vlog imate še slabe 14 dni, do 13. septembra 2007.
ARRS - razpisna dokumentacija
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Prijavijo se lahko tako raziskovalne ustanove, kot tudi gospodarske družbe. Iz prejetih tem se kasneje naredi javni razpis, tako, da če želite delati kaj za Slovensko vojsko, je dobro začeti tukaj in ne šele na razpisu. Rok za oddajo tem je do 15. 1. 2008.
Prijavijo se lahko tako raziskovalne ustanove, kot tudi gospodarske družbe. Iz prejetih tem se kasneje naredi javni razpis, tako, da če želite delati kaj za Slovensko vojsko, je dobro začeti tukaj in ne šele na razpisu. Rok za oddajo tem je do 15. 1. 2008.
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Še en aktualni javni razpis je zunaj, in sicer razpis za program Interreg za območje Alp. V njem lahko sodelujejo občine, državne ustanove, podjetja, raziskovalne inštitucije... Cilj projekta pa je vzpodbujati medregionalno sodelovanje na območju Alp (Slovenija, Avstrija, Švica, severna Italija, vzhodna Francija, južna Nemčija).
Slovensko povezavo najdete tukaj, več podatkov ter sintezo vključenosti Slovenije v zadnjih šestih letih pa tukaj. Domača stran projekta z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami se nahaja tukaj.
Zainteresiranost za vključitev v program je potrebno oddati do 28. 1. 2008.
Slovensko povezavo najdete tukaj, več podatkov ter sintezo vključenosti Slovenije v zadnjih šestih letih pa tukaj. Domača stran projekta z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami se nahaja tukaj.
Zainteresiranost za vključitev v program je potrebno oddati do 28. 1. 2008.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Na voljo je 50 štipendij za doktorski študij iz področja informatike na univerzi v Edinbourgu. Evo, celotni text:
Scholarships for PhD study in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh
FIFTY research scholarships are available for:
* UK students
* EU students
* students worldwide
Many of these are full scholarships, paying your tuition fees and a stipend of 12940 pounds to cover living expenses in your first year, rising in second and third years. The rest pay your fees and/or a contribution towards living expenses. Payment of fees for non-EU students is subject to successful competition for an Overseas Research Student award. PhD students are encouraged to make contributions to teaching, for example by leading tutorial groups, and for this you can expect to earn an additional 500-1000 pounds per year.
Informatics is the study of information and computation, in both natural and engineered systems. It comprises a vast range of scientific and engineering endeavour and has enormous economic and social impact.
Edinburgh University's School of Informatics brings together the former Departments of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Computer Science, together with the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute. The School possesses a combination of breadth and strength unparallelled elsewhere in the UK and competitive world-wide; as an intellectual endeavour it is strikingly original.
The School is the only university grouping in the UK to have achieved the top 5*A rating in Computer Science in the UK government's 2001 Research Assessment Exercise round, and it is the UK's biggest research group in this area. We currently have around 270 students studying for PhD, and around 140 for MSc.
PhD study
PhD study is carried out within one of our six research Institutes:
ANC: Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
CISA: Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications
ICCS: Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
ICSA: Institute for Computing Systems Architecture
IPAB: Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour
LFCS: Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
ANC fosters the study of adaptive processes in both artificial and biological systems; two themes are the study of artificial learning systems and the analysis and modelling of brain processes. CISA undertakes basic and applied research and development in knowledge representation and reasoning. Through its applications institute AIAI, it works with others to deploy the technologies associated with this research. ICCS pursues basic research into the nature of communication among humans and between humans and machines, using text, speech and graphics, and the design of interactive dialogue systems, using computational and algorithmic approaches.
ICSA seeks development of a better understanding of systems components, both hardware and software, and their integration and interaction; this involves not only improving their raw performance and cost-effectiveness, but also making them more connectable and interoperable, more reliable, more usable and more applicable. The interests of IPAB are how to link computational perception, representation, transformation and generation processes to external worlds---whether real or virtual. The mission of LFCS is to achieve a foundational understanding of problems and issues arising in computation and communication through the development of appropriate and applicable formal models and mathematical theories.
A very wide range of research topics is available for PhD study. Here is an (incomplete!) list of project areas; see
for some information on each of these.
ANC: Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Machine Learning
CISA: Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications
A Proof Management Tool
Automating Diagrammatic Reasoning
Improving Support for Mathematics in Mechanical Theorem Provers
Multi-Agent Coordination in Open Environments
Game-Theoretic Analysis of Multiagent Communication
Argumentation-Based Ontology Conflict Resolution
Political Coordination Mechanisms
Intelligent Agents in Service-Oriented Architectures
Collaborative Task-Achieving Teams
ICCS: Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
Concurrency in (Computational) Linguistics
Lexicalized Reasoning
Building Models of the Past
Unsupervised Language Learning using Multiple Cues
Eyetracking Corpora as Experimental Data
Probabilistic Models of Human Parsing
Integrating Linguistic and Visual Processing
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Speech Recognition
Probabilistic Approaches to Natural Language Generation
Probabilistic Models of Text-to-Text Generation
Robust Construction of Semantics
Projecting Logical Forms in Parallel Corpora
A Dynamic Semantic Theory of Dialogue
A Grammar of Situated Language
Statistical Methods in Dialogue System Design and Adaptation
Statistical Machine Translation for Biomedical Domains
Microphone-Array Based Speech Recognition
Language Models for Multiparty Conversations
Hidden Speech Production Models
Multimodal Information Access
Head Motion Synthesis for Lifelike Conversational Agents
Multi-Unit Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition
Induction of Wide-Coverage Categorial Lexicon from Large Amounts of Unlabeled Text
Use of Intonation in Spoken Language Generation for Human-Machine Dialogue
Temporal Semantics
Grammar-Driven Language Models
Automated Musical Analysis
The Statistical Semantic Web
Extracting and Using Alternatives in Question Answering
Projecting Discourse Annotation from Parallel Corpora
ICSA: Institute for Computing Systems Architecture
Data Integration and Data Mining
Grid Computing
Speculative Parallelisation for Multiprocessors
Cellular Multiprocessors
Skeletal Parallel Programming
Memory-Hierarchy and On-Chip Network Co-Design
Micro-Architectural Solutions for Fault-Tolerance
Data-Dependent Processing for Energy-Aware Systems
Noise-Tolerant Asynchronous Circuits
Top-Down Testability for Self-Timed Circuits
Delay Fault Testing of Self-Timed Circuits
Dynamic Spectrum Access in Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environments
Cross-Layer and Coding Techniques for Reliable and Efficient Wireless Networking
Low-Cost, Robust Networking and Applications for Developing Regions
Compilers that Learn to Optimise
Processor Design
Reconfigurable Caches
Searching the Embedded Program Optimisation Space
Energy and Area Modelling for Architecture Synthesis
Low-Power Multi-Threaded Architectures
Reconfigurable Data-Parallel Structures for Embedded Computation
Combinatorial Optimisation
IPAB: Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour
Behaviour Composition in Video Sequence Analysis
Fragmentary Behaviour Recognition in Video Sequence Analysis
High Speed 3D Video Data Analysis
Insect Robotics
LFCS: Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
Engineering Electronic Proof
Independence-Friendly Temporal Logic
Questions on Modal mu-Calculi
Archiving of Scientific Data
Integrity Constraints for XML and Beyond
Keys for XML
Provenance in Databases
Information Preserving Schema Mapping
Vectorizing XML
Algorithms for the SAT problem
Randomized Algorithms for Transportation Polytopes
Complexity of Approximate Counting
Rule-Based Models of Biological Signalling
Algorithmic Verification of Recursive Probabilistic Systems
Schema-Directed XML Publishing
A Security Model for XML
XML Query Languages
Data Cleaning
Schema Matching, Mapping and Embedding
Partial Evaluation and Distributed Query Processing
Performance Modelling with Process Algebras
Computational Models for Systems Biology
Continuous-State process calculi: Methods and Tools
Combining Model Checking and Theorem Proving
Data Exchange
Databases and Verification
A Logic of Computational Effects
Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Formal Software Development
Proof Carrying Code for the Grid
Security for Mobile Devices
Topological Models of Computation
Constructive Set Theories and their Applications
Proof Theory for Programs and Processes
Type Systems for Computational Effects
Mathematical Models for Concurrent and Mobile Computation
Modalities for Name Generation: Logic, Proof and the Meaning of New
"Bad Smells" in Code
Combinations and Abstractions of Formal Games
Decision Procedures for Higher-Order Grammars
Links: Web Programming, Faster, Better, Cheaper
Further information
Information about graduate study, the School of Informatics, the University as a whole and the city of Edinburgh is available from:
You can email queries about admissions to:
but first please see the FAQ lists at
Queries about the research topics above can be sent to individual members of teaching staff. Application forms are available from:
Your application form should be returned by mid-March. Earlier applications have access to a wider range of sources of financial aid. Applications for an Overseas Research Student award must be completed by mid-February at the latest. Chinese applicants who are interested in funding from the China Scholarship Council should apply by late January at the latest.
Scholarships for PhD study in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh
FIFTY research scholarships are available for:
* UK students
* EU students
* students worldwide
Many of these are full scholarships, paying your tuition fees and a stipend of 12940 pounds to cover living expenses in your first year, rising in second and third years. The rest pay your fees and/or a contribution towards living expenses. Payment of fees for non-EU students is subject to successful competition for an Overseas Research Student award. PhD students are encouraged to make contributions to teaching, for example by leading tutorial groups, and for this you can expect to earn an additional 500-1000 pounds per year.
Informatics is the study of information and computation, in both natural and engineered systems. It comprises a vast range of scientific and engineering endeavour and has enormous economic and social impact.
Edinburgh University's School of Informatics brings together the former Departments of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Computer Science, together with the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute. The School possesses a combination of breadth and strength unparallelled elsewhere in the UK and competitive world-wide; as an intellectual endeavour it is strikingly original.
The School is the only university grouping in the UK to have achieved the top 5*A rating in Computer Science in the UK government's 2001 Research Assessment Exercise round, and it is the UK's biggest research group in this area. We currently have around 270 students studying for PhD, and around 140 for MSc.
PhD study
PhD study is carried out within one of our six research Institutes:
ANC: Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
CISA: Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications
ICCS: Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
ICSA: Institute for Computing Systems Architecture
IPAB: Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour
LFCS: Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
ANC fosters the study of adaptive processes in both artificial and biological systems; two themes are the study of artificial learning systems and the analysis and modelling of brain processes. CISA undertakes basic and applied research and development in knowledge representation and reasoning. Through its applications institute AIAI, it works with others to deploy the technologies associated with this research. ICCS pursues basic research into the nature of communication among humans and between humans and machines, using text, speech and graphics, and the design of interactive dialogue systems, using computational and algorithmic approaches.
ICSA seeks development of a better understanding of systems components, both hardware and software, and their integration and interaction; this involves not only improving their raw performance and cost-effectiveness, but also making them more connectable and interoperable, more reliable, more usable and more applicable. The interests of IPAB are how to link computational perception, representation, transformation and generation processes to external worlds---whether real or virtual. The mission of LFCS is to achieve a foundational understanding of problems and issues arising in computation and communication through the development of appropriate and applicable formal models and mathematical theories.
A very wide range of research topics is available for PhD study. Here is an (incomplete!) list of project areas; see
for some information on each of these.
ANC: Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Machine Learning
CISA: Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications
A Proof Management Tool
Automating Diagrammatic Reasoning
Improving Support for Mathematics in Mechanical Theorem Provers
Multi-Agent Coordination in Open Environments
Game-Theoretic Analysis of Multiagent Communication
Argumentation-Based Ontology Conflict Resolution
Political Coordination Mechanisms
Intelligent Agents in Service-Oriented Architectures
Collaborative Task-Achieving Teams
ICCS: Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
Concurrency in (Computational) Linguistics
Lexicalized Reasoning
Building Models of the Past
Unsupervised Language Learning using Multiple Cues
Eyetracking Corpora as Experimental Data
Probabilistic Models of Human Parsing
Integrating Linguistic and Visual Processing
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Speech Recognition
Probabilistic Approaches to Natural Language Generation
Probabilistic Models of Text-to-Text Generation
Robust Construction of Semantics
Projecting Logical Forms in Parallel Corpora
A Dynamic Semantic Theory of Dialogue
A Grammar of Situated Language
Statistical Methods in Dialogue System Design and Adaptation
Statistical Machine Translation for Biomedical Domains
Microphone-Array Based Speech Recognition
Language Models for Multiparty Conversations
Hidden Speech Production Models
Multimodal Information Access
Head Motion Synthesis for Lifelike Conversational Agents
Multi-Unit Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition
Induction of Wide-Coverage Categorial Lexicon from Large Amounts of Unlabeled Text
Use of Intonation in Spoken Language Generation for Human-Machine Dialogue
Temporal Semantics
Grammar-Driven Language Models
Automated Musical Analysis
The Statistical Semantic Web
Extracting and Using Alternatives in Question Answering
Projecting Discourse Annotation from Parallel Corpora
ICSA: Institute for Computing Systems Architecture
Data Integration and Data Mining
Grid Computing
Speculative Parallelisation for Multiprocessors
Cellular Multiprocessors
Skeletal Parallel Programming
Memory-Hierarchy and On-Chip Network Co-Design
Micro-Architectural Solutions for Fault-Tolerance
Data-Dependent Processing for Energy-Aware Systems
Noise-Tolerant Asynchronous Circuits
Top-Down Testability for Self-Timed Circuits
Delay Fault Testing of Self-Timed Circuits
Dynamic Spectrum Access in Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environments
Cross-Layer and Coding Techniques for Reliable and Efficient Wireless Networking
Low-Cost, Robust Networking and Applications for Developing Regions
Compilers that Learn to Optimise
Processor Design
Reconfigurable Caches
Searching the Embedded Program Optimisation Space
Energy and Area Modelling for Architecture Synthesis
Low-Power Multi-Threaded Architectures
Reconfigurable Data-Parallel Structures for Embedded Computation
Combinatorial Optimisation
IPAB: Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour
Behaviour Composition in Video Sequence Analysis
Fragmentary Behaviour Recognition in Video Sequence Analysis
High Speed 3D Video Data Analysis
Insect Robotics
LFCS: Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
Engineering Electronic Proof
Independence-Friendly Temporal Logic
Questions on Modal mu-Calculi
Archiving of Scientific Data
Integrity Constraints for XML and Beyond
Keys for XML
Provenance in Databases
Information Preserving Schema Mapping
Vectorizing XML
Algorithms for the SAT problem
Randomized Algorithms for Transportation Polytopes
Complexity of Approximate Counting
Rule-Based Models of Biological Signalling
Algorithmic Verification of Recursive Probabilistic Systems
Schema-Directed XML Publishing
A Security Model for XML
XML Query Languages
Data Cleaning
Schema Matching, Mapping and Embedding
Partial Evaluation and Distributed Query Processing
Performance Modelling with Process Algebras
Computational Models for Systems Biology
Continuous-State process calculi: Methods and Tools
Combining Model Checking and Theorem Proving
Data Exchange
Databases and Verification
A Logic of Computational Effects
Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Formal Software Development
Proof Carrying Code for the Grid
Security for Mobile Devices
Topological Models of Computation
Constructive Set Theories and their Applications
Proof Theory for Programs and Processes
Type Systems for Computational Effects
Mathematical Models for Concurrent and Mobile Computation
Modalities for Name Generation: Logic, Proof and the Meaning of New
"Bad Smells" in Code
Combinations and Abstractions of Formal Games
Decision Procedures for Higher-Order Grammars
Links: Web Programming, Faster, Better, Cheaper
Further information
Information about graduate study, the School of Informatics, the University as a whole and the city of Edinburgh is available from:
You can email queries about admissions to:
but first please see the FAQ lists at
Queries about the research topics above can be sent to individual members of teaching staff. Application forms are available from:
Your application form should be returned by mid-March. Earlier applications have access to a wider range of sources of financial aid. Applications for an Overseas Research Student award must be completed by mid-February at the latest. Chinese applicants who are interested in funding from the China Scholarship Council should apply by late January at the latest.
Vse je za neki dobr!

pablic ::
Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije
Katedra za jedrsko tehniko Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani
v sodelovanju z
Elektro Slovenija d.o.o., Gen-Energija d.o.o in Holdingom slovenskih elektrarn d.o.o.
in s podporo
Nuklearne elektrarne Krško d.o.o., Agencije za radioaktivne odpadke,
Instituta »Jožef Stefan«
Varna, zanesljiva, zadostna in okolju prijazna oskrba z energijo sodi med najpomembnejše temelje razvitih in razvijajočih se gospodarstev. Zato je energetika tisto strateško področje, s katerimi se po svetu in pri nas aktivno ukvarja širok krog strokovnjakov, ki sega vse do najvišjih državnih predstavnikov. Strateške okoliščine, kot so npr. prevelika odvisnost od nafte in zemeljskega plina, ki ju uvažamo iz politično nestabilnih držav, zaveze Kyotskega protokola, ter nenazadnje renesansa jedrske energije, nakazujejo nove in velike izzive tudi prihajajočim generacijam energetskih strokovnjakov.
Natečaj, ki ga razpisujemo, je namenjen študentom višjih letnikov predvsem naravoslovnih in tehniških fakultet, ki jih zanimajo teme s področja energetike. Od kandidatov pričakujemo pisne razprave (npr. raziskovalne, seminarske ali diplomske naloge) ali predloge demonstracijskih ali učnih materialov (načrti, delujoči modeli, računalniški programi, internetne strani ipd.). Dobrodošli so tudi drugačni prispevki posamičnih avtorjev in skupinska dela z največ pet avtorji. Še posebej bomo veseli prispevkov na temo uporabe jedrske energije.
Prispevke bo ocenila komisija v sestavi prof.dr. Borut Mavko (vodja Katedre za jedrsko tehniko FMF), Martin Novšak (direktor Gen-Energija d.o.o), dr. Pavel Omahen (pomočnik direktorja ELES d.o.o.), dr. Jože Zagožen (direktor HSE d.o.o) in prof dr. Leon Cizelj (Član UO DJS), ter najboljše nagradila.
Avtorji treh najboljših prispevkov dobijo denarne nagrade:
• prvo mesto 1000 EUR,
• drugo mesto 750 EUR in
• tretje mesto 500 EUR.
Prvih 30 avtorjev prispevkov si bo v organizaciji Društva jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije ogledalo Reaktorski raziskovalni center Instituta »Jožef Stefan« v Ljubljani in jedrsko elektrarno v Krškem. Nagrajence bomo tudi povabili, da svoja dela predstavijo na mednarodni konferenci »Nuclear Energy for New Europe«, septembra 2008 v Portorožu.
Prispevke pošljite po pošti na naslov Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, z oznako »Ne odpiraj! – Natečaj mladih energetikov 2008« najkasneje do 30.5.2008.
Rezultati bodo objavljeni na spletni strani Društva jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije ( do 30.6.2008. Dodatne informacije, tudi pomoč pri izbiri teme in iskanju mentorja: prof.dr. Leon Cizelj, tel (01) 5885 215, e-mail
Ne pozabite dodati svojih podatkov (ime, priimek, naslov, e-mail, telefon, fakulteta, letnik in smer študija). Vsi avtorji morajo na dan oddaje prispevka imeti status študenta, kar dokažejo s potrdilom o vpisu. Vsak prispevek mora vsebovati tudi podpisano izjavo, s katero avtor jamči, da je prispevek rezultat njegovega lastnega dela. Izdelek mora biti v slovenskem ali v angleškem jeziku. V primeru, da bo nagrajen prispevek skupine z več avtorji, bo nagrada pripadala skupini. Odločitev komisije je dokončna in nanjo ni pritožbe. Kot datum oddaje velja tudi poštni žig.
Katedra za jedrsko tehniko Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani
v sodelovanju z
Elektro Slovenija d.o.o., Gen-Energija d.o.o in Holdingom slovenskih elektrarn d.o.o.
in s podporo
Nuklearne elektrarne Krško d.o.o., Agencije za radioaktivne odpadke,
Instituta »Jožef Stefan«
Varna, zanesljiva, zadostna in okolju prijazna oskrba z energijo sodi med najpomembnejše temelje razvitih in razvijajočih se gospodarstev. Zato je energetika tisto strateško področje, s katerimi se po svetu in pri nas aktivno ukvarja širok krog strokovnjakov, ki sega vse do najvišjih državnih predstavnikov. Strateške okoliščine, kot so npr. prevelika odvisnost od nafte in zemeljskega plina, ki ju uvažamo iz politično nestabilnih držav, zaveze Kyotskega protokola, ter nenazadnje renesansa jedrske energije, nakazujejo nove in velike izzive tudi prihajajočim generacijam energetskih strokovnjakov.
Natečaj, ki ga razpisujemo, je namenjen študentom višjih letnikov predvsem naravoslovnih in tehniških fakultet, ki jih zanimajo teme s področja energetike. Od kandidatov pričakujemo pisne razprave (npr. raziskovalne, seminarske ali diplomske naloge) ali predloge demonstracijskih ali učnih materialov (načrti, delujoči modeli, računalniški programi, internetne strani ipd.). Dobrodošli so tudi drugačni prispevki posamičnih avtorjev in skupinska dela z največ pet avtorji. Še posebej bomo veseli prispevkov na temo uporabe jedrske energije.
Prispevke bo ocenila komisija v sestavi prof.dr. Borut Mavko (vodja Katedre za jedrsko tehniko FMF), Martin Novšak (direktor Gen-Energija d.o.o), dr. Pavel Omahen (pomočnik direktorja ELES d.o.o.), dr. Jože Zagožen (direktor HSE d.o.o) in prof dr. Leon Cizelj (Član UO DJS), ter najboljše nagradila.
Avtorji treh najboljših prispevkov dobijo denarne nagrade:
• prvo mesto 1000 EUR,
• drugo mesto 750 EUR in
• tretje mesto 500 EUR.
Prvih 30 avtorjev prispevkov si bo v organizaciji Društva jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije ogledalo Reaktorski raziskovalni center Instituta »Jožef Stefan« v Ljubljani in jedrsko elektrarno v Krškem. Nagrajence bomo tudi povabili, da svoja dela predstavijo na mednarodni konferenci »Nuclear Energy for New Europe«, septembra 2008 v Portorožu.
Prispevke pošljite po pošti na naslov Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, z oznako »Ne odpiraj! – Natečaj mladih energetikov 2008« najkasneje do 30.5.2008.
Rezultati bodo objavljeni na spletni strani Društva jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije ( do 30.6.2008. Dodatne informacije, tudi pomoč pri izbiri teme in iskanju mentorja: prof.dr. Leon Cizelj, tel (01) 5885 215, e-mail
Ne pozabite dodati svojih podatkov (ime, priimek, naslov, e-mail, telefon, fakulteta, letnik in smer študija). Vsi avtorji morajo na dan oddaje prispevka imeti status študenta, kar dokažejo s potrdilom o vpisu. Vsak prispevek mora vsebovati tudi podpisano izjavo, s katero avtor jamči, da je prispevek rezultat njegovega lastnega dela. Izdelek mora biti v slovenskem ali v angleškem jeziku. V primeru, da bo nagrajen prispevek skupine z več avtorji, bo nagrada pripadala skupini. Odločitev komisije je dokončna in nanjo ni pritožbe. Kot datum oddaje velja tudi poštni žig.

gruntfürmich ::
kaj pa kakšna sredstva za raziskavo bio/agro-goriva/dizla je kaj? za sredstva glede regionalnega razvoja nisem zasledil, prav tako nizem zasledil na strani? EU za energetiko (če se sploh prav gledal). vsaka pomoč je več kot dobrodošla! vsaj za strani, če že ne za razpise.
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

gzibret ::
gruntfurmich - poglej tole:
ARRS - CRP konkurenčnost
Poišči razdelek 5.1.2 Tehnologije v kmetijski pridelavi za prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam
Časa za prijavo imaš do srede, 21. 5. 2008 do 12.00 ure. Prijavnih obrazcev pa ni veliko, tako, da lahko izpolniš tudi v enem dnevu. Če še želiš kaj vedeti, pošlji ZS. Mi ravno zdajle delamo eno prijavo.
ARRS - CRP konkurenčnost
Poišči razdelek 5.1.2 Tehnologije v kmetijski pridelavi za prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam
Časa za prijavo imaš do srede, 21. 5. 2008 do 12.00 ure. Prijavnih obrazcev pa ni veliko, tako, da lahko izpolniš tudi v enem dnevu. Če še želiš kaj vedeti, pošlji ZS. Mi ravno zdajle delamo eno prijavo.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Če koga zanima doktorski študij na Švedskem...
A Ph.D. student position in forest and water with a focus on the role of forestry on water quality in the boreal landscape.
We are recruiting a PhD student to join the project "Minimizing the forestry impact on water quality in larger aquatic systems&" during summer/fall of 2008. Increased levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is exported after tree harvesting which influence drinking water quality, survival of fish and other aquatic biota as well as mercury levels of downstream surface waters. It is therefore of outermost importance to develop management strategies so that forestry can minimize its negative influence on water quality.
The purpose of the project is to develop new tools and models that can be used for analyzing the effect of forestry on a range of stream sizes. The goal of the project will be reached by combining field studies, analyses of already available data and modeling. The research will be conducted within the research group cCREW (Cold Climate Research in Boreal Watersheds; at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umea, Sweden.
Prerequisites include 180 ECTS or equivalent, with a minimum of 120 ECTS in a field relevant to Forestry or Environmental Sciences (for example forest hydrology, biogeochemistry or physical geography). The position is available for a four-year period (48 months) of research with guaranteed financial support during this period. The application should include a Curriculum Vitae, a short description of experience that make you suitable for the position and why you are interested, copies of degree certificates from higher education, relevant publication, and contact information of at least two references.
For further information please contact Hjalmar Laudon, email: "hjalmar.laudon -", +46 (0)90-786 66 25.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 1775/08 should be sent to the Register, SLU, Box 7070 - 750 07 UPPSALA, or e-mail: "registrator -", to arrive at May, 28 2008 at the latest.
A Ph.D. student position in forest and water with a focus on the role of forestry on water quality in the boreal landscape.
We are recruiting a PhD student to join the project "Minimizing the forestry impact on water quality in larger aquatic systems&" during summer/fall of 2008. Increased levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is exported after tree harvesting which influence drinking water quality, survival of fish and other aquatic biota as well as mercury levels of downstream surface waters. It is therefore of outermost importance to develop management strategies so that forestry can minimize its negative influence on water quality.
The purpose of the project is to develop new tools and models that can be used for analyzing the effect of forestry on a range of stream sizes. The goal of the project will be reached by combining field studies, analyses of already available data and modeling. The research will be conducted within the research group cCREW (Cold Climate Research in Boreal Watersheds; at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umea, Sweden.
Prerequisites include 180 ECTS or equivalent, with a minimum of 120 ECTS in a field relevant to Forestry or Environmental Sciences (for example forest hydrology, biogeochemistry or physical geography). The position is available for a four-year period (48 months) of research with guaranteed financial support during this period. The application should include a Curriculum Vitae, a short description of experience that make you suitable for the position and why you are interested, copies of degree certificates from higher education, relevant publication, and contact information of at least two references.
For further information please contact Hjalmar Laudon, email: "hjalmar.laudon -", +46 (0)90-786 66 25.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 1775/08 should be sent to the Register, SLU, Box 7070 - 750 07 UPPSALA, or e-mail: "registrator -", to arrive at May, 28 2008 at the latest.
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

pablic ::
Do 30. 5. 2008 odprt natečaj Mladih enegrgetikov, namenjen študentom višjih letnikov predvsem naravoslovnih in tehniških fakultet. Organizirajo ga Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, Katedra za jedrsko tehniko Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani v sodelovanju z Elektro Slovenija, d. o. o., Gen-Energija, d. o. o, in Holdingom slovenskih elektrarn, d. o. o., in s podporo Instituta Jožef Stefan;, Nuklearne elektrarne Krško, d. o. o., Agencije za radioaktivne odpadke. Nagrade od 500 EUR za uvrstitev na tretje do 1000 EUR za uvrstitev na prvo mesto.
Več informacij ( )
Več informacij ( )
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: pablic ()

pablic ::
Ste pred kratkim končali univerzitetni študij naravoslovne ali tehniške smeri? Želite svojo poklicno pot začeti s podiplomskim izobraževanjem na zelo zanimivem, razgibanem in priložnosti polnem področju jedrske energetike? Razpis za mlade raziskovalce je odprt do 30.5.2008:
Za informativni razgovor se dogovorite z go. Tanjo Klopčič, tel 5885 331,
Za informativni razgovor se dogovorite z go. Tanjo Klopčič, tel 5885 331,

gzibret ::
Postdoc na Portugalskem iz biologije-biofizike:
At Department of Physics, Univ. Aveiro, Complex Systems & Random Networks
Field(s): computational physics, neural networks, non-linear dynamics, statistical physics, cellular biophysics
Application deadline: July 18 (Friday), 2008
Contact: Prof. José Mendes or Prof. F. Vistulo de Abreu
E-mail: jfmendes [afna], fva [afna]
Phone: 351 234 378 104
Fax: 351 234 424 965
Address: Department of Physics, Univ. of Aveiro, Campus Universitario Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Job description: One postdoctoral position is open in the group of Complex Systems and Random Networks to model the function of real neural networks (in vitro systems). The postdoctoral fellow will work in collaboration with several groups belonging to an European Project.
Skills: The ideal candidate should have experience in biophysics, and expertise in programming and numerical analysis. Experience working effectively in a team effort and excellent written skills are favorable.
Salary: 17940 € per annum (no taxes), plus medical insurance within the Portuguese Public Health Care system. A limited budget will also be available for traveling. The position is for the duration of 2 years, starting as soon as possible. There is the possibility for an extension for more 3 years. To apply for the position, candidates should send a current CV with list of publications, a statement of research interests, and two letters of recommendation before July 18, 2008, preferably via e-mail.,
At Department of Physics, Univ. Aveiro, Complex Systems & Random Networks
Field(s): computational physics, neural networks, non-linear dynamics, statistical physics, cellular biophysics
Application deadline: July 18 (Friday), 2008
Contact: Prof. José Mendes or Prof. F. Vistulo de Abreu
E-mail: jfmendes [afna], fva [afna]
Phone: 351 234 378 104
Fax: 351 234 424 965
Address: Department of Physics, Univ. of Aveiro, Campus Universitario Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Job description: One postdoctoral position is open in the group of Complex Systems and Random Networks to model the function of real neural networks (in vitro systems). The postdoctoral fellow will work in collaboration with several groups belonging to an European Project.
Skills: The ideal candidate should have experience in biophysics, and expertise in programming and numerical analysis. Experience working effectively in a team effort and excellent written skills are favorable.
Salary: 17940 € per annum (no taxes), plus medical insurance within the Portuguese Public Health Care system. A limited budget will also be available for traveling. The position is for the duration of 2 years, starting as soon as possible. There is the possibility for an extension for more 3 years. To apply for the position, candidates should send a current CV with list of publications, a statement of research interests, and two letters of recommendation before July 18, 2008, preferably via e-mail.,
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Še ena možnost za delat doktorat, tokrat v Nemčiji oz. Tibetu:
PhD position in Thermochronology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology
Topic: In some tectonic blocks of Central Tibet the geomorphology is characterized by highly elevated flat plateaus. We aim to date the formation of these geomorphic features using the following methods: (i) Low-temperature thermochronology of the crystalline basement using apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He dating, (ii) structural analysis of the major faults of the region, and (iii) provenance analysis including detrital geochronology of the sedimentary sequences, which are supposed to be contemporaneous with the formation of the plateaus.
Co-operation: This research project forms the organic part of a Sino-German joint research activity on the development of Tibetan Plateau. Our immediate co-operation partner addresses the dating of the Quaternary evolution of the surface by cosmogenic isotopes.
Requirements: The successful candidate has a broad geoscientific background (MSc or Diplom degree) with specific expertise in mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and/or sedimentology. He/she has experience in field work, ability to work in an international team, and is fluent in English.
Employment: We offer a two-year fixed-term contract with the possibility of extension to one more year in case of positive evaluation. The project is financed by the DFG (German Science Fund Organization). Ph.D. thesis is expected by the end of the financed period. Salary is based on the collective bargaining agreement of the German federal states. (TV-L, salary level 13, 50% - around 18,000 EUR/a).
Environment: The Geoscience Center Göttingen (GZG, offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities and an excellent environment for geological research. For further information on the Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology see Goettingen University wishes to increase the proportion of female academic staff and welcomes applications from women. Equally qualified handicapped persons are given preference.
Application: Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, list of publications (if applicable) and contact information of at least two potential referees, until June 30, 2008, at the latest, to Prof. Hilmar v. Eynatten, Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology, Geoscience Center Goettingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, D – 37077 Goettingen, Germany. For further information please contact Dr. István Dunkl (istvan.dunkl [afna], or phone +49 551 397921).
PhD position in Thermochronology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology
Topic: In some tectonic blocks of Central Tibet the geomorphology is characterized by highly elevated flat plateaus. We aim to date the formation of these geomorphic features using the following methods: (i) Low-temperature thermochronology of the crystalline basement using apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He dating, (ii) structural analysis of the major faults of the region, and (iii) provenance analysis including detrital geochronology of the sedimentary sequences, which are supposed to be contemporaneous with the formation of the plateaus.
Co-operation: This research project forms the organic part of a Sino-German joint research activity on the development of Tibetan Plateau. Our immediate co-operation partner addresses the dating of the Quaternary evolution of the surface by cosmogenic isotopes.
Requirements: The successful candidate has a broad geoscientific background (MSc or Diplom degree) with specific expertise in mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and/or sedimentology. He/she has experience in field work, ability to work in an international team, and is fluent in English.
Employment: We offer a two-year fixed-term contract with the possibility of extension to one more year in case of positive evaluation. The project is financed by the DFG (German Science Fund Organization). Ph.D. thesis is expected by the end of the financed period. Salary is based on the collective bargaining agreement of the German federal states. (TV-L, salary level 13, 50% - around 18,000 EUR/a).
Environment: The Geoscience Center Göttingen (GZG, offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities and an excellent environment for geological research. For further information on the Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology see Goettingen University wishes to increase the proportion of female academic staff and welcomes applications from women. Equally qualified handicapped persons are given preference.
Application: Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, list of publications (if applicable) and contact information of at least two potential referees, until June 30, 2008, at the latest, to Prof. Hilmar v. Eynatten, Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology, Geoscience Center Goettingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, D – 37077 Goettingen, Germany. For further information please contact Dr. István Dunkl (istvan.dunkl [afna], or phone +49 551 397921).
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Postdoc službe so na voljo v Nemčiji (German research centre for Geosciences, Potsdam) iz področja geofizike, geokemije in na sploh - geoznanosti. Na voljo so 4 postdoci, 1 doktorat in en tehnik. Rok prijave - čimprej.
Gre pa za raziskave drugega največjega polja zemeljskega plina v Evropi.
Gre pa za raziskave drugega največjega polja zemeljskega plina v Evropi.
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Doktorat v Belgiji iz področja bioinformatike...
***PhD research position in Bioinformatics***
Functional Genomics Unit, IJB & Machine Learning Group, ULB
Brussels, Belgium
Position description
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD research position at the Functional Genomics Unit (FGU), Medicine Department, Institut jules Bordet (IJB), Belgium. The researcher will get his/her PhD in the Machine Learning Group (MLG), Computer Science Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
The vacancy available to be filled in soon offers tenure of four years. The researcher is expected to carry out fundamental research in Machine Learning (MLG) and to take an active role in the applied research projects of the FGU, which is funding the position.
The Functional Genomics Unit is a research group that carries out applied research on genomics in breast cancer. Cutting-edge bio-technologies are used to bring new insights in breast cancer biology. These new discoveries are then brought to clinic (translational research) in order to improve the management of breast cancer patients.
The Machine Learning Group is a research group that carries out theoretical research on statistical machine learning, predictive modeling and computational statistics, and takes part in several applied research projects in domains as diverse as data mining,
bioinformatics to biomedical engineering and wireless sensor networks.
This inter-disciplinary position provides unique opportunities in bioinformatics. Previous studies involving microarray and survival data in breast cancer led to high impact publications (see for an overview). The machine learning methods introduced in these articles deal specifically with the high dimensionality of the microarray data and the fitting/validation of models for survival prediction of the patients.
Candidates are expected to attach their transcripts and a letter of recommendation from their MSc supervisor or any other relevant person.
Applicants are expected to have strong programming skills, the ability to work independently, strong interpersonal skills, good writing and oral communication. Any research experience on data mining, machine learning, and statistical analysis will be an asset as well as an experience in microarray data analysis.
Upon offer of a position, the candidates who are non-EU citizens are required to obtain an appropriate long-term Schengen visa; further information is available from their nearest Belgian embassy.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as positions will remain open until filled in by a suitable candidate.
Candidates are invited to send their CV with the detailed list of publications and a research statement in .pdf format by email to gbonte[afna]
The subject field of your email must include MLG-JOB: research position.
Equal Opportunity Employer
ULB is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. ULB wishes to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Gianluca Bontempi
Machine Learning Group
Computer Science Department - Département d'Informatique
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe - CP212
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
email: gbonte[afna]
Office Phone: +32-2-650 55 91
Fax: +32 2 650.56.09
***PhD research position in Bioinformatics***
Functional Genomics Unit, IJB & Machine Learning Group, ULB
Brussels, Belgium
Position description
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD research position at the Functional Genomics Unit (FGU), Medicine Department, Institut jules Bordet (IJB), Belgium. The researcher will get his/her PhD in the Machine Learning Group (MLG), Computer Science Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
The vacancy available to be filled in soon offers tenure of four years. The researcher is expected to carry out fundamental research in Machine Learning (MLG) and to take an active role in the applied research projects of the FGU, which is funding the position.
The Functional Genomics Unit is a research group that carries out applied research on genomics in breast cancer. Cutting-edge bio-technologies are used to bring new insights in breast cancer biology. These new discoveries are then brought to clinic (translational research) in order to improve the management of breast cancer patients.
The Machine Learning Group is a research group that carries out theoretical research on statistical machine learning, predictive modeling and computational statistics, and takes part in several applied research projects in domains as diverse as data mining,
bioinformatics to biomedical engineering and wireless sensor networks.
This inter-disciplinary position provides unique opportunities in bioinformatics. Previous studies involving microarray and survival data in breast cancer led to high impact publications (see for an overview). The machine learning methods introduced in these articles deal specifically with the high dimensionality of the microarray data and the fitting/validation of models for survival prediction of the patients.
Candidates are expected to attach their transcripts and a letter of recommendation from their MSc supervisor or any other relevant person.
Applicants are expected to have strong programming skills, the ability to work independently, strong interpersonal skills, good writing and oral communication. Any research experience on data mining, machine learning, and statistical analysis will be an asset as well as an experience in microarray data analysis.
Upon offer of a position, the candidates who are non-EU citizens are required to obtain an appropriate long-term Schengen visa; further information is available from their nearest Belgian embassy.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as positions will remain open until filled in by a suitable candidate.
Candidates are invited to send their CV with the detailed list of publications and a research statement in .pdf format by email to gbonte[afna]
The subject field of your email must include MLG-JOB: research position.
Equal Opportunity Employer
ULB is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. ULB wishes to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Gianluca Bontempi
Machine Learning Group
Computer Science Department - Département d'Informatique
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe - CP212
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
email: gbonte[afna]
Office Phone: +32-2-650 55 91
Fax: +32 2 650.56.09
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

pablic ::
Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, Katedra za jedrsko tehniko Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani ter Institut Jožef Stefan tudi letos razpisujejo NATEČAJ MLADIH ENERGETIKOV 2009. Natečaj je odprt do 30. 4. 2009 in je namenjen študentom višjih letnikov predvsem naravoslovnih in tehniških fakultet. Za najboljše so razpisane nagrade v višini od 500 EUR za uvrstitev na tretje do 1000 EUR za uvrstitev na prvo mesto. Več informacij (pdf)

snow ::
Mentorji za mlade raziskovalce v letu 2009:
Random mutation plus nonrandom cumulative natural selection - Richard Dawkins

gzibret ::
Doktorat v Avstriji iz področja voda:
The recently founded Water Research Centre at the Vienna University of Technology announces competition for the Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems. This is a dedicated programme of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) that promotes doctoral research and education at the highest standards and provides excellent opportunities for cross-disciplinary research. International networking will be facilitated by a mobility programme with a spectrum of attractive international partner institutions and a comprehensive guest scientist programme. Research will be pursued in various fields related to Water Resource Systems including:
• Hydrology
• Resource management
• Hydrogeology
• Remote sensing
• Aquatic microbiology
• Mechanics of structures
• Water quality
• Risk assessment
In the first round, eight PhD student positions are available as well as one PostDoctoral position. The programme is anticipated to host a total of 70 doctoral students over a period of 12 years. Applicants for the PhD student positions must have a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a discipline related to Water resource systems. The PostDoctoral fellow will particularly focus on the cross-cutting themes of the programme and assist in coordinating the research. The working language of the programme in English.
The Programme provides a salary according to the FWF scheme, together with a significant allowance for travel and research support. TU Wien is an equal opportunities employer. The contracts will be for three years and extension to a fourth year is possible. The preferred starting date of the first round is Oct. 1, 2009.
Candidates should send a letter of application, a statement of research interests, copies of education certificates and a Curriculum Vitae to < office afna waterresources pika at > (pdf format), or as a hard copy to Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems, c/o Prof. Gunter Bloschl, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Vienna University of Technology, A-1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13/222-2, Austria
Application deadline is May 15, 2009. Short listed candidates will be invited to a selection seminar. Financial support towards travel expenses is available on request.
Information about the Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems may be viewed at
Best regards,
Speleogenesis Team
The recently founded Water Research Centre at the Vienna University of Technology announces competition for the Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems. This is a dedicated programme of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) that promotes doctoral research and education at the highest standards and provides excellent opportunities for cross-disciplinary research. International networking will be facilitated by a mobility programme with a spectrum of attractive international partner institutions and a comprehensive guest scientist programme. Research will be pursued in various fields related to Water Resource Systems including:
• Hydrology
• Resource management
• Hydrogeology
• Remote sensing
• Aquatic microbiology
• Mechanics of structures
• Water quality
• Risk assessment
In the first round, eight PhD student positions are available as well as one PostDoctoral position. The programme is anticipated to host a total of 70 doctoral students over a period of 12 years. Applicants for the PhD student positions must have a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a discipline related to Water resource systems. The PostDoctoral fellow will particularly focus on the cross-cutting themes of the programme and assist in coordinating the research. The working language of the programme in English.
The Programme provides a salary according to the FWF scheme, together with a significant allowance for travel and research support. TU Wien is an equal opportunities employer. The contracts will be for three years and extension to a fourth year is possible. The preferred starting date of the first round is Oct. 1, 2009.
Candidates should send a letter of application, a statement of research interests, copies of education certificates and a Curriculum Vitae to < office afna waterresources pika at > (pdf format), or as a hard copy to Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems, c/o Prof. Gunter Bloschl, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Vienna University of Technology, A-1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13/222-2, Austria
Application deadline is May 15, 2009. Short listed candidates will be invited to a selection seminar. Financial support towards travel expenses is available on request.
Information about the Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems may be viewed at
Best regards,
Speleogenesis Team
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Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
2 postdoca!
A post-doctoral position in stable water isotope modeling and observation is being offered at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. The research will utilize in-situ isotope measurements, land surface modeling and/or remote sensing observations to characterize elements of the hydrological cycle and gain an increased understanding of terrestrial hydrology and land-atmosphere feedbacks at regional scales and larger.
Potential areas of research are broad, but should focus on land surface - atmosphere interactions. Experience or interest in the following areas would be ideal:
* in-situ isotope measurement
* experience with land surface and/or regional climate modelling - particularly isotope enabled models
* interest/experience in hydrological remote sensing approaches (especially with AURA-TES)
You will be joining a growing group of researchers in hydro-climatology at Australia's top Engineering School. The project has the potential to leverage off a recently funded $30M groundwater project, which will provide significant opportunity for linked measurements and hydrological investigations.
I am looking for a dynamic and motivated researcher who seeks to make an impact in this growing research field, and has the potential to develop as an independent investigator. There will be opportunities for local and international travel, field work and graduate supervision.
Salary will be in the range $AUD72-80K (including superannuation) dependent upon experience, and will initially be for a 2-year appointment, with the possibility of extension. Applications and inquiries should be sent via email to Dr Matthew McCabe (mmccabe AFNA unsw PIKA edu PIKA au). The position is open until filled. Start date is negotiable, but would ideally be before October 2009.
A research scientist position for a soil biogeochemist is offered at CSIRO = Land and Water in Adelaide.
Please refer to the website for more detail:
If you have trouble viewing the above link, try:
Thank you!
Best wishes
Evelyn Krull
Group Leader Carbon and Nutrient Cycling CSIRO Land and Water PMB 2 Glen Osmond SA 5064 Australia
phone: +61-(0)8-8303-8516
mobile: 0421498554
A post-doctoral position in stable water isotope modeling and observation is being offered at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. The research will utilize in-situ isotope measurements, land surface modeling and/or remote sensing observations to characterize elements of the hydrological cycle and gain an increased understanding of terrestrial hydrology and land-atmosphere feedbacks at regional scales and larger.
Potential areas of research are broad, but should focus on land surface - atmosphere interactions. Experience or interest in the following areas would be ideal:
* in-situ isotope measurement
* experience with land surface and/or regional climate modelling - particularly isotope enabled models
* interest/experience in hydrological remote sensing approaches (especially with AURA-TES)
You will be joining a growing group of researchers in hydro-climatology at Australia's top Engineering School. The project has the potential to leverage off a recently funded $30M groundwater project, which will provide significant opportunity for linked measurements and hydrological investigations.
I am looking for a dynamic and motivated researcher who seeks to make an impact in this growing research field, and has the potential to develop as an independent investigator. There will be opportunities for local and international travel, field work and graduate supervision.
Salary will be in the range $AUD72-80K (including superannuation) dependent upon experience, and will initially be for a 2-year appointment, with the possibility of extension. Applications and inquiries should be sent via email to Dr Matthew McCabe (mmccabe AFNA unsw PIKA edu PIKA au). The position is open until filled. Start date is negotiable, but would ideally be before October 2009.
A research scientist position for a soil biogeochemist is offered at CSIRO = Land and Water in Adelaide.
Please refer to the website for more detail:
If you have trouble viewing the above link, try:
Thank you!
Best wishes
Evelyn Krull
Group Leader Carbon and Nutrient Cycling CSIRO Land and Water PMB 2 Glen Osmond SA 5064 Australia
phone: +61-(0)8-8303-8516
mobile: 0421498554
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Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
2 doktorata v Švici:
2 PhD positions in Soil Chemistry / Isotope Geochemistry at ETH Zurich:
We are inviting applications for two PhD student positions based jointly in the Soil Chemistry Group (Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar) and the Isotope Geochemistry Group (Prof. Bernard Bourdon) at ETH Zurich. The research topic will be the development of stable mercury (Hg) isotopes as novel tracers for biogeochemical Hg cycling in soil environments. Mercury is an important pollutant element and Hg isotope ratios provide a promising new tool to trace Hg sources and transformations in natural ecosystems. One PhD project will focus mainly on the investigation of field samples, whereas the other PhD project is dedicated to perform laboratory based experiments. Both project parts will be strongly linked and use the state-of-the-art facilities of the Soil Chemistry and Isotope Geochemistry laboratories at ETH Zurich.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong interest to perform interdisciplinary research at the interface of soil chemistry and isotope geochemistry. Previous experience in these fields and/or analytical chemistry would be beneficial. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in geosciences, environmental sciences, chemistry, geoecology, or a related discipline. Good knowledge of English is essential. Female and male candidates are equally invited to apply. Employment will be according to standard regulations of ETH Zurich (funding secured for 3 years). Start from January 2010 or upon mutual agreement. 20 Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, statement of research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential referees to Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar, ETH Zurich, CHN F23.1, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland (paper copy by mail or single pdf-file by e-mail to jan.wiederhold[afna] For further details on the project please contact Dr. Jan Wiederhold. Evaluation of applications will start 15.9.2009 and continue until the positions are filled.
2 PhD positions in Soil Chemistry / Isotope Geochemistry at ETH Zurich:
We are inviting applications for two PhD student positions based jointly in the Soil Chemistry Group (Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar) and the Isotope Geochemistry Group (Prof. Bernard Bourdon) at ETH Zurich. The research topic will be the development of stable mercury (Hg) isotopes as novel tracers for biogeochemical Hg cycling in soil environments. Mercury is an important pollutant element and Hg isotope ratios provide a promising new tool to trace Hg sources and transformations in natural ecosystems. One PhD project will focus mainly on the investigation of field samples, whereas the other PhD project is dedicated to perform laboratory based experiments. Both project parts will be strongly linked and use the state-of-the-art facilities of the Soil Chemistry and Isotope Geochemistry laboratories at ETH Zurich.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong interest to perform interdisciplinary research at the interface of soil chemistry and isotope geochemistry. Previous experience in these fields and/or analytical chemistry would be beneficial. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in geosciences, environmental sciences, chemistry, geoecology, or a related discipline. Good knowledge of English is essential. Female and male candidates are equally invited to apply. Employment will be according to standard regulations of ETH Zurich (funding secured for 3 years). Start from January 2010 or upon mutual agreement. 20 Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, statement of research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential referees to Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar, ETH Zurich, CHN F23.1, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland (paper copy by mail or single pdf-file by e-mail to jan.wiederhold[afna] For further details on the project please contact Dr. Jan Wiederhold. Evaluation of applications will start 15.9.2009 and continue until the positions are filled.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Open Ph.D. position in stable isotope geochemistry at ETH Zurich
Oxygen isotopes in phosphates as tracer for P cycling in soils
We are inviting applications for one PhD student position based jointly in the Plant Nutrition Group (Prof. Emmanuel Frossard) and the Stable Isotope Laboratory (Prof. Stefano Bernasconi) at ETH Zurich. The research topic will be the development of stable oxygen isotopes in phosphate as novel tracers for biogeochemical P cycling in the soil and plant system. Phosphorus is an important nutrient, but it lacks multiple stable isotopes. The use of oxygen isotopes provides a promising new tool to trace P sources and transformations in natural ecosystems. The PhD project will mainly perform laboratory-based experiments to optimize the analytical method, characterize some of the basic processes influencing P cycling and the isotope signature of the most important P sources. The project will use the state-of-the- art facilities of the Stable Isotope Laboratory at ETH Zurich.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong interest to perform interdisciplinary research at the interface of soil- plant chemistry and isotope geochemistry. Previous experience in these fields and/or analytical chemistry would be beneficial. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in agronomy, biology, environmental sciences, chemistry or a related discipline.
Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, statement of research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential referees by e-mail to federica.tamburini[AT] For further details on the project please contact Dr. Federica Tamburini.
Evaluation of applications will start 15.9.2009 and continue until the position is filled.
best regards
Oxygen isotopes in phosphates as tracer for P cycling in soils
We are inviting applications for one PhD student position based jointly in the Plant Nutrition Group (Prof. Emmanuel Frossard) and the Stable Isotope Laboratory (Prof. Stefano Bernasconi) at ETH Zurich. The research topic will be the development of stable oxygen isotopes in phosphate as novel tracers for biogeochemical P cycling in the soil and plant system. Phosphorus is an important nutrient, but it lacks multiple stable isotopes. The use of oxygen isotopes provides a promising new tool to trace P sources and transformations in natural ecosystems. The PhD project will mainly perform laboratory-based experiments to optimize the analytical method, characterize some of the basic processes influencing P cycling and the isotope signature of the most important P sources. The project will use the state-of-the- art facilities of the Stable Isotope Laboratory at ETH Zurich.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong interest to perform interdisciplinary research at the interface of soil- plant chemistry and isotope geochemistry. Previous experience in these fields and/or analytical chemistry would be beneficial. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in agronomy, biology, environmental sciences, chemistry or a related discipline.
Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, statement of research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential referees by e-mail to federica.tamburini[AT] For further details on the project please contact Dr. Federica Tamburini.
Evaluation of applications will start 15.9.2009 and continue until the position is filled.
best regards
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Če koga zanima 3-letna zaposlitev in doktorat iz področja remediacije onesnaženih tal, poglejte tukajle: http://www.internationaldoctorate.unica...
Delo in študij poteka na relaciji Italija-Francija-Nizozemska. Časa za prijavo imate do konca januarja.
Delo in študij poteka na relaciji Italija-Francija-Nizozemska. Časa za prijavo imate do konca januarja.
Vse je za neki dobr!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gzibret ()

gzibret ::
Na voljo so tri 3-letna mesta za doktorski študij in delo v Nemčiji (Hamburg) iz področja geofizike (fizika, seizmologija, programiranje v Pythonu, Fortranu in Mathlabu). Časa za prijavo je do 15. maja 2010, začetek s 1. julijem 2010.
Več tukaj: MINE-3PhD-Positions.pdf
Več tukaj: MINE-3PhD-Positions.pdf
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gzibret ::
Če ste končali UNI študij biologije, kemije, geologije ali česa podobnega, in bi se radi vozili z ladjo po južnem Atlantiku v stilu National Geographic dokumentarcev, potem je to to:
Drugače pa lahko malo pogledate tudi po drugih programih na isti univerzi v Edinburgu:
Drugače pa lahko malo pogledate tudi po drugih programih na isti univerzi v Edinburgu:
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Iščemo kandidata(ko) za mesto mladega raziskovalca
Na Odseku za raziskave sodobnih materialov razvijamo nove materiale s posebnimi električnimi in optičnimi lastnostmi ter postopke za pripravo le-teh v obliki nanodelcev in nanokompozitov. Trenutno je poudarek na razvoju materialov in nanostruktur, ki jim je moč s spreminjanjem zunanjega električnega, mehanskega ali magnetnega polja prilagajati odziv pri interakciji z elektromagnetnim valovanjem ter na razvoju dielektrikov in polprevodnikov uporabnih pri mikrovalovnih in optičnih frekvencah.
V okviru doktorske disertacije se bo mladi raziskovalec vključil v delo odseka na področju razvoja dielektrikov in polprevodnikov na osnovi "heksagonalnih" perovskitov z urejenimi kationskimi vrzelmi. Raziskoval bo nastanek koherentno zaraščenih mikrostruktur med "kubičnimi" in "heksagonalnimi" perovskiti ter spremljal procese urejanja vrzeli in kationov v tovrstnih perovskitih in povezanost le-teh z električnimi lastnostmi. Delo bo zajemalo sintezo v trdnem agregatnem stanju ter karakterizacijo sintetiziranih materialov s sodobnimi metodami. Pri svojem delu bo mladi raziskovalec podrobno spoznal: rentgenske difrakcijske metode in določevanje kristalnih struktur z metodami prilagajanja, vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo in mikroanalizo, presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo, elektronske difrakcijske metode in karakterizacije električnih lastnosti v različnih frekvenčnih območjih.
- Diploma iz Kemije, Kemijskega inženirstva, Geologije, Metalurgije, Materialov ali Fizike zaključena do vključno 15.9. 2010
- Povprečna ocena najmanj 8.0
Email: bostjan.jancar a
Na Odseku za raziskave sodobnih materialov razvijamo nove materiale s posebnimi električnimi in optičnimi lastnostmi ter postopke za pripravo le-teh v obliki nanodelcev in nanokompozitov. Trenutno je poudarek na razvoju materialov in nanostruktur, ki jim je moč s spreminjanjem zunanjega električnega, mehanskega ali magnetnega polja prilagajati odziv pri interakciji z elektromagnetnim valovanjem ter na razvoju dielektrikov in polprevodnikov uporabnih pri mikrovalovnih in optičnih frekvencah.
V okviru doktorske disertacije se bo mladi raziskovalec vključil v delo odseka na področju razvoja dielektrikov in polprevodnikov na osnovi "heksagonalnih" perovskitov z urejenimi kationskimi vrzelmi. Raziskoval bo nastanek koherentno zaraščenih mikrostruktur med "kubičnimi" in "heksagonalnimi" perovskiti ter spremljal procese urejanja vrzeli in kationov v tovrstnih perovskitih in povezanost le-teh z električnimi lastnostmi. Delo bo zajemalo sintezo v trdnem agregatnem stanju ter karakterizacijo sintetiziranih materialov s sodobnimi metodami. Pri svojem delu bo mladi raziskovalec podrobno spoznal: rentgenske difrakcijske metode in določevanje kristalnih struktur z metodami prilagajanja, vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo in mikroanalizo, presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo, elektronske difrakcijske metode in karakterizacije električnih lastnosti v različnih frekvenčnih območjih.
- Diploma iz Kemije, Kemijskega inženirstva, Geologije, Metalurgije, Materialov ali Fizike zaključena do vključno 15.9. 2010
- Povprečna ocena najmanj 8.0
Email: bostjan.jancar a
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
PhD position in Isotope Geochemistry
The Institute of Geological Sciences and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Bern, Switzerland, invite applications for a PhD-project on:
Holocene to Late-Pleistocene paleoclimatic changes recorded in stalagmites from Switzerland
The position is part of a SINERGIA program "STALCLIM" that is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The main goal of this PhD-project is to measure the stable isotope composition in Uranium-series dated stalagmites from various caves in Switzerland in order to derive highly resolved and well-dated paleoclimate records, which deliver near-instrumental time series of precipitation and temperature. The PhD-student will perform Uranium-series dating and stable isotope analyses on Holocene and late Pleistocene stalagmites. Furthermore, the PhD-student will participate in several field trips to collect samples from caves in Switzerland, Turkey and Oman.
We seek a highly motivated candidate with a MSc in Earth Sciences or related fields, with a strong background in isotope geochemistry and/or paleoclimate studies. Experience with field work and basic skills in rock climbing and speleology is an asset. Good oral and written skills in English are required.
Terms of employment:
The PhD position is for 3 years with the possibility of extension for one additional year. You will be working in a very active team that includes several PhD-students and postdoctoral researchers at the Institute of Geological Sciences. A close collaboration with members of STALCLIM and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research is envisaged. The annual salary is 40200 CHF in the first year and will increase to 46200 CHF in the third and fourth year.
Further details:
For further information please visit the websites of the Institute of Geological Sciences ( and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (
How to apply:
Applications should include a cover letter with as statement of research interests, a CV, as well as names and addresses of two referees. Please send application to:
SNF-Prof. Dominik Fleitmann
Institute of Geological Sciences
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 1+3
3012 Bern
or submit by e-mail to: fleitmann\at/
Applications are accepted until the position is filled, but we prefer to receive applications before October 30, 2010. The preferred starting date is December 1, 2010 or as soon as possible.
The Institute of Geological Sciences and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Bern, Switzerland, invite applications for a PhD-project on:
Holocene to Late-Pleistocene paleoclimatic changes recorded in stalagmites from Switzerland
The position is part of a SINERGIA program "STALCLIM" that is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The main goal of this PhD-project is to measure the stable isotope composition in Uranium-series dated stalagmites from various caves in Switzerland in order to derive highly resolved and well-dated paleoclimate records, which deliver near-instrumental time series of precipitation and temperature. The PhD-student will perform Uranium-series dating and stable isotope analyses on Holocene and late Pleistocene stalagmites. Furthermore, the PhD-student will participate in several field trips to collect samples from caves in Switzerland, Turkey and Oman.
We seek a highly motivated candidate with a MSc in Earth Sciences or related fields, with a strong background in isotope geochemistry and/or paleoclimate studies. Experience with field work and basic skills in rock climbing and speleology is an asset. Good oral and written skills in English are required.
Terms of employment:
The PhD position is for 3 years with the possibility of extension for one additional year. You will be working in a very active team that includes several PhD-students and postdoctoral researchers at the Institute of Geological Sciences. A close collaboration with members of STALCLIM and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research is envisaged. The annual salary is 40200 CHF in the first year and will increase to 46200 CHF in the third and fourth year.
Further details:
For further information please visit the websites of the Institute of Geological Sciences ( and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (
How to apply:
Applications should include a cover letter with as statement of research interests, a CV, as well as names and addresses of two referees. Please send application to:
SNF-Prof. Dominik Fleitmann
Institute of Geological Sciences
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 1+3
3012 Bern
or submit by e-mail to: fleitmann\at/
Applications are accepted until the position is filled, but we prefer to receive applications before October 30, 2010. The preferred starting date is December 1, 2010 or as soon as possible.
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::
Doktorat v Nemčiji...
The "International Max Planck Research School for global Biogeochemical Cycles" located in Jena, Germany, offers fellowships to outstanding students interested in research on biogeochemical cycles in the Earth system. The school offers excellent research possibilities for students to obtain a PhD degree in a 3-years graduate program.
The elements key to life such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are continuously exchanged among the land, ocean and atmosphere in what are known as global biogeochemical cycles. Research in the IMPRS discovers how these cycles function, how they are interconnected, and how they can change with climate or human activity. Students can choose research that combines field observations, laboratory methods development, manipulative experiments, and numerical modelling to tackle current questions in global biogeochemistry. Students will also benefit from a three-month external research visit, specialised courses in e.g. statistics, Earth observation, modelling and analytical techniques, as well as in soft skills. We are currently accepting applications for PhD scholarships.
Applications for the program are open to well-motivated and highly-qualified students from all countries. A prerequisite is a diploma or master of science degree in geophysical sciences, environmental sciences, biological sciences, physics, chemistry, computer sciences or related fields, including a corresponding thesis. Proficiency in English is required since English is the official language of the program. Please apply online at: link.
On this site, you will also find details on the IMPRS program, examples of research projects, the application procedure, and information on living in Jena (a dynamic city of science in beautiful landscape). The online application closes on January 15, 2011. Successful applicants are expected to join us in spring 2011 and will be offered financial support of roughly 1100 Euros/month to cover their basic living expenses. There are no tuition fees. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
The "International Max Planck Research School for global Biogeochemical Cycles" located in Jena, Germany, offers fellowships to outstanding students interested in research on biogeochemical cycles in the Earth system. The school offers excellent research possibilities for students to obtain a PhD degree in a 3-years graduate program.
The elements key to life such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are continuously exchanged among the land, ocean and atmosphere in what are known as global biogeochemical cycles. Research in the IMPRS discovers how these cycles function, how they are interconnected, and how they can change with climate or human activity. Students can choose research that combines field observations, laboratory methods development, manipulative experiments, and numerical modelling to tackle current questions in global biogeochemistry. Students will also benefit from a three-month external research visit, specialised courses in e.g. statistics, Earth observation, modelling and analytical techniques, as well as in soft skills. We are currently accepting applications for PhD scholarships.
Applications for the program are open to well-motivated and highly-qualified students from all countries. A prerequisite is a diploma or master of science degree in geophysical sciences, environmental sciences, biological sciences, physics, chemistry, computer sciences or related fields, including a corresponding thesis. Proficiency in English is required since English is the official language of the program. Please apply online at: link.
On this site, you will also find details on the IMPRS program, examples of research projects, the application procedure, and information on living in Jena (a dynamic city of science in beautiful landscape). The online application closes on January 15, 2011. Successful applicants are expected to join us in spring 2011 and will be offered financial support of roughly 1100 Euros/month to cover their basic living expenses. There are no tuition fees. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
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Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
! | Zanimiva predavanja (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Znanost in tehnologija | 111820 (5015) | JanBrezov |
» | Kako poteka diagnostika koronavirusaOddelek: Novice / Znanost in tehnologija | 6977 (2976) | mr_chai |
» | Morska voda kot gorivoOddelek: Znanost in tehnologija | 4631 (4038) | Calligula |
» | tezave z vremenom (kosarica st. 4)Oddelek: Loža | 1938 (1602) | A. Smith |
» | Ali je Rogljev uspeh prevara?Oddelek: Novice / --Nerazporejeno-- | 2690 (2690) | McHregec |