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We Supported CCA

DenisM ::
Ker postaja zadeva vedno večji problem, kot smo videli danes sami, predlagam da se tudi mi udeležimo štrajka IN SMO SE TUDI GA
Today for the first time in the history of gaming the Call of Duty/UO/Call of Duty2 online community are pulling forces together to make a stand against the developers of the games Infinity Ward and Activision by shutting down all their servers that host these games for a 24hr period to begin on the 17th December. This decision has not been taken lightly by server admins but the time has come to bite the bullet and stand up for what we believe in. This will be worldwide with support from clans from Australia, America, Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, Sweden amongst other countries.
This is in an attempt to get Infinity Ward and Activision to support their community and offer some form of support for the products they are releasing for online gameplay.
No Anticheat has to be one of the biggest issues that have enraged the disillusioned community.
No statements have been made from Infinity Ward/Activision as to whether they are going to implement this. This is something that the CoD community felt very strongly about when CoD was released in 2003.
They had asked for this to be implemented for CoD2 months ago but like the rest of the questions have been completely ignored. Petitions are in place to get some form of Anticheat as well.
The game is being constantly abused by cheats and the community are sick to the back teeth with the way they are being treated and the lack of interest from the developer and publisher.
Too many questions have been ignored for far too long now and the CoD community believe that after raking in millions of dollars Infinity Ward/Activision have let them down. So this is the action we are proposing to get the attention of Infinity Ward/Activision to ask for Public Relations support from their team and answer many questions blighting the online game.
If no statement arrives from either Activision or Infinty Ward on or before midnight 16th December 2005 Action Day will be 17th December 2005 at 6pm your local time.
You may either shutdown or lockdown your server with a secure password.
Please Change your server name to "We support CCA"
Thank you all again for supporting this Action and your Community.
We will keep you informed of any further actions if deemed necessary.
A very big thankyou to all the clans worldwide that will be partaking in the server blackout on 17th December.
Our only wish throughout all of this has been to bring our community together in order to force a response from both Activision and Infinity Ward with regards to supporting the Game Series we all love playing.
signed by
COD Community Action
on behalf of all the players, modders, mappers, Clans and League Admins of The Call of Duty Series.
Today for the first time in the history of gaming the Call of Duty/UO/Call of Duty2 online community are pulling forces together to make a stand against the developers of the games Infinity Ward and Activision by shutting down all their servers that host these games for a 24hr period to begin on the 17th December. This decision has not been taken lightly by server admins but the time has come to bite the bullet and stand up for what we believe in. This will be worldwide with support from clans from Australia, America, Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, Sweden amongst other countries.
This is in an attempt to get Infinity Ward and Activision to support their community and offer some form of support for the products they are releasing for online gameplay.
No Anticheat has to be one of the biggest issues that have enraged the disillusioned community.
No statements have been made from Infinity Ward/Activision as to whether they are going to implement this. This is something that the CoD community felt very strongly about when CoD was released in 2003.
They had asked for this to be implemented for CoD2 months ago but like the rest of the questions have been completely ignored. Petitions are in place to get some form of Anticheat as well.
The game is being constantly abused by cheats and the community are sick to the back teeth with the way they are being treated and the lack of interest from the developer and publisher.
Too many questions have been ignored for far too long now and the CoD community believe that after raking in millions of dollars Infinity Ward/Activision have let them down. So this is the action we are proposing to get the attention of Infinity Ward/Activision to ask for Public Relations support from their team and answer many questions blighting the online game.
If no statement arrives from either Activision or Infinty Ward on or before midnight 16th December 2005 Action Day will be 17th December 2005 at 6pm your local time.
You may either shutdown or lockdown your server with a secure password.
Please Change your server name to "We support CCA"
Thank you all again for supporting this Action and your Community.
We will keep you informed of any further actions if deemed necessary.
A very big thankyou to all the clans worldwide that will be partaking in the server blackout on 17th December.
Our only wish throughout all of this has been to bring our community together in order to force a response from both Activision and Infinity Ward with regards to supporting the Game Series we all love playing.
signed by
COD Community Action
on behalf of all the players, modders, mappers, Clans and League Admins of The Call of Duty Series.

strictom ::
Njih pa lih boli kurac a vi štrajkate al ne. Z CoD so že zaslužli kar so hoteli. CoD2 se pa še dobro prodaja.
Play Counter Strike. Period.
Play Counter Strike. Period.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin
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