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Kako odstraniti Win XP iz particije D

Kako odstraniti Win XP iz particije D

Romancek1 ::

zanima me, kako bi odstranil Windowse XP iz particije D. Nove sem inštaliral na particijo c, kjer so billi prej nameščeni Win 98. Sedaj imam na začetku zopet tisti meni za izbor, katere Windowse naj zaženem ( v trenutnem primeru je na izboru v obeh primerih Win XP). Ta meni bi se torej rad znebil, particijo d pa kasneje, ko prenesem vse podatke, formatiral. Gotovo bo po formatiranju particije D še vedno izbirni meni na začetku...

Romancek1 ::

A res nihče ne ve pomagat?

Gregor P ::

Mogoče ti to kaj pomaga;)

Google search - unistall xp
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

grain ::

To specify the default operating system for startup
Open System in Control Panel.
On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
Under System startup, in the Default operating system list, click the operating system you want to start when you turn on or restart your computer.
Select the Display list of operating systems for check box, and then type the number of seconds you want the list displayed before the default operating system starts automatically.

bobby ::

boot win98
ukaz fdisk /mbr
v c:\ pa poišč boot.ini pa zbriš vrstico ki se nanaša na winxp

to je vse
Ce eksplicitno ne odgovorim osebam PNG ali PR,..I dont care about your opinion.

dissector ::

bootloader editiras, tako nekako kot sta predhodnika napisala:>
There it was. The final destiny. A sunrise that never came, still the night lamp that never faded away. Farewell was the word, and the afterglow was the brave morning. Rising and telling everyone about the beauty of its PROLOGUE.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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