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Nintendo patentira prisebnost

Nintendo patentira prisebnost

Slo-Tech - Še ena izmed zanimivih patentnih cvetk. Namreč uspelo jim je patentirati norost oz. stopnjo prisebnosti.

Svoj patent primerjajo z drugimi statistikami ki se pojavljajo v igrah zvristi označene kot RPG (Role-playing Game). Namreč v takih igrah se za posamezen lik meri več statistik (npr. zdravje, inteligenca, mana, moč...). Kot eno izmed takih statistik je Nintendo tudi patentiral stopnjo norosti.

STR 12, DEX 18, WIS 12, INS 8.... You're not insane enough to enter this door.

19 komentarjev

Suhy ::

Sej ni čudn, da nobem ne komentira članka.

Keri butli !!!

--i need magic wand--

nodrim ::

samo so res debili ... .. pa lih Nintendo, ki je vedno vlekel naprej razvoj iger in se ga spravi tkole zavirat .. ;((

Saladin ::

Igra Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth, ki je napovedana za naslednje leto, bo na veliko slonela pod tem "sanity" sistemom.
Sigurno so jim vkradli idejo.
Dobro je kar nosi največ svobodne koristi/najmanj bolečine čim več sentientom
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"

G-man ::

Res se je za vprašat kdo je tu nor... Ali pa bomo mi znoreli od takih butastih patentov...

P.S. Moj ta stari je rekel en dan. Najbolje da izženemo norce iz klinike v Idriji, pa kliniko porušimo, ker so bli not zaprti ravno tolk pametni kot so zunaj.

Pa patentni urad je očitno tudi poln neprištevnih osebkov, ki nimajo veliko skupnega s zdravo pametjo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: G-man ()

kriko1 ::

???? Svet gre v kislo...!

McAjvar ::

cakaj cakaj. to me spomni na eno taksno kliniko za posebne cvetke... menda, ko se clovek pripelje na posestvo, na ograji pise "vecina je zunaj" ;)
"[...] the advance of civilization is nothing
but an exercise in the limiting of privacy."
- Isaac Asimov

Kami ::

Bah brezveze.

Zadnje čase pretiravajo z takimi bednimi patenti.

JamesBond ::

Kakšen Nindendo? 8-O :D

Maximus ::

Bolano, gremo še prdce patentirat. Bomo prov lepo zaslužl.

Pa en patentiran LP!

rekunius ::

Zdej bo poleg Strenghta, Charisme, Dexterity, Constituion, Wisdom pa Inteligenca igrala vlogo še SANITY? WTF? Če dajo to v D&D grem direkt k wizardom pa nintendu pa jim uprizorim masaker - sanity 0.5 >:D US Shotgun masacre...

Očitno so se patentnim uradnikom dokončno skisali možgani...sighes
Motiti se je človeško.

ripmork ::


OwcA ::

Tole nima nobene zveze z D&D.

Lahko pa se seveda sedaj še WotC spravijo in patentirajo statistike, potem bo šele veselo.
Otroška radovednost - gonilo napredka.

WTF? ::

STR 12, DEX 18, WIS 12, INS 8.... You're not insane enough to enter this door.

ahahaha ... jst bom umru !!

Maria ::

This application is the U.S. national phase of International PCT Application No. PCT/US00/33717, filed Dec. 14, 2000


Utk ::

Upam da bo to ful bedno izpadlo v igri in da ne bo nikdar nihče več tega uporabil:D jaz že ne bi mel želje tega kopirat.

G-man ::


že leta 2000? Ampak a ne pomeni to, da je bil takrat vložen, ne pa še odboren...

CCfly ::

Točno tako.
"My goodness, we forgot generics!" -- Danny Kalev

Z-lot ::

No comment.

Saladin ::

Upam da bo to ful bedno izpadlo v igri in da ne bo nikdar nihče več tega uporabil:D jaz že ne bi mel želje tega kopirat.

Tole je izseček enega reviewa:
Finally, let's talk about the game's sanity system. Though it sounds like Headfirst took a page from Silicon Knights' Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, the sanity system in Call of Cthulhu, appropriately enough, is handled in a much more serious way. Never as theatric or radical or humorous as the aforementioned sanity system, this one is all about subtlety and effectiveness. Whenever Jack encounters the game's more disturbing and unsettling elements (and woe betide him, for they are legion) he loses a piece of his sanity. As he does, things happen: his vision blurs, he begins to hear voices, he talks to himself, and so on. This system effects the player pretty deeply because when Jack panics in a firefight you can't help but panic along with him, swinging around drunkenly while he's freaking out and not daring to run for fear of being dragged down and murdered from behind. If he goes too crazy, he'll put his gun to his head and blow his own brains out. That's some rough stuff right there, and always shocking when it happens because it's often unexpected. In general, the reason it's so effective is that it affects the player directly; when he hears things, you hear things, and you question what you're really hearing and what you just think you're hearing. That feeling is a powerful tool, and the fact that the developers managed to pull it off with this kind of system is very impressive.
Dobro je kar nosi največ svobodne koristi/najmanj bolečine čim več sentientom
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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