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bios flash, flash program čuden :)

bios flash, flash program čuden :)

CrustyDOD ::

Mam plato DTK PAM-0056i E-2
Sm si dol potegnu taprav bios http://www.dtk.com.tw/download/bios/56i...

Sledim navodilom:Please follow the following steps to update Award BIOS.

1. Make a startup disk. Just run "format a:/s/q" in DOS mode.

2. Copy Award BIOS flash program and BIOS file (*.bin) to the Startup disk.

3. Let the computer boot from the startup disk.

4. Run Award BIOS flash program.

5. Enter BIOS file name include ".bin".

6. In error message dialogbox, the flash program will display "Do you want to save BIOS (Y/N)" ,press "Y" or "N". If press "Y", enter a file name that you define it by yourself and the startup disk can not write protect, recommended press "N".

7. In error message dialogbox, the flash program will display "Are you sure to program (Y/N)" ,press "Y".

8. When program was done, for ATX system, the flash program will display "F1 - Restart F10 - Exit", please press "F1" to restart system. For AT system, the flash program will display "F10 - Exit", please press "F10" to DOS prompt, then press "Reset" to restart system.

In se mi ustavi pri 7 koraku...
če pritisnem Yes ali No pri 6 koraku, se mi pokaže vprašanje iz 7 koraka in tukaj potem nič več ne prime... k da bi program zmrznil...
Sem presnel na disk ta upgrade, se zgodi isto...

a se kermu kaj sanja kaj se dogaja?

Good Guy ::

lfashi z winflashom
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^

CrustyDOD ::

ni nobenga OS gor, tko da dos is the only option...

Spajky ::

sej ne rabiš sejvat stari bios (ga lahko spet potegneš z Neta verjetno); drugač pa probaj: http://users.volja.net/jerman55/FlashBi... 8-)
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

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