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WinXP taskbar sporocila
enough98 ::
Lahko se jih onemogoci, vendar, mogoce kdo ve, kako spremeniti cas prikaza teh nadleznih sporocil (Balloon Tips/Notifications)?
Taskbar imam na auto-hide in mi gre na zivce, da mi tista zadeva pol minute odzira spodnji del ekrana (po moznosti ravno takrat berem text tam spodaj) zaradi nekega nepomembnega sporocila ... network cable, print job, usb flash...
Taskbar imam na auto-hide in mi gre na zivce, da mi tista zadeva pol minute odzira spodnji del ekrana (po moznosti ravno takrat berem text tam spodaj) zaradi nekega nepomembnega sporocila ... network cable, print job, usb flash...
Vikking ::
Most of the balloon tips tied to the notification area on the taskbar serve little or no purpose for experienced users; they're just distracting. To turn off the tips, run the Registry editor and navigate to the subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\ Advanced. (Always use caution when editing the Registry. Any errors can cause system problems and data loss.)
Right-click on the right pane, create a new DWORD value, and name it EnableBalloonTips. Then double-click on the new entry and give it a value of 0 (zero). Close the Registry editor and restart Windows.
Note that this change will turn off all the balloon tips, which means that you may have to adjust some other options. If, for example, you have Automatic Update set to notify you before downloading anything, notifications of critical updates won't be as obvious. You may want to change your Automatic Update options or update manually.
Most of the balloon tips tied to the notification area on the taskbar serve little or no purpose for experienced users; they're just distracting. To turn off the tips, run the Registry editor and navigate to the subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\ Advanced. (Always use caution when editing the Registry. Any errors can cause system problems and data loss.)
Right-click on the right pane, create a new DWORD value, and name it EnableBalloonTips. Then double-click on the new entry and give it a value of 0 (zero). Close the Registry editor and restart Windows.
Note that this change will turn off all the balloon tips, which means that you may have to adjust some other options. If, for example, you have Automatic Update set to notify you before downloading anything, notifications of critical updates won't be as obvious. You may want to change your Automatic Update options or update manually.
cekr ::
Za rešitev tvojih problemčkov obstajajo programčki:
V programu Tweak UI lahko nastavljaš-vklapljaš/izklapljaš te reči.
V programu Tweak UI lahko nastavljaš-vklapljaš/izklapljaš te reči.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
enough98 ::
Vem, da se jih lahko onemogoci, vendar jaz bi omejil cas prikaza (wireless connected balloon mi vseeno pride prav)
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