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Katero NF4 Ultra plato?
Tomson ::
Zanima me, katero plato nf4 ultra se recimo najbolj splača nabavit:
Gigabyte, MSI ali DFI, Asus pa verjetno še ne bo tako hitro ...
Za npr. AMD 64 3200+, 2 x 1Gb rama, 2 x 250Gb Hdd, GF 6600GT ...
Sistem se ne bo navijal, tako da gre predvsem za stabilnost in dobro opremo, ki mislim da je dokaj podobna na vseh platah ...
Gigabyte, MSI ali DFI, Asus pa verjetno še ne bo tako hitro ...
Za npr. AMD 64 3200+, 2 x 1Gb rama, 2 x 250Gb Hdd, GF 6600GT ...
Sistem se ne bo navijal, tako da gre predvsem za stabilnost in dobro opremo, ki mislim da je dokaj podobna na vseh platah ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Vesoljc ::
> Sistem se ne bo navijal
aaaaaaaaaa, nevernik!!!
pravijo da je dfi naj naj, ampak 50k sit za tako kraljico
aaaaaaaaaa, nevernik!!!
pravijo da je dfi naj naj, ampak 50k sit za tako kraljico
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...
Tomson ::
Pa se že dobi pri nas DFI nf4 ultra, kje in za koliko točno?
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Tomson ::
Kdo pa je uvoznik za DFI?
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Tomson ::
k. tnx!
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
JIM22 ::
Tomson: poglej pod male oglase in najdi moj post.
Digitalni marketing, nastop na spletu v naročnikovem imenu.
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Tomson ::
tnx, če bom vzel, bom vzel novo ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Tomson ::
Aja, sorry, zdaj se spomnim, zbiraš naročila ... (sem najprej pomislil da rabljeno prodajaš)
Glede na to pa, da ponujaš plate po 25% višji ceni kot pridejo v Avstriji, no tnx!
Pa brez zamere! ;)
Glede na to pa, da ponujaš plate po 25% višji ceni kot pridejo v Avstriji, no tnx!
Pa brez zamere! ;)
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomson ()
JIM22 ::
Daj mi plis link, kje majo 25% cenej kot je tle.
Digitalni marketing, nastop na spletu v naročnikovem imenu.
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
DominusSLO ::
DominusSLO ::
Vasko jaz nemško nič ne štekam
in ne morem ugotovit ali so to cene z davkom... kar sem jaz navedel v italiji, je povsod davek vključen.
Tomson ::
Imam link iz Avstrije, kjer je cena DFI Ultra-D 139€, preračunano 33.000 sit napram Jimovih 41.000 sit. Mislim da je razlika očitna. (poštnina gor ali dol)
Sploh pa če človek naredi en izlet s kolegi, pa mimgrede še kupi kako plato :)
Aja, link prodam za 5 čukov! Zainteresirani pošljite mail na: xxx@xx.xx
Just kidding ...
sicer me je pa Vasko že prehitel ... (33.000 sit)
Pa recimo še eno mal cenejšo varjanto iz čezlužja: (30.800 sit, ampak mislim da je brez davka, tako da na koncu pride spet 33.000 sit)
Sploh pa če človek naredi en izlet s kolegi, pa mimgrede še kupi kako plato :)
Aja, link prodam za 5 čukov! Zainteresirani pošljite mail na: xxx@xx.xx
Just kidding ...
sicer me je pa Vasko že prehitel ... (33.000 sit)
Pa recimo še eno mal cenejšo varjanto iz čezlužja: (30.800 sit, ampak mislim da je brez davka, tako da na koncu pride spet 33.000 sit)
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomson ()
Tomson ::
Evo še link iz UK, za 36.000 sit:
In še link On-line shop za 30.000 sit:
In še link On-line shop za 30.000 sit:
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Oblivion ::
Prodal bom svoj trenutni NF3 sistem in sel na NF4. Zanima me, kaj se splaca vzet. Procesor bom poiskal 3200+, matra me se plosca. DFI? Se jo splaca pocakat? Naj vzamem kaksno MSI Diamond? SLi mi ni nujen, lahko pa je . Ker bom najbrz fural ATi mi SLi ni prioriteta, tako da je dovolj ce je "samo" 1 pci-express. Kaksen nasvet? Cena priblizno 50.000sit.
Potem me se za graficno zanima, da nebi nove teme odpiral. Racunam na kaksen X800XL, lahko je tudi kaksen GF, vsak nasvet dobrodosel.
Ja, masina se bo navijala
Potem me se za graficno zanima, da nebi nove teme odpiral. Racunam na kaksen X800XL, lahko je tudi kaksen GF, vsak nasvet dobrodosel.
Ja, masina se bo navijala
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Oblivion ()
Tomson ::
Če boš navijal je po moje DFI Ultra res najboljša izbira. Drgače pa tudi Gigabyte nf4 Ultra verjetno ni slaba plata.
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Oblivion ::
Kaj pa, ce res ATi uveljavi svojo AMR tehnologijo in bos lahko povezal dve ATi graficni skupaj? Se potem bolj splaca kaksna SLi plosca? Malce sem zbegan kaj storiti. Morem se pa odlocit cimprej. NF4 SLI-DR bo okrog 60.000sit, ni ravno malo.
mtosev ::
Da ATi naredi in testira AMR bo potrebno najmanj do jeseni ;)
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
Oblivion ::
Ja, imas prav
. Takrat bo pa ze itak X900 zunej in bomo tisto kupli. Neki, da bo za zdej zdrzalo.
Se že dobi gigabyte z njivo dual gpu kartico 2x6600gt. Samo cena je po mojem veliko preveč. Skoraj 140 jurjev. Glede na to, da je Gb govoril, da bo cena manj, kot staneta 2 x 6600gt in plata je to zame malo presenečenje. Prej sem imel namen to nabavit sedaj pa sem se premislu. Sem včeraj naroču dfi nf4 iz nemčije skupaj z procom 3200 in 2x6600gt prek frenda (skupi 660 evrov - jaz pa evre še 10sit cenej dobim
) , ki je šu gor na obisk. Danes je stvar že dobil tam kjer trenutno biva. On pa pride nazaj v petek ali soboto.....
Go with the flow.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: boštjan ()
Medena..Zakja pa misliš, da bom obdržal obe kartici v enem računalniku - mam 2 računalnika doma pa enga v Ljubljan
Go with the flow.
Hmm....Zej sem najdunekaj zanimivega....Za ultra-D plato jaz sem prav njo kupu
Recently, there is some confusion in the market about the features and accessories included in the DFI LANPartyUT Ultra-D package. We would like to make a declaration to clear this matter.
DFI’s proprietary Dual Xpress Graphics technology brings the new LANPartyUT NF4 Ultra-D motherboard to utmost flexibility in multiple display support. DFI LANPartyUT nF4 Ultra-D package does not come with the SLI bridge since the motherboard does not support the SLI feature.
For users who demand blazing fast performance and superior SLI graphics realism, LANParty NF4 SLI-DR and the LANPartyUT NF4 SLI-D both support NVIDIA’s new SLI technology.
Sem pa bral, da sicer podpira to samo na nek drug način, ki ga je dfi razvila.
hmm..Zdej sem pa mal v dmomih, sam kaj čmo..Plata je na poti v SLO![:D](
Še to sem zdej najdu: jaz sem prav njo kupu
Recently, there is some confusion in the market about the features and accessories included in the DFI LANPartyUT Ultra-D package. We would like to make a declaration to clear this matter.
DFI’s proprietary Dual Xpress Graphics technology brings the new LANPartyUT NF4 Ultra-D motherboard to utmost flexibility in multiple display support. DFI LANPartyUT nF4 Ultra-D package does not come with the SLI bridge since the motherboard does not support the SLI feature.
For users who demand blazing fast performance and superior SLI graphics realism, LANParty NF4 SLI-DR and the LANPartyUT NF4 SLI-D both support NVIDIA’s new SLI technology.
Sem pa bral, da sicer podpira to samo na nek drug način, ki ga je dfi razvila.
The LANParty NF4 SLI-DR is based on the nForce4 chipset SLI and brings the SLI DFI’s LANParty series. The LANPartyUT NF4 Ultra-D however, is based on the nForce4 Ultra also supports dual display graphics card but does so via DFI’s proprietary DXG, (Dual Express Graphics). According to DFI this takes advantage of the flexible PCI Express lanes, using a x16 and x2 configuration rather than the x8/x8 configuration of an SLI supporting chipset. It’s not clear at this stage whether this works in the same way as SLI but DFI states that this allows for, “versatile graphics support and utmost future-proof upgrade ability”.
hmm..Zdej sem pa mal v dmomih, sam kaj čmo..Plata je na poti v SLO
Še to sem zdej najdu:
UPDATE 2/05/2005: nVidia has acted to prevent, or at least make it more difficult, to mod the Ultra board to SLI. First, DFI has advised us, and posted on their website, that they will NOT sell the SLI bridge to buyers of the Ultra board. Second, nVidia has advised us that future shipments of the Ultra chipset have been modified so that the mod to SLI will no longer be possible. An additional side effect of this second action is that the "Dual Video" mode, which performs at about 90% of SLI performance levels, will only work with nVidia SLI drivers 66.75 or earlier. If you do a quick check of web driver postings you will see it is now very difficult to find 66.75 drivers. With a chipset modded to SLI the "Dual Video" mode worked through 70.xx versions of the nVidia driver. nVidia also made it clear they will continue to make driver changes to prevent functioning of any "non-standard" (8X/8X) operation of their SLI driver. This also throws into question whether the VIA "dual graphics" mode on the 894 Pro chipset will ever work with nVidia graphics cards. If you are interested in the current UT Ultra-D we suggest you buy one now if you can find it. Future versions of the UT Ultra-D will not have the same capabilities as a result of these actions.
Go with the flow.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: OZZY ()
Tomson ::
Ma ja, sej je logično, če je nvidia zaščitila SLI patent, ne bo pustila da proizvajalci plošč sami delajo neke mode. Sicer ni slaba ideja, a konec koncev, če rabiš SLI kupiš SLI plato, če ne, kupiš Ultra. Je pa tudi za vnaprej problem, če v novih driverjih sploh ne bo podpore in možnosti izkoritsiti še delujoče Ultra-D plate.
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Evo..10 minut nazaj mi je frend prnesu plato in ostale stvari. zraven res ni tega SLI aapterja. Ampak nima veze. Bo dodatna kartica šla v drugo kišto.
zdej pa rabm samo še cooler kupit pa bo šlo v sestavo.
zdej pa rabm samo še cooler kupit pa bo šlo v sestavo.
Go with the flow.
Tomson ::
Poročaj, če ima plošča kakšne težave ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
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