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Classical music and social control

Classical music and social control

Ziga Dolhar ::

Zanimiv članek

Twilight of the yobs

Jan 6th 2005
From The Economist print edition

How classical music helps keep order

THE question of how to control yobbish behaviour troubles many. One increasingly popular solution is classical music, which is apparently painful to teenage ears. Co-op, a chain of grocery stores, is experimenting with playing classical music outside its shops, to stop youths from hanging around and intimidating customers. It seems to work well. Staff have a remote control and “can turn the music on if there's a situation developing and they need to disperse people”, says Steve Broughton of Co-op.

The most extensive use of aural policing so far, though, has been in underground stations. Six stops on the Tyneside Metro currently pump out Haydn and Mozart to deter vandals and loiterers, and the scheme has been so successful that it has spawned imitators. After a pilot at Elm Park station on the London Underground, classical music now fills 30 other stations on the network. The most effective deterrents, according to a spokesman for Transport for London, are anything sung by Pavarotti or written by Mozart.

When selecting a record to drive people away, the key factor, according to Adrian North, a psychologist at Leicester University who researches links between music and behaviour, is its unfamiliarity. When the targets are unused to strings and woodwind, Mozart will be sufficient. But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better. Mr North tried tormenting Leicester's students with what he describes as “computer-game music” in the union bar. It cleared the place.

If, however, the aim is not to disperse people but to calm them down, anything unfamiliar or challenging is probably best avoided. At the Royal Bolton Hospital, staff have begun playing classical music in the accident and emergency (A&E) ward, as well as in the eye ward and the main reception area. Janet Hackin, a matron in the A&E ward, says that patients do appear calmer, “rather than running around anxious and bleeding all over the place”. But classical music might not have much effect on the consequences of more liberal licensing laws. “If they're stone drunk and past it then it doesn't have much effect,” confirms Ms Hackin.

Thomas ::


Tko kot je reku un možakar:

Poslušam glasbo osemdesetih let. Entisočsedemstoosemdesetih, seveda.

Jst ::

Glede na to, da glasba spremnlja veliko ljudi skozi celo življenje, bi znalo biti kaj na tem. Če gledaš iz tega zornega kota. Zanimivo je tudi, kakšno glasno si "izbere" določena populacija ljudi.

Veliko je dejavnikov. Ampak world order. Zelo zanimiva teorija.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

frenk ::

zadne cajte sam še to poslušam:)

OwcA ::

Samo kaj pa potem, ko ta glaba ne bo nikomur več tuja? Če je bodo nabijali na vsakem koraku, se zna to kar kmalu zgoditi.
Otroška radovednost - gonilo napredka.

Thomas ::

Ja. Klasična glasba je lahko naslednji hit. Kakšen acid pa house! Tega mladina ne bo hotla več poslušat. Samo še klasike. Hehe ...

Ziga Dolhar ::


Owca, tistemu, ki ga taka glasba že programsko (ideološko) moti, ne bo postala kar tako všeč. Hevimetalc ne posluša klasike primarno zaradi tega, ker mu ne bi bila všeč, ampak ker ni hevimetal (think Linux : MS :-)). Verjetno se jaz iz podobnega nagiba sploh nočem spustit v poslušanje metalike, limpbizkitov ipd.

(Sicer pa, nabor klasične glasbe je ogromen. Ko se privadijo mocartove violine, jim damo bahove orgle [teh pa jaz ne trpim]; če se v eni generaciji uspejo adaptirat, jim ponudimo kakšnega Michaela Nymana z MGVjem.


Enivej, ne delajo tako pri slovneščini v šoli? "Phhh, Shakespeara ste preživeli? Prav ... evo vam Cankarja."

Zgodovina sprememb…

Thomas ::

Dobr, da nimam nobenega posluha. Tele vojne med raznimi bandami me bistveno manj tangirajo.


OwcA ::

@Thomas: zate lahko predvajamo kreacionalistične ali ploščatozemeljske oddaje. >:D
Otroška radovednost - gonilo napredka.

Thomas ::

Nekaj časa mi bo šlo na živce. Potem me bo pa začelo zanimati s kakšnega drugega stališča. EP, recimo.

Človek je v povprečju prilagodljivejši od podgane. Jest sploh najdem zabavo magari na sredi puščave dolgčasa.

Če drugega ne, je zabavno gledati, kako te naskakuje dolgočasje, kako se potem kar nekako anihilira, pa kako te to začne dolgočasiti ... Ena taka interesantna zadeva. Podobna tisti, ko v banki čakaš v vrsti in opazuješ ljudi, ki se ustrašijo vrste in odhajao ven ... potem se pa vračajo.

Taka selfreferencing odvisnost ... hja ...

leinad ::

Vsaj, ko jaz poslušam klasiko ima name občuten pomirjajoč efekt.

Andrea Bocelli- Time to say goodbye :mojstrovina

frenk ::

CARNIVORE: hehe...tale komad mamo v bof-u za prezentacijo zvočnikov...še posebej takrat ko je kdo res zatežen:D

gkovac ::

Klasika rula!!! Bral sem o poiskusih da so vrteli klasiko zelenjavi in je rasla hitreje kot enake vrste zelenjava (v enakih pogojih), ki pa ji niso vrteli klasike... pa zgodbice o kravah mlekaricah, ki dajejo več mleka, ker poslušajo Mozarta pa o prašičih in konjih pa tako naprej... neki more bit na tem!

Meni zadnje čase FUL odgovarja Vivaldi in njegovi The Four Seasons.. Summer Presto pa Spring Addagio sta res res zakon. :D :D pomirja in razbistri nemirni um.
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

Tear_DR0P ::

Jst bi popizdu če bi mogu skoz musko poslušat. Doma fotru radio ugašam, ker prenaglas muziko posluša, včas sm se pa sošolcu smeju ko mu je ata devnik ugasnu da je lahko videošpon gledu :))
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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