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Kako rešiti podatke???

Kako rešiti podatke???

halter ::

Uporabljam operacijski sistem windows xp pro. pa se mi je le ta sesul zaradi unistaliranja hotfix-ov. Ko se windowsi hočejo prižgati se pojavi moder ekran nato pa se računalnik resetira. 2x sem jih ponovno posnel pa ne pomaga. Windowsi so instalirani na particijo NTFS in nikakor ne znam priti do mojih dokumentov ki so na c-disku. Računalnika pa ne smem odpirati saj je zadaj garancijska nalepka. Kaj sploh lahko storim da pridem do podatkov???

SodVina ::

mogoce kaksen live linux?

cityman ::

Najboljši program je Hiren's BootCD 6.0.
Stran, kjer si lahko prebereš o tem programu: http://www.thanki.tk/

Lahko pa sprobaš tudi z recovery konzolo od windows XP. Seveda če imaš cd.


tudi če odpreš pc inšaš garancijo. In to po komponentah. najmanj pa je 1 leto.
Go with the flow.

pviran3 ::

Ponovno inštaliraj windows pa nič ne formatiraj!

Rok Nemec ::

Narediš paralelno inštalacijo windowsev XP v eno drugo mapo.

To install Windows XP to a new folder (to perform a parallel installation):

1. Start your computer from the Windows XP CD-ROM. To do this, insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.

2. When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press any key to start the computer from the Windows XP CD-ROM.

3. At the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to begin Windows XP Setup.

4. Read the End-User License Agreement, and then press F8.

5. Select the partition in which you want to install Windows XP, and then press ENTER.

6. Select the Leave the current file system intact (no changes) option, and then press ENTER to continue.

7. Press ESC to install to a different folder.

If the Setup program detects another operating system folder, it prompts you to type the name for the new folder after the back slash (\), for example, \WINXP. If there are no other operating systems detected, the Setup program automatically names the folder \Windows.

8. Press ENTER to continue.

9. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete Windows XP Setup.

Potem moraš pa narediti še take ownership datotek.

How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP

Zgodovina sprememb…

dr.J ::

prejsnji teden sem resil podatke z ene winxp masine z uporabo knoppixa,
ker slo-tech linux se nima driverja za nf3 mrezno karto. Backup sem naredil
preko mreze na drugo masino.

ps. zakaj nimas backupa?

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