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Detonatorji 7.27

Detonatorji 7.27

3DGPU - No, pa smo spet dočakali nove Detonatorje (je bil že malo predolgo mir [>:D]). In kaj je to kaj posebnega, rečete [:\\]? Na NVitalia (novica z 17. decembra) pravijo, da ti novi Detonatorji vsebujejo HSR (Hidden Surface Removal) lastnost, ki je bilo tako opevana v zadnjih 3dfx-ovih gonilnikih za Voodoo 5 5500. Še kaj novega? Ja, zadeva naj bi bila strojno pospešena! Ker je novička v Italijanščini (se priporočam, da mi kdo, ki zna italjansko, prevede besedico za besedico [:D]), je na 3DGPU objavljen delni prevod. In kolikor se da razbrati, naj bi HSR sedaj delal pod OpenGL na GeForce-ih in sicer preko "register combinerjev" in to strojno! Tole mi je mal porušilo moje predstave o HSR-ju! In če se mi prav dozdeva, je NVidia pogruntala en novi algoritem za HSR... P.S.: Se res priporočam, da mi nekdo prevede tisto v slovenščino.

5 komentarjev

Igor ::

Well well, the news that I have given yesterday has triggered your curiosity, it was just this my attempt, eh eh: -) Ban to the ciance, we pass to analyze these driver. If ne a lot in the last weeks is spoken, before it was said that they would have introduced the HSR, then has arrived the cold shower with the refutation of these voices from part of the PR of nVidia, Diane Vanesse. Ok, I have understood, do not interest you my disquisitions, therefore we pass the hard one: all hour you will be asking me " ehi DIX, then they support it or not ' I am HSR?"... the answer is... SI! Well they, support as well as demanded attended well HSR and, not HSR but HSR draft software like that one introduced from 3dfx in their last ones driver, hardware! How it is possible? In documents nVidia it says that these driver use the combined registers in order to program a removal matrix that apply endured after the setup of the scene. Beyond to this the new ones driver they will implement a new type of " Filtering " that will serve to reduce the small incongruenze that will be generated from the removal of the superficial ones. Other question " Diiiiix, but all this works or is alone on the paper " it works enough well and also: with Quake 3 it is earned approximately 30%. Hour the negative notes: the HSR works alone in OpenGL (not deprived of hope, tomorrow will have an other beautiful surprise; -)) They cannot be used with the HSR and the NSR, must choose. The availability of these driver for the customers is previewed to days, one ten to the maximum. This is how much... optimal news not? But it is not ended, tomorrow other always regarding sorpresine the driver, then we will pass to something of a po' more far away (like escape date, eh eh).

G[e]c ::

Kere drajverje se sploh splaca gor dat da so dokaj hitri pa stabilni, jest mam une iz nvidine strani k so 6.31 te pa kr 7.17 kako je zdej to?

Senitel ::

No Birra mi je poslal/poslala (??) prevod.
Zanimivo no to bo treba dobit še mal podatkov o tem.
Sicer pa če ste bral uno Dianino izjavo v originalu, pol ste vidl, da je rekla samo to, da nebo Z-Occultation / Z-Rejection (to kar pa zdej beremo pa ni to). Brian Bruke je pa reku, da naj nebomo presenečeni če pogruntajo kaj čist novga...
Aja driverje se pa najbolj splača met 6.47 so stabilni in hitri. Upam, da bodo ti 7.27 tud stabilni in ne samo hitri...

YiMMi ::

Jaz sem zaj one dal gor 7.17....
Pa ni za opazit neke razlike
Teh novih 7.27 sploh nisem nasel na tej strani http://www.nvitalia.com/ ...
A se je kaksen page
V anglecini pa ki ima te novejse driverje gor....
Daj ce gdo ve naj poslje link....
pa ce ma kdo kartico 3D Prophet IIMX
naj se oglasi....

DarkWIng ::

a bi mi kdo poslov kekšne strani kjer hranijo verzije detonatorjev (vem da ma en tipo stran z vemi detonatorji ki so do zdaj izšli pa sm naslov zgubu ob sesutju)

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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