uebertakten.de - Za vse lastnike DSL modemov. Speedcorp je na trg poslal freeware program SpeedCorp 9x Enhancer, ki naj bi poskrbel za tiste dodatne bajte pri DL. Sama inštalacija naj ne bi bila problem vendar iz varnostnih razlogov pripoočajo, da si prej naredite varnostno kopijo svojega registra. Za vse, ki bi hoteli program preizkusit ga dobite tukaj : SpeedCorp 9x Enhancer. Za vsa vprašanja in informacije glede programa pa odsurfajte na njihovo domačo stran Speedcorp.net.
Jeba: Program je isti kot npr. njihov speed9x je zelo podoben tem. Samo da je ta narjen za dsl modeme.
Drugače pa: Enhancer was a program created to boost your Network Adapter performance by assigning maximum memory possible to it! Along with other settings such as the Receive Window, MSS, MTU, and more.....(secret). THIS IS NOT THE INFAMOUS SYSTEM.INI TWEAK !! For those with 500MHz or faster processors and a min of 128Mb RAM, this tweak will show noticeable results at most times, including faster displaying of web pages and higher throughput. Even with a slower processor, you will get better overall performance, including smoother stream video, better transfers anywhere from 0 to 150%, with more noticeable results during uploads