Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Optimalne nastavitve za KT7a/KT7a RAID????
Optimalne nastavitve za KT7a/KT7a RAID????

Kriko ::
Prosim če mi pomagate in poveste kje lahko dobim optimalne nastavitve za KT7a/KT7a-RAID plošče?

ChiefThunder ::
v biosu nastav takole, sam vedi, da rabiš mal boljši ram, (cas2, pc133?...), drugače lahko pride do nestabilnosti...
speed error hold >> disbled (za navijat)
fast cpu command decode >> Fast
CPU drive strengt >> 2
Enchance chip performance >> Enabled
Force 4- way interleave >> Enabled
Enable Dram 4k- page mode >> Enabled
DRAM clock >> host CLK
Dram Bank Timing >> Turbo
Bank Interleaving >> 4-way
SDRAM cycle length >> 2
MD driving strenght >> HI
speed error hold >> disbled (za navijat)
fast cpu command decode >> Fast
CPU drive strengt >> 2
Enchance chip performance >> Enabled
Force 4- way interleave >> Enabled
Enable Dram 4k- page mode >> Enabled
DRAM clock >> host CLK
Dram Bank Timing >> Turbo
Bank Interleaving >> 4-way
SDRAM cycle length >> 2
MD driving strenght >> HI
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

Kriko ::
Prej sem pregledoval starejše teme in videl da si že prej nekomu pomagal z nastavitvami, in mu tudi poslal sliko. Zanima me če lahko kako snapshotam bios???
Hvala za nastavitve bom probal. Kaj samo te so pomembne?
Prej sem pregledoval starejše teme in videl da si že prej nekomu pomagal z nastavitvami, in mu tudi poslal sliko. Zanima me če lahko kako snapshotam bios???
Hvala za nastavitve bom probal. Kaj samo te so pomembne?

ChiefThunder ::
ja, te nekak najbolj pripomorejo k performasem, je še nekaj drugih, ki bi jih lahko spreminjal, sam niso bistvenega pomena. kokr jz vem, se snapshota biosa ne da nardit, mislim da je bilo tist slikan z dig. kamero.
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

Kriko ::
Ko sem kupoval računalnik pred dvema mesecema (Mlacom), sem izrecno naročil naj mi dajo v mašino taboljši ram, tudi če je dražji. Ker je še v garanciji se bojim odpirat zaradi kontrolne nalepke. Kako lahko drugače vidim kakšen ram so mi uturli?

ChiefThunder ::
jah, sj pomoje maš notr ram od microna, infineona, kar pač ma mlacom, kvalitetnega skratka. to bi ti moral na računu pisat, alpha pod download poglej za kakšen program, ki ti prepozna ram...
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

MUC ::
Kva to pomen:
CPU drive strengt >> 2
Kaj ej optimalno? 2 je na aredini, tako da je max 3 oz 0 .. kaj je bolš?
CPU drive strengt >> 2
Kaj ej optimalno? 2 je na aredini, tako da je max 3 oz 0 .. kaj je bolš?

Kriko ::
Hvala za stran. Prosim če mogoče veš za kako stran kjer opisuje optimalne nastavitve za KT7a?!

A.L.T. ::
chief, če naštima DRAM clock >> host CLK pol mu ram dela na 100MHz! moraš naštimat tisto drugo možnost (DRAM clock >> host CLK + PCI CLK al neki tazga je) in pol ti dela na 133MHz! Po moje se bolj splača met 133MHz in cas3, ker je vsaj po mojih izkušnjah 133MHz opazno hitrejše kot 100MHz, ta cas pa sam kakšen % poveča performanse...
Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it anyway.

ChiefThunder ::
Odvisno kakšen procesor ima; 100 ali 133mhz. Poleg tega se da na kt7a/raid naviti fsb na 133+, pač znižaš množilnik in povečaš fsb. Če ima noter kvaliteten ram (pc133 cas2), lahko brez problemov vklopi še cas2 za 133 frekvence+.
muc: 2 naj bi bilo za navečjo stabilnost
muc: 2 naj bi bilo za navečjo stabilnost
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

A.L.T. ::
chief, Tb (in duroni) majo FSB ekvivalentn 200MHz (100MHz x 2, ker je pac EV6 vodilo al neki tazga :) tak da lahko nastaviš tut na navadnem Tb (200MHz FSB) rame na 133! ne rabiš 266MHz Tb.. Se pa kr lepo čuti če daš z 100 na 133. Kiko, so zaklenjeni ja. Najbolj se splača malo z multiplierjem (če ga boš seveda odklenu) in malo z FSB. Za največjo stabilnost (teoretično, vendar je moj Tb 800 na 10x100 manj stabiln kot na 9x111!) samo z multiplijerjem, da ne navijaš še ostalih komponent, za največjo hitrost celotnega sistema pa prek FSB (ker pač naviješ tut agp, pci polek procesorja)
Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it anyway.

ChiefThunder ::
ah, sej vem to. stvar je uporabna za 100mhz proce na kt133 čipovju, za 133mhz pa dvomim, da bi ram deloval na 166mhz.
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

|KoRn| ::
ChiefThunder s temi nastavitvami, ki si jih podal prej (2. reply na to temo) se kvečjemu izgubi nekaj na hitrosti, kot pa pridobi, kar se tiče pa stabilnosti, pa ne morm povedat, da je blo nestabilno, ker je zgledal stabilno... Da argumentiram izjavo, da se zgubi na preformancah, dokaz je 3D Mark 2001, ki sem ga za foro pognal pred in po spremenjenih nastavitav, ter opazil padec za 200 pik, kar je pri mojem sistemu za hudih 10%

Freak on a leash!

morphling1 ::
Tiste nastavitve so ze dobre, saj ni velika umetnost vse nastavit na full, edino kar vidim ,da lahko pripelje do napake je hclock za nastavitev hitrosti rama, ker ce mas fsb na 100mhz je pametno da vklopis hclock + pci clock , to dela do 122 mhz za fsb (ram tu dela na 162mhz) ,naprej pa samo se hclock. Ker ce si zgubil 200 tock imam obcutek, da ti je v prvo ram delal na 133mhz potem pa 100. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Kriko ::
Hvala za nasvete!
Zdaj pa bi vprašal ,kako najlažje odkleneš TB 850. Kot sem prebral lahko samo povežeš mostičke z Grafitom (svinčnik), sam če razumem to tudi hitro izgine.
Kaj pa ram v biosu, kaj se mi najbolj splača in kje moram popravit. Kje vidim če mi ram dela z 133 Mhz!!
Zdaj pa bi vprašal ,kako najlažje odkleneš TB 850. Kot sem prebral lahko samo povežeš mostičke z Grafitom (svinčnik), sam če razumem to tudi hitro izgine.
Kaj pa ram v biosu, kaj se mi najbolj splača in kje moram popravit. Kje vidim če mi ram dela z 133 Mhz!!

BoO ::
Vse o KT7(A, ...).
In še povzetek:
What are the optimum BIOS settings?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions and yet one of the most difficult to answer, as it is extremely dependent on the configuration of your machine. If there was a single answer to this question then AWARD and ABIT would not need to provide all those options! You really need to experiment on your machine, using some of the benchmarking programs described in How can I test my new machine? on the miscellaneous page until you find the settings that are both the most stable and fastest for you.
However, if you still expect an answer to this question, I suggest you do all of the following (these comments based on the ZTB01 BIOS):
Reboot the machine and hit Del to enter the BIOS, then...
First, enter every page of the BIOS and hit F7 to use ABIT's optimised default settings
Next, read the question How do I optimise my BIOS settings for my RAM? on the memory page, and use the settings as advised there to optimise your memory
In SoftMenuIII either set your correct CPU speed, or choose User Define and then choose the FSB and Multiplier settings you wish in order to overclock your processor (see overclocking page)
In SoftMenuIII set: Fast CPU Command Decode to Fast
Enhance Chip Performance to Enabled (but disable if you experience CDRW problems)
Force 4-way Interleave to Enabled
Enable Dram 4k-page Mode to Enabled
DRAM Clock as HCLK + PCICLK (if you have PC133 SDRAM and an FSB of 100MHz)
DRAM Clock as Host CLK (if you have PC100 SDRAM and an FSB of 100MHz, or if you have PC133 SDRAM and an FSB of 133MHz on KT7A/KT7A-RAID)
In Standard CMOS Features: Auto detect your IDE devices as required
In Advanced BIOS Features set: boot devices as required
Video BIOS Shadow to Enabled (but Disabled may be required for stability)
In Advanced Chipset Features set: Memory settings as described in How do I optimise my BIOS settings for my RAM?
Fast R-W Turnaround to Enabled
AGP4x Mode to Enabled
Fast Write Supported to Enable
K7 CLK_CTL to Default (for USB stability - use Optimal if no USB devices)
AGP Master 1 WS Write to Enable
AGP Master 1 WS Read to Enable
Note: for BIOS ZT and 3C only: Abit have by default disabled Enable "Delay Transaction" and "PCI Master Read
Caching" in "Advanced Chipset Features". Although this helps resolve issues of corrupted large file transfers with the Soundblaster soundcard, it has a tendency to introduce other errors (disk, DVD and CDRW related) in the system. So, unless you have experienced the Soundblaster problem, I advise that you enable these two options. Some users also experience hard drive error messages or a "Blue Screen of Death" after flashing to the ZT (and possibly 3C) BIOS. This can usually be resolved by setting the "PCI master time-out" to "0" in the "Advanced Chipset Features".
Save and exit the BIOS
Now test your machine as described in How can I test my new machine? on the miscellaneous page. If your machine is stable then you can probably sit back and relax. If not, you'll need to relax some of these settings until you find which settings are causing instability.
The above settings seem best for my machine. If you have better settings than this, please email me. I don't want to hear from you if these settings make your machine unstable - that's life!
In še povzetek:
What are the optimum BIOS settings?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions and yet one of the most difficult to answer, as it is extremely dependent on the configuration of your machine. If there was a single answer to this question then AWARD and ABIT would not need to provide all those options! You really need to experiment on your machine, using some of the benchmarking programs described in How can I test my new machine? on the miscellaneous page until you find the settings that are both the most stable and fastest for you.
However, if you still expect an answer to this question, I suggest you do all of the following (these comments based on the ZTB01 BIOS):
Reboot the machine and hit Del to enter the BIOS, then...
First, enter every page of the BIOS and hit F7 to use ABIT's optimised default settings
Next, read the question How do I optimise my BIOS settings for my RAM? on the memory page, and use the settings as advised there to optimise your memory
In SoftMenuIII either set your correct CPU speed, or choose User Define and then choose the FSB and Multiplier settings you wish in order to overclock your processor (see overclocking page)
In SoftMenuIII set: Fast CPU Command Decode to Fast
Enhance Chip Performance to Enabled (but disable if you experience CDRW problems)
Force 4-way Interleave to Enabled
Enable Dram 4k-page Mode to Enabled
DRAM Clock as HCLK + PCICLK (if you have PC133 SDRAM and an FSB of 100MHz)
DRAM Clock as Host CLK (if you have PC100 SDRAM and an FSB of 100MHz, or if you have PC133 SDRAM and an FSB of 133MHz on KT7A/KT7A-RAID)
In Standard CMOS Features: Auto detect your IDE devices as required
In Advanced BIOS Features set: boot devices as required
Video BIOS Shadow to Enabled (but Disabled may be required for stability)
In Advanced Chipset Features set: Memory settings as described in How do I optimise my BIOS settings for my RAM?
Fast R-W Turnaround to Enabled
AGP4x Mode to Enabled
Fast Write Supported to Enable
K7 CLK_CTL to Default (for USB stability - use Optimal if no USB devices)
AGP Master 1 WS Write to Enable
AGP Master 1 WS Read to Enable
Note: for BIOS ZT and 3C only: Abit have by default disabled Enable "Delay Transaction" and "PCI Master Read
Caching" in "Advanced Chipset Features". Although this helps resolve issues of corrupted large file transfers with the Soundblaster soundcard, it has a tendency to introduce other errors (disk, DVD and CDRW related) in the system. So, unless you have experienced the Soundblaster problem, I advise that you enable these two options. Some users also experience hard drive error messages or a "Blue Screen of Death" after flashing to the ZT (and possibly 3C) BIOS. This can usually be resolved by setting the "PCI master time-out" to "0" in the "Advanced Chipset Features".
Save and exit the BIOS
Now test your machine as described in How can I test my new machine? on the miscellaneous page. If your machine is stable then you can probably sit back and relax. If not, you'll need to relax some of these settings until you find which settings are causing instability.
The above settings seem best for my machine. If you have better settings than this, please email me. I don't want to hear from you if these settings make your machine unstable - that's life!
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