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Zakaj imajo eni probleme z 133mhz fsb na kt133a.

Zakaj imajo eni probleme z 133mhz fsb na kt133a.

morphling1 ::

Evo za tiste ki ne morete naviti svojih plat stabilno ali kakor koli na fsb 133mhz
Ta novica je povzeta iz www.overclockers.com ker lahko preberete se ostalo
to pa je bistvo:

. . . there are now some reports that a manufacturing problem has surfaced with the KT133A chipset. Reportedly, all chipsets shipped since April are unable to operate reliably at 133MHz, causing VIA to offer to reimburse motherboard makers the difference in price between the KT133 and KT133A. Some motherboards with these bad chipsets have apparently been shipped, but VIA may have dodged a bullet due to the industry slowdown. Many of the larger manufacturers seem to have a lot of inventory, so most of the newly manufactured boards had not yet hit the street before the problem was discovered. Unfortunately, these motherboard makers are not happy that they now have a large stock of boards that cannot be sold for what they cost to make, so the offer by VIA is not good enough, and VIA likely does not have the funds to pay for actual losses.

Zal mi je vseh ,ki ste si razbijali glave zakaj ne gre na 133 in kupovali hitrejse rame , ves cas je bil pa problem v defektnem chipsetu.
Upam da boste sli na servis in uveljavili garancijo ter dobili nove plate.
AtaStrumf upam da beres to, ker vem ,da si imel tocno te probleme
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

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