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ojoj PHP nuke

MatiZZZ ::
verzijo 7.4 sm upgrejdu v 7.5 in kaj se je nardil....nism več administrator, oziroma sem vendar nimam nobenih dovoljenj...nč ni v administraciji razn logoff....ostali admini pa so pobrisani.
kaj nej nardim??? men se bo zrolal...a se da to kej v mysql adminu nastavit???
aja to je napisal k sm upgrejdu
PHP-Nuke Update finished!
Please note that if you had more than one administrator on your system, you need to reasing all of them to the right modules. This upgrade didn't make the change for you for practical reasons, anyway it should not take long time. Thanks for understanding and sorry for this inconvenient...
You should now delete this upgrade file from your server.
moj portal na
kaj nej nardim??? men se bo zrolal...a se da to kej v mysql adminu nastavit???
aja to je napisal k sm upgrejdu
PHP-Nuke Update finished!
Please note that if you had more than one administrator on your system, you need to reasing all of them to the right modules. This upgrade didn't make the change for you for practical reasons, anyway it should not take long time. Thanks for understanding and sorry for this inconvenient...
You should now delete this upgrade file from your server.
moj portal na
[size=24][color=#FF0000][b]BOLI TE QURAC ITAQ SMA NA MORJI!!![/b][/color][/size]
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