Forum » Kaj kupiti » Kdo pri nas prodaja Asus V9999GE
Kdo pri nas prodaja Asus V9999GE

Dr_M ::
neki cudna ULTRA je tole, glede na to, da je ze referencni GT precej hitrejsi.
uf...sele zdele sm opazu neki....
Let’s now go over to the technical characteristics of the V9999 Gamer Edition. As you know, the original GeForce 6800 clocks the graphics memory at 350 (700DDR) MHz, and this greatly impedes it in high resolutions and/or with full-screen anti-aliasing. ASUS solved this problem in the simplest, but not the cheapest way: the needle heatsink of the V9999 GE covers eight chips of GDDR3 memory from Samsung with an access time of 2.0ns. The memory amounts to 256MB in total, like in the top-end members of the 6800 family (for comparison: the standard GeForce 6800 comes with 128MB of DDR SDRAM). The memory on the V9999 GE is clocked at its rated frequency, 500 (1000DDR) MHz. The core clock rate is also slightly pulled up – 350MHz instead of the original 325MHz. Overall, the V9999 GE from ASUS resembles the GeForce 6800 GT – in the design of the PCB and cooling system as well as in the clock rates of the GPU and memory. The fundamental difference between the two is in the number of pixel pipelines: all 16 pipelines are working in the GeForce 6800 GT, while the ASUS V9999 GE has only 12 pipelines enabled. ASUS claims their version of the GeForce 6800 is more than 25% faster than the original, and we’re going to check this out in our today’s test session.
uf...sele zdele sm opazu neki....
Let’s now go over to the technical characteristics of the V9999 Gamer Edition. As you know, the original GeForce 6800 clocks the graphics memory at 350 (700DDR) MHz, and this greatly impedes it in high resolutions and/or with full-screen anti-aliasing. ASUS solved this problem in the simplest, but not the cheapest way: the needle heatsink of the V9999 GE covers eight chips of GDDR3 memory from Samsung with an access time of 2.0ns. The memory amounts to 256MB in total, like in the top-end members of the 6800 family (for comparison: the standard GeForce 6800 comes with 128MB of DDR SDRAM). The memory on the V9999 GE is clocked at its rated frequency, 500 (1000DDR) MHz. The core clock rate is also slightly pulled up – 350MHz instead of the original 325MHz. Overall, the V9999 GE from ASUS resembles the GeForce 6800 GT – in the design of the PCB and cooling system as well as in the clock rates of the GPU and memory. The fundamental difference between the two is in the number of pixel pipelines: all 16 pipelines are working in the GeForce 6800 GT, while the ASUS V9999 GE has only 12 pipelines enabled. ASUS claims their version of the GeForce 6800 is more than 25% faster than the original, and we’re going to check this out in our today’s test session.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()

Dr_M ::
dvomim, da se nakup tele kartice splaca, glede na to, da stane isto kot 6800GT.
sicer graficna je solidna, samo bi mogla bit kr precej cenejsa, da bi biu nakup racionalen.
Thus, the single but fundamental disadvantage of the ASUS V9999 Gamer Edition is its price. According to, this gorgeous graphics card will cost you something like $410-420. The ordinary GeForce 6800 GT – with all sixteen pixel pipelines in operation – is priced at the same level. For comparison: the ordinary GeForce 6800 costs from $269 to $355. That’s cheaper, of course, but ASUS’ product is kind of unique, and you always have to pay more for things exclusive.
Thus, people who are targeting the $270-350 price range won’t afford the V9999 Gamer Edition, while those who are considering top-end NV40-based products will probably look at the GeForce 6800 GT. As for the RADEON X800 PRO, it costs $380 and more, according to
sicer graficna je solidna, samo bi mogla bit kr precej cenejsa, da bi biu nakup racionalen.
Thus, the single but fundamental disadvantage of the ASUS V9999 Gamer Edition is its price. According to, this gorgeous graphics card will cost you something like $410-420. The ordinary GeForce 6800 GT – with all sixteen pixel pipelines in operation – is priced at the same level. For comparison: the ordinary GeForce 6800 costs from $269 to $355. That’s cheaper, of course, but ASUS’ product is kind of unique, and you always have to pay more for things exclusive.
Thus, people who are targeting the $270-350 price range won’t afford the V9999 Gamer Edition, while those who are considering top-end NV40-based products will probably look at the GeForce 6800 GT. As for the RADEON X800 PRO, it costs $380 and more, according to
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

cosmos ::
Ja verjetno mas prau
sem mal gledu po geizhalsu in se jo da nabavt za 360-390 Eurov, problem je v tem da med tistimi, ki pošiljajo v SLO, ni poštnine za manj kot 45 eurov
, ker je kot kaže SLO še vedno vojno področje.
Lahko pa mirno naročiš zadevo na Finsko v barako, kjer so edini sosedje v radiju 100km, čreda jelenov in mogoče še kakšen jeti, za borih 24 Eurov, go figure
sem mal gledu po geizhalsu in se jo da nabavt za 360-390 Eurov, problem je v tem da med tistimi, ki pošiljajo v SLO, ni poštnine za manj kot 45 eurov

Lahko pa mirno naročiš zadevo na Finsko v barako, kjer so edini sosedje v radiju 100km, čreda jelenov in mogoče še kakšen jeti, za borih 24 Eurov, go figure

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cosmos ()

cosmos ::
Aja se kaj obeta kakšno znižanje, recimo Leadtek GT kartic, kakšne informacije o bližajoči se akciji, recimo pri JAE?
Še vedno se mi namreč ne zdi smiselno kupiti grafične za več kot 100k sit, po drugi strani pa je precej razlike med navadno/le 6800ko al pa če maš tako z 256MB DDR3 rama.
Aja pa še to, a pri JAE vejo kaj, kar Asus ne ve, oz. zakaj pri njih piše da ma Asus V9999 GT/TD DDR3 ram na Asus strani pa da ma navaden ram.
Ker mogoče se bi tisto kartico za 92k sit splačal vzet če ma res DDR3 ram gor, četudi le 128MB
Še vedno se mi namreč ne zdi smiselno kupiti grafične za več kot 100k sit, po drugi strani pa je precej razlike med navadno/le 6800ko al pa če maš tako z 256MB DDR3 rama.
Aja pa še to, a pri JAE vejo kaj, kar Asus ne ve, oz. zakaj pri njih piše da ma Asus V9999 GT/TD DDR3 ram na Asus strani pa da ma navaden ram.
Ker mogoče se bi tisto kartico za 92k sit splačal vzet če ma res DDR3 ram gor, četudi le 128MB
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cosmos ()
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