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GeForce 6600

GeForce 6600

Overclockers Australia - Na letošnji id Software QuakeCon LAN zabavi bo nVidia predstavila svojo novo kartico iz 6xxx serije, ki so jo poimenovali GeForce 6600 (NV43). Kartica bo na voljo v dveh izvedbah in sicer 6600 ter 6600 GT, ki bo imela podporo za SLI (Scan Line Interleaving) tehnologijo. Več informacij dobite na Overclockers Australia.

9 komentarjev

Tr0n ::

Ah, na zahtevo nVidije so morali odstranit clanek. Lahko kr brisete novico :).


je imel kdo kam shranjeno to ?

oh dobri google :)


Zum einen als “stinknormale” 6600 mit einem Chiptakt von 300 MHz+ und DDR/DDR-II und zum anderen als „altbekannte“ 6600 GT mit einem Takt von 500 MHz für den Chip und den GDDR-3 Speicher. Der Rest der Spezifikationen deckt sich mit den bisher bekannten Details: 0.11µ @ TSMC, 8 Pixelpipelines, 4 Vertex Shader Units und Support für das Shader-Model 3.0. Neu hinzugekommen ist lediglich die Unterstützung des SLI-Protokolls, welches den Betrieb von zwei Grafikkarten ermöglicht in einem PC erlaubt.

oh to bo samo za PCI-E !!!



The GeForce 6600 is going to be the new mid-range product. Combine the strong and full shader power of the Series 6800 with a cut down pipeline and slower memory and there it is, a price competitive product range.

Let's have a look at what we can expect, in the new GeForce 6600 range we will see two product initially, namely a GeForce 6600 and a GeForce 6600 GT. Both cards will have 8 pixel pipes and shall be equipped with 128-bit memory. The GT version is of course slightly faster but here's an interesting fact, it will also be SLI compatible. Well, you might as well buy a high-end 6800 then but still ...

GeForce 6600GT cards come with a 500 MHz clock rate, 128-bit (GDDR3, 128 MB) and will cost $200, GeForce 6600 with 128-bit bus (GDDR, 128 MB) will cost $150. According to preliminary results and unconfirmed tests GeForce 6600GT performs 20% better than RADEON 9800XT.

We can also see the GeForce 6800 LE in the new line-up. Basically the LE is the low cost version in the high-end 6800 series yet castrated with 8 pixel pipelines and a 320/650 MHz frequency for core/memory. The LE is an OEM product and already shipping btw. I already received an email from a reader who was offering his 6800 LE to us for a review if he received a 6800 Ultra in return. No way !

Let's place the 6x00 products in a little overview:

Model Pipes Memory bus width
6800 Ultra 16 256-bit
6800 GT 16 256-bit
6800 12 256-bit
6800 LE 8 256-bit

6600 GT 8 128-bit
6600 8 128-bit

userc ::

to bi znalo bit v SLI nacinu kr svinjsko hitro!

Crimson_Shadow ::

Khm, khm, in kje so AGP grafične?

Tr0n ::

Ja logicno da PCI-E. To tak majo zdaj vse plate.

AtaStrumf ::

GeForce6800 LE??? To je pa malo čudno, ponavadi so imeli Radeoni LE končnico, GeForce pa XT.

A kdo kaj ve o ATi X600 in X300. Jae jih ima kar na ceniku, pa še nisem nikjer zasledil testov. A sem kaj prespal?

dxx ::

Hvala bogu še nekej za tiste z malo manj denarja!:))

RC14 ::

Doom 3 na 1024x768 pri 4-kratnem mehčanju robov in 8-kratnem anizotropnem filtriranju s 45 sličicami na sekundo.

To zelo dvomim saj ima (128bitno vodilo) , ja mogoče zelo optimiziran za doom 3, kaj pa druge igre??


Suli ::

Dobri izdelki nVidie. Ampak od kod naj dobim denar za nakup Matične plošče z dvema PCI-Express vodiloma, DDR2 pomnilnik in Nov P4 procesor. :\

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