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Fallout tactics

Fallout tactics

Dami ::

Z falloutom sn se tokrat prvič srečal, imam pa izkušnje z vsemi x-comi in jagged alliance. Prosu bi, če mi svetujete kako začet (kir folk zbrat pa kulk) in kako ste vi izbrali playerje.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

gorenc ::

jazst sem pa ravni iz nasprotnega tabora; preigral ogromno frpjk (se posebej fallout1&2)
bom ti kar posredoval splosne izkusnje igralcev iz vsega sveta in neka splosna navodila;

For all you Fallout people:
Much as Icewind Dale was the combat version of Baldur's Gate, so this
is the combat version of Fallout. Your silly skills like science,
repair, and whatnot have little place here. You're much better off
picking skills that allow you to be killin' stuff, so to speak.

For all you Laser Squad/XCOM/Jagged Alliance people:
This is a lot more RPG than you've ever had before. Imagine; you can
actually see the amount of experience you've got, and pick the skills
you want to increase when you level! Because of this customization,
You shouldn't 'throw away' soldiers on suicide missions, as some of
the games listed above need you to do. It's much better to go
cautiously and retreat crippled soldiers from the field of battle.

As this game is made for killing, I naturally have some suggestions on
how to make a killer character. We want you to excel at the death-
dealing on high levels, so I suggest working towards the 'sniper'
and/or 'slayer' perks. On the way you should take Bonus Rate of Fire
(or Bonus HtH if Slayer), Bonus Ranged/HtH Damage (again, depending on
Sniper or Slayer), More Criticals, Better Criticals, and Sharpshooter
(if Sniper). If you can't get these, take Action Boy (essential if
you don't have max agil), Educated, Flexible, Gain (statistic), Swift
Learner, Packrat, Strong Back, Ranger, Flexible, or Explorer.

Bonus moves perk is useless in CTB mode. Duh! I made a
slayer type char with this thinking he'd close in faster when I
started with TB mode. But in CTB, nothing seems to change.

However, some of these perks have nasty attribute Requirements, which
is a good reason why you should take Gifted. I also suggest Fast Shot,
as Fast Shot and Bonus Rate of Fire means that it costs 2 points to
fire a weapon; with 10 action points, that's 5 shots a round. Keep in mind
that targetted shots, which is what you lose for taking fast shot, can be
mighty useful because they give you an increased chance of critical hit, so
it's really a trade-off; you get more shots, but you don't have a chance to
take more effective shots.

I suggest the following attributes (with Gifted on):

ST 6 (8 if a Slayer)
PE 8 (absolute minimum 8 if a sniper)
EN 6
CH 5 (more is helpful)
IN 6 (absolute minimum 6 if a sniper)
AG 10(absolute minimum 8 if a sniper or slayer)
LK 6 (for all those critical-based skills)

to je v grobem vse, trenutno igram 6. misijo in soliram.

kockish ::

Prvi lik:
ST 6
PE 8
CH 2
IN 9
AG 9
ostalo po zelji
Fast Shot
Tag skills:
Small Guns
Big Guns
Energy Weapons

Ker je bistvo igre v boju, se to najbolj izplaca. Pol pa itak dobis se druge, ki imajo, kar prvi lik nima. (repair, drive, doctor/first aid, traps, throwing...)

kockish ::

Aja, trenutno sem nekje pri 16. misiji (zadnji bunker).

Se enkrat pravim, da se karizme ne splaca dat na vec kot 2. Ni nobene koristi. Navaden Fallout2 sem 4x dokoncal s karizno 4, tip pa predlaga da si v fallout tactics dam karizmo na 5 ali vec ?!

gorenc ::

aja ker sem se za soliranje odlocil ze na zacetku, te mogoce zanimajo moje statistike;

ST 5
PE 9
EN 6
CH 4
IN 9
AG 8
LK 6

TRAITS; gifted in finesse
SKILLS; small guns, energy guns, big guns

igram na stopnji normal in zaenkrat brez vecjih problemov. Problem predstavlja predvsem premajhen nahrbtnik, odsotnost vecjih oklepov in ker sem snajperist - SE NOBENE SNAJPER PUSKE NISEM DOBIL!!

Dami ::

Hvala za pomoč. Gorenc, tist text k si ga skopiru že mam, 10x anyway. No, svoj lik sn že kreiru in končal prvo misijo brez problemov tak da upam da bo naprej tu šlo:)
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

kockish ::

Na zacetku imas Hunting Rifle (range: 40), kasneje dobis Sniper Rifle (range: 50), proti koncu pa se energetska orozjo z dolgim dometom (laser 45, gauss 50).

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo


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