Tom's Hardware - Na THG so spisali zanimiv članek, v katerem se lotevajo analize ene od bolj izpostavljenih novih funkcij, aplikacije Windows System Assessment Tool, ki v Visti skrbi za analizo glavnih komponent v sistemu. Zapreže jih v določene testne programe, vsaki posebej določi oceno in potem iz vseh določi še skupno oceno sistema. Avtor članka si je delovanje testov bolj podrobno ogledal ter jih poskusil primerjati z običajnimi, bolj transparentnimi benchmarki, da bi ugotovil, če bi Vistina ocena sistema lahko predstavljala relevanten podatek, na katerega se bo možno zanesti.
Izvorni članek.
Novice » Ostala programska oprema » Je benchmark v Visti dovolj dober?

darkolord ::
Mnja, sej je jasno, da WEI ni direkt primerljiv z benchmarki - če ne drugega, tudi zaradi tega, ker je vse "izmerjene" lastnosti treba združit v eno številko, ki mora biti vsaj glede razreda primerljiva z rezultati testa ostalih komponent (tako da lahko na primer takoj vidiš, da je grafična kartica "najpočasnejša" komponenta v tvojem računalniku) - drugje AFAIK tega ni.
Poleg tega se šteje tudi prisotnost določenih featurjev (recimo DX9 pri grafikuljah).
WEI ne pove veliko o dejanskih performansah hardvera, pove pa precej o tem, kako je računalnik sposoben poganjati določene zadeve (poudarek je jasno na Windows).
Pomoje je precej handy zadevca. Večina ljudi recimo sploh ne ve, kakšen hardware ima - "System requirements" na škatli softvera jim tako ne pomeni kaj dosti. "WEI 5.0" je lahko recimo precej bolj... jasen
Poleg tega se šteje tudi prisotnost določenih featurjev (recimo DX9 pri grafikuljah).
WEI ne pove veliko o dejanskih performansah hardvera, pove pa precej o tem, kako je računalnik sposoben poganjati določene zadeve (poudarek je jasno na Windows).
Pomoje je precej handy zadevca. Večina ljudi recimo sploh ne ve, kakšen hardware ima - "System requirements" na škatli softvera jim tako ne pomeni kaj dosti. "WEI 5.0" je lahko recimo precej bolj... jasen

Smorny ::
Večina laik userjev je über ponosna, da imajo grafično s 256/512 MB rama, pa čeprav je ta iz najnižje klase, prav tako pri ramu ipd.
Motiti se je človeško.
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!

Matek ::
Mnja, sej je jasno, da WEI ni direkt primerljiv z benchmarki - če ne drugega, tudi zaradi tega, ker je vse "izmerjene" lastnosti treba združit v eno številko, ki mora biti vsaj glede razreda primerljiva z rezultati testa ostalih komponent (tako da lahko na primer takoj vidiš, da je grafična kartica "najpočasnejša" komponenta v tvojem računalniku) - drugje AFAIK tega ni.
Darko, vem kaj hoces reci, ampak IMHO je z dolocenega vidika se vedno vazno, kaj testira WEI. Se strinjam s tabo, stvar ni direktno primerljiva z benchmarki, nihce ne pricakuje kirurske natancnosti in primernosti za direktno testiranje. Ampak mislim, da ce bi recimo ena kartica dobila v 3DMarku, Aquamarku in par najpopularnejsih spilih visje tocke/FPSje od neke druge kartice, potem pa bi Vista zanjo namerila drugacen, nizji rezultat (tak zajetno drugacen) potem tisti benchmark sistem v visti ne bi bil kul.
Darko, vem kaj hoces reci, ampak IMHO je z dolocenega vidika se vedno vazno, kaj testira WEI. Se strinjam s tabo, stvar ni direktno primerljiva z benchmarki, nihce ne pricakuje kirurske natancnosti in primernosti za direktno testiranje. Ampak mislim, da ce bi recimo ena kartica dobila v 3DMarku, Aquamarku in par najpopularnejsih spilih visje tocke/FPSje od neke druge kartice, potem pa bi Vista zanjo namerila drugacen, nizji rezultat (tak zajetno drugacen) potem tisti benchmark sistem v visti ne bi bil kul.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

bluefish ::
Copy-Paste zaključka članka:
Microsoft's Windows Experience Index is a benchmarking solution built into Windows Vista that can be used to estimate whether a hardware component will be powerful enough to run particular software, or if a software product you intend to buy will run on your system. We definitely recommend spending some time on the WEI, as we expect it to appear on more and more retail products. Products that rate at 5 or higher can definitely be called upper mainstream or high-end, though we recommend against trusting only the WEI. However, the index is intentionally called the Windows Experience Index, not the computer or component experience index. It reflects components' ability to run Windows Vista and their support for the latest features, but it is by no means a replacement for traditional benchmarking.
We found substantial differences when comparing the Windows Experience Indices for different processors and graphics cards. If you only looked at the Windows Experience Index, you could end up purchasing a product which will not satisfy your requirements! Vista rated all of our graphics cards at high scores of 4.5 and up, meaning that they supposedly are suitable to run 3D game graphics, but as our game and 3DMark results show, this is absolutely wrong.
The same applies to processors: depending on your application, a dual or quad core processor can effectively double or quadruple performance. The index rates state-of-the-art processors at level 5, while even a three year old processor received a rating level of 4. It may be powerful enough to run Windows, but as soon as you have application requirements, the only way to find an appropriate product is to compare more benchmark results.
Clearly, the Windows Experience Index is welcome, because it helps provide a general impression on of component and system performance and capabilities. It cannot, however, replace traditional benchmarking, due to its limited benchmarking horizon.
Microsoft's Windows Experience Index is a benchmarking solution built into Windows Vista that can be used to estimate whether a hardware component will be powerful enough to run particular software, or if a software product you intend to buy will run on your system. We definitely recommend spending some time on the WEI, as we expect it to appear on more and more retail products. Products that rate at 5 or higher can definitely be called upper mainstream or high-end, though we recommend against trusting only the WEI. However, the index is intentionally called the Windows Experience Index, not the computer or component experience index. It reflects components' ability to run Windows Vista and their support for the latest features, but it is by no means a replacement for traditional benchmarking.
We found substantial differences when comparing the Windows Experience Indices for different processors and graphics cards. If you only looked at the Windows Experience Index, you could end up purchasing a product which will not satisfy your requirements! Vista rated all of our graphics cards at high scores of 4.5 and up, meaning that they supposedly are suitable to run 3D game graphics, but as our game and 3DMark results show, this is absolutely wrong.
The same applies to processors: depending on your application, a dual or quad core processor can effectively double or quadruple performance. The index rates state-of-the-art processors at level 5, while even a three year old processor received a rating level of 4. It may be powerful enough to run Windows, but as soon as you have application requirements, the only way to find an appropriate product is to compare more benchmark results.
Clearly, the Windows Experience Index is welcome, because it helps provide a general impression on of component and system performance and capabilities. It cannot, however, replace traditional benchmarking, due to its limited benchmarking horizon.

darkolord ::
Treba se je zavedati, da rezultat "2.5" ne pomeni, da je zadeva dvakrat počasnejša od tiste z rezultatom "5.0".
Pa kar nekaj komponent na njihovem testu je doseglo rezultat 5.9 in se lahko pričakuje, da bo v prihodnosti njihov rezultat čez 6... (in s tem tudi večje številčne razlike pri enakih primerjavah)
Pa kar nekaj komponent na njihovem testu je doseglo rezultat 5.9 in se lahko pričakuje, da bo v prihodnosti njihov rezultat čez 6... (in s tem tudi večje številčne razlike pri enakih primerjavah)
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- spremenilo: darkolord ()
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