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Test kodekov 2004

Test kodekov 2004

Doom9.org - Leto dni je že preteklo od zadnjega testa kodekov na Doom9.org in čas je že bil, da so pripravili novega. Tokrat so si nasproti stali naslednji kodeki:
  • 3ivX D4 4.5.2fc8 (ki bo izdan kot 3ivX 5.0),
  • DivX Fusion 5.9 (uradno še ni izdan),
  • HDX4 1.4 (uradno še ni izdan),
  • Microsoft WMV9 VCM,
  • NeroDigital AVC Main Profile,
  • NeroDigital AVC High Profile,
  • On2 VP6 version (uradno še ni izdan),
  • RealNetworks RealVideo 10,
  • Videosoft Codec Pro 2.2. in
  • XviD 1.1,
ki so se bojevali pri kodiranju Matrice Revolutions, Reševanja vojaka Ryana in druge sezone Futurame. Kot najhitrejši so se izkazali XviD, 3ivX (podobno hitra) in HDX4 (malenkost hitrejši). Skupno je bil prepričljivi zmagovalec AVC, tesno za petami pa mu sledi XviD. Klik!

4 komentarji

Dr_M ::

pozabl napisat, da je zmagu AVC kodek :)

Ateme's NeroDigital AVC codecs really impressed me. The Main Profile encoder is already available to every Recode user, and thus a very good AVC implementation is already publicly available. Considering that AVC was only ratified in spring 2003 (and only became an ISO standard in December 2003), and that 1.5 years later we already have a fast encoder that delivers good quality, that's quite a step ahead from how long it took MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 to make that step. The High Profile codec left a very slightly better impression, but I cannot shake the feeling that I just expected more. But, not all of the features of the High Profile have been integrated yet, and considering that the profile has just been ratified in November 04, I guess I cannot expect too much right now (though still, it's the best codec I've tested).

Finally, XviD, one year after taking the crown, had to give it back. It would've won again, if it were not for ateme's AVC codecs. So, if you make DVD backups now that need to work on a standalone or slower machine, XviD is still a very good option, but I guess we'll see AVC capable decoder chips in 2005.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

McHusch ::

Hvala, dodano. :8)

BaRtMaN ::

Zanimivo, zanimivo. Me veseli, da je Xvid še naprej v samem vrhu.

gumby ::

imho bo xvid se vedno ostal na vrhu. vsaj dokler ne bo hardware podpore za nero kodeke

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Sedem kodekov pod drobnogledom

Oddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema
262590 (2120) Mavrik

Hitrost kodiranja - XviD, DivX

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
61497 (1341) podtalje

Primerjava kodekov

Oddelek: Novice / Optične enote / mediji
93234 (3234) Freelancer

NeroDigital - nov codec

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
92998 (2712) pivmik

Najboljši kodek za dv-divx

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
61487 (1331) potepuh

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