Tisto, kar je ostalo od obširne najave procesorjev GF4
Guru 3D - X-bit labsi so pred kratkim napisali izjemno podrobno novico o prihajajočih Nvidiinih procesorjih GeForce 4. Izgleda, da celo preveč podrobno, saj je Nvidia zahtevala, da novico nemudoma odstranijo. Na internetu gotovo obstajajo strani, ki so novico skopirale, vendar pa so zaradi strahu pred Nvidio tudi te večinoma odstranile "sporno" besedilo. Ostane nam samo še Guru3D, ki je objavil povzetek, ki pa je zaradi umika originalnega članka tako dragocen, da ga bom kar prekopiral. Pravi naslednje:
So, the new NVIDIA graphics chip, just like GeForce3, will be manufactured with 0.15micron technology. However, the number of transistors used in it will reach 63 million, and the working frequency will be increased up to 300MHz. Here the natural question arises: how on earth NVIDIA managed to increase the chip working frequency so greatly without shifting to a new finer manufacturing technology, especially since NV25 should be more architecturally complex than GeForce3? The answer to this...
So, the new NVIDIA graphics chip, just like GeForce3, will be manufactured with 0.15micron technology. However, the number of transistors used in it will reach 63 million, and the working frequency will be increased up to 300MHz. Here the natural question arises: how on earth NVIDIA managed to increase the chip working frequency so greatly without shifting to a new finer manufacturing technology, especially since NV25 should be more architecturally complex than GeForce3? The answer to this...