GAIM 2.0.0 prihaja
Source Forge - Včeraj je luč sveta ugledala najnovejša verzija GAIMa, poleg mirande enega najpopularnejših odprtokodnih instant messaging programov. Na verzijo 2.0.0 bo sicer treba počakati še kak mesec, uporabnikom pa je že na voljo prva beta verzija, ki zaenkrat izgleda precej stabilno. V primeru, da se jo boste namenili preizkušat, raje za vsak slučaj shranite nastavitve v direktoriju .gaim. SourceForge ima te dni probleme z dostopnostjo, tako da lahko zadnji CVS build poiščete tukaj.
Again, this is a beta release and should not be used by those with a heart condition, if you are pregnant, or if you are under the age of 8. Side-effects include awesomeness, dumbfoundedness, dry mouth and lava. Consult your doctor to find out if Gaim 2.0.0beta1 is right for you.
Again, this is a beta release and should not be used by those with a heart condition, if you are pregnant, or if you are under the age of 8. Side-effects include awesomeness, dumbfoundedness, dry mouth and lava. Consult your doctor to find out if Gaim 2.0.0beta1 is right for you.