Forum » Kaj kupiti » xgi graficne kartice
xgi graficne kartice

klemen32 ::
ze kdo kaj ve ali se bo to pri nas prodajalo mene zelo zanima ker j bi kupil eno od xgi-jevih kartic.hvala za odgovore!
- premaknil iz Pomoč in nasveti: gkovac ()

Dr_M ::
ko bodo, pa nc prej. ce se pa splaca kupit, pa nevem se... za1x nc ne kaze dobr.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

So že.....xgi volari V8 duo ....samo je cena zasoljena...110 čukov. Sem jo danes zasledu v eni spletni štacuni. mal poglej v temi kaj kupiti in une trgovine. Sem v eni izmed tistih vidu to.
Go with the flow.

klemen32 ::
aja samoa si gledal slovenski cenik ker ta kartica ti si jo omenil ti( OZZI) je njihova najzmoglivejsa pa ce mi lahko poves kje si to gledal prosim

Dr_M ::
110k sit za graficno, ki se ne more primerjat niti z fx5700ultra...

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

klemen32 ::
aja ker model kartice ze ce si mislil duo v8 ki ima dva procesorja in je po testih na tistrosti radeona 9700 pro vsaj tri teste sem gledal na tom"s hardware pa se nekje tko da upam da ne bo tako drago,ce imas se kj novega pa povej

Dr_M ::
za zacetek si tole poglej.
pa nadaljuj s tem
nevem kje si ti dubu ksno primerjavo z r9700pro, ce pa zaostaja celo za fx5600 za 110k sit, dubis ze 5x hitrejso graficno, bodisi 9800xt bodisi fx5950.
pa nadaljuj s tem
nevem kje si ti dubu ksno primerjavo z r9700pro, ce pa zaostaja celo za fx5600 za 110k sit, dubis ze 5x hitrejso graficno, bodisi 9800xt bodisi fx5950.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

klemen32 ::
ok hvala vam popustim ja saj od tomsa teste sem ze videl tisto drugo pa ne je pa res zanimivo samo pomoje imajo tukaj probleme z driverji saj bomo se videli kako in kaj pa hvala vsem za sodelovanje v tej temi!! mejte se by

TheJack ::
Po tistem ko sem prebral test na xbitlabs, lahko mirno in resno rečem, imam raje svojega radeona 9000 pro, kot pa tegale V8 duo. Pa ne le zato, ker sta pri večini iger po mojem kar nekako poravnana, ampak tudi zato, ker se reč greje kot parna lokomotiva, ropota pa tudi nekako tako.
110 jurjev za 6.7 fps v Haloju pri 1024? Gotovo obstajajo tudi bolj neumni načini za zapravljanje denarja, le ne spomnim se sedajle nobenega...
110 jurjev za 6.7 fps v Haloju pri 1024? Gotovo obstajajo tudi bolj neumni načini za zapravljanje denarja, le ne spomnim se sedajle nobenega...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheJack ()

speed machine ::
Sam za take dnarce tako grafo kupit, bi blo res čista bedarija. Je bolš dat kakšni dobrodelni organizaciji ta denar, kot pa kupit to grafo.

Caligula ::
So se zaenkrat odlocili hudo znizat cene pri XGIju-sam sem pozabbil kje sem videl ta clanek. Dejansko jih zafrkavajo driverji.
Se vedno.
Potem pa baje, da bodo kar konkurencni.
Bomo videli.
Se vedno.
Potem pa baje, da bodo kar konkurencni.
Bomo videli.

Dr_M ::
3dconnect ma precej drage kartice. so pa pri neki kitajski firmi napovedal najdrazjo za $200, ampak to mocno dvomim da bomo kdaj pr nas vidl.
pa mislm da pri teh xgi karticah niso tok problematicni driverji (no ubistvu so) ampak so ga nekje pri sami zasnovi cipa mim usekal.
pa mislm da pri teh xgi karticah niso tok problematicni driverji (no ubistvu so) ampak so ga nekje pri sami zasnovi cipa mim usekal.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Grey ::
Sej to bi bla najbrž u ibr hitra kartia če bi mela driverje spisane po nvidiinih standardih.

TheJack ::
What causes such low performance or a seemingly promising graphics processor? We assume that it is primarily because of raw and unfinished drivers. However, it would be unfair to blame only drivers for this failure.
The major reason of this low performance has probably a lot to do with the Volari’s inefficient architecture, starting from the elementary caching algorithms and finishing with complex pixel shader 2.0 processing. The fillrate problems also contributed to the product’s low speed. And the reason for such poor fillrate comes from the very low levels, which is perfectly proven by the driver “optimizations”. As you remember, XGI Reactor drivers recognize familiar applications and reduce the texture level of detail, which automatically reduces the caches workload, because there are less texturing data to be processed. The performance grows up. This definitely indicates that Volari does have problems with texturing speed.
Resnična škoda, ker testov očitno nihče več ne bere...
The major reason of this low performance has probably a lot to do with the Volari’s inefficient architecture, starting from the elementary caching algorithms and finishing with complex pixel shader 2.0 processing. The fillrate problems also contributed to the product’s low speed. And the reason for such poor fillrate comes from the very low levels, which is perfectly proven by the driver “optimizations”. As you remember, XGI Reactor drivers recognize familiar applications and reduce the texture level of detail, which automatically reduces the caches workload, because there are less texturing data to be processed. The performance grows up. This definitely indicates that Volari does have problems with texturing speed.
Resnična škoda, ker testov očitno nihče več ne bere...
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