Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Ne gre mi zbrisat avi file!
Ne gre mi zbrisat avi file!
kocba ::
Sem hotel zbrisat avi file, vendar mi je napisalo, da ga ne gre izbrisat, ker ga uporabljajo drugi programi. Sem pogledal ce ga kdo uporablja, pa izklopo vse programe pa ne pomaga nic.
Probal sem ze tudi to varjanto:
The fix for Windows XP not letting you delete .avi I've seen this coming
> up more and more all over the place so I figured I'd stick it here. Avi
> files (divx) can be trouble in xp. there is a fix to let xp behave much
> better so it's possible to move or delete large avi files. The obnoxious
> bug in XP that causes Explorer to read the entire contents of broken AVI
> files before allowing any access to them is caused by bad behavior of
> shmedia.dll. To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the
> following registry key.
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesCLSID{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73
> E}InProcServer32 This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in
> response to file property queries on these files. Just an extra note, if
> you do a "search" for this key it will not be found, look for it manually
> it is very easy to find. As always newbie or not, if you FUBAR your
> registry its your own fault. This fix does work, I use it and have applied
> it to many XP machines.
Vendar se vedno nic Ma kdo kaksno idejo. pls
Probal sem ze tudi to varjanto:
The fix for Windows XP not letting you delete .avi I've seen this coming
> up more and more all over the place so I figured I'd stick it here. Avi
> files (divx) can be trouble in xp. there is a fix to let xp behave much
> better so it's possible to move or delete large avi files. The obnoxious
> bug in XP that causes Explorer to read the entire contents of broken AVI
> files before allowing any access to them is caused by bad behavior of
> shmedia.dll. To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the
> following registry key.
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesCLSID{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73
> E}InProcServer32 This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in
> response to file property queries on these files. Just an extra note, if
> you do a "search" for this key it will not be found, look for it manually
> it is very easy to find. As always newbie or not, if you FUBAR your
> registry its your own fault. This fix does work, I use it and have applied
> it to many XP machines.
Vendar se vedno nic Ma kdo kaksno idejo. pls
sloxl8 ::
Poskusi naslednje:
Start -> Run -> cmd
Odpre se ti "staro" ukazno okno, kjer se s "CD" premaknes v zeleni direktorij, nato pa vneses:
del ime_datoteke.avi
To bi moralo delati.
Start -> Run -> cmd
Odpre se ti "staro" ukazno okno, kjer se s "CD" premaknes v zeleni direktorij, nato pa vneses:
del ime_datoteke.avi
To bi moralo delati.
Vanich ::
Mene to isto zajebava pri enem AVI fajlu.
Tko, da sva že dva.
Bom pa probou tisti šit z registram, čeprou po moje ne
bo nič pomagal.
Tko, da sva že dva.
Bom pa probou tisti šit z registram, čeprou po moje ne
bo nič pomagal.
Alan Ford ::
Verjetno sheras fajle s kakim programom , probaj prekiniti povezavo z netom , če pa to nebo delovalo resetiraj comp in glej da nisi na netu , pri meni pomaga.
Become a programmer and never see the world!
kocba ::
Heh.....zdaj mi je slo :) Sem najprej probal z cmd pa ni slo, pol pa sem net izklopo pa je slo :)
matias ::
Tud js sem mel danes takšen problem, pa sem ga rešu z brisanjem ključa v registru.
Sem poskusu zapret explorer.exe in v cmd zbrisat file, pa mi je blo sumljivo, ker ni nič vprašal "Are you sure ...?" in je kr zbrisal, pa sem šel preverit in se tistih 700MB ni sprostilo, fila pa nikjer. Sem ga obnovil z undelete in probal z brisanjem v registru. In zdej dela :)
Sem poskusu zapret explorer.exe in v cmd zbrisat file, pa mi je blo sumljivo, ker ni nič vprašal "Are you sure ...?" in je kr zbrisal, pa sem šel preverit in se tistih 700MB ni sprostilo, fila pa nikjer. Sem ga obnovil z undelete in probal z brisanjem v registru. In zdej dela :)
He who thinks he knows, knows nothing.
He who knows, says nothing.
He who knows, says nothing.
the_unborn ::
To se dogaja zato, ker grejo pametni Windowsi oz. Media Player delat preview 700MB velikega filma takoj ko z misko kliknes na file, problem lahko resis tako, da pocakas nekaj casa, da se pokaze preview, lahko brises prek command prompta ali pa v nekje v registru zrihtas, da ni vec ustvarjanja previewa
david ::
naredis nek tekstovni dokument in ga poimenujes tocno tako kot je ime avi-ju ... recimo, film.avi ... kot bos lahko videl bo datoteka 0kb :) to samo prenesi (kopiraj) v tist direktorij, kjer imas film, ko te vprasa ce zelis to prepisati ze obstojeco datoteko, reces ja ... in potem samo zbrises tist zero-length file :)
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