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Smučarski skoki - točkovanje
Darko ::
Ko gledam skoke in se navdušujem nad rezultati Žonte, me zanima kako se skoki točkujejo. Vem, da pet sodnikov oceni skakalca, najboljša in najslabša ocena se odbijeta, ostale pa seštejejo. Na novoletni turneji je 1 meter dolžine vreden 1,8 točke. Če to seštejem dobim za 165 točk več kot je uradna ocena. Kako se torej uradno ocenjuje? Ali pa kdo pozna povezavo, kjer je to razloženo?
LP Darko
LP Darko
V-i-p ::
Vsaka skakalnica ima glede na njene lastnosti in velikost svojo točkovno vrednost metra. Tu je vreden meter 1 točko, tam morda 1.5, odvisno. Sodniki dajo oceno samo za slog, potem pa se prišteje še za daljavo... več pa ne vem :)
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
Vikking ::
upam da ti bo tole kej pomagal pri razumevanju
Evaluation of a Ski Jumping Competition
The overall score in ski jumping derives from the evaluation of the two competition rounds (first and final round).
The total number of points for one round is calculated as the sum of:
points for jumping distance (metres converted to distance points) and
points for jumping performance (style points given by jumping judges).
Distance Points
A jump to the K-point (calculation point which determines hill size) obtains 60 points. For jumps shorter or longer than the K-point, points are either subtracted or added to determine the final distance point calculation. Every metre above or below the metre value will be added or reduced by 1.8 points for large hills and 2.0 points for normal hills. The distance to be awarded is measured from the edge of the take-off to the athlete’s landing point on the slope, and is measured in increments of 0.5 metres.
Style Points
For a perfect jump one athlete can obtain 20 points as a maximum for a single jump. The jumping judges (five) deduct points for faults during flight, landing and out-run and subsequently, the highest and the lowest judging score is disregarded. Maximum point deduction for faults during flight is 5.0 points, during landing phase 5.0 points and out-run 7.0 points.
For a jump of 125 metres on the large hill (LH), distance points are calculated as:
60.0 + (125-120) x 1.8 = 60.0 + 5 x 1.8 = 60.0 + 9.0 + 69.0 points
For style points: the judges score of 17,0 18,0 18,5 19,0 20,0 - with the elimination of the lowest (17,0) and the highest (20,0) -gives a total of 55,5 style points (18,0 + 18,5 + 19,0).
Total points = distance points + style points
69.0 + 55.5 = 124.5 points
Evaluation of a Ski Jumping Competition
The overall score in ski jumping derives from the evaluation of the two competition rounds (first and final round).
The total number of points for one round is calculated as the sum of:
points for jumping distance (metres converted to distance points) and
points for jumping performance (style points given by jumping judges).
Distance Points
A jump to the K-point (calculation point which determines hill size) obtains 60 points. For jumps shorter or longer than the K-point, points are either subtracted or added to determine the final distance point calculation. Every metre above or below the metre value will be added or reduced by 1.8 points for large hills and 2.0 points for normal hills. The distance to be awarded is measured from the edge of the take-off to the athlete’s landing point on the slope, and is measured in increments of 0.5 metres.
Style Points
For a perfect jump one athlete can obtain 20 points as a maximum for a single jump. The jumping judges (five) deduct points for faults during flight, landing and out-run and subsequently, the highest and the lowest judging score is disregarded. Maximum point deduction for faults during flight is 5.0 points, during landing phase 5.0 points and out-run 7.0 points.
For a jump of 125 metres on the large hill (LH), distance points are calculated as:
60.0 + (125-120) x 1.8 = 60.0 + 5 x 1.8 = 60.0 + 9.0 + 69.0 points
For style points: the judges score of 17,0 18,0 18,5 19,0 20,0 - with the elimination of the lowest (17,0) and the highest (20,0) -gives a total of 55,5 style points (18,0 + 18,5 + 19,0).
Total points = distance points + style points
69.0 + 55.5 = 124.5 points
Alexius Heristalski ::
Na točkovanje se sicer prav nič ne spoznam, vem pa, da je Peter Žonta danes osvojil drugo mesto in bil v seštevku novoletne turneje tretji! V skupnem seštevku svetovnega pokala se je povzpel na peto mesto. Bravo Peter in še veliko uspehov želim!
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini
Darko ::
Hvala Vikking, to mi je manjkalo. Razlika med točkami za K (125m) (225) in 60 je teh 165 pik, ki so mi hodile narobe. Sicer pa je točkovanje rahlo zapleteno, spomnim pa se, da so pred leti na poletih izbirali dva najboljša od treh skokov in računali povprečke dolžin, tako da so šele po končanem tekmovanju lahko določili kdo je zmagovalec.
Sicer pa sem tudi jaz navdušen nad Žonto. Očitno se mu je odprlo. Upajmo, da bo trajalo vsaj še kakšen mesec. Računati pa je treba, da je vsaj 15 skakalcev sposobnih zmagati, torej je vsaka uvrstitev do 15 mesta vrhunska. Vedno ne moreš priti na vrsto za zmago. Sploh pa se mi zdi, da je pri skokih preveč zunanjih vplivov, zlasti veter, temperatura snega (ki se sicer ne spreminja tako hitro), material in pripravljenost smuči.
LP Darko
Sicer pa sem tudi jaz navdušen nad Žonto. Očitno se mu je odprlo. Upajmo, da bo trajalo vsaj še kakšen mesec. Računati pa je treba, da je vsaj 15 skakalcev sposobnih zmagati, torej je vsaka uvrstitev do 15 mesta vrhunska. Vedno ne moreš priti na vrsto za zmago. Sploh pa se mi zdi, da je pri skokih preveč zunanjih vplivov, zlasti veter, temperatura snega (ki se sicer ne spreminja tako hitro), material in pripravljenost smuči.
LP Darko
Thrivial ::
>Sploh pa se mi zdi, da je pri skokih preveč zunanjih vplivov, zlasti veter, temperatura snega (ki se sicer ne spreminja tako hitro), material in pripravljenost smuči.
Ze, ze, ampak, ce je nekdo v formi to bolj malo vpliva. V Innsbrucku je Zonta v prvi seriji skocil 'povprecen' skok za med prvih 10, potem so pa znizali zaletisce in je skocil skoraj enako, vsi ostali pa manj. Vedno se najde nekdo, ki je v taki formi in ga prakticno nic ne vrze iz tira.
Ze, ze, ampak, ce je nekdo v formi to bolj malo vpliva. V Innsbrucku je Zonta v prvi seriji skocil 'povprecen' skok za med prvih 10, potem so pa znizali zaletisce in je skocil skoraj enako, vsi ostali pa manj. Vedno se najde nekdo, ki je v taki formi in ga prakticno nic ne vrze iz tira.
:: Member of Eror Team ::
... and Eror Team is gone...
... and Eror Team is gone...
borinho ::
Ja res svaka mu čast po tolkih letih dobrih skokov mu res privoščim, za ostale pa upam da tut čimprej ujamejo dobro formo. Gremo naši!!!
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