Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Nvidia gonilniki!
Nvidia gonilniki!
MrGTO ::
A bi bil kdo tako prijazen da bi pobra najnovejse driverje dol pa mi jih nekako poslal, namrec jaz ne morem dati dol. Ko dam tam accept e sploh nic ne zgodi.
Posljite mi Tukaj.
Lp, Blaž
A bi bil kdo tako prijazen da bi pobra najnovejse driverje dol pa mi jih nekako poslal, namrec jaz ne morem dati dol. Ko dam tam accept e sploh nic ne zgodi.
Posljite mi Tukaj.
Lp, Blaž
TribesMan ::
Probaj z drugim brskalnikom... Aja pa dobro bi blo če bi povedal katere drivreje rabiš... Za grafično al za plato.
Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
MrGTO ::
Rabim za grafo ion sicer za XP-je. Imam GeForce4 4200 128 8x. S katerim brskalnikom pa lahko se probam???
Lp, Blaž
Lp, Blaž
Tr0n ::
Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()
MrGTO ::
nevem zakaj ampak mojemu bratu dela.Normalno mu odpre in sem dal dol pri njemu. meni pa ne dela prav. Zdej si bom dal gor mozillo pa bom potem porocal.
Lp, Blaž
Lp, Blaž
Tr0n ::
Sem pastal direktne linke do novih gonilnikov, ce se mogoce nisi opazil :). Desni gumb / Save Target As...
Dr_M ::
lahko. sam nevem kako se bo kej obnasala - zaradi nview-a.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
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