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Ruske opcije, je kaj na tem ?

PrimoZ_ ::
Iz telegrama
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Bo jedrska zima ali umik rusov ?
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held several meetings in various compositions and formats, during which the prospects for conducting the so-called special military operation were discussed. Also, yesterday Putin spoke with people from a close circle discussing the same topics. During a meeting with representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, in the presence of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, the President was finally given to understand that no one in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff was confident not only in the advisability of further attempts to attack at the front, but also on the contrary , there is confidence that the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian troops can be effective and threatens to lose "newly acquired territories" for Russia.
Representatives of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense, who are privy to Putin’s plans to seize Ukraine before the start of the war, blame the president for his eyes with the fact that Ukraine is now using the tactics that Vladimir Putin abandoned on the night of February 24 before the start of the war, namely, systematically destroying warehouses with strikes , equipment, infrastructure, enemy command posts, etc. conducting preparations BEFORE the offensive, in the case of Ukraine, a counteroffensive, and not simultaneously with the offensive.
I must say that almost the entire military leadership of Russia places the blame, both for the unsuccessful start and, in general, the course of the military operation, and the huge losses of manpower and weapons, precisely on President Vladimir Putin. The military leadership has no doubt that they will be made extreme for all the failures and problems at the front. And this meeting actually ended with Patrushev's statement about the need to find a way out of the current situation; otherwise, if there was a successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, problems would accumulate like a snowball and it would be more difficult to solve them every day.
All subsequent meetings and communications between the president and his relatives were devoted to finding a way out. Various options were discussed, from the possibility of mobilizing and using tactical nuclear weapons, to opening a second front in a third country, and, finally, to "gestures of goodwill" with the return of the occupied territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions to Ukraine.
Also, the "extreme" option was discussed, when, in addition to the listed territories, the LDNR, again, by "good will" would agree to return the territories seized after February 23 of this year to Ukraine. No decisions were made yesterday, but the discussion of the "extreme" options in the presence and at the initiative of the president led many to despondency. Without exception, all of Putin's interlocutors realized that the president simply does not have "good" options for solving urgent and upcoming problems at the front. The disappointment of the elites in the leader is the worst thing that can happen to the president. Putin actually launched the "beginning of the end" yesterday for his rule and the regime he heads.
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Bo jedrska zima ali umik rusov ?
- zaklenil: bluefish ()

enemon ::
Iz telegrama
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held several meetings in various compositions and formats, during which the prospects for conducting the so-called special military operation were discussed. Also, yesterday Putin spoke with people from a close circle discussing the same topics. During a meeting with representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, in the presence of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, the President was finally given to understand that no one in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff was confident not only in the advisability of further attempts to attack at the front, but also on the contrary , there is confidence that the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian troops can be effective and threatens to lose "newly acquired territories" for Russia.
Representatives of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense, who are privy to Putin’s plans to seize Ukraine before the start of the war, blame the president for his eyes with the fact that Ukraine is now using the tactics that Vladimir Putin abandoned on the night of February 24 before the start of the war, namely, systematically destroying warehouses with strikes , equipment, infrastructure, enemy command posts, etc. conducting preparations BEFORE the offensive, in the case of Ukraine, a counteroffensive, and not simultaneously with the offensive.
I must say that almost the entire military leadership of Russia places the blame, both for the unsuccessful start and, in general, the course of the military operation, and the huge losses of manpower and weapons, precisely on President Vladimir Putin. The military leadership has no doubt that they will be made extreme for all the failures and problems at the front. And this meeting actually ended with Patrushev's statement about the need to find a way out of the current situation; otherwise, if there was a successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, problems would accumulate like a snowball and it would be more difficult to solve them every day.
All subsequent meetings and communications between the president and his relatives were devoted to finding a way out. Various options were discussed, from the possibility of mobilizing and using tactical nuclear weapons, to opening a second front in a third country, and, finally, to "gestures of goodwill" with the return of the occupied territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions to Ukraine.
Also, the "extreme" option was discussed, when, in addition to the listed territories, the LDNR, again, by "good will" would agree to return the territories seized after February 23 of this year to Ukraine. No decisions were made yesterday, but the discussion of the "extreme" options in the presence and at the initiative of the president led many to despondency. Without exception, all of Putin's interlocutors realized that the president simply does not have "good" options for solving urgent and upcoming problems at the front. The disappointment of the elites in the leader is the worst thing that can happen to the president. Putin actually launched the "beginning of the end" yesterday for his rule and the regime he heads.
Kaj mislite ?
Bo jedrska zima ali umik rusov ?
A je to pisal alterego Pac-Mana. Ne bi se čudil, tega modela je povsod na internetu polno, piše na več portalih 24/7. Svaka čast.

kuall ::
tudi če vržejo atomsko bombo to še ne pomeni, da jim to avtomatično prinese zmago. 1 atomska bomba je pač eno mestece, bodo morali vso ukrajino zradirat z več atomskimi bombami, da bodo zmagali, ampak kaj pa potem, sevanje jim spiha naravnost v moskvo. pa itak jih bo CEL svet potem zasovaržil, še kitajci. nč bat, putin bo počasi zbledel, saj je že star, samo čakamo, da se pezde stegne pritegnjeni pa bo bolje.

pangro ::
Rusi nekaj upanja še imajo, Ukrajinci samo s himarsi ne morejo izvesti uspešne ofenzive......

Voss ::
Rusi nekaj upanja še imajo, Ukrajinci samo s himarsi ne morejo izvesti uspešne ofenzive......
Ukrajinci za tisto pravo ofenzivo verjetno res nimajo dovolj vojske. Ubistvu zanimivo, kako se razvijajo zadeve. Rusi so svoje položaje spremenili v smer dolgotrajne vojne ironično pa bi znalo biti to celo bolj ugodno za Ukrajince. Na tak način imajo "varen" zahod, hkrati pa neprimerno boljšo vojaško tehniko za uničevanje vseh ruskih vojaških ciljev. V vsakem primeru nastradajo civilisti. Prihaja zima, iz zgodovinskega pogleda za okupatorje ne ravno hvaležen letni čas.
Se pa Putin iz Ukrajine ne bo pobral. V to sem pa prepričan. Pa, če bo moral na bojišče poslati ženske in otroke...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

kuall ::
kako bi bilo zanimivo zdejle videt putlerju v glavo, kaj razmišlja.
ampak saj bi bilo še marsikaj drugega zanimivo, kar ne bomo nikoli videli/doživeli.
ampak saj bi bilo še marsikaj drugega zanimivo, kar ne bomo nikoli videli/doživeli.
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