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Hepatitis neznanega izvora pri otrocih

Hepatitis neznanega izvora pri otrocih

nirburu ::

THE ATLANTIC https://www.theatlantic.com/health/arch...

Last October, a young girl with severe and unusual liver failure was admitted to a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. Her symptoms were typical: skin and eyes yellow with jaundice, markers of liver damage off the charts. But she tested negative for all the usual suspects behind liver disease. Her only positive test was, surprisingly, for adenovirus—a common virus best known for causing mild colds, pink eye, or stomach flu. In rare cases, it’s linked to hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, in immunocompromised patients. But this girl had been healthy.

Then it happened again. A second kid came in, about the same age, with all the same symptoms, and again positive for adenovirus. “One patient is a fluke; two is a pattern,” says Markus Buchfellner, a pediatric-infectious-disease doctor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Two quickly became three and then four. Alarmed, the hospital’s doctors alerted local health authorities and the CDC, whose investigation ultimately found nine such cases of unusual hepatitis in kids in Alabama. Two needed liver transplants.

The news came after the UK Government announced it was launching an urgent investigation after detecting higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) among children, after having ruled out the common viruses that cause the condition.

The current theory, however, is that the adenovirus now circulating has been born from the AstraZeneca vaccine. Which would suggest the FDA have suspended the Janssen jab to prevent it from doing exactly the same thing. But that doesn’t mean the J&J jab isn’t the actual culprit.

The UK was the first country to roll-out the adenovirus based AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection en masse in January 2021, and it was also the first country to report an unusual increase in hepatitis cases of unknown cause among children. Just a coincidence?

The theory behind the AstraZeneca virus going rogue is that the virus contained in the vaccine combines with the E1 gene from another circulating adenovirus, of which there are many. The result is a replicating ChAdOx1 virus. (A wealth of scientific information and reasoning on the theory can be found here. Source)

Because most people have been exposed to Adenoviruses throughout their lives they will be immune. But young children who have been forced to stay at home for the past two years are now being hit with a dangerous adenovirus on first exposure.


  • zaklenilo: zee ()

PrimoZ_ ::



Hvala za link, bom imel kaj brati!

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Jooooj, to so res face, da take skrivnosti nam razodenejo, hvala niguru!

The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact that demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote. Corona2Inspect has made a short video to explain how it is happening and what the possible effects could be. But before you get to the video at the end of this article, a bit of background to the contents of Covid injections as they relate to the MAC phenomenon.

MAC addresses are set up in memory circuits (we think also built with synthetic DNA and graphene). In this way, they receive the electromagnetic signals and automatically encode them into another simpler type of signal, called TS-OOK, with which the data is re-transmitted in binary to a next level in the topology, that is, the nano interface ... The nano interface is another self-assembled electronic device that is capable of encoding TS-OOK binary data for transmission outside the body.

The nano interface transmits messages with very specific headers, where the MAC device is identified, the IP address to which the information is sent and the binary content with the information obtained by the nodes in the base of the topology. These messages have to be received by a 'gateway' - a mobile device or smartphone that has an Internet connection - which would be responsible for sending the message to its destination, without its owner knowing, remaining hidden in the data traffic. In other words, any mobile phone close to the vaccinated individual could be transmitting the data generated by the nanonetwork.

You just can't make this shit up :|:))

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Ja, da cepljeni oddajajo MAC naslove. Brez tvojega linka tega ne bi mogel nikoli zvedet, ker stric google me drži stran od takih spletnih strani

zee ::

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