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Umrl Larry Flynt

Umrl Larry Flynt

FireSnake ::


Film, posnet po njegovem življenju, še danes rad pogledam.

Naj mu bo lahka zemlja.
  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

c3p0 ::

Spomnim se ga edino po filmu. Lite verzija Hefnerja.

petrus ::

Flynt je bil agent degeneracije, destroyer of norms, eni mu pa še ploskate, res bravo.

Zato bo verjetno Biden govoril na njegovem pogrebu in mu posmrtno podelil medaljo svobode!
stati inu obstati

Hypathia ::

Nekaj podrobnosti iz življenja "legende" in očitno velikega idola mnogih tukaj, ki se jih rado pomete pod preprogo in se jih je v omenjenem filmu "pozabilo" omeniti, da se lahko nadaljuje s sprenevedanjem za kakšnega človeka je v resnici šlo, podpiranje pedofilov pač še ni povsem družbeno sprejemljivo:

He lost his own virginity at the age of nine, to a chicken. He describes penetrating its egg sack, and how "when I let the chicken go, it started towards the main house, staggering, squawking and bleeding" - so he immediately killed it. Did you feel bad for the chicken? "What? No. It was a" - long breath, gasp - "chicken."

The most serious (and most fiercely contested) charge against Flynt - politely ignored by the supposed liberals who queue up to champion him as an icon of freedom - is worse still. It is that he was a child molester. I decide to raise the topic sideways at first. I ask about a comic strip he ran in Hustler for 13 years, called "Chester The Molester". It featured an old man who, in each strip, would trick prepubescent or adolescent girls into pleasuring him. A typical cartoon shows a little girl in a hiked-up dress hurtling down a playground slide, while Chester the Molester is waiting at the bottom with his tongue hanging out. The man who drew the cartoon, Dwaine Tinsley, was convicted of raping his own daughter, Alison, and of forcing her to take birth control pills from her 13th birthday onwards. He served two years in prison - and Hustler continued to publish the cartoons drawn from his jail cell. Flynt looks irritated. "Dwaine Tinsley was a genius," he says.

Flynt's daughter, Tonya, claims she remembers those cartoons very well. In her memoir, Hustled, she alleges that her father showed her those cartoons when she was nine and "began to explain what little girls do with their fathers... The cartoon character with the erection represented the good, loving father. Dad's hand moved to my breasts". She says the molestation made her "filled with self-hate, anxious to be done with life as I know it, even if death was the only way out".

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hypathia ()

FireSnake ::

Od njega, če že.

Slopek ::

Sem misli, da je že mrtev. Zdaj končno je.
Bil je smet.

c3p0 ::

Že v tistem filmu je ubogo zgledal, tako da se je očitno še dolgo boril.

Sicer pa malo pietete do umrlega ne škodi. Vem, vreščočim snežinkam je to težko razumet.

Hypathia ::

Flynt ni kazal nobene pietete do žensk, aktivno se je trudil, da bi jih degradiral, torej ne vidim nobenega razloga, zakaj bi mu jo morala izkazovati, tudi Judje niso dolžni izkazovati pietete Hitlerju. Človeka se sodi po njegovem življenju, omenjeni k družbi ni prispeval v pozitivnem smislu.

zmaugy ::


Ogabno! Kdo lahko zagovarja tega modela?
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zmaugy ()

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