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Ženska voditeljica
uporabnik832 ::
Upam, da ne bo postala političarka, ker sprejemati (politične) kompromise v tem sistemu, kakršnemu smo mu priča, verjetno ni možno.
Tulsi Gabbard.
Njena suverenost na političnem in družbenem odru, vsem na očeh, je očigledna. Z ustrahovanjem ne bo šlo. Ostaja mirno na mestu. Neomajna.
So ženske, ki navdihnejo. S svojo držo, svežino, odprtim nasmehom in lepoto. Obstajajo takšne, ki imajo nekaj malo tistega, kar presega.
Tulsi Gabbard.
Njena suverenost na političnem in družbenem odru, vsem na očeh, je očigledna. Z ustrahovanjem ne bo šlo. Ostaja mirno na mestu. Neomajna.
So ženske, ki navdihnejo. S svojo držo, svežino, odprtim nasmehom in lepoto. Obstajajo takšne, ki imajo nekaj malo tistega, kar presega.
- spremenilo: uporabnik832 ()
jype ::
Problem Tulsi je, da je mnogi ljudje (tudi ženske) ne jemljejo resno zgolj zato, ker je ženska.
To je posledica globokega patriarhata, jasno.
To je posledica globokega patriarhata, jasno.
DarwiN ::
Ja, trumptardi bodo izvolili žensko, kmalu zatem pa še gej črnca.. :P
Jeeeez, kakšne sekate eni zmedenci..
Jeeeez, kakšne sekate eni zmedenci..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
Pac-Man ::
Problem Tulsi je, da je mnogi ljudje (tudi ženske) ne jemljejo resno zgolj zato, ker je ženska.
To je posledica globokega patriarhata, jasno.
Problem Tulsi je, da je del fejk hindujske sekte, ki jo vodi težko patriarhalen guru.
Tulsi Gabbard @ Wikipedia
Gabbard grew up in the Science of Identity Foundation community[34] and fully embraced the Hindu faith as a teenager.[24][35][36] Gabbard's first name comes from the Sanskrit word for Holy Basil, a plant sacred in Hinduism.[37] Her siblings also have Hindu Sanskrit-origin names.[24] She was home-schooled through high school except for two years at informal schools in the Philippines.[25][38]
An Insiders Perspective on Tulsi Gabbard and her Guru
The group I was involved in is called The Science of Identity Foundation, and it was started by a man called Chris Butler, who has variously been known as Siddhaswarupananda, Srila Prabhupada or Jagad Guru. His “philosophy” is a mishmash of Buddism, Vaishnava Hinduism and Christianity.
I also remember Chris Butler held this larger than life presence in my childhood. Everything I did I had to think about how it benefitted him. He was my parents spiritual master and they looked to him for guidance on everything, from what to eat, to how to raise their children, and they did it all without question.
Chris Butler also would ridicule the intelligence of anyone he didn’t like, belittling anyone he felt was questioning his authority even slightly. He demanded the utmost dedication and loyalty from his followers and if he didn’t get it, the punishments were swift and severe. I remember hearing stories of people who were told they weren’t allowed to eat because they didn’t make food to his liking, who were not allowed to sleep because there was a light making a buzzing noise in the house, and the follower didn’t have the foresight to fix the issue ahead of time.
From the late 80's all of us kids were removed from public schools because he didn’t want them influencing our minds away from our service to him. So from that point we were home schooled, until there were schools established in the Philippines.
From a young child I remember one of the main features of my life was the lectures that were sent to us via tape for us to listen to. Basically these were 1 hour long sessions of Chris talking about his beliefs – how evil and out of control gay people were, how women were inferior and sub human and should be controlled by their husbands, how messed up and evil the outside world was, and how his relationship with God was so special, only he could lead you back to Godhead (Heaven) and that he had so much control over his existence on earth, he could choose the moment of his death.
I really wanted to paint this picture of my childhood, because Tulsi Gabbard grew up in the same group that I did. She was subjected to the same environment I was. She’s still surrounded by this group and calls Chris Butler her guru. This is why the increased interest and her rise to power concerns me so greatly. I want to be very clear, I have no issue with Tulsi, as far as I am concerned, she’s as much a victim as I am, more so because she was groomed from an early age specifically for the path she is now on. What I am concerned about is the control I know Chris Butler has over her, the influence he has over her ability to make decisions, decisions that could become law and impact a whole lot of people. I know what an abusive, mysogynistic, homophobic, germophobic, narcissitic nightmare Chris Butler is. And I know what kind of relationship he has with Tulsi.
If I could put it in a way that maybe more people could understand, look at the relationship between Ivanka Trump and her father.
Tulsi Gabbard is in the same position, only the stakes are higher. Not only would she lose support for the position she holds, but she would lose her family, all of her friends, and this messiah/father figure if she opposed Chris Butler. She would be outcast from the only existence she has ever known. That’s a hugely powerful reason to continue to please Chris Butler without question.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TheBlueOne ::
Problem Tulsi je, da je mnogi ljudje (tudi ženske) ne jemljejo resno zgolj zato, ker je ženska.
To je posledica globokega patriarhata, jasno.
To je pateticen izgovor. Ni vazno kaj si, moski ali zenska, republikanec ali demokrat, vedno se bo nasel kdo, ki te iz tega ali drugega razloga ne podpre iz kaksnega principa. Zato ne jokcas ampak dobis podporo drugje. Ce imas pravo strategijo lahko zmagas. Baza iz principa proti zenskam pac ni dovolj velika, da bi lahko bila resna ovira. Recimo v ZDA je politicno b,p. z zadosti podpore, kjer kandidira, Sarah Palin, ki ne vem kaksen objektiven plus ima. Da ne govorimo, da je Clintonova bila zelo blizu zmage, ceprav je imela najslabso kampanijo, kar sem jih kadarkoli videl. Kaksna Warenova, bi v isti situaciji s Trumpom verjetno b.p. pometla.
In kar pravi @belidihur je deloma res. Res uspesne zenske v politiki so trenutno praviloma desnicarke. Nemcija, ima staro in novo kanclerko, iz CDU predsednica EU komisije, AfD ima v drugi vrsti 2/3 zensk, tako da bodo verjetno slej kot prej prevzele, Francija z LePenovo itn. Kje je tu logika? Da najbolj konervativni, do skoraj odkrito nacisticno so potem najbolj feministicni? In kaj to pomeni?
louser ::
martincek1 ::
Problem Tulsi je, da je del fejk hindujske sekte, ki jo vodi težko patriarhalen guru...
Cancel culture v vsem svojem sijaju.
I grew up knowing that every person is a child of God, and equally loved by God. I have always believed in the fundamental rights and equality of all people," Gabbard wrote in a flurry of posts that was also accompanied by a video apology. "But I also grew up in a socially conservative household, where I was raised to believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. For a period of my life I didn’t see the contradiction in those beliefs.
Gabbard's father, Mike Gabbard, advocated against gay rights in Hawaii in the 1990s, telling Honolulu Magazine that homosexuality "not normal, not healthy, morally and scripturally wrong." Tulsi Gabbard said she supported her father's views at the time, and The New Yorker reported that she advocated against legislation in Hawaii to combat anti-gay bullying, saying it would be "inviting homosexual-advocacy organizations into our schools to promote their agenda to our vulnerable youth.
While many Americans may relate to growing up in a conservative home, my story is a little different because my father was very outspoken. He was an activist who was fighting against gay rights and marriage equality in Hawaii – and at that time, I forcefully defended him," she wrote on Twitter Thursday afternoon. "But over the years, I formed my own opinions based on my life experience that changed my views – at a personal level in having aloha, love, for all people, and ensuring that every American, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is treated equally under the law.
jype ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
To je pateticen izgovor. Ni vazno kaj si, moski ali zenska, republikanec ali demokrat, vedno se bo nasel kdo, ki te iz tega ali drugega razloga ne podpre iz kaksnega principa.Ja, saj, patriarhat je princip, zaradi katerega imajo sposobne ženske težave. Da je Tulsi sposobna ženska pričajo njeni dosežki, ki presegajo dosežke več kot 99% vseh moških.
Pac-Man ::
martincek1 je izjavil:
Cancel culture v vsem svojem sijaju.
SIF je scientologiji podobna sekta, ki se je odločila, da bo svoj vpliv širila s političnim udejstvovanjem. Večina tulsijine ekipe je njen del.
S tem se ukvarja Christine Gralow, posledično je deležna sorodne obdelave kot kritiki scientologije
njen blog
precej piše tudi za Iowa Informer, videoposnetki so na povezavi
When US presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard apologized in January for her history of fighting against basic civil rights for the LGBTQ community, she discussed growing up in a “socially conservative household” and said, “I look forward to being able to share more of my story and my experiences growing up, not as an excuse, but in the hopes that it may inspire others to truly live aloha.”
Former Butler followers recently leaked decades of his LGBTQ hate teachings to an independent news site in Hawaii,, including video and audio of Butler’s hate speech. The Iowa Informer has confirmed the authenticity of these files.
Butler’s SIF is essentially a breakaway sect of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement.
Audio, video, and over 8,000 pages of transcripts detailing Butler’s teachings over 28 years tell a deeper, more concerning story. Newly surfaced video clips of Gabbard and several of her staffers worshiping Butler at a late 2018 SIF event also raise questions about Gabbard’s continued deep ties to Butler and his sect.
In the undated clip below, Butler, who is now in his early 70s, uses vulgar language in a comment about homosexuality and AIDS.
Gabbard has repeatedly praised Butler, who also goes by Kris Butler, Jagad Guru, Srila Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, and Srila Prabhupad. She first publicly praised him as her “guru dev” in a 2015 video. She also praised Butler’s “wonderful spiritual practice” in a November 2017 interview with The New Yorker and claimed she had “never heard him say anything hateful, or say anything mean about anybody.”
Gabbard praised Butler again in a New York Times article published this August. “He’s essentially like a Vaishnava Hindu pastor,” she said. “And he’s shared some really beautiful meditation practices with me that have provided me with strength and shelter and peace.”
But in a lecture to his disciples on December 24, 2004, an excerpt of which is embedded below, Butler referred to homosexuals as “demons,” called the ACLU a “demoniacally motivated group,” complained about “fags kissing,” and mocked Kwanzaa as a “phony holiday” started by “some black prisoner felon.”
Mike, Carol, and Tulsi Gabbard are all still Butler disciples. Their Butler-initiated names are, respectively, Krishna Katha das, Devahuti dasi, and Shraddha.
Butler’s transcribed teachings from 1978 to 2006 include 128 uses of the slur “fag” or “faggot.” In a 2002 lecture, Butler and his disciples can be heard laughing as he viciously demeans homosexuals and refers to God as “the supreme homophobe” and “the supreme anti-faggot guy, the supreme fag-fighter.”
In other lectures, Butler refers to homosexuals as “cockroaches” that should be exterminated, and he engages in alarming, historically inaccurate hate speech against Muslims.
At least a dozen Butler followers have either served or run for public office in Hawaii, including Mike Gabbard, Carol Gabbard, Tulsi Gabbard, Kathy Hoshijo, Bill Penaroza, former Hawaii State Senator Rick Reed, and former Maui council member Wayne Nishiki.
Unlike Koviak, Ranson and others who left, Tulsi Gabbard chooses as an adult to remain in SIF, devoted to Butler. She can be seen worshiping Butler in two video clips recently uploaded by a SIF member at a September 2018 kirtan, or devotional chant, gathering in Hawaii.
In the first clip, Gabbard dances and chants before an altar with her mother Carol, her congressional Chief of Staff Kainoa Penaroza, and her fundraiser Alana Penaroza (Kainoa’s wife). Abraham Williams, Gabbard’s campaign videographer and husband, plays drums at the event next to Gabbard’s father on guitar. (...) The altar, however, departs significantly from ISKCON tradition. Small statues of the Hindu deities Krishna and Radha and a painting of Hindu lords Chaitanya and Nityananda are overwhelmed by an enlarged photograph of a young Chris Butler’s face on stretched canvas. There are no pictures of other humans on the altar. Noticeably absent is any depiction on the altar of ISKCON founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Butler, now in his early 70s, has become reclusive and suffers from hypochondria. He rarely attends SIF gatherings in person, though he does still occasionally attend via video conference. He requires his disciples to wear respiratory masks in his presence, covers the walls of his home with aluminum foil, and implements a quarantine policy for new disciples who come to Hawaii to serve him.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
A. Smith ::
Tulsi je solidna političarka, ampak mnogo prepoštena za ameriško demokratsko stranko. Posli z uranom, kupovanje političnih funkcij z denarjem (veleposlaniška mesta)... ona ne bi dopustila ničesar od tega. In zato, točno zato je demokrati nikoli ne bodo spustili na vrh brez, da bi imeli nanjo zadosten vpliv. Politiki, nad katerimi ni nadzora, še posebej če so načelni, so nevarnost za establishment.
O patriarhatu lajate samo primitivni apologeti, ki nočete pripoznati že pregovorne skorumpiranosti ameriških demokratov in si izmišljate svoje butaste izgovore.
O patriarhatu lajate samo primitivni apologeti, ki nočete pripoznati že pregovorne skorumpiranosti ameriških demokratov in si izmišljate svoje butaste izgovore.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: A. Smith ()
jype ::
O patriarhatu lajate samo primitivni apologeti, ki nočete pripoznati že pregovorne skorumpiranosti ameriških demokratov in si izmišljate svoje butaste izgovore.Neumnost. Tudi Hillary se je morala boriti proti patriarhalnim vzorcem, kljub temu, da njena koruptivnost presega koruptivnost kogarkoli drugega, vključno s Trumpom (ki je očitno prebutast, da bi bil lahko tako koruptiven, saj javno prizna vse svoje zločine).
Tulsi je solidna političarka, ampak mnogo prepoštena za ameriško demokratsko stranko. Posli z uranom, kupovanje političnih funkcij z denarjem (veleposlaniška mesta)... ona ne bi dopustila ničesar od tega. In zato, točno zato je demokrati nikoli ne bodo spustili na vrh brez, da bi imeli nanjo zadosten vpliv. Politiki, nad katerimi ni nadzora, še posebej če so načelni, so nevarnost za establishment.V resnici so reči bolj kompleksne, ampak saj ne boš razumel, ker si se rodil priviligiran.
A. Smith ::
Neumnost.Glej no. Dežurni primitivni apologet se je takoj oglasil :-)
Tudi Hillary se je morala boriti proti patriarhalnim vzorcem, kljub temu, da njena koruptivnost presega koruptivnost kogarkoli drugega, vključno s Trumpom (ki je očitno prebutast, da bi bil lahko tako koruptiven, saj javno prizna vse svoje zločine).
Aha, temu, da javnost vidi skozi njen bullshit, s katerim prikriva številna protipravna dejanja, za katera ni bila kaznovana, se zdaj rače "patriarhalni vzorci". Ok, štekam. In to, da Trump pred javnostjo ne skriva stvari očitno ni slaba strategija, ker je konec koncev dobil volitve. In še ene bo. Antifa pa v jok...
V resnici so reči bolj kompleksne, ampak saj ne boš razumel, ker si se rodil priviligiran.Mi pravi najbolj über-nadpriviligiran salonski levičar ever.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
jype ::
Aha, temu, da javnost vidi skozi njen bullshit, s katerim prikriva številna protipravna dejanja, za katera ni bila kaznovana, se zdaj rače "patriarhalni vzorci". Ok, štekam. In to, da Trump pred javnostjo ne skriva stvari očitno ni slaba strategija, ker je konec koncev dobil volitve. In še ene bo. Antifa pa v jok...Naivneži ste od nekdaj bili največji liability za demokracijo.
Mi pravi najbolj über-nadpriviligiran salonski levičar ever.Jaz sem začel z nule, ti pa z zlato žlico v ustih. Izmed naju samo eden pozna bullshit tax, ki ga plačujejo samo revni, pa to nisi ti.
Glej no. Dežurni primitivni apologet se je takoj oglasil :-)Tako je. Omalovaževanje patriarhalnih vzorcev kot vzroka za uničevanje potenciala polovice prebivalstva je v resnici intelektualna nepoštenost na nivoju zanikanja holokavsta.
Vem, vem, neonacisti vsi zanikajo holokavst, pisal sem o mentalno zdravih posameznikih.
A. Smith ::
Naivneži ste od nekdaj bili največji liability za demokracijo.
Ne, največja grožnja ste bili vedno poblazneli levičarji s svojo skorumpiranostjo in hinavščino.
Jaz sem začel z nule, ti pa z zlato žlico v ustih. Izmed naju samo eden pozna bullshit tax, ki ga plačujejo samo revni, pa to nisi ti.Verjetno si začel na igli. Še zdaj se ti pozna.
Tako je. Omalovaževanje patriarhalnih vzorcev kot vzroka za uničevanje potenciala polovice prebivalstva je v resnici intelektualna nepoštenost na nivoju zanikanja holokavsta.
En stavek, tri laži.
Vem, vem, neonacisti vsi zanikajo holokavst, pisal sem o mentalno zdravih posameznikih.Vem, da imaš sebe za zdravega. Norec še nikoli ni priznal, da je norec.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
jype ::
Ne, največja grožnja ste bili vedno poblazneli levičarji s svojo skorumpiranostjo in hinavščino.Projekcije ti ne bodo pomagale pri izboljšanju duševnega zdravja.
Verjetno si začel na igli. Še zdaj se ti pozna.Projekcije ti ne bodo pomagale pri izboljšanju duševnega zdravja.
En stavek, tri lažiProjekcije ti ne bodo pomagale pri izboljšanju duševnega zdravja.
Vem, da imaš sebe za zdravega. Norec še nikoli ni priznal, da je norec.Projekcije ti ne bodo pomagale pri izboljšanju duševnega zdravja.
Vazelin ::
Lol Hillary ima na twitter profilu da je bila demokratska nominiranka
a vi tut med uspehe napišete failan razgovor za službo?
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
jype ::
Hillary je zmagala z več kot tremi milijoni glasov razlike.
Pojebali so jo "old white men", kot se strokovno reče izprijencem.
Pojebali so jo "old white men", kot se strokovno reče izprijencem.
Vazelin ::
Od teh treh mio je 99% glasov iz new yorka in kalifornije
drugje je spušila big time. Lahko bi nagovorila old white men:)
Ve kakšna so pravila igre.
Ve kakšna so pravila igre.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
jype ::
Od teh treh mio je 99% glasov iz new yorka in kalifornije:)) drugje je spušila big time.You say it like it's a bad thing.
Lahko bi nagovorila old white men:)Ženske tega ne morejo, ker ste old white men vzgajani z Biblijo, ki pravi, da se žensk ne sme poslušat.
Ve kakšna so pravila igre.Ne. Domnevala je, da bodo pravila prilagodili zanjo, pa jih niso. Priviligiranci pogosto naredijo takšno napako, dejstev pa to ne spremeni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Vazelin ::
jype: Hillary je imela napačno kampanjo. Slikala se je naokoli z nekimi Jay Zji, LeBroni, Beyonce in podobno elito. To lahko pali v New Yorku ampak prepričevati že prepričane je malo brezveze.
Medtem ko se je Donny v istem času rokoval s hard working family nižjega in nižjega srednjega sloja. Hillary je res mislila, da ji bosta Jay Z in Beyonce na odru prinesla zmago lol. Totalna out of touch kampanja
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
jype ::
Pali kurac v New Yorku. Pali zato, ker je na drugi strani retard, ki je obljubljal neonacizem (in ga zdaj poizkuša tudi implementirati, z vsemi ukrepi). Če bi bil na drugi strani McCain, bi zmagal tudi po številu glasov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
pirat ::
To je samo tvoja (nerelevantna) projekcija.
Kaj pa ce vecina volilnega telesa hoce dejansko drugace kot ti (pa ni relevantno kdo ima prav in kdo ne, pa ali imajo ljudje vse in prave informacije ali ne, se odlocajo samostojno ali so zapeljani...) pac vecina izrazi nasprotno voljo tebi in to na volitvah pove? Pa ne mislim samo ZDA, tudi druge drzave kjer tebi neljube politicne opcije pridobivajo glasove...
Kaj pa ce vecina volilnega telesa hoce dejansko drugace kot ti (pa ni relevantno kdo ima prav in kdo ne, pa ali imajo ljudje vse in prave informacije ali ne, se odlocajo samostojno ali so zapeljani...) pac vecina izrazi nasprotno voljo tebi in to na volitvah pove? Pa ne mislim samo ZDA, tudi druge drzave kjer tebi neljube politicne opcije pridobivajo glasove...
jype ::
Vredno ogleda ...
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