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Spletna kamera

Spletna kamera

fopi ::

Iščem spletno kamero za desktop. Na kaj je treba biti pozoren? Kakšna resolucija, avtomatsko ostrenje?....

Zadeva bo za šolarje za videokonference itd v primeru korone. 🤪

aerie ::

Nimaš velike izbire. Vzameš kar dobiš.Kakšna čungalunga al pa tole:

johnchen35 ::

inside the night he cut out the work, and went to bed early, that he would possibly get up and begin betimes subsequent day;
but he changed into stored all the problem, for while he got up within the morning the work turned into finished geared up to
his hand. quickly in came buyers, who paid him handsomely for his items, so that he offered leather-based enough for four pair greater.
he reduce out the paintings again in a single day and located it done inside the morning, as before; and so it went on for a while:
what turned into got prepared in the nighttime became continually completed by way of daybreak, and the coolest man soon became
thriving and well off again.

neat information approximately google posted via alex in weblog & internet, neatorama best on november 3, 2009 at 3:forty four am

sure as quickly because it become midnight, there came in two little bare dwarfs; and that they sat themselves upon the shoemaker's bench,
took up all of the work that changed into reduce out, and commenced to ply with their little fingers, stitching and rapping and tapping
away at such a charge, that the shoemaker turned into all surprise, and couldn't take his eyes off them. and on they went, till the task
become quite accomplished, and the shoes stood ready to be used upon the table. this was long earlier than daybreak; after which they
bustled away as brief as lightning.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: bajsibajsi ()

chief ::

odvisno kaj rabiš točno.. imaš jih cel kup na netu.. jaz priporočam kakšno kije vsaj HD in da podpira strojno kompresijo vida.. Osebno imam Logitech 920 in sem zelo zadovoljen.. imatudi dodatne featurje kot so autozoom, motion detection itd..

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