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Intel's Xe-HPG GPU

Intel's Xe-HPG GPU

oo7 ::

Intel’s First High-End Xe-HPG GPU Powered Discrete Gaming Graphics Cards Launching in 2021, Will Feature Hardware-Accelerated Ray-Tracing & Lots of Cores

Intel is all set to launch its first discrete gaming graphics cards based on the Xe GPU architecture in 2021. Aimed at the enthusiast gaming market, the next-generation Intel Xe discrete graphics cards will feature all the goodies that one can expect within a modern gaming-oriented GPU such as ray tracing and tons of horsepower for 4K enthusiast tier performance.


Jarno ::

Ni nobena znanost izračunati, da je trg pc gaming orientiranih grafičnih kartic letno vreden do 8 milijard $.
Zato je zanimivo, da Intel ravno tukaj išče svoj dobiček.
Manjka še samo, da izdelajo svojo konzolo. :))
Malce jih tepe, da so ta segment zanemarjali, tudi zaradi datacentrov in AI.

Sicer pa Raja paše v naslednji sceno: :))

PS: Wccftech novice gre včasih jemati s ščepcem soli.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

filip007 ::

"It's big business Roger."

Mogoče ciljajo na 2k vrednost, kaj pa veš.
Prenosnik, konzola, TV, PC upokojen.

Riff ::

bomo videli kaj jim rata de ne bo to še ena grafična serija v stilu intel HD grafičnih

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