Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » kripto splošna debata
kripto splošna debata
Temo vidijo: vsi
matic492 ::
Jaz sem praktično na vseh coinih, ki sem jih DCAjal od prejšnjega bullruna v plusu, kar se spomnem da ni plusa je recimo NEX, ta je res dead, samo nisem dal veliko na njega
Ironično ravno NEX ima aplikacijo, ki deluje super.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000
val46 ::
Dej, za skozi bog, prodaj dokler si v zelenem in se poberi iz kripta, dokler si še tistih 30€ v plusu. Vsaj ne bomo vsak dan poslušali jokanja, ko bo padlo za 2%.
Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Buggy ::
hehe cheers...ce bo tak zegen s temi dip-sell buyi po 4-5% bo kmalu za nove Maldive drugo leto. Trenutno je zame 4% na teden more than enough...pozresnost vedno stane
Špricer ::
Jaz pa sem sedaj spet v zelenem. Hvalabogu.
A s tem ga piješ?
XRP Lawsuit News: Atkins Won’t Dismiss The Ripple Case, SEC Vs XRP To Continue
Gary Gensler, the controversial head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), will step down on January 20, 2025, as announced by the agency recently. Gensler, who was widely criticized by crypto investors during his tenure, will leave just days before a major decision in the SEC's ongoing legal battle with Ripple, set for January 25, 2025.
However, despite Gensler’s departure, the future of the SEC's approach to crypto remains uncertain. Bill Morgan, an attorney closely following the case, pointed out that the SEC’s new chief litigation counsel, Jorge Tenreiro, is deeply involved in the Ripple litigation.
Tenreiro, who will be the key lawyer in the SEC v. Ripple case, may continue in this role even after the confirmation of the new SEC commissioner, Paul Atkins. Morgan expressed skepticism about any significant shift in the SEC's stance on crypto if Tenreiro remains in charge of the litigation.
CoinPedia News
I told you so.
Nič ne bo s kripplom. Lepo so nategnili. Spet enaka zgodba, da so si naivneži napolnili vreče na vrhu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Buggy ::
ALGO potegnu cez mojo predikcijo 0.48 kjer sem prodal...torej ima potencial in vztrajnost kupil pri 0.43...zaponite si to pri naslednjem dipu. januarja se bomo sli IMO en tak limbo low can you go januarja se bomo sli IMO en tak limbo low can you go
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()
Buggy ::
ALGO dela zeleno sveco...od sestih potencialnih kandadtov sem predictal pravega. Delam pa tedenske nakupe s ciljem +500€ na glavnico...zlo skromno za vas miljonarje
Buggy ::
XRP me je ta teden kostal 3%, hvala kurcu za stop loss, ki sem ga pravi cas azuriral.
Nasledni favorit v dipu je pa LIDO
Tezos pa se caka svoj trenutek
Nasledni favorit v dipu je pa LIDO
Tezos pa se caka svoj trenutek
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()
Buggy ::
Shorterji so pac kontraproduktiva ideja trga, neke vrste toxicnost in posledicno sirjenje laznih novic v kar ne verjamem. Zato sovrazim tudi rumenjakarje v SI politiki, ki se posluzujejo teh vzvodov. Verjamem v je tudi moja generalna usmeritev, pa makar me stane
Buggy ::
jype je vecini pomagal in tudi ustrezno usmerjal, neuke pa aroganca dolocenih in intelektualna nezmoznost kontriranja argumentov, ki jih je predocil dolocene pusila na suhem to prav je tako
Buggy ::
Pa BTW ne glih lambotov se kupovat, ker rabis tud dolecn skill v voznji, sicer boste izpadli smesni pred hudaco, ko vas bo tunan sleeper spravil v nejevoljo ![:))](
ciljam na GR-N yaris tunano seveda
ciljam na GR-N yaris tunano seveda
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()
matic492 ::
Ne bo hudač, verjemi, se obračajo za takimi avti samo mladi pobi, ženska pa nobena.
Najbolj navdušeni so pa kaki 12-letniki, ki se začnejo dret za tabo "daj gasaaaaa!"
Najbolj navdušeni so pa kaki 12-letniki, ki se začnejo dret za tabo "daj gasaaaaa!"
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000
Buggy ::
verjetno isti lambo hunterji, ki pozimi pri minusu hodijo z golimi gleznji in supergicah, naparfumani pa za kozlat
Špricer ::
Nov dan, nov udarec. V ponedeljek pa spet v službo. Dobri avti in gole ženske pa bodo le na dimnikarskih koledarjih za 2025.
Bolj 60 plus. Imajo največ povojnega pohlepa v sebi
A niso 12 letniki največji kripto holderji?
Bolj 60 plus. Imajo največ povojnega pohlepa v sebi
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
dope1337 ::
Hvala slotech za pomoc. Tole temo sem predstavil svojemu AI agentu kot definicijo "midcurve". Zelo mu je vsec input Spricerja.
Prosim, ne se ustavit
Prosim, ne se ustavit
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
kriptobog ::
zodiak ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Shortam pa z 2x. In na vsake 10k ko gre Bitcoin gor, še dodam v short in si takoj povišujem povprečno višino začetka shorta, kar pomeni, da bom na koncu v večjem profitu. Zaenkrat shortam samo Bitcoin, ker se mi zdi šibek in glede na grafe, bo tole hitro padlo. Prvi močen support je na 42k. Tam se bo pa videlo ali bo interes za nakup dovolj velik, da se obrani, ali se gre nižje.
Kalibri ::
Špricer ::
Kdo se spet dela norca iz mene? Jaz nisem noben indikator. Je pa res da meja 100000 še zdaleč ni ubranjena. Xrp pa lahko pozabi ath. Krš...
Potencial vidim v bear in linku. Shiba, doge. Prej shiba ker imajo burn mehanizem in nove in nove implementacije, ki se dejansko uresničujejo za razliko charlesovih dreves v nigerijski puščavi z ada oddajniki za ada internet in ada telefoni.
Potencial vidim v bear in linku. Shiba, doge. Prej shiba ker imajo burn mehanizem in nove in nove implementacije, ki se dejansko uresničujejo za razliko charlesovih dreves v nigerijski puščavi z ada oddajniki za ada internet in ada telefoni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
val46 ::
Shiba ima burn mehanizem že od kar obstaja, pa zaradi tega nič več ne raste. Dejansko en od redkih coinov, na katerih mam še minus v primerjavi z nakupno ceno, ko sem jih kupoval. Kljub temu da sm v času kar mam shibo, skoraj podvojil njihovo količino s stakanjem. Doge bo rastel pa sam če bo Musk vanj metal miljarde. Pa to morda za kakih 20%. Na tako rast, kot jo je tokrat pokazal tvoj "nerv triger" xrp, s tema dvema coinoma lohk pozabiš. Ne letos, ne drugo leto...
martincek1 ::
A smem vprašat, zakaj vsi tu izgleda kupujete samo neke boomer coine? Prav mučno je brat to bluzenje okrog rippla in cardana.
Kripto ::
Na koliko imate stop loss ripple?
Stop loss nimam nastavljen, v času bull trenda ne vem koliko je to pametno...ker se lahko odbije in kaj boš potem...bodo weak hands ali?
V času pullbacka bi lahko XRP videli v rangu 1,1-1,3 USD. V času peaka tega cikla pa v rangu 9-11 USD v letu 2025. Bomo videli... kakšen bo sentiment.
Predvsem je treba počakati kaj bo še prinesel najbolj nori in veseli mesec december...
Wealth is mindset!
Špricer ::
martincek1 je izjavil:
A smem vprašat, zakaj vsi tu izgleda kupujete samo neke boomer coine? Prav mučno je brat to bluzenje okrog rippla in cardana.
Vprašaj jih? Xrp vsake 4 leta ustvarja baghodlerje, ki shilajo, da bi čimprej prodali z minimalno dobička.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
hamez66 ::
martincek1 je izjavil:
A smem vprašat, zakaj vsi tu izgleda kupujete samo neke boomer coine? Prav mučno je brat to bluzenje okrog rippla in cardana.
Zato, da nam zdaj ni treba plačati 3-5x več, kot smo, ko smo kupovali.
Doge 0.082->0.445 od avgusta
xrp 0.555 - 2.4 od začetka novembra
xlm - nekako v stilu xrp
ada - 0.35, ko smo debatirali z tilliom, je zdaj 1.2
Premalo zate?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: hamez66 ()
Špricer ::
martincek1 je izjavil:
A smem vprašat, zakaj vsi tu izgleda kupujete samo neke boomer coine? Prav mučno je brat to bluzenje okrog rippla in cardana.
Zato, da nam zdaj ni treba plačati 3-5x več, kot smo, ko smo kupovali.
Doge 0.082->0.445 od avgusta
xrp 0.555 - 2.4 od začetka novembra
xlm - nekako v stilu xrp
ada - 0.35, ko smo debatirali z tilliom, je zdaj 1.2
Premalo zate?
Ni se za hvaliti s tistimi nekaj fičniki, ki jih poseduješ.
val46 ::
Svaš izjavi nekdo, ki se redno in vsakič "pohvali", kako si je izplačal 50€ dobička...ali kako je kupil nek coin, za 20€, pa pol bo kar bo.
Kripto ::
Svaš izjavi nekdo, ki se redno in vsakič "pohvali", kako si je izplačal 50EUR dobička...ali kako je kupil nek coin, za 20EUR, pa pol bo kar bo.
Preseneča me, da se z njim sploh kdo ukvarja. Kako ne vidite, da je tu samo zato, da provocira, trola... laže in izmišljuje si pa tako, da še sam ne more slediti svojim lažem in izmišljotinam o nakupih, prodajah
Z veliko verjetnostjo je to je čudežno izginil. V tej vlogi ima drugačen pristop.
Ali je trol, provokator ali pa popoln idiot. Sami ocenite.
Wealth is mindset!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Kripto ()
matic492 ::
Ljudje ne spremljajo 24/7 te teme in ne morejo sledit kdo je troll.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000
Špricer ::
Shitcoin Millionaire -- A short story of corn and shit in the global economy and how Charles Hoskinson is scamming Ethiopia.
Once you do the homework, it's almost self-evident that our record keeping system for store of value is broken. Many might point to Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, removing the United States Dollar from the Gold Standard in 1971 as the genesis block for the collapse. Closing this exchange window created an inflationary fiat currency and a burgeoning gap between classes. The rich, as we see them today in larger towers, with ever increasing net worth, and soon to be colonizing Mars. The poor, with little access to proper nutrition, plenty of simple sugars, as well as the nightmare that is the opioid crisis. And the middle class, going deeper into debt to work deeper into the night to live, on average, one less year.
In the United States, this means the price of lumber and steel far outpaces the official inflation numbers. In Ethiopia, this means that the imported (and domestic) products at the corner store have increased 250% in price since 2013 when I first moved there. And in many more sections of our world, an increasing amount of energy is used for fighting each other. Social media mobs, talking-heads on television, and investments in natural resources are normally factors in these senseless wars.
Bitcoin is really a chance to start over again. Or at least that's what a growing collective of miners, hodlers, market makers, fund managers, and plebs around the world have convinced themselves into believing. Of the top 10 countries using Bitcoin, 3 are African (Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa). These humble populations understand the principles of money -- often much better than those at the helm of the World Economic Forum. And although government regulations may be strict in these countries, Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures required by exchanges and custodians are often easy to side-step.
The Bitcoin thesis of buying and hodling the best money there is, is quite simple. And it doesn't involve the inflationary bargains and centralized burdens of what is referred to as altcoins (a.k.a. shitcoins) by the bitcoin community.
There are more than 5,000 altcoins/ useless tokens with outlandish and comical names such as Dogecoin. The jokes have gotten so real, that after three months of research, I still can't conclude whether Milkcoin is a real token that trades on an exchange, or an elaborate joke. These are roller coasters of high volatility with American college students staking their stimulus checks in hopes to buy a Lambo before the summer. Anyone stuck in a basement these past few months will find great entertainment and profit off products and services that have yet to fully prove themselves. For example, "smart contracts" is a term that gets thrown around with certainty, yet, the application has yet to present itself where it matters most.
In this show l present to you potential scams, Ponzi scheme, and pyramid schemes that are going on in relation to cryptocurrency investments.")
At the epicenter of this tragic comedy is a gentleman named Charles Hoskinson and his Director for Africa, residing in Addis Ababa, John O'Connor. I had the pleasure to be invited to their various Blockchain events including one during their 2018 Addis Ababa visit where they signed a Memorandum of Understanding on blockchain technology... "to trace Ethiopian Coffee along the value chain" with the Government of Ethiopia through its Ministry of Science and Technology. Cardano, a cryptocurrency platform, is instead a cohort of criminals (Cardano Foundation, EMURGO, IOHK, and Input Output) not only because of the Howey Test. And not only because they would fall under an "Affinity Frauds"-- although regulators should look here too if they are investigating elaborate cryptocurrency ponzi schemes. What I care most about is the time-critical assignments that they are making a mockery of in Ethiopia.
According to the Ethiopian Ministry of Peace, National ID Cards in Ethiopia were to be developed by IOHK/ Cardano Foundation. But as recently as February 2021, the subreddit r/Cardano removed its claim that Ethiopia had started issuing Digital Identity. Adding insult to injury, it seems as though Cardano and its cohort have released additional news wires to confirm that they have not, in fact, been contracted by the Ministry of Peace.
Then in early April 2021, we saw more smoke and mirrors, through the same newswire, about a leak from Charles Hoskinson himself and a picture-coded message on Twitter alluding to a signature with, presumably, an unidentified Minister in Ethiopia. And in late April 2021, we are seeing more empty promises through a highly promoted Africa conference with ICE Addis as the Ethiopian partner and after three years, no deliverables in sight.
(Empty Partnerships, toothless Memorandums of Understandings, and a Web of Lies built on affinity for promotion, @IOHK_Charles -- Twitter)
Affinity Frauds normally claim to have groundbreaking investments, partnerships, and innovations. Bernie Madoff is a memorable fraudster who for several decades stole money until a bear market exposed his criminal lack of fiduciary responsibility. While Cardano and Charles Hoskinson are referred to as "a Soul in Hell", a chilling number of social media bots, amateur marketing agents, and over-zealous brand ambassadors speak like robots as to why 1 equals 100. In Ethiopia, they have yet to register a Sole Proprietorship, a Private Limited Company, a Share Company, a Project Office, or a Civil Service/ Society.
Yet John O'Conner remains in Addis Ababa to host conferences and "educate" programmers on software languages that may very well be useless. In the Amharic language, the word to use for these scammers is "??" or "leba". Charles Hoskinson and John O'Connor are stealing the most precious resource of Ethiopia's young population: its time.
(IOHK | Ethiopia's First Blockchain Forum Presentation -- John O'Connor & Charles Hoskinson during a May 3, 2018 event at the Ministry of Science and Technology in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.)
(Japanese cryptocurrency investors reacted negatively to photos from Cardano ICO business seminars, participated in by IOHK co-founders Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood, with Cardano Foundation chairman Michael Parsons (front row). Once the initial coin offering secured funding for IOHK, their staff ceased communicating with the Japanese investors... IOHK staff maintained that they had no obligation to touch base with their Japanese investors)
After leaving Ethereum under shady circumstances, Charles Hoskinson has continued to build a terrible reputation that precedes him from early investors he scammed in Japan in February 2017. He is helplessly at the center of a USD 40 billion house of cards after printing 31 billion Cardano (ADA) tokens -- with 14 billion remaining to be dumped on an unsuspecting market of retail investors. And although he may not be directly milking Ethiopia of its foreign currency, he is indirectly contributing to my country's non-existent role in global finance and a childish ethos of ethnic borders beyond sovereign human rights. Charles Hoskinson, and snake oil salesmen like him, are bad news for Ethiopia.
Once you do the homework, it's almost self-evident that our record keeping system for store of value is broken. Many might point to Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, removing the United States Dollar from the Gold Standard in 1971 as the genesis block for the collapse. Closing this exchange window created an inflationary fiat currency and a burgeoning gap between classes. The rich, as we see them today in larger towers, with ever increasing net worth, and soon to be colonizing Mars. The poor, with little access to proper nutrition, plenty of simple sugars, as well as the nightmare that is the opioid crisis. And the middle class, going deeper into debt to work deeper into the night to live, on average, one less year.
In the United States, this means the price of lumber and steel far outpaces the official inflation numbers. In Ethiopia, this means that the imported (and domestic) products at the corner store have increased 250% in price since 2013 when I first moved there. And in many more sections of our world, an increasing amount of energy is used for fighting each other. Social media mobs, talking-heads on television, and investments in natural resources are normally factors in these senseless wars.
Bitcoin is really a chance to start over again. Or at least that's what a growing collective of miners, hodlers, market makers, fund managers, and plebs around the world have convinced themselves into believing. Of the top 10 countries using Bitcoin, 3 are African (Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa). These humble populations understand the principles of money -- often much better than those at the helm of the World Economic Forum. And although government regulations may be strict in these countries, Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures required by exchanges and custodians are often easy to side-step.
The Bitcoin thesis of buying and hodling the best money there is, is quite simple. And it doesn't involve the inflationary bargains and centralized burdens of what is referred to as altcoins (a.k.a. shitcoins) by the bitcoin community.
There are more than 5,000 altcoins/ useless tokens with outlandish and comical names such as Dogecoin. The jokes have gotten so real, that after three months of research, I still can't conclude whether Milkcoin is a real token that trades on an exchange, or an elaborate joke. These are roller coasters of high volatility with American college students staking their stimulus checks in hopes to buy a Lambo before the summer. Anyone stuck in a basement these past few months will find great entertainment and profit off products and services that have yet to fully prove themselves. For example, "smart contracts" is a term that gets thrown around with certainty, yet, the application has yet to present itself where it matters most.
In this show l present to you potential scams, Ponzi scheme, and pyramid schemes that are going on in relation to cryptocurrency investments.")
At the epicenter of this tragic comedy is a gentleman named Charles Hoskinson and his Director for Africa, residing in Addis Ababa, John O'Connor. I had the pleasure to be invited to their various Blockchain events including one during their 2018 Addis Ababa visit where they signed a Memorandum of Understanding on blockchain technology... "to trace Ethiopian Coffee along the value chain" with the Government of Ethiopia through its Ministry of Science and Technology. Cardano, a cryptocurrency platform, is instead a cohort of criminals (Cardano Foundation, EMURGO, IOHK, and Input Output) not only because of the Howey Test. And not only because they would fall under an "Affinity Frauds"-- although regulators should look here too if they are investigating elaborate cryptocurrency ponzi schemes. What I care most about is the time-critical assignments that they are making a mockery of in Ethiopia.
According to the Ethiopian Ministry of Peace, National ID Cards in Ethiopia were to be developed by IOHK/ Cardano Foundation. But as recently as February 2021, the subreddit r/Cardano removed its claim that Ethiopia had started issuing Digital Identity. Adding insult to injury, it seems as though Cardano and its cohort have released additional news wires to confirm that they have not, in fact, been contracted by the Ministry of Peace.
Then in early April 2021, we saw more smoke and mirrors, through the same newswire, about a leak from Charles Hoskinson himself and a picture-coded message on Twitter alluding to a signature with, presumably, an unidentified Minister in Ethiopia. And in late April 2021, we are seeing more empty promises through a highly promoted Africa conference with ICE Addis as the Ethiopian partner and after three years, no deliverables in sight.
(Empty Partnerships, toothless Memorandums of Understandings, and a Web of Lies built on affinity for promotion, @IOHK_Charles -- Twitter)
Affinity Frauds normally claim to have groundbreaking investments, partnerships, and innovations. Bernie Madoff is a memorable fraudster who for several decades stole money until a bear market exposed his criminal lack of fiduciary responsibility. While Cardano and Charles Hoskinson are referred to as "a Soul in Hell", a chilling number of social media bots, amateur marketing agents, and over-zealous brand ambassadors speak like robots as to why 1 equals 100. In Ethiopia, they have yet to register a Sole Proprietorship, a Private Limited Company, a Share Company, a Project Office, or a Civil Service/ Society.
Yet John O'Conner remains in Addis Ababa to host conferences and "educate" programmers on software languages that may very well be useless. In the Amharic language, the word to use for these scammers is "??" or "leba". Charles Hoskinson and John O'Connor are stealing the most precious resource of Ethiopia's young population: its time.
(IOHK | Ethiopia's First Blockchain Forum Presentation -- John O'Connor & Charles Hoskinson during a May 3, 2018 event at the Ministry of Science and Technology in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.)
(Japanese cryptocurrency investors reacted negatively to photos from Cardano ICO business seminars, participated in by IOHK co-founders Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood, with Cardano Foundation chairman Michael Parsons (front row). Once the initial coin offering secured funding for IOHK, their staff ceased communicating with the Japanese investors... IOHK staff maintained that they had no obligation to touch base with their Japanese investors)
After leaving Ethereum under shady circumstances, Charles Hoskinson has continued to build a terrible reputation that precedes him from early investors he scammed in Japan in February 2017. He is helplessly at the center of a USD 40 billion house of cards after printing 31 billion Cardano (ADA) tokens -- with 14 billion remaining to be dumped on an unsuspecting market of retail investors. And although he may not be directly milking Ethiopia of its foreign currency, he is indirectly contributing to my country's non-existent role in global finance and a childish ethos of ethnic borders beyond sovereign human rights. Charles Hoskinson, and snake oil salesmen like him, are bad news for Ethiopia.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Špricer ::
Charles ima celo meme v afriki, saj se zavedajo da jih nateguje s cardano sistemom. Etiopija,nigerija, JAR...
Anney ::
Jah nič, do ponedeljka bo treba počakat, razen če bo kak whale delal sobotni ali nedeljski parti, pa bo rabil dnar za mlada dekleta.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Špricer ::
Shocking comments for XRP: "Key to the big crash"
Bitcoin maximalists and critics have taken a stand against XRP, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies of recent times. Analysts have expressed concerns about XRP's rapid rise. Describing XRP as "the beginning of all crashes," analysts said investors should be careful.
The popular altcoin XRP has gained significant momentum in recent months. While the XRP price rose by nearly 300 percent in November, it witnessed a 31 percent increase in the first three days of December. These increases have led to criticism from Bitcoin maximalists. In particular, analysts argued that the $XRP price is unsustainable.
The Bitcoin maximalist known as BitMan expressed his doubts by emphasizing XRP's historical price movements. According to BitMan, the popular altcoin has increased by 45,920 percent since its inception. BitMan claimed that the performance of XRP in the last few months is unnatural and will end in disaster.
Chartered Financial analyst Rajat Soni also shared a similar view. Soni referred to historical data in his post on X. The analyst reminded that XRP had only increased by 11 percent in the previous five years. According to the analyst, the fact that XRP, which had been slow in previous years, has increased by 435 percent since November 2 poses a danger. Soni thinks that the altcoin will progress in the form of "rise and then fall."
There were also those who criticized the critics' "collapse" theories. A market analyst known as Captain Kirk attributed the recent rise to the SEC lawsuit and the resignation of SEC Chairman Garry Gensler. According to Kirk, the XRP price is rising due to fair market conditions rather than manipulation.
XRP, which has been subject to intense criticism, has performed positively compared to Bitcoin. The XRP/BTC trading pair recorded a 179.14 percent increase in November. The popular altcoin gained 32 percent against $BTC in December. Having reached an 18-month peak in Bitcoin parity, the altcoin has entered the radar of Bitcoin maximalists.
Bitcoin maximalists and critics have taken a stand against XRP, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies of recent times. Analysts have expressed concerns about XRP's rapid rise. Describing XRP as "the beginning of all crashes," analysts said investors should be careful.
The popular altcoin XRP has gained significant momentum in recent months. While the XRP price rose by nearly 300 percent in November, it witnessed a 31 percent increase in the first three days of December. These increases have led to criticism from Bitcoin maximalists. In particular, analysts argued that the $XRP price is unsustainable.
The Bitcoin maximalist known as BitMan expressed his doubts by emphasizing XRP's historical price movements. According to BitMan, the popular altcoin has increased by 45,920 percent since its inception. BitMan claimed that the performance of XRP in the last few months is unnatural and will end in disaster.
Chartered Financial analyst Rajat Soni also shared a similar view. Soni referred to historical data in his post on X. The analyst reminded that XRP had only increased by 11 percent in the previous five years. According to the analyst, the fact that XRP, which had been slow in previous years, has increased by 435 percent since November 2 poses a danger. Soni thinks that the altcoin will progress in the form of "rise and then fall."
There were also those who criticized the critics' "collapse" theories. A market analyst known as Captain Kirk attributed the recent rise to the SEC lawsuit and the resignation of SEC Chairman Garry Gensler. According to Kirk, the XRP price is rising due to fair market conditions rather than manipulation.
XRP, which has been subject to intense criticism, has performed positively compared to Bitcoin. The XRP/BTC trading pair recorded a 179.14 percent increase in November. The popular altcoin gained 32 percent against $BTC in December. Having reached an 18-month peak in Bitcoin parity, the altcoin has entered the radar of Bitcoin maximalists.
Anney ::
A je bil en špricer preveč, da imaš copy paste monologe iz bog ve kje?
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Kripto ::
Lepo raste XRP, še dobro da sem še nekaj dokupil. Ostalo so tudi odlično. SUI se je tudi v zadnjem tednu premaknil... ADA je nekaj obtičala, ampak OK sem v odličnem plusu pri ADA.
XRP je za enkrat zmagovalec mojega portfelja.
XRP je za enkrat zmagovalec mojega portfelja.
Wealth is mindset!
Špricer ::
Lepo raste XRP, še dobro da sem še nekaj dokupil. Ostalo so tudi odlično. SUI se je tudi v zadnjem tednu premaknil... ADA je nekaj obtičala, ampak OK sem v odličnem plusu pri ADA.
XRP je za enkrat zmagovalec mojega portfelja.
Sui je overbought triangle dosegel. Ponedeljek domnevajo, da bo rdeč za vse coine. Kdor bo dokupoval je lovljenje falling knives
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Anney ::
Lepo raste XRP, še dobro da sem še nekaj dokupil. Ostalo so tudi odlično. SUI se je tudi v zadnjem tednu premaknil... ADA je nekaj obtičala, ampak OK sem v odličnem plusu pri ADA.
XRP je za enkrat zmagovalec mojega portfelja.
Sui je overbought triangle dosegel. Ponedeljek domnevajo, da bo rdeč za vse coine. Kdor bo dokupoval je lovljenje falling knives
Jebemu mast, da sem raje kar tv3 prižgal pa enga Blaža pogledal, kot pa da tebe berem tu.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Špricer ::
Lepo raste XRP, še dobro da sem še nekaj dokupil. Ostalo so tudi odlično. SUI se je tudi v zadnjem tednu premaknil... ADA je nekaj obtičala, ampak OK sem v odličnem plusu pri ADA.
XRP je za enkrat zmagovalec mojega portfelja.
Sui je overbought triangle dosegel. Ponedeljek domnevajo, da bo rdeč za vse coine. Kdor bo dokupoval je lovljenje falling knives
Jebemu mast, da sem raje kar tv3 prižgal pa enga Blaža pogledal, kot pa da tebe berem tu.
Švab iz Modrijanov?
endelin ::
Xrp zmagovalec tega bulla med top alti.
2021 underperformal.![:)](
Povprečen slotechovec ima vsaj 30k riplov. Za penzijo/lambota ne bo. Je pa lepa božičnica
2021 underperformal.
Povprečen slotechovec ima vsaj 30k riplov. Za penzijo/lambota ne bo. Je pa lepa božičnica
Špricer ::
endelin ::
Enemon: ti še kaj HODLaš?![:D](
Za mrlaka je vse skupaj igra. Vrže notri malo za zabavo. Kak milijonček v safe coine kot so xrp, doge, eth in opazuje. In nardi u izico par 10%.
Medtem povprečen slotechovec lovi x10+
Xrp zmagovalec tega bulla med top alti.
2021 underperformal.
Povprečen slotechovec ima vsaj 30k riplov. Za penzijo/lambota ne bo. Je pa lepa božičnica
Če delaš v proizvodnji. Merlak in eferl imata verjetno za 1milijon eur.
Za mrlaka je vse skupaj igra. Vrže notri malo za zabavo. Kak milijonček v safe coine kot so xrp, doge, eth in opazuje. In nardi u izico par 10%.
Medtem povprečen slotechovec lovi x10+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
Špricer ::
Ma, fak, kaj nisi reku par dni nazaj, da se slišimo 2027? Kaj še delaš tle?
Kaj te moti bolnik? Vsaj pišem pravi sentiment. Zakaj naj ne bi bil bloody monday v ponedeljek? Berem pomembne spletne strani...
Upam da se nisva srečala na binance neetingu sicer bi jih napel.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()