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kripto splošna debata
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Špricer ::
Ja ja, poudarek bi jst dal na tisto besedo "promising". Sicer pa ostalega ne bom bral, ker se mi ne da. In ja, je lepo zrastla čez noč, sam še vedno si v minusu z njo, glede na nakup, sm skorej prepričan. Drugače jo mam tudi sam v prfoliju, sam zato, da ne boš ti obogatel, jst pa ne
V bistvu nimaš pojma. Kupljeno na 0,000028. Sedaj samo gledam rast. Z xrp mi pa lahko rit obrišeš. Za razliko z xrp se shiba bori proti inflaciji kovancev z burni. Tvojo večinoma xrp si lasti bog Garlinghouse prek drugih slamnatih podjetij.
The starting point in the chart above is the issuance of many billions of XRP tokens - essentially printing Monopoly money out of thin air, except that you can play Monopoly with Monopoly money.
To obscure Ripple's founders' intentions, however, an open source 'community' - not technically Ripple itself - issued the tokens. "XRP is open source and it was not created by our company, so that existed as an open source technology," explains Ryan Zagone, director of regulatory relations for Ripple. "We didn't create XRP."
How, then, did Ripple end up with its massive stake in XRP, amounting to well over half the available tokens? "What we do have is we do own a significant amount of XRP, it was gifted to us by some of the open-source developers that created it," Zagone continues. "But there's not a direct connection between Ripple the company and XRP."
However, Zagone is being disingenuous at best, as Ripple gets a say as to who can process XRP transactions, essentially making XRP a centralized, permissioned crypto. As a result, many people in the crypto community don't even consider XRP to be a cryptocurrency at all, because it's not decentralized.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Špricer ::
So Many Customers? Maybe Not
One of the strongest indicators that Ripple is a going concern is the dozens of customers it touts. Look more closely, however, and most such companies are 'partners,' not customers - and to make matters worse, Ripple pays companies to become partners.
Ripple calls this arrangement the RippleNet Accelerator Program. "Starting [October 13, 2017], Ripple will offer a unique reward for financial institutions that are the first in their markets to process and promote commercial payments on RippleNet," according to a Ripple blog post. "The reward will come in the form of rebates through the new RippleNet Accelerator Program."
Where, then, does the money for these rewards come from? "The RippleNet Accelerator Program is funded by $300 million of XRP from Ripple's XRP holdings," the post continues.
In other words, Ripple is using its share of its free XRP tokens to build the illusion it has paying customers - when in fact Ripple is paying them, not the other way around.
The Problem of Liquidity
Ripple's stated goal of this incentive program is to lower what it calls 'liquidity cost.' "Since we're offering the incentives in XRP, we anticipate seeing an added benefit of building an easy on-ramp for institutions to use XRP in their payment flows to lower liquidity cost in the future," says Monica Long, SVP of marketing at Ripple. "Early reception of these XRP incentives in a test phase has been very positive."
The question of liquidity cost, in fact, is at the heart of Ripple's international payments product strategy. For XRP to work as an intermediate currency, banks or other institutions must maintain sufficient reserves of XRP in order to respond to requests for transactions.
One of the strongest indicators that Ripple is a going concern is the dozens of customers it touts. Look more closely, however, and most such companies are 'partners,' not customers - and to make matters worse, Ripple pays companies to become partners.
Ripple calls this arrangement the RippleNet Accelerator Program. "Starting [October 13, 2017], Ripple will offer a unique reward for financial institutions that are the first in their markets to process and promote commercial payments on RippleNet," according to a Ripple blog post. "The reward will come in the form of rebates through the new RippleNet Accelerator Program."
Where, then, does the money for these rewards come from? "The RippleNet Accelerator Program is funded by $300 million of XRP from Ripple's XRP holdings," the post continues.
In other words, Ripple is using its share of its free XRP tokens to build the illusion it has paying customers - when in fact Ripple is paying them, not the other way around.
The Problem of Liquidity
Ripple's stated goal of this incentive program is to lower what it calls 'liquidity cost.' "Since we're offering the incentives in XRP, we anticipate seeing an added benefit of building an easy on-ramp for institutions to use XRP in their payment flows to lower liquidity cost in the future," says Monica Long, SVP of marketing at Ripple. "Early reception of these XRP incentives in a test phase has been very positive."
The question of liquidity cost, in fact, is at the heart of Ripple's international payments product strategy. For XRP to work as an intermediate currency, banks or other institutions must maintain sufficient reserves of XRP in order to respond to requests for transactions.
Špricer ::
Milijon ČE, ČE. Ko odstopi Gensler 20 januarja...
Gensler's replacement may expedite the appeals process to resolve the case and determine whether financial products like an XRP ETF--which would allow mainstream investors to gain exposure to XRP--are approved in the future.
Earlier this year, the SEC pivoted from its longstanding objections to ETFs based on crypto spot prices to approve funds based on the performance of bitcoin and ether, the two largest digital assets by market value.
Approval of an ETF focused on XRP, the sixth-largest crypto by market capitalization, could lead to increased demand and liquidity for the asset.
The case is particularly significant because it will influence how other cryptocurrencies may be regulated. The SEC is also weighing proposals for funds based on the spot price of Solana, the fourth largest crypto.
Gensler's replacement may expedite the appeals process to resolve the case and determine whether financial products like an XRP ETF--which would allow mainstream investors to gain exposure to XRP--are approved in the future.
Earlier this year, the SEC pivoted from its longstanding objections to ETFs based on crypto spot prices to approve funds based on the performance of bitcoin and ether, the two largest digital assets by market value.
Approval of an ETF focused on XRP, the sixth-largest crypto by market capitalization, could lead to increased demand and liquidity for the asset.
The case is particularly significant because it will influence how other cryptocurrencies may be regulated. The SEC is also weighing proposals for funds based on the spot price of Solana, the fourth largest crypto.
Lonsarg ::
Cripto kjer je vrednost določena z asseti neke firme in je blockchain zgolj proxy za potrebe trgovanja (XRP) je čisto druga žival kot kripto kjer dejansko vrednost živi na blockchain (BTC, ETH).
In bi tudi regulacija morala biti popolnoma drugačna, na XRP bi regulatorji morali gledati kot na delnico Ripple.
In bi tudi regulacija morala biti popolnoma drugačna, na XRP bi regulatorji morali gledati kot na delnico Ripple.
val46 ::
Oh, od kje si se pa ti vzel? Kaj ni SEC to počel zadnjih 5 let? In kaj so ugotovili? Sicer pa, ne zagovarjam ne xrp, ne nobenega...jaz sam vlagam tja, kjer mislim da bom od tega imel nek profit. Kaj je v ozadju me mene malo BK po domače povedano. Ga ni coina na tem svetu, v katerega bi tolk verjel, da bi vanj dajal svoj denar le zato, da bodo oni z mojim denarjem lahko nekaj ukrenili. Pa bodimo pošteni do sebe...morda jih je tu v tej temi 5% takih, ki v določene coine vlagajo zato, ker verjamejo v tisto, kar naj bi ta coin v bodoče prinesel. Vsi ostali smo tu zato, da kaj zaslužimo. Naj me kdo demantira če lahko, pa mislim da ga ni junaka. Bom potem povedal zakaj tako razmišljam.
Špricer ::
Oh, od kje si se pa ti vzel? Kaj ni SEC to počel zadnjih 5 let? In kaj so ugotovili? Sicer pa, ne zagovarjam ne xrp, ne nobenega...jaz sam vlagam tja, kjer mislim da bom od tega imel nek profit. Kaj je v ozadju me mene malo BK po domače povedano. Ga ni coina na tem svetu, v katerega bi tolk verjel, da bi vanj dajal svoj denar le zato, da bodo oni z mojim denarjem lahko nekaj ukrenili. Pa bodimo pošteni do sebe...morda jih je tu v tej temi 5% takih, ki v določene coine vlagajo zato, ker verjamejo v tisto, kar naj bi ta coin v bodoče prinesel. Vsi ostali smo tu zato, da kaj zaslužimo. Naj me kdo demantira če lahko, pa mislim da ga ni junaka. Bom potem povedal zakaj tako razmišljam.
Se strinjam. Jaz sem tu samo, da zaslužim. Se zavedam, da na račun suckerjev ampak tako je v življenju. Če želiš ti zasluži moraš koga nategnit, da naredi to zate.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Špricer ::
One billion XRP tokens were unlocked by Ripple today, which can be valued at $1.92 billion at the current price. This release is a standard operation in which the San Francisco-based crypto company releases 1 billion XRP to the open market every first of the month. According to the original XRPL novel,Ripple is expected to unlock a total of 55 billion tokens from its escrow accounts, which is nearly 55% of the total XRP supply. The goal of such a decision was to make the supply of XRP more predictable.
Currently, the cryptocurrency company has just under 37.24 billion tokens remaining in its accounts. How many tokens remain in the market is still an unknown value and will be known when Ripple locks back unclaimed tokens.
Given thatXRP is one of the main newsmakers and headliners in the crypto market right now, such a move could cause panic or at least volatility for the token.
XRP ended November with a price gain of 283.9%, and the release of 1 billion tokens when the price of the token is at a seven-year high may be negative, especially for those unfamiliar with such nuances of the popular cryptocurrency's tokenomics.
XRP experienced a drawdown with the first day of December, but not that dramatic. Considering that all of November until the last day was bullish for the token, the 2.4% intraday drawdown can hardly be considered significant. Furthermore, XRP is now trading above its opening price of $1.93, according toBitstamp.
Tomorrow is Monday, and it will be possible to see how XRP behaves on higher volumes, but the beginning of the month is still a continuation of the party despite such eye-catching events for the token.
Currently, the cryptocurrency company has just under 37.24 billion tokens remaining in its accounts. How many tokens remain in the market is still an unknown value and will be known when Ripple locks back unclaimed tokens.
Given thatXRP is one of the main newsmakers and headliners in the crypto market right now, such a move could cause panic or at least volatility for the token.
XRP ended November with a price gain of 283.9%, and the release of 1 billion tokens when the price of the token is at a seven-year high may be negative, especially for those unfamiliar with such nuances of the popular cryptocurrency's tokenomics.
XRP experienced a drawdown with the first day of December, but not that dramatic. Considering that all of November until the last day was bullish for the token, the 2.4% intraday drawdown can hardly be considered significant. Furthermore, XRP is now trading above its opening price of $1.93, according toBitstamp.
Tomorrow is Monday, and it will be possible to see how XRP behaves on higher volumes, but the beginning of the month is still a continuation of the party despite such eye-catching events for the token.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
IgorCardanof ::
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Špricer ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Samo da ni ada. Kripple pa žal je prepozno. Jutri bo morala biti huda korekcija po splavitvi milijardr žetonov.
merlin2 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Samo da ni ada. Kripple pa žal je prepozno. Jutri bo morala biti huda korekcija po splavitvi milijardr žetonov.
No si le prišel do tega da XRP ni zate. Nevem zakaj mi ne verjameš
Špricer ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Samo da ni ada. Kripple pa žal je prepozno. Jutri bo morala biti huda korekcija po splavitvi milijardr žetonov.
No si le prišel do tega da XRP ni zate. Nevem zakaj mi ne verjameš
Si pa res na volji za provocirati. Bolj mislim, da se ti roke tresejo, ker ne gre več gor ta shircoin.
merlin2 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Samo da ni ada. Kripple pa žal je prepozno. Jutri bo morala biti huda korekcija po splavitvi milijardr žetonov.
No si le prišel do tega da XRP ni zate. Nevem zakaj mi ne verjameš
Si pa res na volji za provocirati. Bolj mislim, da se ti roke tresejo, ker ne gre več gor ta shircoin.
Noben kovanec iz skupine ISO20022 NI ZATE. Ne skrbi zame. Res tule gor nekateri iz zavisti pretiravajo ampak nekajletna potrpežljiva mesečna akomulacija mi je ta bull run prinesla neverjetno lep +++
Očitno poslušaš napačne guruje
hamez66 ::
Pa boš zdaj še akumuliral mesečno, če bi bila recimo cena od 2-3$, ali boš samo še držal svoje polne vreče xrpjev?
merlin2 ::
Pa boš zdaj še akumuliral mesečno, če bi bila recimo cena od 2-3$, ali boš samo še držal svoje polne vreče xrpjev?
"Polne vreče" je zlo širok pojem. Zagotovo tako poceni ne bo več. Je pa primerjava, kot bi sedaj kupoval BTC za ceno 200$ po komadu.
Edino vprašanje je kolk bo za retail sploh še dosegljiv. Kmslu začnejo vstopat inštitucije. Pa tudi Ripplov stabilni kovanec RLUSD, ki ga bo prenašal XRP kot nevtralna valuta bo zahteval neko količino.
Kdor pozna njegov potencial, bi vlagal vanj.
Razen Špricerja. On si ga ne zasluži.
LeQuack ::
Zakaj so kar naenkrat vse te tehnologije kovancev svetovno pomembne, en mesec in več nazaj jih pa ni noben povohal?
Quack !
merlin2 ::
Zakaj so kar naenkrat vse te tehnologije kovancev svetovno pomembne, en mesec in več nazaj jih pa ni noben povohal?
Ker so bile vmes pogodbe o nerazkritju, Ripple je gradil globalno infrastrukturo. Pa tudi vsi ostali vključeni v ta standard. Še je čas za vlaganje. Nič bat. Ljudje ga bodo kupovali ko bo po $100, $1000 in več... Proces razvoja se je komaj začel
LeQuack ::
Ker rastejo. Prinašajo denar v našo malho.
Vsekakor, ampak to je lahko tudi memecoin ali NMTs s sliko žabe.
Quack !
merlin2 ::
Za tiste, ki bi vlagali v meme coine na XRPL
Ni finančni nasvet.
Ni finančni nasvet.
Gregor P ::
Gremo fantje zdaj ne pretiravat, kar žene gor vednost je samo naš pohlep po zaslužku
Mislim jaz se ne pritožujem, ampak gremo bit realni
Mislim jaz se ne pritožujem, ampak gremo bit realni
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Špricer ::
Fuck. Koji k...c spet raste meme xrp? Imam že 30 eur profita.
Počasi boš spokal iz te teme. Tvoj guru bo jutri praznih rok ko sr zbudijo inštitucije.
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Si samo jealous, ker nisi dovolj nizek oz. visok iq, da bi kupil ripple. Klasičen midcurve.
Samo da ni ada. Kripple pa žal je prepozno. Jutri bo morala biti huda korekcija po splavitvi milijardr žetonov.
No si le prišel do tega da XRP ni zate. Nevem zakaj mi ne verjameš
Si pa res na volji za provocirati. Bolj mislim, da se ti roke tresejo, ker ne gre več gor ta shircoin.
Noben kovanec iz skupine ISO20022 NI ZATE. Ne skrbi zame. Res tule gor nekateri iz zavisti pretiravajo ampak nekajletna potrpežljiva mesečna akomulacija mi je ta bull run prinesla neverjetno lep +++
Očitno poslušaš napačne guruje
Počasi boš spokal iz te teme. Tvoj guru bo jutri praznih rok ko sr zbudijo inštitucije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
merlin2 ::
Gremo fantje zdaj ne pretiravat, kar žene gor vednost je samo naš pohlep po zaslužku
Mislim jaz se ne pritožujem, ampak gremo bit realni
Vprašanje zakaj si začel vlagat vanj. Ker je bil v nekem obdobju 2 najmočnejši, zaradi nizke cene ali zaradi informacij, ki si jih nabral?
Zame je dolgoročna naložba, kot sem že večkrat poudaril.
Nikoli nisem trejdal s kriptovalutami.
Evo, prehitu Solano??
kriptobog ::
Špricer ::
Imejte na očeh XRP, HBAR in ADA. To je samo priporočilo.
Jup. Jst sm hbar kupoval v zacetku novembra. tudi xlm je za dodat, ceprav je bil ze nekaj casa nazaj optimalni cas za nakup. Ampak itak nihce ne poslusa ko je poceni.
Res sem vesel zate. Upam, da si iz 500000 eur naredil 200000000. Prosim nakaži mi nekaj evrov za kockanje. Vesel sem zate, ker si vsaj nategnil nekaj debilov, ki verjamejo, da vedno raste. Mirno.
Če samo raste ne rabiš imet na očeh.
To ve vsako tele.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
LeQuack ::
Ah te videoti so vsi na isto foro. Če gre gor 100% - it's just the beginning. Če gre gor 300% - it's just the beginning.
Quack !
ViperR ::
Pocas bo treba shortat vse po vrsti. Saylor spet kupu in nabija ceno btcju, alti so pa tud že mal razgreti, vsak dan en random kovanec odfuka za 20% min.
kriptobog ::
Imejte na očeh XRP, HBAR in ADA. To je samo priporočilo.
Jup. Jst sm hbar kupoval v zacetku novembra. tudi xlm je za dodat, ceprav je bil ze nekaj casa nazaj optimalni cas za nakup. Ampak itak nihce ne poslusa ko je poceni.
Res sem vesel zate. Upam, da si iz 500000 eur naredil 200000000. Prosim nakaži mi nekaj evrov za kockanje. Vesel sem zate, ker si vsaj nategnil nekaj debilov, ki verjamejo, da vedno raste. Mirno.
Če samo raste ne rabiš imet na očeh.
To ve vsako tele.
Nisem nategnil nikogar. Sami so se, ko so se raje smejali ko sem kupoval, namesto da bu kupovali. Zdaj pa vsi v buy ko ni vec 40 centov
Špricer ::
Imejte na očeh XRP, HBAR in ADA. To je samo priporočilo.
Jup. Jst sm hbar kupoval v zacetku novembra. tudi xlm je za dodat, ceprav je bil ze nekaj casa nazaj optimalni cas za nakup. Ampak itak nihce ne poslusa ko je poceni.
Res sem vesel zate. Upam, da si iz 500000 eur naredil 200000000. Prosim nakaži mi nekaj evrov za kockanje. Vesel sem zate, ker si vsaj nategnil nekaj debilov, ki verjamejo, da vedno raste. Mirno.
Če samo raste ne rabiš imet na očeh.
To ve vsako tele.
Nisem nategnil nikogar. Sami so se, ko so se raje smejali ko sem kupoval, namesto da bu kupovali. Zdaj pa vsi v buy ko ni vec 40 centov
Ko iz 500 eur naredi 2500 eur se ni za proslaviti. Ali misliš, da so tu vlagatelji s hipotekami? Povprečen Janez, ki vtakne denar v kripto namesto v pijačo.
Nekaj faktov, ker sem pač del kripto sveta.
1. Redki, ki so postali bitcoin miljonarji/multimiljonarji in precej bogatejši, ko je Managerjeva lestvica top 100 bogatih ( in ja, vsi so Slovenci, ampak anonimni ), so prišli zlahka do teh miljonov.
Zakaj? Ker jih je večlina vložila med 2009 - 2016, ko se je dalo z nekaj tisoč eur postati RES bogat. Ampak redki imajo manjek mindseta loto zmagovalca - da uspejo ohraniti oz. povečati bogastvo. 95%, ki jih poznam, so prodali z minimalnim dobičkom, veliko je bilo ločitev zaradi tega, uničenih družin in tudi samomorov...
...predstavljajte si nekoga, ki je zaslužil recimo z prodajo Bitcoina 2014 par 10k eur, kupil rabljen A6 iz Nemčije, ker je žena tako hotela...danes pa bi bi imel recimo par 10 mio eur.
Poanta - kripto ni tako zelo zlahka zaslužek.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
Kripto ::
Če samo raste ne rabiš imet na očeh.
Tudi, ko ne bo raslo. Dolgoročno, ko bo bo bear market...razmislite ali bi napolnili vreče.
Wealth is mindset!
kriptobog ::
Imejte na očeh XRP, HBAR in ADA. To je samo priporočilo.
Jup. Jst sm hbar kupoval v zacetku novembra. tudi xlm je za dodat, ceprav je bil ze nekaj casa nazaj optimalni cas za nakup. Ampak itak nihce ne poslusa ko je poceni.
Res sem vesel zate. Upam, da si iz 500000 eur naredil 200000000. Prosim nakaži mi nekaj evrov za kockanje. Vesel sem zate, ker si vsaj nategnil nekaj debilov, ki verjamejo, da vedno raste. Mirno.
Če samo raste ne rabiš imet na očeh.
To ve vsako tele.
Nisem nategnil nikogar. Sami so se, ko so se raje smejali ko sem kupoval, namesto da bu kupovali. Zdaj pa vsi v buy ko ni vec 40 centov
Ko iz 500 eur naredi 2500 eur se ni za proslaviti. Ali misliš, da so tu vlagatelji s hipotekami? Povprečen Janez, ki vtakne denar v kripto namesto v pijačo.
Nekaj faktov, ker sem pač del kripto sveta.
1. Redki, ki so postali bitcoin miljonarji/multimiljonarji in precej bogatejši, ko je Managerjeva lestvica top 100 bogatih ( in ja, vsi so Slovenci, ampak anonimni ), so prišli zlahka do teh miljonov.
Zakaj? Ker jih je večlina vložila med 2009 - 2016, ko se je dalo z nekaj tisoč eur postati RES bogat. Ampak redki imajo manjek mindseta loto zmagovalca - da uspejo ohraniti oz. povečati bogastvo. 95%, ki jih poznam, so prodali z minimalnim dobičkom, veliko je bilo ločitev zaradi tega, uničenih družin in tudi samomorov...
...predstavljajte si nekoga, ki je zaslužil recimo z prodajo Bitcoina 2014 par 10k eur, kupil rabljen A6 iz Nemčije, ker je žena tako hotela...danes pa bi bi imel recimo par 10 mio eur.
Poanta - kripto ni tako zelo zlahka zaslužek.
Jaz ne gledam na donos v eur, ampak %. Vsak dela s tistim, kar je pripravljen izgubiti. In da v pol leta naredis tak donos je veliko vec kot vrhunsko. Vem pa kam ciljas. Vsi zelijo iz nekaj 100eur narediti milijone cez noc. Iscete quick rich coine in sheme. Good luck with that.
chucki ::
xrp ath
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Špricer ::
Xrp je bil pri 0.4 predrag, sedaj je nakupna priložnost
Trenutno je predrag. Izvoli. Bo treba počakati nazaj 0,6.
All in v leverage x200 long xD
Bravo. Čeprav to ni možno ampak ok. Vsakemu kekcu svoje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()
dope1337 ::
Jz sam upam, da tole ni vrh xrp. Ne zato ker bi si ga kaj lastil. Ampak ker je ta famozni kovanec ze 2x koncal bullrune s tem, ko je prenehal rasti. Upam, da bo tretjic drugace xD
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
Špricer ::
Kripto ::
Pocas bo treba shortat vse po vrsti. Saylor spet kupu in nabija ceno btcju, alti so pa tud že mal razgreti, vsak dan en random kovanec odfuka za 20% min.
Shortati zdaj? Hmmm
Wealth is mindset!
hamez66 ::
Solana naredila x20 pa noben nič, xrp naredi x4 pa se hajpa to sranje ko da je nevem kaj
Maš kar prav. Najprej sem te hotel popravit, da je šel xrp itak 8000x gor ali nekaj podobnega leta 2017, samo sem se zdaj spomnil, da je po propadu FTX solana padla pod 10, zdaj je pa res na 250 oz kolikor koli že pač je.
Je kar neumno ja, da nismo kupili. Jaz sem mislil, da je to SBFjev coin da ga bo vzela megla, ne pa, da bo šel na ath.
Pa baje bodo tudi FTX customerji poplačani v celoti. To so res dobri stečaji v kriptu, ko na koncu dobiš v eur več kot si izgubil, pa po možnosti ti še držijo coin, ki ga sam ne bi, zaradi "weak hands".
dope1337 ::
Solana naredila x20 pa noben nič, xrp naredi x4 pa se hajpa to sranje ko da je nevem kaj
Maš kar prav. Najprej sem te hotel popravit, da je šel xrp itak 8000x gor ali nekaj podobnega leta 2017, samo sem se zdaj spomnil, da je po propadu FTX solana padla pod 10, zdaj je pa res na 250 oz kolikor koli že pač je.
Je kar neumno ja, da nismo kupili. Jaz sem mislil, da je to SBFjev coin da ga bo vzela megla, ne pa, da bo šel na ath.
Pa baje bodo tudi FTX customerji poplačani v celoti. To so res dobri stečaji v kriptu, ko na koncu dobiš v eur več kot si izgubil, pa po možnosti ti še držijo coin, ki ga sam ne bi, zaradi "weak hands".
Ravno zadnjic sem dobil mail od FTX ja ... nisem se sel prebirat. Mogoce kdo ve, se bodo dolgovi odplacevali v $ vrednosti kovancev na dan zaprtja borze?
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
hamez66 ::
Google pravi:
FTX has estimated that it will have between $14.7 billion and $16.5 billion available to repay creditors, enough to pay customers at least 118% of the value in their accounts as of November 2022, the date that the company filed for bankruptcy.
Ne vem pa, a bo v coinih oz. kolikšen delež bo v coinih. Ne vem, s čim so to poplačali, ampak očitno SBF niti ni tako slabo planiral. :D Je pač razmišljal malo bolj dolgoročno.
FTX has estimated that it will have between $14.7 billion and $16.5 billion available to repay creditors, enough to pay customers at least 118% of the value in their accounts as of November 2022, the date that the company filed for bankruptcy.
Ne vem pa, a bo v coinih oz. kolikšen delež bo v coinih. Ne vem, s čim so to poplačali, ampak očitno SBF niti ni tako slabo planiral. :D Je pač razmišljal malo bolj dolgoročno.
ViperR ::
Mislim, da imajo $$, ker je velik folka spekuliralo, da bodo tisti, ki bodo poplacani kupili nazaj.
dope1337 ::
Najbrz bo kr v $. Moram si en dan vzeti cas in (najbrz s pomocjo chatGPT) iti skozi tisto solato od dokumenta.
Vsekakor pa hvala za odgovor.
Vsekakor pa hvala za odgovor.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
ViperR ::
10. glasujejo. To bi blo lepo presenecenje če bi bili za. Sicer to še ne pomeni, da bodo kupili ampak ja, hype bi pa bil.