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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

Temo vidijo: vsi
1149 / 1575

FireSnack ::

Avstralka je že zapravila vseh sladkih 10 milijonov in šla v osebni stečaj. Sedaj se lahko samo pod nosom obrišejo.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin

dope1337 ::

XRPNERD je izjavil:

Sam to je že vkalkulirano po vsej verjetnosti...

Bi se strinjal, da je ze vkalkulirano, vendar najbrz vecina stavi na zvisanje obrestne mere med .5% in .75%. Kaksna bo pa realnost, bomo pa videli. Od ECB mogoce pricakujem se vecje povisanje, saj smo malo zaspali v zadnjih mesecih oz. imamo zacuda dolge periode med prilagajanjem obrestnih mer napram FEDu, vendar manjsi vpliv na globalni trg.

Osebno sem strongholder in ne mislim jemati ven, niti dodajati fiata k pozicijam. Malo bom prilagajal strategijo glede na to, kako se bo posamezen kovanec kratkorocno odzval na situacijo, na dolgi rok (do naslednjega pravega bulla) imam pa ze vse popredalckano.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein

residual ::

Glej lunc kaj trga...

Prebranac ::

residual je izjavil:

Glej lunc kaj trga...

Bravo! S takim tempom upam da bo spet 1 dollar. Bog naj vsliši prošnje...
Namreč kupoval sem po 2 dolara...ampak samo 500

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

Prebranac ::

LUNC, BRISE, shiba, BONE sami dobitni kovanci...
Samo okoli govoriti.

LUNC ponovno LiSTAN na binance! Pumpaj!! Ko bi imel kaj pare bi fuknil 10000eur. Da si pokrijem ves minus z izgubo ene ničle lune classic. Vidi se z lune da je scam, ampak p n d je pa super!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

Siso ::

pangro ::

Priznam mika me da bi kupoval,portfelj mi itak veliko večino predstavlja keš, pa sem preveč škrt in čakam nov dno, bo treba stisnit in kupit, sp 500 je naredil že lep popravek zadnjega pumpa.

Siso ::

Prebranac ::

Don't you know? Pump it up
You got to pump it up
Don't you know? Pump it up
You got to pump it up
Don't you know? Pump it up
You got to pump it up
Don't you know? Pump it up
You got to pump it up
Don't you know? Pump it up
You got to pump it up
Don't you know? Pump it up

PrihajaNodi ::

Evo sem dokupil tale dip. Pump it

Neon87 ::

Če držite LUNC, kdaj nameravate začeti prodajati?

residual ::

Bomo vidli kaj bo ko bo tax burn zalaufal, in ce bo padel interes. Do takrat pa naj raste ;)

energetik ::

Neon87 je izjavil:

Če držite LUNC, kdaj nameravate začeti prodajati?
Ko bo nekje 0,1$. Da si s prodajo 10% deleža pokrijem izgube od stare Lune. Ostalo seveda držim vsaj do 1$, da bo za nov avto. Al pa do 100$ da bo za penzijo. >:D
vires in numeris

Zako ::

wtf, sem takrat pustil LUNC v Spot Walletu, in sedaj vidim +65%:)
nastavim sell order na 0.01 USD:)
Zako je zakon!!!

Prebranac ::

Zako je izjavil:

wtf, sem takrat pustil LUNC v Spot Walletu, in sedaj vidim +65%:)
nastavim sell order na 0.01 USD:)

Prodajte ko bo krat 1000. Če se bo burnalo in stejkalo ste na konju. Jaz čakam boljše čase ko bo čez 1 dollar upam.


Prebranac je izjavil:

Zako je izjavil:

wtf, sem takrat pustil LUNC v Spot Walletu, in sedaj vidim +65%:)
nastavim sell order na 0.01 USD:)

Prodajte ko bo krat 1000. Če se bo burnalo in stejkalo ste na konju. Jaz čakam boljše čase ko bo čez 1 dollar upam.

Optimizma ti pa pri shitocoinih ne manjka a? :))

hamez66 ::

[English Translation for Reference Purposes Only]

To MtGox rehabilitation creditors,

Rehabilitation creditors should read this document carefully, as it contains essential information regarding repayment procedures. The same Information of this e-mail is uploaded to the MTGOX homepage (https://www.mtgox.com/).

1. Setting of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

The Rehabilitation Trustee is currently preparing to make repayments ("Repayments") in accordance with the approved rehabilitation plan of which confirmation order of the Tokyo District Court (the "Court") was made final and binding on November 16, 2021 (the "Rehabilitation Plan").
As stated in the "Information on Repayment Procedures" dated July 6, 2022, to ensure safe and secure Repayments, the Rehabilitation Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Plan, and with the permission of the Court, has set a period during which the assignment, transfer or succession, provision as collateral, or disposition by other means of rehabilitation claims are prohibited (the "Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period").
Below are details on the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period and how Repayment procedures will be affected during such Period.

2. Start Date and End Date of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

The Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period set with the permission of the Court is as follows:

Start Date: September 15, 2022 (Japan time)

End Date: Base Repayment Deadline (*1) (However, if the repayment deadline in accordance with Sections or 4.7.3.(3) of the Rehabilitation Plan (*2) is set later than the Base Repayment Deadline, such repayment deadline. In addition, if the Base Repayment Deadline is changed with the permission of the Court, such date will be the revised Base Repayment Deadline.)

*1 The Base Repayment Deadline is set by the Rehabilitation Trustee with the permission of the court as the date deemed appropriate for repayment (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan) and will be set in due course. In addition, the repayment deadline for Early Lump-Sum Repayments is the same as the Base Repayment Deadline (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan), and the repayment deadline for intermediate repayments, which will be determined with the permission of the Court, is also expected to be the same as the Base Repayment Deadline. By setting the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period in reference to the Base Repayment Deadline, the deadline of the entire first repayment will be the end date of the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.
*2 If repayments will be made with cash obtained from the sale of cryptocurrency by the Rehabilitation Trustee, a repayment date different from the repayment dates of other allowed rehabilitation claims may be set with the permission of the Court since the sale of the cryptocurrency may take some time.

3. Handling of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

Discontinuation of Acceptance of Applications for Claim Transfer Procedures
During the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will cease accepting applications for claim transfer procedures through the Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (the system accessible via https://claims.mtgox.com//; the "System"), applications for claim transfer procedures sent by email to the Rehabilitation Trustee's email address for offline claim transfer procedures, and all other applications for claim transfer procedures.

Handling of Notices of Transfer of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
If you submit a notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims to the Rehabilitation Trustee during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will not be able to determine those to whom the Repayment should be made, which may interfere with the safe and secure Repayment of rehabilitation claims. Therefore, during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee plans to suspend access to the System for transferees and the transferors of rehabilitation claims. As a result, rehabilitation creditors will be unable to choose a Repayment method or register payee information in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan, and payee information already registered by the transferor will, in principle, be deleted as invalid. This may result in rehabilitation creditors being unable to receive their preferred Repayments, the Repayment date being delayed significantly compared to other rehabilitation creditors, or at worst, the Repayment amount may be deposited with the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau in accordance with laws and regulations.

In no event will the Rehabilitation Debtor or the Rehabilitation Trustee be liable to rehabilitation creditors or any other persons for any damages or losses arising or likely to arise from or in connection with any notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims submitted to the Rehabilitation Trustee given during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.
To ensure safe and secure Repayments and to avoid unexpected disadvantages, we ask that you refrain from transferring rehabilitation claims during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.

4. FAQ and Inquiry

Please click on the link below to access frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Repayments. If the FAQ does not address your questions, please make inquiries via the inquiry form in the FAQ.

Please note that we may not reply timely due to the large number of inquiries we may receive via the inquiry form.

Please do not reply to this email as this is a send-only email address and please note that we are unable to check or respond to any replies/inquiries by you to this email.

Rehabilitation Debtor: MtGox Co., Ltd.
Rehabilitation Trustee: Nobuaki Kobayashi, Attorney-at-law

End of document

Prebranac ::

XRPNERD je izjavil:

Prebranac je izjavil:

Zako je izjavil:

wtf, sem takrat pustil LUNC v Spot Walletu, in sedaj vidim +65%:)
nastavim sell order na 0.01 USD:)

Prodajte ko bo krat 1000. Če se bo burnalo in stejkalo ste na konju. Jaz čakam boljše čase ko bo čez 1 dollar upam.

Optimizma ti pa pri shitocoinih ne manjka a? :))

Res je. Boli me patak za 500 eur. Bolj me boli za 100000 :(

hamez66 je izjavil:

[English Translation for Reference Purposes Only]

To MtGox rehabilitation creditors,

Rehabilitation creditors should read this document carefully, as it contains essential information regarding repayment procedures. The same Information of this e-mail is uploaded to the MTGOX homepage (https://www.mtgox.com/).

1. Setting of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

The Rehabilitation Trustee is currently preparing to make repayments ("Repayments") in accordance with the approved rehabilitation plan of which confirmation order of the Tokyo District Court (the "Court") was made final and binding on November 16, 2021 (the "Rehabilitation Plan").
As stated in the "Information on Repayment Procedures" dated July 6, 2022, to ensure safe and secure Repayments, the Rehabilitation Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Plan, and with the permission of the Court, has set a period during which the assignment, transfer or succession, provision as collateral, or disposition by other means of rehabilitation claims are prohibited (the "Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period").
Below are details on the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period and how Repayment procedures will be affected during such Period.

2. Start Date and End Date of Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

The Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period set with the permission of the Court is as follows:

Start Date: September 15, 2022 (Japan time)

End Date: Base Repayment Deadline (*1) (However, if the repayment deadline in accordance with Sections or 4.7.3.(3) of the Rehabilitation Plan (*2) is set later than the Base Repayment Deadline, such repayment deadline. In addition, if the Base Repayment Deadline is changed with the permission of the Court, such date will be the revised Base Repayment Deadline.)

*1 The Base Repayment Deadline is set by the Rehabilitation Trustee with the permission of the court as the date deemed appropriate for repayment (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan) and will be set in due course. In addition, the repayment deadline for Early Lump-Sum Repayments is the same as the Base Repayment Deadline (see Section of the Rehabilitation Plan), and the repayment deadline for intermediate repayments, which will be determined with the permission of the Court, is also expected to be the same as the Base Repayment Deadline. By setting the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period in reference to the Base Repayment Deadline, the deadline of the entire first repayment will be the end date of the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.
*2 If repayments will be made with cash obtained from the sale of cryptocurrency by the Rehabilitation Trustee, a repayment date different from the repayment dates of other allowed rehabilitation claims may be set with the permission of the Court since the sale of the cryptocurrency may take some time.

3. Handling of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period

Discontinuation of Acceptance of Applications for Claim Transfer Procedures
During the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will cease accepting applications for claim transfer procedures through the Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (the system accessible via https://claims.mtgox.com//; the "System"), applications for claim transfer procedures sent by email to the Rehabilitation Trustee's email address for offline claim transfer procedures, and all other applications for claim transfer procedures.

Handling of Notices of Transfer of Rehabilitation Claims During Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period
If you submit a notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims to the Rehabilitation Trustee during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee will not be able to determine those to whom the Repayment should be made, which may interfere with the safe and secure Repayment of rehabilitation claims. Therefore, during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period, the Rehabilitation Trustee plans to suspend access to the System for transferees and the transferors of rehabilitation claims. As a result, rehabilitation creditors will be unable to choose a Repayment method or register payee information in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan, and payee information already registered by the transferor will, in principle, be deleted as invalid. This may result in rehabilitation creditors being unable to receive their preferred Repayments, the Repayment date being delayed significantly compared to other rehabilitation creditors, or at worst, the Repayment amount may be deposited with the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau in accordance with laws and regulations.

In no event will the Rehabilitation Debtor or the Rehabilitation Trustee be liable to rehabilitation creditors or any other persons for any damages or losses arising or likely to arise from or in connection with any notice of transfer of rehabilitation claims submitted to the Rehabilitation Trustee given during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.
To ensure safe and secure Repayments and to avoid unexpected disadvantages, we ask that you refrain from transferring rehabilitation claims during the Assignment, etc. Restriction Reference Period.

4. FAQ and Inquiry

Please click on the link below to access frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Repayments. If the FAQ does not address your questions, please make inquiries via the inquiry form in the FAQ.

Please note that we may not reply timely due to the large number of inquiries we may receive via the inquiry form.

Please do not reply to this email as this is a send-only email address and please note that we are unable to check or respond to any replies/inquiries by you to this email.

Rehabilitation Debtor: MtGox Co., Ltd.
Rehabilitation Trustee: Nobuaki Kobayashi, Attorney-at-law

End of document

Njihov doprinos je pljunek v morje. Vse kar lahko vpliva je le psihični terorizem. Vsak dan se več prometa obrne kot njihovi btcji.

Izkoristite lunc val. Ne bo vam žal...24 urni volumen že 1,4 milijarde...

Zgodovina sprememb…

AleĹĄ2 ::

Mene zanima kako kupit pre-sale coine in kje. Recimo MIZAR.

Neon87 ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Dogechain je pravi balzam v tem bear marketu. WWdoge v razlicnih parih na kibbleswap, yodeswap..
Kib/wwdoge farm je trenutno 1270% apr;)

Hvala res, kupil DC na 0.0045, zdaj pa 0.0025..;(

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Neon87 ()

PacificBlue ::

Neon87 je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Dogechain je pravi balzam v tem bear marketu. WWdoge v razlicnih parih na kibbleswap, yodeswap..
Kib/wwdoge farm je trenutno 1270% apr;)

Hvala res, kupil na 0.0045, zdaj pa 0.0025..;(

A pumpo si kupoval? Ja fajn. :|
Jaz sem kupil že prej, pod 0.002.

Ne smeš kupovati zelenih sveč, vedno raje počakaj na rdeče.
Pa brez panike..vrednost DC se bo pokazala v parih mesecih, ker chain ima veliko utility- pride še staking, burnanje itd. Just chill.
I’m out.

IgorCardanof ::

Kdo so vasi zmagovalci tega balona? Kateri so kovanci, ki so obljibljali penzijo, pa so danes skoraj pri 0?

Moji najljubsi so denimo Jewel. Na vrhu 20$, danes 25c. Shitty narejena igra, ki naj bi bila prihodnost gamefi.

Potem naslednja igra, ki bo resila svet, je bil Star Atlas. Od vrhunca gamefi manije do danes, spet /100.

Potem pa wildcard kovanci so OHM in Wonderland. Obljuba kako bomo vsi v penziji na sustainable nacin s 8000% APY, je prepricala se tako skepticnega vlagatelja, da je zarinil par tisocakov notri in racunal, koliko bo imel cez 5 let s 8000% APY.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Zgodovina sprememb…

hamez66 ::

IgorCardanof je izjavil:

Kdo so vasi zmagovalci tega balona? Kateri so kovanci, ki so obljibljali penzijo, pa so danes skoraj pri 0?

Moji najljubsi so denimo Jewel. Na vrhu 20$, danes 25c. Shitty narejena igra, ki naj bi bila prihodnost gamefi.

Potem naslednja igra, ki bo resila svet, je bil Star Atlas. Od vrhunca gamefi manije do danes, spet /100.

Potem pa wildcard kovanci so OHM in Wonderland. Obljuba kako bomo vsi v penziji na sustainable nacin s 8000% APY, je prepricala se tako skepticnega vlagatelja, da je zarinil par tisocakov notri in racunal, koliko bo imel cez 5 let s 8000% APY.

Tega verjetno ne poznaš.. JDI token. Na vrhu je bil nad 1 usd, trenutno je pa mojih 1000 JDI tokenov vrednih pod 1$. No, na srečo sem jih imel prej 5000 in jih prodal povprečno nad 0.5$, nekaj tudi po dolar. Ja, res, ti tokeni so bili na podoben način kot ICOtu 2017. Folk je vlagal v vsako sranje in se je napihnilo, potem pa v dno.

budnost ::

Do kje gre tale aktualni dip? Kje bi blo dno? Gledam nasdaq pada... bitcoin pa kr drži tam okol 20K.

bozicek ::

ANJI: O temu se je veliko govorilo. Še sedaj ga držim 200.000:D 500.000 so mi ga sunli ko so vdrli v MM
HI: ni še /100 bo pa kmalu :)). Ga je tudi še 600 v denarnici
Qbit: Ni ravno /100 ampak mi ostaja v spominu. Hvala bogu prodal z x10
MTV (MultiVAC): je na /10 ampak vsak dan pada. Tega se ne spomnim kje sem ga pobral in zakaj sem šel v njega

Anji je bil tisti na katerega sem jaz stavil. Mogoče pa bo nekega dne :D
Darila letos samo za poredne

PrihajaNodi ::

Lunc je novi bitcoin

lemur233 ::

Aja DC ma še utility?????? OMG take my moniesss!!!!! OMG OMG OMG...hudo, še nben chain ni mel utility.

fucking ponzi butli...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: lemur233 ()

Bojevnik ::

Sicer ne spremljam dosti kripta.
Sem sicer vseeno sedaj kupil nekaj. Sicer sem ze kupil, tako da kar je je :)
Ampak me vseeno zanima, kaksno imeta kej (ce sploh kaksno) mnenje o Chilizu?

PacificBlue ::

lemur233 je izjavil:

Aja DC ma še utility?????? OMG take my moniesss!!!!! OMG OMG OMG...hudo, še nben chain ni mel utility.

fucking ponzi butli...

I’m out.

AleĹĄ2 ::

Mene zanima kako kupiti pre-sale coine in kje? Iščem kakšen napotek ali pa kakšno spletno stran, ki bi bila vredu za to. :D

dope1337 ::

Jz bi spremljal BLD (Agoric) na vasem mestu. Smo na ~60% ICO cene ter velikim potencialom.

Osebno pretapljam ostale nagrade v BLD dokler bo ugodna cena. Pricakujem hype okoli Cosmoversa.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein

IgorCardanof ::

Slaba stvar nasvetov je ta, da ko imaš prav, te ljudje ne cenijo, če imaš pa narobe, potem ti pa ne odpustijo tega nikakor. Tako da overall LOSE/LOSE situacija.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

dope1337 ::

Sej osnovni namen posta ni bil kot FA. Raje bi videl, da me kdo demantira v smislu: Glavni produkt Agorica je takaltak samo IST, ki nima kaj iskati v prostoru, saj je USDC zadosten, poleg tega pa ... kdo bo uporabljal ATOM kot collateral?

Mogoce pricakujem prevec xD
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein

PacificBlue ::

Nezaposlenost v Usa je presegla pricakovanja in se povecala na 3.7%.
S&P500 padec in posledicno BTC.

Dogechain je kot zanimivost v zadnjih 24urah imel več transakcij kot eth chain.
I’m out.

FireSnack ::

Zelo lep sladek odboj. Samo danes gor 2% na portfelju. Verjetno prihajajo notri bolj močno tudi institucije.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: Klobasa ()

vaščan ::

Stvar je takšna za cel market kripto in stocks. jaz sem stavil s svojimi nakupi v juniju na še en bull da se začne do konca 2022. Bosta pa sedaj ene 2-3 mesece res odločilni kaj se bo zgodilo. Tko kot v videu pove pod pokrovom je zadeva prštimana na lepo pot zdej al bo fed crashnil cel market s dodatnim zategovanjem in se kiss of death uresniči pitaj boga.

TheMentor ::

ja makro ikndikatorji so tako hecni. Dejansko jih pol kaže, da bo bull pol da bo bear. Smešno za posrat :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

PrihajaNodi ::

Sj gre gor

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: enemon ()

enemon ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Sj gre gor

Tvoj sigurno ne.

merlin2 ::

Menda bo treba biti pazljiv med 06-16.9
Govori se, da bo v tem času trenutek za nakup. Tako poceni naj ne bi bilo nikoli več.

Živi bili pa videli. Denar na stran.


val46 ::

Pa nič ISO20022??? In nič okol govort??? Kaj se ti je zgodilo? ;)

Prebranac ::

merlin2 je izjavil:

Menda bo treba biti pazljiv med 06-16.9
Govori se, da bo v tem času trenutek za nakup. Tako poceni naj ne bi bilo nikoli več.

Živi bili pa videli. Denar na stran.


Daj nea bluzi. Xrp bo šel po 30 centof ali ti je všeč ali ne, stellar pa pod 10..kripto zima je tu in bo trajela do 2024. Jebeš neke iso in druge floskule. Ta tvoj iso je en scam. Indonezijske in afriške banke sprejmejo vsak drek v uporabu, samo da so pare.

Čisto vsakega lahko napizdijo, začenši s tabo. Tudi ada je buy the rumor sell the news...kaj bo doprinesla ko dobi smart contracte in ddap? Nič. Eth bo šel enako po poti ade in ostalih kojnov. Pomni 26.september ko ti fed zarije dildota do 12 k btc.

Zgodovina sprememb…

merlin2 ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

merlin2 je izjavil:

Menda bo treba biti pazljiv med 06-16.9
Govori se, da bo v tem času trenutek za nakup. Tako poceni naj ne bi bilo nikoli več.

Živi bili pa videli. Denar na stran.


Daj nea bluzi. Xrp bo šel po 30 centof ali ti je všeč ali ne, stellar pa pod 10..kripto zima je tu in bo trajela do 2024. Jebeš neke iso in druge floskule. Ta tvoj iso je en scam. Indonezijske in afriške banke sprejmejo vsak drek v uporabu, samo da so pare.

Čisto vsakega lahko napizdijo, začenši s tabo. Tudi ada je buy the rumor sell the news...kaj bo doprinesla ko dobi smart contracte in ddap? Nič. Eth bo šel enako po poti ade in ostalih kojnov. Pomni 26.september ko ti fed zarije dildota do 12 k btc.

Kaj se jeziš. Nisem kriv za tvojo depresijo. Niti nisem psihiater :))
Razumem te. Ni šuškov za kupovanje v deep-u.
Hja. Vsak plačuje ceno nekih preteklih odločitev. Lastna šola največ košta. Tko pravjo starejši od mene

Iso 20022. Okol govort 8-)


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: merlin2 ()

stumfek ::

Kok daleč bo prišel lunc po vašem mnenju?
Hvala lp Gregor

Neon87 ::

Jaz sem prodal na 0.000342, čakam na buyback nekje 0.00029. Upam, da ne pobegne prej v višave 🙂

PrihajaNodi ::

Lunc gre na 1 usd pol sm pa miljonar

DamijanD ::

V Albaniji so aretirali CEOta Thodexa. Grozi mu 40564 letna zaporna kazen.
Nekak nisem zelo za Turčijo, ampak po drugi strani se pa sprašujem kaj bi takle človek dobil v Sloveniji.

hunterslo ::

Lepo pumpajo določeni POW coini. Priprave na The great hashrate migration se začenjajo. By By ETH...

mr_chai ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

lemur233 je izjavil:

Aja DC ma še utility?????? OMG take my moniesss!!!!! OMG OMG OMG...hudo, še nben chain ni mel utility.

fucking ponzi butli...


Kakšen neumen tweet. Jaz lahko tudi navedem -100 % after being picked..-1000% after being picked... A to veš, da od nekoga dobiček je za nekoga izguba, se mi zdi kakor da ne veš :D

PacificBlue ::

mr_chai je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

lemur233 je izjavil:

Aja DC ma še utility?????? OMG take my moniesss!!!!! OMG OMG OMG...hudo, še nben chain ni mel utility.

fucking ponzi butli...


Kakšen neumen tweet. Jaz lahko tudi navedem -100 % after being picked..-1000% after being picked... A to veš, da od nekoga dobiček je za nekoga izguba, se mi zdi kakor da ne veš :D

denar vedno gre od neumnih k bogatim, aneda?
I’m out.
1149 / 1575