Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi

RedDrake ::
Če tole drži se očitno nista zaletela, kdo ga je prerešetal pa ostaja odprto vprašanje.
A photo reportedly captures the damage inflicted on the Russian IL-22 airborne control center by Ukrainian Forces last night over the Azov Sea.
Sem napisal moje mnenje.
Na vodni dron so montirali SLAMRAAM ali kaj podobnega.
Kot je napisal kow, mogoče tudi "civilna" ladja s takšnim sistemom, ali pa stingerji iz čolna (sam dosega ni, afaik), ali kaj podobnega - vodnega. Vsekakor ni naključje da so stvari fasale nad morjem ...
Ampak, ne pozabit - "You don't need ships in a land war" ;)

No, nekaj časa nazaj so res kazali vodne drone, kako izstreljujejo rakete...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Pac-Man ::
Problem pri tej teoriji je, da se je zgodilo nad Azovskim morjem. Torej bi morala zadeva plut skozi Kerško ožino t.j. pod mostom na Krim.
V kolikor drži ta video, je bilo ravno nekje na meji 160 km iz Zaporožja, kar je uradni doseg PAC-2 raket
Hkrati pa je tudi povsem realno, da Rusi sklatijo svoj AWACS.
V kolikor drži ta video, je bilo ravno nekje na meji 160 km iz Zaporožja, kar je uradni doseg PAC-2 raket
Ukraine's Commander in Chief General Zaluzhnyi has published the radar map in which the Russian A-50 AWACS aircraft disappears near the coast of occupied Berdyansk and thanked the Ukrainian Air Force for the "perfectly planned and executed operation."
Hkrati pa je tudi povsem realno, da Rusi sklatijo svoj AWACS.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::
Problem pri tej teoriji je, da se je zgodilo nad Azovskim morjem. Torej bi morala zadeva plut skozi Kerško ožino t.j. pod mostom na Krim.
V kolikor drži ta video, je bilo ravno nekje na meji 160 km iz Zaporožja, kar je uradni doseg PAC-2 raket
Ukraine's Commander in Chief General Zaluzhnyi has published the radar map in which the Russian A-50 AWACS aircraft disappears near the coast of occupied Berdyansk and thanked the Ukrainian Air Force for the "perfectly planned and executed operation."
Hkrati pa je tudi povsem realno, da Rusi sklatijo svoj AWACS.
Ampak spravit tist njihov Sea Baby dron pod mostom je v rahlo slabšem vremenu v nočnem času trivialno. Tega ne bo nobena reč zaznala, ne radar ne sonar, opazovalcev pa itak imho nimajo na vsakih par 100m na mostu. Ko si skozi zadevo parkiraš sredi Azovskega morja in čakaš priliko. Ko se pojavi AWACS gre adijo :)
SLAMRAAM ima dosega tam 50-70-100km (odvisno koga vprašaš). To pokrije celotno Azovsko morje.

gozdar1 ::
Pengič 2-0 je izjavil:
Zakaj pa ruska kanta leti z awacsi? A nimajo dovolj drugih radarjev?
Iz zraka vidiš precej več, kot iz tal. Predvsem tu govorimo o nizkoletečih zadevah.

Pengič 2-0 ::
Ali so bili ukrajinci ali pa rusi v obeh variantah rusi izpadejo smešni. Rusi bodo pa itak izbral najmanj smešno to je da so sami sebi razstrelil. Ker če so bili res Ukrajinci potem teli fantje vedno bolj iznajdljivi postajajo.
In to dejansko lahko omenjeni slamaraam pokneš gor na tisti dron? Ne no to je že komedija lol. Živela ruska kanta.
Problem pri tej teoriji je, da se je zgodilo nad Azovskim morjem. Torej bi morala zadeva plut skozi Kerško ožino t.j. pod mostom na Krim.
V kolikor drži ta video, je bilo ravno nekje na meji 160 km iz Zaporožja, kar je uradni doseg PAC-2 raket
Ukraine's Commander in Chief General Zaluzhnyi has published the radar map in which the Russian A-50 AWACS aircraft disappears near the coast of occupied Berdyansk and thanked the Ukrainian Air Force for the "perfectly planned and executed operation."
Hkrati pa je tudi povsem realno, da Rusi sklatijo svoj AWACS.
Ampak spravit tist njihov Sea Baby dron pod mostom je v rahlo slabšem vremenu v nočnem času trivialno. Tega ne bo nobena reč zaznala, ne radar ne sonar, opazovalcev pa itak imho nimajo na vsakih par 100m na mostu. Ko si skozi zadevo parkiraš sredi Azovskega morja in čakaš priliko. Ko se pojavi AWACS gre adijo :)
SLAMRAAM ima dosega tam 50-70-100km (odvisno koga vprašaš). To pokrije celotno Azovsko morje.
In to dejansko lahko omenjeni slamaraam pokneš gor na tisti dron? Ne no to je že komedija lol. Živela ruska kanta.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pengič 2-0 ()

dronyx ::
To je za vojaško letalstvo podoben udarec (v bistvu sramota), kot potopitev vojaške ladje Moskva. Da ne znajo obranit niti izvidniškega letala.

mojsterleo ::
Po slikah sodeč bi rekel, da je šlo za napake Ruske protiletalske. Takšno škodo bi lahko prej naredil kakšen S-300 kot pa Patriot. Patriot (vsaj novejše verzije rakete kot je PAC-3) ima namreč HE impact fuze, S-300 rakete po drugi strani so polne šrapnela in uporabljajo proximity fuze oziroma eksplodirajo ob približevanju tarči. Avijon zadetka Patriota ne bi preživel ali pa bi raketa zgrešila. S-300 pa je lahko eksplodiral v bližini letala in ga spremenil v švicarski sir a je letalo vseeno preživelo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mojsterleo ()

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mojsterleo ::
Če je bil Patriot je bil PAC-2, ker ima edini dovolj dosega
MIM-104 Patriot @ Wikipedia
Če bi razmišljal malo izven konteksta, bi skoraj rekel, da so Ukrajinci nekako (preko vohunov ali kakšnega podkupljenega ruskega anti-war kadra) prišli do nadzora S-300 baterije znotraj Rusije in izstrelili usodne rakete, da sedaj izgleda kot nenavaden incident sprožen znotraj Rusije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mojsterleo ()

Pac-Man ::
Nobene potrebe, so sami dovolj (ne)sposobni.
Saj se spomniš, da so na začetku cele sage sestrelili malezijski B777 poln zamrznjenih trupel?
Saj se spomniš, da so na začetku cele sage sestrelili malezijski B777 poln zamrznjenih trupel?
Tattoo artist Sergey S. had a different theory. “A whole lot of witnesses on the Internet shot video and said the corpses weren’t natural, that the people died a long time before [the plane crashed],” said the 45-year-old, declining to give his last name and emphatically expressing reservations that the reporter to whom he was speaking might be an American spy.
Meanwhile, tattoo artist Sergey's preferred explanation — that the downed plane was actually filled with planted corpses — sped around the Russian-language Web after a rebel leader in eastern Ukraine, Igor Girkin, a Russian citizen also known by his nom de guerre Strelkov, was quoted spouting the theory on a VKontakte page dedicated to him Friday.
“According to the people who collected the corpses, most of the corpses were ‘not fresh’ — people died several days ago,” Girkin said, according to the page. Many of the corpses, he claimed, showed no sign of blood.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::
Tale kalvarija s Srbi se še ni končala. Kje ste sedaj naši srbofili, kaj o tem pravijo srbski forumi, kakšne so insajderske informacije?

AgJ1 ::
hahahaha, komedija, nekaj kot tole, za njih resno, za nas smešno za popizdit:

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: AgJ1 ()

fur80 ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Če je bil Patriot je bil PAC-2, ker ima edini dovolj dosega
MIM-104 Patriot @ Wikipedia
Če bi razmišljal malo izven konteksta, bi skoraj rekel, da so Ukrajinci nekako (preko vohunov ali kakšnega podkupljenega ruskega anti-war kadra) prišli do nadzora S-300 baterije znotraj Rusije in izstrelili usodne rakete, da sedaj izgleda kot nenavaden incident sprožen znotraj Rusije.
Naj bi bilo to: Francozi dali, Rusi pa se zajebali z dometom.
Mamba (SAMP/T)
Aster 30 Block 1NT
The Aster 15 and Aster 30 are a Franco-Italian family of all-weather, vertical launch surface-to-air missiles.[4] The name "Aster" stands for "Aérospatiale Terminale", with French company Aérospatiale having been the project's lead contractor before its missile activities were merged into MBDA. It also takes inspiration from the word "aster" (Greek: ἀστήρ), meaning "star" in Ancient Greek. The missiles as well as the related weapon systems are manufactured by Eurosam, a consortium consisting of MBDA France, MBDA Italy, both with a combined 66% share, and Thales holding 33%.
Aster (missile family) @ Wikipedia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

fur80 ::
Samo te drone bi pa tudi mi lahko začeli mnozično proizvajat!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::
Na MMC zgleda spet nova izmena in serijsko brišejo vse z mavričnim Putinom
No, vsaj tista njegova o brezmejni Rusiji je obstala par ur in zbrala nekaj plusov, male zmage.
Sporočilo na katerega sem repliciral (vinkec.kugla@17:00) sicer še vedno stoji, prav tako replika (Kekec99@18:05), ki mu vse skupaj deluje kot fotomontaža...
No, vsaj tista njegova o brezmejni Rusiji je obstala par ur in zbrala nekaj plusov, male zmage.
Saj vem, da je na prvo žogo, ampak 1984 vibes go hard
This morning an electronic billboard on my way to work is displaying this Putin quote: “Russia’s borders do not end anywhere.”
In potem na MMC cenzurirajo komentarje kjer povezuješ Rusijo z imperijem.
Sporočilo na katerega sem repliciral (vinkec.kugla@17:00) sicer še vedno stoji, prav tako replika (Kekec99@18:05), ki mu vse skupaj deluje kot fotomontaža...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Russian aircraft flying over occupied Ukraine and the Sea of Azov are often visible in free satellite imagery.
Here's a look at some of the aircraft visible today.
What I see.
Beriev A-50U
FWIW... Today's LANDSAT 8 (08:20 UTC pass) thermal band shows several "race tracks" from an aircraft orbiting over the Sea of Azov south of Prymorsk. Aircraft made several orbits before LANDSAT pass, winds at flight level carried contrails downstream (to the northeast).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Zaenkrat samo Ukrajinske želje, nobene potrditve s francoske strani
niso ravno stari
Dassault Mirage 2000N/2000D @ Wikipedia
Not yet confirmed, but possible that #Ukraine will obtain French #Mirage2000D, for which Ukrainian pilots have already been trained.
I hope this will be soon.
It's high time allied countries delivered fighters.
Decisive to strike Russia in the depth.
Often announced, never confirmed, the current or future presence of the Mirage 2000 D in Ukraine has resurfaced. In a message published Sunday, January 14 on his Telegram channel, Mykola Oleshchuk, head of the Ukrainian Air Force, ensures that even if the arrival of the F-16 remains a priority, he is considering the integration of other aircraft , like the French Mirage 2000 D or the American A-10 Thunderbolt II.
At the same time, voices were being heard in France to supply Mirages. The French fighter plane, recognizable by its delta wing, has in fact been produced in thousands of copies, and has served in particular in Afghanistan, Libya and the Sahelo-Saharan strip. It must be gradually withdrawn from service in the French Air Force in favor of the Rafale. But Paris or Kiev have never confirmed an agreement to deliver the plane. In September, Volodymyr Zelensky spoke of an “important agreement” on pilot training between Ukraine and France.
Commissioned in 1984, the Mirage 2000 D is dedicated to ground attack. The French army deploys 225 of these aircraft, 55 of which meet the latest NATO standards in terms of tactical liaison. It can carry a range of laser-guided bombs as well as Scalp missiles , which have hit several Russian ships in ports in occupied Crimea.
niso ravno stari
Dassault Mirage 2000N/2000D @ Wikipedia
Dassault has also developed the Mirage 2000D, which is a development of the Mirage 2000N designed for long-range precision strikes with conventional weapons. This aircraft is exactly the same as the Mirage 2000N, but introduces support for conventional attack missiles such as the Apache and Scalp missiles, as well as the AASM weapons. The first aircraft, converted from the Mirage 2000N prototype, flew on 19 February 1991, and the French Air Force ordered a total of 86 aircraft.[2]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Pogledal video par objav nazaj, zdaj pa smo kjer smo.
V priporočenih:
Cedo Djacic i Gagi - Putin - (Dugino poselo Pljevlja 2016)

Cedo Djacic i Gagi - Putin - (Dugino poselo Pljevlja 2016)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
From HUR's Vadym Skibitsky:
-Russia produced ~2 million 122mm/152mm artillery rounds in 2023 and received 1 million 122mm/152mm rounds from North Korea
-Russia produces ~115-130 "strategic" (>350km range) missiles per month
-~330-350 Shahed drones can be produced per month
He notes that actual production of Shaheds and missiles each month varies due to parts.
-Russia can produce 100-115 operational-tactical class of missiles (e.g. Kh-31, Kh-59) per month
-He says ~4% of Shahed drones fail to launch or explode immediately
Compared to last year, Russia's missile campaign this winter hasn't focused on energy infrastructure, but instead primarily on other infrastructure like Ukraine's defense industry and C2. He says Russia has started to use Shahed drones against military targets at the front.
He says ~1,000-1,100 Russians join the military every day, and they are used to replace losses and form reserve regiments. He doesn't specify what percentage of them come from mobilization or volunteers, but he says the salary is the key motivation for those volunteering.
He says former members of Wagner have signed contracts with different PMCs under the command of the Russian MoD or Rosgvardia in Ukraine or in Africa and the Middle East. He also says Iran hopes to receive Su-34 bombers from Russia.
He says almost 80% of the components Russia receives, especially for electronics, comes from China and that most of these aren't even produced in China. As a result, he says it isn't that much of a problem for Russia to find the necessary components.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Pri FBK so šli nad premoženje putinove starejše hčerke, zaenkrat še ni podnapisov
How much does Putin's daughter earn?
How much does Putin's daughter earn?
How much do doctors earn? After 24 years of Vladimir Putin's rule, doctors are still very poorly paid, despite the complexity and importance of their profession. But there are still exceptions.
We found an endocrinologist who earns hundreds of millions of roubles every year. And at the same time does nothing. How did she do that? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she is Vladimir Putin's daughter.
In a new video, Georgy Alburov explains how Maria Vorontsova gets money and what she spends it on.
The only interesting fact of the FBK investigation about the scoundrel’s family is not about the stolen millions and luxury real estate, but about the fact that Putin’s grandson, 11-year-old Roman Faassen, is a citizen of the Netherlands.
That is, Putin’s grandson is a citizen of a country of the aggressive NATO bloc!!!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

asdf_jklc ::
Istega vecera k bo Trump odredil 2025 umik ameriskw vojske iz Eveope bodo nad Evropo letele rakete in Nato bo napaden. Enako bo Srbija zacela svojo fronto. Zato pa Rusi sparajo dobro orozje... pa bo sel baltik, polska, moldavija, ukrajina, etc... po fobe

Britanci in francozi majo nukice, evropa se tudi počasi prebuja, če bodo ZDA šle ven, ok res ne bomo mogli parkirat desetih letalonosilk pol sveta stran, samo rusije in srbije se bomo pa ubranili.Nas je le kolk, 400, 500M, amerika se pa tudi ne bo branila evropskega denarja in bo veselo prodajala vse, kar bomo rabili.
To poslušamo že dve leti. Samo što nije, ne.
Zato pa Rusi sparajo dobro orozje...
To poslušamo že dve leti. Samo što nije, ne.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Malidelničar ::
TESKAn: JAz tudi ne vidim opcije, da se Evropa ne bi ubranila.
Čene drugega ZDA orožje bodo lifrale to 100%.
Čene drugega ZDA orožje bodo lifrale to 100%.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

gozdar1 ::
Kolikor vem so v kongresu sprejeli zakon, ki preprečuje predsediku, da samovoljno izstopi iz nata.

AtaŠtumf ::
In kaj naj bi bil razlog, da bi Rusija napadla EU drzave?
Kaj Rusija s tem pridobi?
To je cisto navadno strasenje folka, da se daje se vec vsega Ukrajini in da se mece se vec denarja v vojsko.
Ce se ze hoce podpirati Ukrajino je bolje, da se zacne govoriti resnico, pa bodo ljudje morda celo bolj za to podporo, ce se bo redno lagalo in potvarjalo, bodo ljudje zelo kmalu imeli poln k vseh teh lazi!
Samo to je za dolocene tukaj, v medijih in politiki, pretezko razumeti!
Kaj Rusija s tem pridobi?
To je cisto navadno strasenje folka, da se daje se vec vsega Ukrajini in da se mece se vec denarja v vojsko.
Ce se ze hoce podpirati Ukrajino je bolje, da se zacne govoriti resnico, pa bodo ljudje morda celo bolj za to podporo, ce se bo redno lagalo in potvarjalo, bodo ljudje zelo kmalu imeli poln k vseh teh lazi!
Samo to je za dolocene tukaj, v medijih in politiki, pretezko razumeti!
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()

AgJ1 ::
The United States has maintained longstanding support to NATO. Most recently, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress.[71] This bill was a response to Donald Trump's repeated expressions of interest in withdrawing from the organization.[72][73]
Withdrawal from NATO @ Wikipedia
Ampak glede na to kako si Adolf Trump interpretira zakone, bo dal kot predsednik pobit tretjino ali dve senatorjev in jih zamenjal s sebi podložnimi in ima 2/3. Plus ni obsojen na impičmentu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: AgJ1 ()

Pac-Man ::
In kaj naj bi bil razlog, da bi Rusija napadla EU drzave?
Kaj Rusija s tem pridobi?
Estonija ni v EU?
Tole imajo pred Narvo, kjer je 90% prebivalcev etničnih Rusov
Pač "popravljajo zgodovinske krivice"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

AtaŠtumf ::
Pa se nekaj glede te bedaste logike.
Tukaj ves cas beremo, da Rusija nima za burek, izgublja tone opreme in tisoce vojakov vsak dan obenem pa isti ljudje razlagajo, da bo Rusija pregazila EU in Nato, ko se resno odloci za to!
Sedaj imamo pa samo dva odgovora na to, ali ste shizofrencni, ali pa laznivci!
Tukaj ves cas beremo, da Rusija nima za burek, izgublja tone opreme in tisoce vojakov vsak dan obenem pa isti ljudje razlagajo, da bo Rusija pregazila EU in Nato, ko se resno odloci za to!
Sedaj imamo pa samo dva odgovora na to, ali ste shizofrencni, ali pa laznivci!
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem

Pac-Man ::
Estonija ima dober mio prebivalcev.
Če jim ne priskočimo na pomoč, jih lahko Rusi pohodijo. Dobesedno.
Če jim ne priskočimo na pomoč, jih lahko Rusi pohodijo. Dobesedno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Utk ::
Ne ne, ti to nekaj razumeš narobe. Razbili jih bomo na prafaktorje, ampak če spustijo 100 raket, če jih še imajo tolk, pa vse bombnike nad Poljsko, Baltik, lahko naredijo vseeno precej škode. Ne tolk kot je bomo potem mi njim, ampak vseeno veliko. In čeprav bojo potem še 1000 let v kameni dobi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()

In kaj naj bi bil razlog, da bi Rusija napadla EU drzave?
Kaj Rusija s tem pridobi?
Enako smo poslušali kako rusija ne bo napadla ukrajine.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Pac-Man ::
At first you are not interested in politics, and then suddenly at minus 25 you are left without heat and light, and when you try to leave the apartment to ask what the hell this is, you trip over the package in which the military commissar returned your son to you.
This is how a dictatorship works.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

asdf_jklc ::
Jaz nisem nikjer napisal, da Rusija nina za burek, ampak ze ves cas pravim, da bo prisel trenutek, ko bo Rusija napadla in izkoristila vedno bolj razdeljeno Evropo. Americani zaenkeat evropsko vojno (kot vsako) odlicno obracajo v svoj prid: najprej nasuhtas evropske voditelj, da je ql ce bo Ukrajina v natu in delas sranje po Ukrajini. Rusija napade in potem v vojno vkljucis celo evropo s pomocjo dobav orozja. Postaja pocasi toplo in voila: americancek pravi, eh minoa se ne gremo vec (Trump). Rusija napada naprej, Evropa pa tak nima za burek - vse drzave tulijo, da so zaloge orozja prazne, prebivalstvo pa nima interesa za vojno - vecino ljudi v Evropi vojna z Rusijo ne zanima in verjetno tudi dobav orozja nebi bilo, ce bi se delali referendumi. In ne pozabit, ce Ukrajina pade, bodo tudi ukrajinci (pod prisilo) napadal Evropo. Konec 2024 bo politicna slika sveta precej drugacna kot je danes, saj je superleto volitev.
Mislim da imet svoje mnenje ni nic narobe, ampak ko bo enkrat Rusija napadla Evropo, ne bom presenecen ce bo Evropa razpadla in se bo se katera drzava prodruzila Ruski agresiji - recimo Orbancek dost smrdi. Kaj je zelja Orbana? Glava od slovenije... Ko in ce bo vojna, bo folk bezal ne se pa strelal.
Pri vsem moznem scenariju je sam ena skoda: americani spet ne bodo dobili niti ene bombe na svoja mesta. Res bi bilo dobro, da bi jim eden spustil nekaj bomb, da bi razumel kaj delajo po svetu... no pricakujem spet napad, devanje rusije v nic, zmerjanje z rusofilom, ipd... ampak v dobrem letu bono videli kam ladja plove.
Mislim da imet svoje mnenje ni nic narobe, ampak ko bo enkrat Rusija napadla Evropo, ne bom presenecen ce bo Evropa razpadla in se bo se katera drzava prodruzila Ruski agresiji - recimo Orbancek dost smrdi. Kaj je zelja Orbana? Glava od slovenije... Ko in ce bo vojna, bo folk bezal ne se pa strelal.
Pri vsem moznem scenariju je sam ena skoda: americani spet ne bodo dobili niti ene bombe na svoja mesta. Res bi bilo dobro, da bi jim eden spustil nekaj bomb, da bi razumel kaj delajo po svetu... no pricakujem spet napad, devanje rusije v nic, zmerjanje z rusofilom, ipd... ampak v dobrem letu bono videli kam ladja plove.

Malidelničar ::
asdf_jklc: Mislim, da se podcenjuje, kako naj bi cel Vzhod Evrope kar "padel" pod Ruse (močni Poljaki, močni Finci, Močni Romuni, Balti, ki se ne bodo dali, Ukrajincev tu sploh še nismo šteli, bElorusi lahko hitro vidijo svojo priložnost, plus cel kup narodov znotraj Rusije, ki samo čakajo - Zakavkazje).
Pozabljaš, da je bila Sovjetska zveza "enotna", ker je Zahod formalno priznaval njihovo vodstvo, zdaj pa nihče ne priznava neke ruske superiornosti nad vzhodno Evropo in Evrazijo.
Pozabljaš, da je bila Sovjetska zveza "enotna", ker je Zahod formalno priznaval njihovo vodstvo, zdaj pa nihče ne priznava neke ruske superiornosti nad vzhodno Evropo in Evrazijo.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

gozdar1 ::
Kar evropa rabi je konkretna brca v zadnjico, da malo spametuje razne idealiste, ki še kar živijo v nekem naišljenem svetu.

Malidelničar ::
gozdar1: ja odlašanje in sprejemanje kompromisov samo vodi v vojno bistveno večjih razsežnosti kasneje down the road.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

fikus_ ::
Tukaj bom pustil povezavo do članka, kako delujejo sankcije proti RU in koliko/kam izvaža nafto.
Če bi EU res delala kar politika govori, se to ne bi dogajalo!
PS v EU imamo brezjajčno politiko in politike!
Če bi EU res delala kar politika govori, se to ne bi dogajalo!
PS v EU imamo brezjajčno politiko in politike!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Pac-Man ::
denunciations will be televised, par videov brez podnapisov
TASS hosted a press conference of "patriotic philosophers" who called for an ideological pogrom at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was devoted to "the struggle of the patriotic philosophical front against worshiping West in this sphere".
Olga Zinovieva, widow of late philosopher and Putin's idol Alexander Zinoviev, describes the Institute of Philosophy as "a terrible pustule, the last refuge of scoundrels, traitors, foreign agents, defectors, Russophobes and extremists."
Dmitry Vinnik, a professor at the University of Finance, thinks that critical thinking and fact-checking should be banned in Russia, because it's all nonsense.
All this literally word for word repeats the rhetoric of the Great Terror of the 1930s.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

AgJ1 ::
Tukaj bom pustil povezavo do članka, kako delujejo sankcije proti RU in koliko/kam izvaža nafto.
Če bi EU res delala kar politika govori, se to ne bi dogajalo!
PS v EU imamo brezjajčno politiko in politike!
1. Rusija v npr. Indijo izvaža nafto po zelo nizki ceni, s katero si pokrije stroške, zasluži bolj malo, s tem ohranja proizvodnjo nafte.
2. EU kupuje nafto na trgu, ker je ruska nafta še vedno na trgu (preko na primer Indije), ni prišlo do padca ponudbe in cene niso podivjale.
3. Ker se je dobiček od prodane nafte iz Rusije preselil v na primer Indijo, seveda Rusija s tem kaj prida ne financira vojne v Ukrajini. Indija poleg naštetega ni prijateljica Kitajske.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: AgJ1 ()

fikus_ ::
In za svoje trditve imaš kakšne številke, vire,....????
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.