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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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jimyboy ::

Posledice novih Ukrajinskih "Baba Yaga" dronov z 20kg eksploziva v 120mm granati.8-O



kow ::

Eden boljsih X racunov: @Tatarigami_UA o bitkah pri Avdivki:

After days of intense combat in Avdiivka, I've decided to make a preliminary analysis of the ongoing events. I'm looking at the bigger picture, aiming to spot key patterns and notable signs that can help us understand the situation better. This analysis will cover both the upsides and downsides based on the limited data on hand.

The scale of the Russian assault on Avdiivka underscores their determination to achieve their objectives. Russians have deployed what I've identified as at least two mechanized battalions or two battalion-tactical groups in the primary attack directions, alongside smaller units in other areas, constituting an operation of approximately regimental size. This represents a significant departure from the smaller company and platoon-sized tactical groups that both sides have employed in recent months.

Based on information from various sources, it appears that the Russians have deployed a substantial number of units, potentially constituting a force of at least a few brigades. However, the exact total number is difficult to accurately assess at this time.

One group advanced from the South-West of Avdiivka, while another attempted to advance from the North-Eastern side of Avdiivka. The group originating from Krasnohorivka initially made progress, overrunning defensive positions in the North, with some elements even reaching the railroad. Both groups suffered losses, but the northern group achieved tangible results, primarily due to the element of surprise and the concentrated firepower of a mechanized force.

Positive Aspects:

- A conservative estimate from our team, based on visual evidence, indicates that Russian forces lost a minimum of 45 vehicles, predominantly tanks and IFVs, by the morning of October 12th. The actual number is likely higher, as we lacked visuals from some areas, especially the South and South-Western regions of Avdiivka.

- The initial Russian assault did not seem to achieve the desired results of securing areas beyond the railroad in the north and seizing Sieverne and Tonenke in the south, which would significantly impact the operational environment for Ukraine.

- This operation appears to be primarily politically motivated rather than militarily necessary. Following the loss of Pisky and most of Mariinka, Avdiivka remains the only sizable settlement under Ukrainian control in close proximity to Donetsk. However, given the realities of warfare, it is unlikely that Ukraine will launch a ground offensive into Donetsk from this location in the near future. Avdiivka is well-fortified, and the Russians have suffered significant losses in multiple attempts to capture it since 2022. The Russian motivation appears to be securing a substantial public victory before winter, in contrast to the limited successes of the Ukrainian army in liberating territories in 2023 and the loss of Bakhmut.

- Despite the initial challenges and the element of surprise, Ukrainian soldiers on the ground demonstrated remarkable resilience and managed to halt the progress of the mechanized enemy groups. This achievement can be attributed to individual acts of heroism, skill, and determination to hold their positions.

- From a combination of sources, including photographs, drone videos, and personal accounts, Russian mechanized units have incurred significant losses as a result of Ukrainian drones, which have been supplied by volunteers and regular citizens, properly set mines, timely deployed AT teams, and artillery fire.

Negative Aspects:

- Despite prior knowledge of the enemy's buildup for an offensive operation, the attack still caught Ukrainian forces off guard, and it appears that some areas were ill-prepared for such an assault, revealing some vulnerabilities.

- The Russians executed a regiment-sized operation by deploying several battalions and smaller auxiliary forces. This demonstrates their capacity to conduct larger-scale operations and access to sufficient resources.

- They managed to penetrate the rear and flank areas of Avdiivka. While this does not necessarily guarantee an immediate encirclement, it presents a perilous situation and an unwelcome development. The Bakhmut operation also began with substantial and seemingly unsustainable losses for the Russians, but after securing control over the flanks, the situation deteriorated for Ukrainian forces. While the operational context is different, we cannot yet assert that the situation is stable.

- While the focus is on Russian losses, the fact that they were able to break through and seize some Ukrainian positions in the north and south suggests that Ukrainian forces likely incurred losses. Unlike easily trackable vehicle losses, assessing human casualties is more challenging


The enemy is actively seeking to shift the strategic initiative and mold public perception to their advantage. This determination is evident in their efforts to secure Avdiivka and the Kharkiv region. Their goal is likely to achieve victories that could potentially offset or negate the gains made by the Ukrainian army in the South during the summer and fall of 2023. The intended message is clear: "Regardless of the aid provided to Ukraine, Russia will continue to advance and achieve victories". The gravity of this intent is highlighted by the scale and commitment displayed in this offensive.

I advise you to stay cautious when assessing the overall situation. The Russians appear to be concentrating significant forces in the Avdiivka area, potentially involving more vehicles and personnel than they have already lost, indicating their capability for further advances. Independent observers can verify this by noting that the battle has persisted non-stop for the fourth day, marked by ongoing company-sized (at least) assaults.

The scale of enemy losses has been significant, but keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily preclude them from achieving their objectives. In the eyes of their leadership, the potential gains from this massive assault operation far outweigh the value of the vehicles and human resources expended. This pattern of prioritizing strategic and operational goals over immediate losses has been a consistent historical feature of the Russian and Soviet armies.

The future success of these efforts is likely dependent on the availability of reserves on both sides and the willingness to commit additional forces to this operation.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

miha98 ::

fur80 je izjavil:

Tak pa Rus pomaga svojemu ranjenemu kolegu.

One does not abandon their own, they try to save their own. Except if you are called Russian. Shocking, but telling footage.


Pol je že bil na robu smrti, da je dobil milosten strel....

sparklyslo ::

For the first time since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukraine is firing more artillery shots per day than russia.


Pac-Man ::



From the annals of dual use technology: Russian state TV reports from a bakery that is now manufacturing drones for the war effort in Ukraine. "Can you imagine! They even smell like fresh bread!" says the correspondent.

Tfw the special military operation is proceeding according to plan

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::


Lahko nekdo razloži kako je to možno? Vojna traja že 2 leti in še vedno počnejo eno in isto napako? Kot da to namerno počnejo. Naj mi nekdo razloži kako je to sploh še mogoče. In da je vse skupaj še bolj čudno, na podlagi posnetka kaže da so kilometre stran od fronte. Kako je mogoče da kar naprej ponavljaš eno in isto neumnost in to na odprtem, okoli nikjer nikogar oni pa v koloni en za drugim. To morajo početi namerno? Drugače si tega res ne znam razlagati.

Gregor P ::

Morda se bojijo lastnega minskega polja?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Pac-Man ::

Video. Moje znanje Ruščine je sicer precej shitty, ampak @0:30 reče nekaj, kar se mi sliši, kot da je pedofilija v Evropi dekriminalizirana


This absolute crap is on #Russia's main channel.

They claim #Ukraine is selling kids to Britain.

"Children are taken to the UK for the sexual pleasure of representatives of blue blood dynasties. Payment is accepted in bitcoins!"

Anyone want to add subtitles?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Chalky je izjavil:


Lahko nekdo razloži kako je to možno? Vojna traja že 2 leti in še vedno počnejo eno in isto napako? Kot da to namerno počnejo. Naj mi nekdo razloži kako je to sploh še mogoče. In da je vse skupaj še bolj čudno, na podlagi posnetka kaže da so kilometre stran od fronte. Kako je mogoče da kar naprej ponavljaš eno in isto neumnost in to na odprtem, okoli nikjer nikogar oni pa v koloni en za drugim. To morajo početi namerno? Drugače si tega res ne znam razlagati.

Ker definitivno ni enostavno. Hkrati pa so pripravljeni za operativni uspeh tudi trpeti velike izgube.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Video. Moje znanje Ruščine je sicer precej shitty, ampak @0:30 reče nekaj, kar se mi sliši, kot da je pedofilija v Evropi dekriminalizirana

s podnapisi


Pedofilija je dekriminalizirana v nekaterih evropskih državah, ni specificiral v katerih, kasneje voiceover teta pove, da jih v ZDA prodajajo za testiranje neregistriranih zdravil. :bonk:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::

zaradi takšnih posnetkov včasih verjamem da Rusi izgubijo tudi do 1000 vojakov na dan.


Pac-Man ::

V Berdjansku se je čez noč nekaj zgodilo, menda je Rusija izgubila cel kup helikopterjev in posadke


Somewhat major news- Russian Air Force adjacent telegram channel Fighterbomber confirms a large Ukrainian attack last night, alluding to serious losses.

Ukrainian forces reportedly targeted Berdyansk and Luhansk airfields, both heavily populated by Russian aviation assets.

konec septembra:


New satellite imagery shows more than 20 Russian helicopters at the airport in occupied Berdyansk.

Russian forces continue to build new revetments and shelters for vehicles and equipment at the site.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

womp womp


NASA Fire map (FIRMS) showing multiple heat signatures at Berdyansk Airfield within the last 24 hours.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zmajc ::

Chalky je izjavil:


Lahko nekdo razloži kako je to možno? Vojna traja že 2 leti in še vedno počnejo eno in isto napako? Kot da to namerno počnejo. Naj mi nekdo razloži kako je to sploh še mogoče. In da je vse skupaj še bolj čudno, na podlagi posnetka kaže da so kilometre stran od fronte. Kako je mogoče da kar naprej ponavljaš eno in isto neumnost in to na odprtem, okoli nikjer nikogar oni pa v koloni en za drugim. To morajo početi namerno? Drugače si tega res ne znam razlagati.

Ruskemu vodstvu se tradicionalno j3be za za število žrtev dokler dosežejo željeni cilj. Zato so tudi prepričani v svojo zmago ..."ker so samo Rusi pripravljeni žrtvovati vse".

Smrekar1 ::

Chalky je izjavil:


Lahko nekdo razloži kako je to možno? Vojna traja že 2 leti in še vedno počnejo eno in isto napako? Kot da to namerno počnejo. Naj mi nekdo razloži kako je to sploh še mogoče. In da je vse skupaj še bolj čudno, na podlagi posnetka kaže da so kilometre stran od fronte. Kako je mogoče da kar naprej ponavljaš eno in isto neumnost in to na odprtem, okoli nikjer nikogar oni pa v koloni en za drugim. To morajo početi namerno? Drugače si tega res ne znam razlagati.

Ukrajinci so za 155 mm havbice dobili kasetne granate, ki raztrosijo protitankovske mine. Če si v krogu 50 km od Ukrajinskih položajev, se lahko zgodi, da se naenkrat začneš voziti po minskem polju, ki ga pred pol ure še ni bilo.

To bi vse morali pričakovati ko so z vojsko amaterjev nagazili na profesionalce.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V Berdjansku se je čez noč nekaj zgodilo, menda je Rusija izgubila cel kup helikopterjev in posadke

Verjetno ATACMS 8-O


ATACMS confirmed 👀

M74 submunition at Berdyansk airfield


This is the American M74, a spherical high-explosive (HE), aerial dispersed, centrifugally armed, impact fired, integral fuzed, anti-personnel (AP), submunition designed to inflict casualties by blast and fragmentation delivered within the MGM-140 missile system similar in appearance to the BLU-63 and 86 submunitions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V Berdjansku se je čez noč nekaj zgodilo, menda je Rusija izgubila cel kup helikopterjev in posadke

Ukrajinci pravijo, da sta šla dva helikopterja, en top in nekaj municije.

Če je bila municija dovolj blizu česa drugega gre za manjšo katastrofo za Ruse. Brez tega gre za uporaben zadetek in dobro porabljeno raketo.

Pac-Man ::

Pravijo da je malo huje


Operation “Dragonfly”. Successful operation of the Ukrainian SOF to attack Berdyansk and Luhansk Airfields.

As a result, enemy’s losses are:
◾️ 9 helicopters;
◾️ 1 air defense launcher;
◾️ special vehicles;
◾️ ammo depots;
◾️ air strips were damaged

Glavna težava za Ruse pa je, da so cilji 100+ km od fronte in gre zelo verjetno za 1. uporabo ATACMS raket


M39A1 ATACMS have arrived in Ukraine - range 300km

russia can not leave any of it air assets within that range.

This will result in russian helicopters having to journey 300+ km to the front in the future.

This will result in far less helicopter attacks on Ukrainian units.

Tam 2 uri do fronte in nazaj, verjetno bodo naredili manjše FOB znotraj dosega. Mi-28 ga tako ali tako nima dovolj, da bi to lahko odletel

Mil Mi-28 @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

CNN potrjuje


The US secretly provided Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles, according to two US officials. The confirmation came on Tuesday after images of the missiles’ submunitions inside Ukraine began circulating on social media.

It is not clear when the US missiles were provided. But the US decided in recent weeks to send them quietly because they wanted to take the Russians by surprise, especially after months of public back-and-forth over whether President Joe Biden would agree to send the weapons, an official said. The Russians are aware of the range of the missiles and the US was concerned they would move equipment and weapons out of reach before the missiles could be used, the official said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

ATACMS without the shadow of a doubt now
Russians have published the pictures from the missile debris in Berdyansk

MGM-140 ATACMS @ Wikipedia

A better video of the ATACMS attack on Berdyansk airfield reportedly
The helicopters are there, some burning, some very likely damaged

Pac-Man ::

Na, že fotka.

Letnik 1996, verjetno samo inercijsko vodenje

MGM-140 ATACMS @ Wikipedia

M39 (ATACMS Block I) missile with inertial guidance. It carries 950 M74 Anti-personnel and Anti‑materiel (APAM) bomblets. Range: 25–165 kilometres (16–103 mi). 1,650 M39 were produced between 1990 and 1997, when production ceased in favor of the M39A1. During Operation Desert Storm 32 M39 were fired at Iraqi targets and during Operation Iraqi Freedom a further 379 were fired.[22][23] The remaining M39 missiles are being updated to M57E1 missiles.[24][25] This is the only variant that can be fired by all M270 and M142 launcher variants.

M39A1 (ATACMS Block IA) missile with GPS-aided guidance. It carries 300 M74 Anti-personnel and Anti‑materiel (APAM) bomblets. Range: 20–300 kilometres (12–186 mi). 610 M39A1 were produced between 1997 and 2003. During Operation Iraqi Freedom 74 M39A1 were fired at Iraqi targets.[22][23] The remaining M39A1 missiles are being updated to M57E1 missiles.[24][25] The M39A1 and all subsequently introduced ATACMS missiles can only be used with the M270A1 (or variants thereof) and the M142.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Kapitalna nit


ATACMS. What is it? Why does it matter so much? How many are there? How many will Ukraine get? Every question you could possibly have, answered. It's the thread you've all been waiting for... 🧵 (1/72)

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

kow je izjavil:

Chalky je izjavil:


Lahko nekdo razloži kako je to možno? Vojna traja že 2 leti in še vedno počnejo eno in isto napako? Kot da to namerno počnejo. Naj mi nekdo razloži kako je to sploh še mogoče. In da je vse skupaj še bolj čudno, na podlagi posnetka kaže da so kilometre stran od fronte. Kako je mogoče da kar naprej ponavljaš eno in isto neumnost in to na odprtem, okoli nikjer nikogar oni pa v koloni en za drugim. To morajo početi namerno? Drugače si tega res ne znam razlagati.

Ker definitivno ni enostavno. Hkrati pa so pripravljeni za operativni uspeh tudi trpeti velike izgube.

To Avdiivko napadajo že od leta 2014! ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Chalky ::

Pac-Man:: danes, 15:19:41

Pravijo da je malo huje

Če to drži potem so si Rusi naredili novo sramoto. Ko takole pomisliš ja ZDA veliko pošiljajo v Ukrajino ampak Rusi pa še 3x več izgubljajo. Vsi ki trdijo da ZDA ne morejo več zalagati Ukrajine z orožjem se hudo motijo. Tole je iz finančnega vidika tako poceni za ZDA da se ljudje niti ne zavedajo. Nebi rekel če bi Rusom vsaj uspelo redno razbijati HIMARS in ATACMS in ostale stvari, pa jim niti tega ne uspe. Skratka za 3% vojaškega proračuna bodo Američani povsem uničili Rusijo. Ja tudi Ukrajinci bodo hudo trpeli vendar dvomim da to Američane zanima. Oni se želijo znebiti Rusov. In če jim to uspe pride do domino efekta in potem recimo tudi Iran nebi več grozil Izraelu.

Lesoto ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Matheus ::

Zanimivo, da se za takšno presenečenje niso odločili za napad na Kerch bridge.

Lesoto ::

Yulia Prokhorova, pro-war Russian living in Germany, verbally assaulted Ukrainian refugees in Germany and publicly supported Russia.

She was deported and returned to her beloved motherland. A year and a half later, it turned out Russia is not the paradise she imagined it to be, she wants to leave and has no desire to work in a factory - Prokhorova explains this in great detail and cursing profusely.

Matheus je izjavil:

Zanimivo, da se za takšno presenečenje niso odločili za napad na Kerch bridge.

Ta model ATACMS ima 165km dosega in ni primeren za trde cilje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Matejjjjj ::

Matheus je izjavil:

Zanimivo, da se za takšno presenečenje niso odločili za napad na Kerch bridge.

1. Uporabljena inačica rakete ima kasetno polnjenje. S tem res nima smisla napadati asfalt in beton. Skrivanje dobave Ukrajini ima razlog v iskanju faktorja presenečenja, ker ob vednosti zanje, bi Rusi verjetno takoj umaknili mehke cilje oz jih vsaj poskrili pod betonska zaklonišča. Če bi jih imeli... Potem je tu še doseg...

2. Po slovensko je to most... si kaj boljši, se počutiš bolj superiornega, če znaš napisati Kerch bridge? Vav, res si kul, mega... Če res želiš narediti vtis na tukajšno publiko, uporabi vsaj izraz Крымский мост. на русском!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()

Matejjjjj ::

še to: rusi takih orožij zaradi ukrajinske zračne obrambe ne uporabljajo veliko za napade na ukr mehke vojaške cilje, medtem ko obratno, cedilo... zna bit, da so ruski vojaški radarji v protizračni obrambi že izrabljeni, konec koncev, radar ni večen..

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()

Smrekar1 ::

Matheus je izjavil:

Zanimivo, da se za takšno presenečenje niso odločili za napad na Kerch bridge.

Predaleč je in te rakete niso primerne za most. ATACAMS ima več raket in med njimi je tudi taka z unitarno bojno glavo in dosegom 300 km. To bi bilo za krimski most sigurno v redu, načeloma je bolj mišljeno za bunkerje in podobno. Dobili so drug tip rakete, z dosegom ~140 km in 950 eksplozivno-zažigalnimi bombicami, približno velikosti granate. Mostu ne bo naredilo omembe vredne škode, kot smo videli v Berdyansku pa to ne velja za helikopterje na odprtem :D

Brez ameriških raket bi ruski helikopterji lahko operirali do nekje 30 km od fronte. HIMARS jih je odrinil cca 100 km stran, kar že opazno načne njihov domet pri izvajanju bojnih operacij. ATACAMS jih bo odrinil na 150-200 km stran, kar pomeni da lahko samo prileti, ima mogoče pet minut da najde tarčo in nanjo strelja, nato mora takoj nazaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Zmajc ::

Če ga Scholz nebi sral z Taurusi bi most podrli brez problema. Taurusi so narejeni prav za ta namen.

Tako pa so najprej pogojevali z ATACAMS-i. Sedaj pa dalje bluzijo.

Na koncu pa jih bojo tako ali tako primorani dat, da se zruši ta idiotski most enkrat za vselej.

Malidelničar ::

A potem je Avdivka še vedno riziko za Ukrajince? Tu bo verjetno prihološki moment, ali Ukrajinci prej prebijejo do Tokmaka ali še dol, ali pa Rusi prej dosežejo psihično zmao pri Avdiivki.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Zmajc ::

Avdiivka je podoben scenarij kot Bakhmut. Če bodo rusi pošiljajo dovolj trupel bodo mesto slej ko prej, ne glede na ceno žrtev zasedli. Ukrajinci sami pravijo da je to eno izmed najbolj utrjenih mest, saj tam boji potekajo že od 2014. Bomo videli.

Pac-Man ::

Francozi dodajajo na gas


Good news from France: Last January they were sending Ukraine 1000 155mm shells a month. This coming January it will rise to 3000/month. Caesar production will also rise to 8/m, from 2/m at start of 2022. Thales has also doubled its radar production. 👀

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Se kar nobenih satelitskih posnetkov raketiranih letalisc?

Matheus ::

Hvala za obrazložitev glede ATACAMS raket.

Matejjjjj je izjavil:

Matheus je izjavil:

Zanimivo, da se za takšno presenečenje niso odločili za napad na Kerch bridge.

2. Po slovensko je to most... si kaj boljši, se počutiš bolj superiornega, če znaš napisati Kerch bridge? Vav, res si kul, mega...

Ne razumem, zakaj te je to tako zmotilo? Kar se tiče te vojne v 99% primerih berem tuje medije in sem čisto podzavestno napisal "Kerch bridge", ker mi je to najprej padlo na pamet. Smo na forumu in ne v učilnici slovenščine.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Matheus ()

Tinki ::

Fora je, da Rusija nima dovolj trupel, mislm, da so v adivki pred poletjem ukrajinci mal pred poletjem nazaj na jug ruse potisnli, kokr sm spremlu zlo napadajo sam jih kolijo, rusija pa si vedn manj lahko privošči velike zgube mož, počas jih bo treba iz moskve vlečt, pol pa bodo problemi

Pac-Man ::

kow je izjavil:

Se kar nobenih satelitskih posnetkov raketiranih letalisc?

Je nekaj v nizki resoluciji

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

???? published satelite images, showing the aftermath at Berdyansk airport. It looks like at least 6 helicopters are visibly damaged/destroyed as a result of the ATACMS attack yesterday.

Vsaj še 6 dodatnih helikopterjev še vedno sedi na južni stezi, kjer ni bilo ognja. Čudno, da niso bii umaknjeni. Verjetno so poškodovani od šrapnelov.

Pac-Man ::

še višja resolucija


By comparing Planet Labs imagery taken on 29 September 2023, we can assume with some degree of probability what types of helicopters were lost. Apparently four Mi-8 and five Ka-52 were destroyed in the attack on 17 October 2023.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Ogromne zracne izgube za Ruse. Helikopterji bodo morali sedaj vzletati iz RF, kar pomeni da bodo veliko manj nevarni na fronti, ker bodo imeli manj goriva oz. casa za napade.

Spura ::

Zgleda so rusi precej zadaj pri kakrsnemkoli prestrezanju raket. Ameriske vojaske baze v afganistanu so vedno imele Phalanx minigune okoli za prestrezanje mortarjev, granat, raket v terminalni fazi. Vcasih uspesno, vcasih ne, ampak rusi zgleda nimajo nic.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

še višja resolucija


By comparing Planet Labs imagery taken on 29 September 2023, we can assume with some degree of probability what types of helicopters were lost. Apparently four Mi-8 and five Ka-52 were destroyed in the attack on 17 October 2023.

U, pet aligatorjev. To je nekje 10% preostale operabilne flote tega tipa. Aligatorji so na robu izmurtja! :D

Spura je izjavil:

Zgleda so rusi precej zadaj pri kakrsnemkoli prestrezanju raket. Ameriske vojaske baze v afganistanu so vedno imele Phalanx minigune okoli za prestrezanje mortarjev, granat, raket v terminalni fazi. Vcasih uspesno, vcasih ne, ampak rusi zgleda nimajo nic.

Oh imajo, Pantsir je točno to. Top, podoben Phalanxu, za prestrezanje raket in projektilov v terminalni fazi. ATACAMS je enega uničil :))

Ta vojna je pokazala, da so ruske tehnikalije impresivne samo na papirju. V resnici delajo na pol ali pa sploh ne. Po drugi strani vojna tudi kaže, da je zahodna tehnika še malo boljša kot smo mislili.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

gozdar1 ::

V bistvu se na zahodu specifikacija sistemov podajajo za realistične pogoje v rusiji pa za tisto 1% idealno situacijo.

Pac-Man ::

opportunis je očitno v Rusiji

11. stran, zadnji komentar @11:05:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zmajc ::

Tip je prav očitno nek rus ki z prevaja svoje slaboumne idiotzme v slovenščino za širjenje propagande. Prav vidiš da tip ni slovenc.

Chalky ::

When thousands of M74 bomblets from ATACMS missiles fired by Ukraine struck Berdyansk Helicopter Base

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Chalky ()

mojsterleo ::

Spura je izjavil:

Zgleda so rusi precej zadaj pri kakrsnemkoli prestrezanju raket. Ameriske vojaske baze v afganistanu so vedno imele Phalanx minigune okoli za prestrezanje mortarjev, granat, raket v terminalni fazi. Vcasih uspesno, vcasih ne, ampak rusi zgleda nimajo nic.

Normalno, Rusi niso pričakovali raketnega napada toliko v zaledje, zato so rakete prišle skozi.
Seveda ATACMS sedaj pomeni dodatne probleme, še posebej ko dobijo 300km variante. Bojni domet helikopterja Ka-52 je cca 500km, tako da bodo imeli kar težave. Helikopterje bodo morali premakniti v baze na Krimu in v Rusijo proper. Daljša pot letenja pomeni krajši čas na bojišču, večjo porabo goriva in pa večjo obrabo. Na udaru bo tudi ruska logistika, tam kjer do sedaj še ni bila. Ni nezanemarljivo dejstvo, da bodo Rusi sedaj potrebovali tudi okrepitve protiletalskih enot v bazah v zaledju.
Za Ukrajince je to win-win.za razliko od Storm Shadow, ki je air launched, Atacms izstreljujejo iz Himars in M270 lanserjev, kar omogoča hitrejši in boljši odziv na razmere v zaledju, ukrajinsko letalstvo pa je izpostavljeno manjšim tveganjem oziroma lahko opravlja druge naloge.
Vse skupaj je sedaj odvisno samo od tega, koliko jih bodo dobili in katere.
Težava je v tem, da se bodo Rusi prilagodili, hardvera pa imajo tudi dovolj. Upam da bo Ukrajincem uspelo ta trenutek presenečenja dobro unovčiti.

fur80 ::

Rusi se še kar natikajo pri Avdiiiki.

Near Avdiivka (Vodyanoye) the russian offensive is becoming more and more spectacular.
Until the end.


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  • spremenil: fur80 ()
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