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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
530 / 893

Ganon ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Srbski boti v službi kremlja, kako je s tem v sloveniji?


Srpski botovi su brzo reagovali. “Ko drugi može da izvuče korist od ovog ubistva osim Amerike? Mora da je CIA to izvela”, bila je dominantna mantra u diskusijama na srpskim informativnim sajtovima. “Lajkova” je bilo na stotine, dok su komentari tipa “Putin je odgovoran” naišli na opšti podsmeh - stoji u tekstu.

Vsakršna podobnost z MMC-jem je zgolj naključna. :)) Ampak identične komentarje vidiš tudi na drugih tujih straneh. Teh kremeljskih trolov je cela gora.

CoolBits ::

Ja povsod so troli samo tukaj jih ni :))
To me spominja na nekaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: connel ()

Bauc ::

CoolBits je izjavil:

Ja povsod so troli samo tukaj jih ni :))
To me spominja na nekaj.

Ok Henry:))

Pac-Man ::



A sudden inflation of articles advocating for a deal with Russia indicates that the Russian authorities are aware of the difficult situation on the frontline and they seek to freeze the conflict in order to secure the territorial gains. Time to double down on support for Ukraine!


The articles are also being written by people who have badly predicted how this war would go. “I got everything wrong thus far; here’s what to do now” is what their argument amounts to. It’s a mug’s marketplace.
in to


The Valdai Club was always a tool used by the Kremlin to corrupt Western experts on Russia. Together with business class tickets, luxury hotels and caviar, they were given "access" to the "real" Russian power elite, and they were provided with an "opportunity" to talk to Putin's acolytes, often to Putin himself. Many began to value this exclusive access to "the Kremlin thinking", so much so that refraining from criticising Russia's imperial policies became a small cost altogether. You'd be surprised how many respectable liberal intellectuals have fallen into this trap. Some of them keep telling us today what they "hear in Moscow". Но это не они, это говорит Москва...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Kar tako naprej, pometajte probleme pod preprogo, Ukrajina vas bo pa še naprej izrivala iz svojega teritorija.

Samo kako boste državljanom razložili, da Krim ni več vaš?


Anyone that’s been following Ru telegram for a while will be familiar with the Moscow Calling channel, run by war criminal Andrey Kurshin.

According to Ru media, he was arrested yesterday for “spreading fakes” about the army. He was another long term critic of MOD methods.

Kurshin wasn’t some “liberal” anti war figure. He fought in Ukraine in 2014, was a Major in terrorist formations and later worked on missile tech.

The channel did give an insight into the internal problems in Ru forces occasionally, similar to Girkin.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Two Russian attack helicopters and an aircraft chased a Ukrainian drone near Cape Tarkhankut (Crimea) but failed to shoot it down - Defense Intelligence of Ukraine posted a unique video.

Despite continuous fire, Ukrainian drone left the "battlefield" undamaged and successfully returned to the base.

Lesoto ::

A #Russian position held by well-equipped paratroopers of the VDV was captured by #Ukrainian elite paratroopers of the 78th Air Assault Regiment at the Novoprokopivka - Verbove axis, Zaporizhzhia Region.

Pac-Man ::

vidno uničenih 9 cistern, video


Ukrainian forces destroyed a Russian depot for tank trucks in Svatove in Luhansk Oblast.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Če komu pride prav, nit


For my own reference and to direct friends to, a list of good and bad sources on the Russo-Ukrainian war. The infosphere has become cluttered with copers, grifters and propagandists, and the increasing algorithmic crappiness of Twitter means you're more likely to see them.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::


23. Robotyne.
Meanwhile from inside the village an amazing story if true. 'Maestro' a 47th Mechanised Bde soldier was buried by a blast in the 1st attempt to enter the village on 21/07. He hid out for over a month.


Lesoto ::

Based on the assessment of Yu Koizumi, a Japanese lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Russians have removed S-300V4 surface-to-air missile systems from Kunashiri and Etorofu, the 2 main Russian-occupied Kuril Islands. His assessment is based on satellite pics.

In addition, old Russian tanks and artillery systems on the neighboring island of Sakhalin (Chinese name: K?y? D?o) have been put out of storage and moved west, most likely to Ukraine.

Russia is frantically trying to scramble resources from every corner of the country and outside, leaving increasingly several border and contested areas undefended. We have witnessed similar developments in other corners of Russia, such as in the Kaliningrad region, along the border of Finland or Vladivostok, where only a skeleton defense of the Russian army remains.

Lesoto ::

pegasus ::

Če koga zanima japonski vidik štorije s temi otoki, obstaja en lušten film na to temo.

mojsterleo ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Russia is frantically trying to scramble resources from every corner of the country and outside, leaving increasingly several border and contested areas undefended. We have witnessed similar developments in other corners of Russia, such as in the Kaliningrad region, along the border of Finland or Vladivostok, where only a skeleton defense of the Russian army remains.

Res je... ne gre jim. So pa od danes Sarmati že operabilni in v pripravljenosti. Norec Putin zna dejansko zakuhati jedrski spopad.

BorutO ::

In ti dejansko misliš, da je ta sarmat tako dober, kot ga opisujejo? :) Ni sposoben zakuhati nobene jedrske vojne. Pa tako hitro, kot jo bi zakuhal, tako hitro bi je bilo konec. Saj vsako tele ve, da se jedrska vojna ne izplača.

So američani že razbili mit rusom, da bi njihove rakete letele čez 7 machov, ker trenutno niti nimajo in ne poznajo takega materiala, ki bi zdržala tako temperaturo ... da o ruski kakovosti, ki je baje narejena iz ruskih delov, ne govorimo ... še enega dobrega avta niso sposobni skupaj sestaviti, isto vojaške tehnologije.

Lesoto ::

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Res je... ne gre jim. So pa od danes Sarmati že operabilni in v pripravljenosti. Norec Putin zna dejansko zakuhati jedrski spopad.

O kakšnih Sarmatih govoriš? Če imajo, imajo ENEGA.

sicer pa, ta zadnji test v februarju je bil neuspešen
RS-28 Sarmat @ Wikipedia
On 18 February 2023, a test of the RS-28 missile was conducted by the Russian Federation; it is believed that this test was unsuccessful, but this has not been confirmed or denied by the Russian government.[29]

Čisto možno, da je vse skupaj en larifari.

Gregor P ::

Influenserski vojni profiterji

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

wcpapir ::

A ste videli zadnji posnetek ko naj bi Putin obiskal svoj rojstni kraj?

No če je pa to na posnetku Putin sem pa kolo.

Machete ::

Daj link.
ps: dežurni JNA inkontinentni borci na MMC so že zagrizli v komentiranje. Moderator pa je že na preži, potem ko je pojedel svoj ruski zajtrk in zmolil pred ikono in sliko putlerja.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Pac-Man ::



Prvi komentator je začuda lucckyss1, moji dve repliki sta se pa zataknili nekje v sistemu. Prva je bila, da je moč obrambne linije odvisna od prisotne posadke in Rusija enostavno nima dovolj kvalitetnih sil, nisem shranil, druga pa v odgovor na

Problem je v tem, da od sporočil, ki niso realizirane na zemlji, ni nobenega haska, razen evforije nekritičnih navijačev.

moj komentar

Bi Rusi vrgli atomsko bombo na svoje sile? Video:


Za Ruse na fronti v Zaporožju mora biti vse težje, če propagandist Solovjov in upokojeni general Guruljov pozivata k taktičnemu jedrskemu napadu na Robotine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Video okrog 20 Leopardov 2 na kupu in nobene ruske rakete na vidiku.


Menda vse uničijo...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

rini ::

wcpapir je izjavil:

A ste videli zadnji posnetek ko naj bi Putin obiskal svoj rojstni kraj?

No če je pa to na posnetku Putin sem pa kolo.

To lahko razumemo kot zadnje slovo.

Pac-Man ::

Kaj si, če te samo uporabljen jezik tako sprovocira, da desetletnika vržeš z mostu?


V nemškem mestu Einbeck je odrasel moški, šlo naj bi za Rusa oziroma rusko govorečega Nemca, z mostu vrgel in hudo poškodoval desetletnega dečka iz skupine ukrajinskih otrok. Po navedbah tožilstva v Göttingenu je bil napad na otroka politično motiviran, saj je moški pred okrutnim napadom skupino pozval, naj prenehajo govoriti ukrajinski jezik in govorijo rusko.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Kebo ::

Ruse v EU na vlake nazaj v domovino pa je problem rešen.

Malidelničar ::

Še vedno na jugu hude bitke okoli Verbovega. Nič novega zaenkrat. So pa ruske vrste že kar attritted. Problem je, ker Ukrajinci nimajo aviacije (npr. F-16) da bi napadli ruske jarke in rove, ki so postavljeni po vseh drevoredih ob robu polj (t.i. windbreaks) in se jih lotevajo z artilerijo in obstreljevanjem iz daljave, ter nato pehotnim napadom. Tu pa je kljub vsem previdnostnim ukrepom - obstreljevanje iz daljave in pehotni napad iz boka - težava, ker mine res otežkočajo gibanje in manevriranje. in hitro dobiš te killzone kamor bi Ukrajinci ob slepem jurišanju lahko padli. Glede na zamujajočo vojaško podporo jim IMHO gre še dobro.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Lesoto ::

While the population of #Chechnya is surviving on worthless salaries, the Kadyrovites are luxuriating in their "honestly earned" money. And let the people of the Russian countryside, who live without heating and sewage systems, see where the budgets of their towns and villages go.

By the way, according to Kadyrov's new law, weddings should be much more modest. It is very doubtful that these guys gave the bride's father "50,000 roubles, tea, sugar and a ram."

But apparently the law applies to everyone except those close to Kadyrov's body.

Pac-Man ::

@TheDeadDistrict je bivši gruzijski vojak, ki je služil v Afganistanu, nit


About boots:
1st of all, I'll tell you about my experience - I grew up in the mountains, from 15 to 28 I was in the army, from the age of 28 to this day I constantly go to the mountains. As a child, I wore Kirza boots, then in the army I wore boots made in 🇬🇪🇷🇺🇺🇲🇹🇷🇬🇷
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Instead of a thousand words.
A Russian rocket hit Kramatorsk today. Very close to a residential building.
Terrorist state continues terrorizing civilians.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Povsem pozabil, tole je pogonski del rakete s kasetnim strelivom, verjetno Smerč s 30 cm premera, Uragan ima 22 cm. In to sredi mesta.

Ker Rusi ga bojda ne uporabljajo, sploh pa ne na poseljenih območjih, kot mi je prišepnil svizec.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Na MMC hvalijo Ka-52 in sistem "Vitebsk"...


"Is the 'Hokum' overhyped?" wonders AIR International in its September 2023 issue. This excerpt from the article available on pp. 6-7 links main weapon system limitations to abismal battlefield losses, in addition to poor tactical employment of the helicopter itself.

The article goes on to describe the latest version of the Ka52 – the Ka52M, with its ability to launch the long-range LMUR missile, as well as sensor and survivability improvements.

Are these upgrades making any actual difference in combat?

Amongst other things, it is also stated that the much-vaunted L370-5 Vitebsk self-protection suite will be replaced. Before the war, this particular item was heavily publicised as highly effective in countering all known missile threats.

Sem šel preverjat, Oryx ima dokumentiranih 42 uničenih


pred vojno naj bi jih imeli 133

Kamov Ka-50 @ Wikipedia

Solidna katastrofa.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

pred vojno naj bi jih imeli 133

cirka 80% uporabnih (100+) in kdovekoliko jih je fasalo raketo v luftu pa so se pricjazili domov, da so jih odpeljali samo še za na odpad.

+ nedokomentirane izgube

arnecan1 ::

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fangolin7 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

kokice tajm?



Link ti ne dela.

Kayzon ::

Oy yey shut it down!!

UA POV: Ukrainian man woke up and his surrounded by conscription officers in his own room.


Bauc ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Oy yey shut it down!!

UA POV: Ukrainian man woke up and his surrounded by conscription officers in his own room.


A misliš, da pri vseh stotisočih mobiliziaranih Rusih in Ukrajincih vsi gredo prostovoljno? Ko smo mi imeli obvezno služenje so ti tudi lahko poslali policijo, če se nisi zglasil v kasarni. In to je bilo v času, ko ni bilo vojne. Strica so partizani mobilizirali na način, ki bi tvoji nežni duši pustil posledice do konca življenja :))

Sheteentz ::

Hja, vojna res na za poduhovljene snežinkice in fašistične pacifiste, ki bi pustili, da se jim posili mater, sestro in hčerko, samo da jim ni treba v vojsko.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Fangolin7 je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

kokice tajm?



Link ti ne dela.

Čudno, meni dela OK, tako povezava kot prilepljena zaslonska slika.

Vodja predsedniške administracije Ukrajine je objavil tvit s 4imi emojiji, med drugim raketo in lobanjo. Čez noč se ni nič zgodilo, zaenkrat false alarm.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


This is what “voting” in Russian-occupied part of Zaporizhzhia region, south Ukraine, looks like. “Election commission officials” go to homes of residents to ask them to vote, accompanied by masked armed men in uniform:

And the ballots aren't folded, so the masked armed men see what you voted... ... ...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

1/ "I fucked him up so bad that the bastard fainted," says Major General Ivan Popov of the conversation he had with the head of Russia's armed forces, General Valery Gerasimov, that led to Popov's dismissal as the commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army

sir_mha ::

Na severu imaju Ukrajinci težave, ker vso svojo mašinerijo in izkušene vojake pošiljajo na jug.


Pac-Man ::


Brace yourselves, because russians have once again showcased unparalleled innovation. What you are looking at is a satellite image featuring a TU-95 strategic bomber covered with car tires. According to them, this should protect strategic bombers from drones

This doesn't seem to be just a single occurrence. In this satellite imagery, it seems the russians are still in the process of fitting tires onto the bomber – a fresh, budget-friendly version of ERA substitute for the russian air force?

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

FireSnake ::

sir_mha je izjavil:

Na severu imaju Ukrajinci težave, ker vso svojo mašinerijo in izkušene vojake pošiljajo na jug.


Russia's massive artillery advantage throughout the country and its predominance of drones and electronic warfare on this part of the front, don't help either.

Malo drugačna zgodba, kot jo eni tukaj prodajajo.
Sploh tisto o "they see everything" tudi ponoči.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Lesoto ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

Malo drugačna zgodba, kot jo eni tukaj prodajajo.
Sploh tisto o "they see everything" tudi ponoči.

In zakaj potem ruska vojska ob vsem tem ne more preko sive cone? Aja, vemo zakaj. Ker eni tukaj "prodajamo" pravo zgodbo.



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Bauc ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

sir_mha je izjavil:

Na severu imaju Ukrajinci težave, ker vso svojo mašinerijo in izkušene vojake pošiljajo na jug.


Russia's massive artillery advantage throughout the country and its predominance of drones and electronic warfare on this part of the front, don't help either.

Malo drugačna zgodba, kot jo eni tukaj prodajajo.
Sploh tisto o "they see everything" tudi ponoči.

A misliš, da je celotna fronta povsod zasedena z najmodernejšim orožjem in najboljšimi enotami? Imaš polno posnetkov kjer se rusi pritožujejo, da nimajo primernega orožja in opreme in da jih Ukrajinci tolčejo po mili volji. Precej drugačna zgodba kot jo sicer prodajate rusofili tule gor.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: FireSnake ()

Lesoto ::

Ni vojne, kjer bi neka stran imela prevlado na vseh frontah. Nikoli in nikdar.

Fangolin7 ::

Ruska vojska je od začetka leta zaposlila približno 280.000 ljudi, je danes dejal podpredsednik ruskega sveta za nacionalno varnost Dmitrij Medvedjev. Ruska vojska je v izogib nepriljubljeni mobilizaciji spomladi sprožila aktivno kampanjo, da bi v svoje vrste privabila več ljudi.

Zaposlili so jih ker tako dobro zmagujejo brez žrtev?
Ali pa imajo mogoče 300k žrtev pa rabijo zato 300k svežih.

fur80 ::

Fangolin7 je izjavil:

Ruska vojska je od začetka leta zaposlila približno 280.000 ljudi, je danes dejal podpredsednik ruskega sveta za nacionalno varnost Dmitrij Medvedjev. Ruska vojska je v izogib nepriljubljeni mobilizaciji spomladi sprožila aktivno kampanjo, da bi v svoje vrste privabila več ljudi.

Zaposlili so jih ker tako dobro zmagujejo brez žrtev?
Ali pa imajo mogoče 300k žrtev pa rabijo zato 300k svežih.

Ali drugače po rusofilsko je Rusija najboljši delodajalec in imajo najmanj brezposelnih, prijav za delo zmožnih ljudi na zavodih pa rekordno nizko.

P.S. Bayraktar je nazaj:


Spet jih bo za cel kombi:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Lesoto ::

Fangolin7 je izjavil:

Ruska vojska je od začetka leta zaposlila približno 280.000 ljudi, je danes dejal podpredsednik ruskega sveta za nacionalno varnost Dmitrij Medvedjev. Ruska vojska je v izogib nepriljubljeni mobilizaciji spomladi sprožila aktivno kampanjo, da bi v svoje vrste privabila več ljudi.

Zaposlili so jih ker tako dobro zmagujejo brez žrtev?
Ali pa imajo mogoče 300k žrtev pa rabijo zato 300k svežih.

S temi 280k je število Rusov, ki so bili del t.i. SVO, prešlo miljon.
530 / 893