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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
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Bauc ::

Grega3 je izjavil:

Ampak tale ukrofenziva bo šla pa res v anale. Z vsem zahodnim orožjem niso uspeli v dveh mesecih prebit obrambe ki jo je postavila država z bdpjem italije ?

Ampak tale moskovitska vojna bo pa šla v anale. Druga vojska sveta ni uspela premagati države,ki je opremljena z zahodnimi ostanki iz hladne vojne?

Grega3 ::

Bauc je izjavil:

Grega3 je izjavil:

Ampak tale ukrofenziva bo šla pa res v anale. Z vsem zahodnim orožjem niso uspeli v dveh mesecih prebit obrambe ki jo je postavila država z bdpjem italije ?

Ampak tale moskovitska vojna bo pa šla v anale. Druga vojska sveta ni uspela premagati države,ki je opremljena z zahodnimi ostanki iz hladne vojne?

Kako druga vojska sveta če pa ima bdp Italije? Pač neka vukojebina od Rusije se upira NATO orožju? Kolk že imajo skupno članice NATA bdpja??

o0o0o0o0o0 ::

Rusi so mislili, da so druga vojska sveta. 24.2.22 so spoznali, da so k od ovce. Če bi ukrajinci verjeli američanom, ko so jih opozarjali glede vojne, danes ne bi rusi imeli niti tega ozemlja, ki ga trenutno držijo. Če bi NATO takoj poslal pravo orožje ukrajini, bi bilo danes drugače. Še tistih par HIMARSov je stolklo celo goro orožja rusom.
Prišli smo iz "Kijev pade v treh dneh" do "droni rasturajo po Moskvi". Niti ni slabo za Ukrajino

Aston_11 ::

robertotrm je izjavil:

Svet se spopada z moteno oskrbo in vse višjimi cenami. Vse po zaslugi bebave politike in bizarnih norih sankcij. Levji delez zaslug za motnje in visanja cen pripada vladajoci eliti skorumpirancev v bruslju in njihovim kavbojskim pajdasem na oni strani oceana.

Si upaš tole napisati Putlerjnu, da je moten, ker je vse to povzročil? Se mi je zdelo, da ne. Praznega papirja mu ne smeš pokazati, kaj šele kaj resnega reči.
Putun je ciin agent in bo uničil rusojebino. Rubelj še držiš?

o0o0o0o0o0 je izjavil:

RNiti ni slabo za Ukrajino
V bistvu je super odlično.

Grega3 je izjavil:

Kolk že imajo skupno članice NATA bdpja??
Precej, vendar niso v vojni z rusojebino. Tako da ima to veze kot z afriko, torej praktiččno nič.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Aston_11 ()

BlaY0 ::

Grega3 je izjavil:

Kako druga vojska sveta če pa ima bdp Italije? Pač neka vukojebina od Rusije se upira NATO orožju? Kolk že imajo skupno članice NATA bdpja??

Jah da pač večji del svojega BDPja za oborožitev kot Italija. Kaj je tukaj čudnega?

Rusija da slabih 5%, Italija pa 1,5%. To je recimo povprečje zadnjih 5 let.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

Lonsarg ::

@Grega3, malo vrži v Google številke predno smešne izjave delaš. Zahod pomaga Ukrajini cirka 50 miljard letno, Ruski GDP je 1800 miljard letno, US GDP je 23000 miljard.

Skratka zahod pomaga Ukrajini v velikosti 3% Ruskega GDP oziroma v velikosti 0.2% US GDPja. In to je dovolj za približno izenačenje vojaških moči na fronti. To se lahko interpretira samo na en način, Ruska vojska ni niti blizu svetovnim big playerjem, če odšteješ nuklearno orožje niti v top 10 ni.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lonsarg ()

BlaY0 ::

Lonsarg je izjavil:

@Grega3, malo vrži v Google številke predno smešne izjave delaš. Zahod pomaga Ukrajini cirka 50 miljard letno, Ruski GDP je 1800 miljard letno, US GDP je 22000 miljard.

Skratka zahod pomaga Ukrajini v velikosti 3% Ruskega GDP oziroma v velikosti 0.2% US GDPja. In to je dovolj za približno izenačenje vojaških moči na fronti. To se lahko interpretira samo na en način, Ruska vojska ni nikjer blizu svetovnim big playerjem. Če odšteješ nuklearno orožje niti v top 10 ni.

Pa ne samo to. Zahod Ukrajini pomaga z orožjem, ki bi tako ali tako v parih let šlo na "uničenje", ki pa košta bistveno več, kot če se vse skupaj šenka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

Pac-Man ::

Predstavnik madžarske manjšine v Ukrajini. Sicer anekdota, na povezavi je cel članek iz FT z naslovom Hungarians in Ukraine turn against Viktor Orbán


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Bauc ::

Grega3 je izjavil:

Bauc je izjavil:

Grega3 je izjavil:

Ampak tale ukrofenziva bo šla pa res v anale. Z vsem zahodnim orožjem niso uspeli v dveh mesecih prebit obrambe ki jo je postavila država z bdpjem italije ?

Ampak tale moskovitska vojna bo pa šla v anale. Druga vojska sveta ni uspela premagati države,ki je opremljena z zahodnimi ostanki iz hladne vojne?

Kako druga vojska sveta če pa ima bdp Italije? Pač neka vukojebina od Rusije se upira NATO orožju? Kolk že imajo skupno članice NATA bdpja??

A hočeš povedati,da Rusi lažejo?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bauc ()

Pac-Man ::

Nadaljujem z bluzenjem po ukrajinskih dokumentarcih s podnapisi, tale je o imperialni ideologiji ruske federacije.

Anatomy of Ruscism | Documentary cycle «The Last War» | Episode one

Na začetku jo definira, od 28. minute o tem kako je podprta z državno religijo - pravoslavjem, od 45. minute pa še zakaj so ruski liberalci/intelektualci povsem neuporabni pri nasprotovanju.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Do Russian Commentators believe their own statements?

Chalky ::

Romunija kupuje 48 bojnih letal F-35 za 6.5 milijard dolarjev. Neverjetno.

Ukraine Neighbor Romania Readies $6.5 Billion F-35 Jet Purchase

Chalky ::

JUST IN - Biden asks Congress for another $24 billion for Ukraine.

Kot kaže ameriška pomoč Ukrajini še dolgo ne bo pošla. So pa to res ogromne številke ki si jih mi sploh ne moremo predstavljati. To je skoraj 40% nemškega vojaškega proračuna v enem paketu. Američani lahko takšnem ritmu nadaljujejo še leta saj so v Afganistanu zapravljali skoraj 2x toliko vsako leto skoraj 10+ let, v naslednjih 10 letih se je poraba v Afganistanu zmanjšala na 50 milijard, zdaj ko so se umaknili iz Afganistana nadaljujejo samo da je zdaj Ukrajina v vlogi Afganistana s to razliko da tule za američane dejansko vsak dolar nekaj šteje.

FireSnake ::

BlaY0 je izjavil:

FireSnake je izjavil:

Ko, na drugi strani, useki na račun vojne kujejo nagnusno visoke dobičke je nekako upravičeno, se ti ne zdi?
Zakaj bi jaz fojtraj useke?

Se pravi če te prav zastopim, ti v tem konfliktu samem podpiraš Ruse zato ker, ne maraš Američanov? Ne vem če veš, ampak da se tudi tako, da ne podpiraš Rusov in hkrati ne maraš Američanov.

Koga pa podpiraš v mejnem konfliktu med Indijo in Kitajsko? In a je to mogoče povezano s tem koga od njih bolj maraš, malo manj maraš ali sploh ne maraš?

Z denarnico prisilno fojtram amere.
Ponavljam in se opravičujem, če prvič nisem dovolj razumljivo napisal.


P.S. to, da jaz podpiram Ruse je tvoja izmišljotina.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

gozdar1 ::

Ruski troli danes na polno v elementu.
Sicer pa kako fojtraš "amere"? To je večina ruska propaganda, ki poskuša zabiti klin med ameriko in evropo.

FireSnake ::

o0o0o0o0o0 je izjavil:

Rusi so mislili, da so druga vojska sveta. 24.2.22 so spoznali, da so k od ovce. Če bi ukrajinci verjeli američanom, ko so jih opozarjali glede vojne, danes ne bi rusi imeli niti tega ozemlja, ki ga trenutno držijo. Če bi NATO takoj poslal pravo orožje ukrajini, bi bilo danes drugače. Še tistih par HIMARSov je stolklo celo goro orožja rusom.
Prišli smo iz "Kijev pade v treh dneh" do "droni rasturajo po Moskvi". Niti ni slabo za Ukrajino

O čem ti to?
Priprave na vojno so trajale od 2014.
Kdo je zgradil bunkerje v katerih danes ždijo Rusi?
Kramatorsk je zadnja obrambna linija. Če to pade (vse kaže, da ne bo, na srečo) je od tam naprej sama ravnina.
To sem pisal že več kot leto nazaj.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

FireSnake ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Ruski troli danes na polno v elementu.
Sicer pa kako fojtraš "amere"? To je večina ruska propaganda, ki poskuša zabiti klin med ameriko in evropo.

Nisem povsem prepričan, če to leti name.
V kolikor da:
- malo poglej kdaj sem jaz registriran
- blodi takrat, ko boš ti namesto mene kaj dal

Upam, da bo šlo.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

gozdar1 ::

Še vedno me zanima kako fotraš "amere"? Kdorkoli že ti "ameri" so.
To o blaznih koristih od te vojne je bulšit ruska propaganda. Te vojne si ni želel nihče, začeli so jo pa rusi ne "ameri" ali pamarsovci.

Lesoto ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

Če to pade (vse kaže, da ne bo, na srečo) je od tam naprej sama ravnina.

To, da je ravnina (pa sploh ni), še ne pomeni prav ničesar. Najtežje je napredovat po ravnem.

To sem pisal že več kot leto nazaj.

Dol nam maha, da nekdo piše, da je voda mokra in zrak prozoren.

gozdar1 ::

Kot sem napisal že pred kakim letom, največja napaka zahoda je da noče ukrajine oborožiti z orožjem dolgega dometa. S katerim, bi lahko udarili po ekonomski in vojsški inrastrukturi znotraj rusije.
Nekaj kar iran brez kakih posledic dejansko počne že let po bv.

Velki ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Romunija kupuje 48 bojnih letal F-35 za 6.5 milijard dolarjev. Neverjetno.

Ukraine Neighbor Romania Readies $6.5 Billion F-35 Jet Purchase

Haha noro, zmeraj bolj se mi zdi da ima Nodi kar prav. Sicer jih je 10x več kot nas, samo to so nore cifre. Mi pa niti za škornje nimamo! Sicer mislim da je NATO zločinska organizacija, samo če bi bil jaz kapo bi Sloveniji samo brco v rit dal in ji pokazal vrata...

o0o0o0o0o0 ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

o0o0o0o0o0 je izjavil:

Rusi so mislili, da so druga vojska sveta. 24.2.22 so spoznali, da so k od ovce. Če bi ukrajinci verjeli američanom, ko so jih opozarjali glede vojne, danes ne bi rusi imeli niti tega ozemlja, ki ga trenutno držijo. Če bi NATO takoj poslal pravo orožje ukrajini, bi bilo danes drugače. Še tistih par HIMARSov je stolklo celo goro orožja rusom.
Prišli smo iz "Kijev pade v treh dneh" do "droni rasturajo po Moskvi". Niti ni slabo za Ukrajino

O čem ti to?
Priprave na vojno so trajale od 2014.
Kdo je zgradil bunkerje v katerih danes ždijo Rusi?
Kramatorsk je zadnja obrambna linija. Če to pade (vse kaže, da ne bo, na srečo) je od tam naprej sama ravnina.
To sem pisal že več kot leto nazaj.

Imaš prav. Putler je že leta 2014 začel svoje teroriste pošiljat delat pizdarije.
ZDA je par dni pred 24.2.22 opozoril ukrajino, da putler načrtuje napad. Putin je trdil, da vojne ne bo in da imajo samo vaje. Zelenski je verjel putlerju.

A bo?

FireSnake je izjavil:

BlaY0 je izjavil:

FireSnake je izjavil:

Ko, na drugi strani, useki na račun vojne kujejo nagnusno visoke dobičke je nekako upravičeno, se ti ne zdi?
Zakaj bi jaz fojtraj useke?

Se pravi če te prav zastopim, ti v tem konfliktu samem podpiraš Ruse zato ker, ne maraš Američanov? Ne vem če veš, ampak da se tudi tako, da ne podpiraš Rusov in hkrati ne maraš Američanov.

Koga pa podpiraš v mejnem konfliktu med Indijo in Kitajsko? In a je to mogoče povezano s tem koga od njih bolj maraš, malo manj maraš ali sploh ne maraš?

Z denarnico prisilno fojtram amere.
Ponavljam in se opravičujem, če prvič nisem dovolj razumljivo napisal.


P.S. to, da jaz podpiram Ruse je tvoja izmišljotina.

Kot prvo ti osnove ekonomije niso jasne.
Kot drugo, si do sedaj futral Putina, ki pobija nedolžne ljudi. Aja, pobija ljudi, ki jih kao rešuje pred zlobnimi ukrajinci

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Zadnji komentar pred policijsko uro, uporabil sem besedno zvezo "ruski imperializem"


Če hoče kdo spremljat, kako hitro ga bodo zjutraj zbrisali :D
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BlaY0 ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

Z denarnico prisilno fojtram amere.
Ponavljam in se opravičujem, če prvič nisem dovolj razumljivo napisal.


Oprosti, ampak ne verjamem ti na besedo. Sigurno jih v Ameriki obstaja vsaj par, ki prav tako kot ti trdijo, da futrajo Evropo. Komu je torej verjeti?

Kakšne ureditve bi si pa ti želel, seveda v realnih geopolitičnih okoliščinah?

Pac-Man ::



When the US Army's best artillery officer does a thread about artillery survivability moves, I read and learn a lot about artillery legends: like Jan "One-eyed" Žižka or Lennart Torstensson.

in to


Nuclear Field Artillery & the Origin of Shoot & Scoot:

This phrase, once doctrinally used to avoid nuclear fallout, transformed over the decades & now poses a risk to everyone who uses it as a catch-all in the artillery.

𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒕, 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BorutO ::

Najbolj grozno pa je, da so rusofili prepričani, da je za vsak ruski naboj, bombo, raketo itd, kriv samo Zahod. Raketa ubije otroka in potem trdijo, da je za smrt otroka Zahod kriv, če tudi gre za rusko raketo. Za vse civilne žrtve so baje ukrajinci krivi, ker jih sami bombardirajo... Kam pa zadnjega pol leta letijo ruske bombe? Jih v zraku raznese in izpljunejo ven rože? Ne vem, tulipane? Narcise? Zvončke? Ker rusi so rekli v prvih dneh vojne, da so uničili vse vojaške cilje. Danes je za ruskiće vojaški cilj še silos z žitom, iz katerega ukrajinci očitno izdelujejo bombe.

Nikec3 ::

Ko, na drugi strani, useki na račun vojne kujejo nagnusno visoke dobičke je nekako upravičeno, se ti ne zdi?
Zakaj bi jaz fojtraj useke?

Zakaj bi bilo neupravičeno? "Useki" pomagajo napadenemu, hkrati pa zraven še malo zaslužijo. To, da s to vojno služijo, je še dodatna garancija, da se pomoč Ukrajini ne bo prekinila. Zakaj bi me to motilo? Gre za 2 dobri stvari.

Lesoto je izjavil:

" All foreign countries are laughing at us" - Russian propagandist Solovyev is furious at Russian central bank for the weakening of the ruble.

Ta je še en izmed tistih, ki so za vojno, ampak ne za to izgubljeno, ampak za tisto, ki bi jo on in njemu podobni vodili tako dobro, da bi Rusija do zdaj bila že v Lizboni. :))
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Nikec3 ()

Nikec3 ::

@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

FireSnake ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Še vedno me zanima kako fotraš "amere"? Kdorkoli že ti "ameri" so.
To o blaznih koristih od te vojne je bulšit ruska propaganda. Te vojne si ni želel nihče, začeli so jo pa rusi ne "ameri" ali pamarsovci.

Trdiš torej, da useki od vojne v Ukrajini nimajo popolnoma nobenega dobička?
Te prav razumem?

Nikec3 je izjavil:

A tukaj vemo kaj več?

Iz tvojega vira:

“The enemy has concentrated a very powerful grouping on the Lyman-Kupyansk direction, with over 100,000 personnel, over 900 tanks, and over 370 MLRS (rocket launchers),” Cherevatyi said, adding that Russian forces were “putting everything into breaking through our defense.”

Poznavalci tukaj gori ti bodo povedali, da Rusi take količine orožja sploh nimajo.
To je propaganda in ti si rusofil.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

BorutO ::

Glede na to, da hodijo fehtat v severno korejo in na kitajsko, nimajo.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Zadnji komentar pred policijsko uro, uporabil sem besedno zvezo "ruski imperializem"


Če hoče kdo spremljat, kako hitro ga bodo zjutraj zbrisali :D

Aaand it's gone :D
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

CoolBits ::

MSM outlets acknowledge Russian advances.

Russia are conducting an offensive on the northern front and are rapidly advancing on the city of Kupyansk.

While Ukraine's counter-offensive fails in the south, Russia advance in the north.



Fake, ker vemo, da se ukrajinci skrivajo za civilisti. Zakaj bi jih torej evakuirali?
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

BorutO ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Zadnji komentar pred policijsko uro, uporabil sem besedno zvezo "ruski imperializem"


Če hoče kdo spremljat, kako hitro ga bodo zjutraj zbrisali :D

Aaand it's gone :D

Brezveze. Jaz sem z mmc zaključil, ker je prorusko usmerjen dokler imajo ramusa za administratorja. Do takrat pa naj tam dušo izpuščajo rusofili. Kaj pa, če bi komentarje rusofilov prijavljali kot žaljive in neprimerne, saj naši manj sočni komentarji očitno ne gredo skozi, pa so manj žaljivi in manj lažnjivi. Saj majo knof prijavi neprimeren komentar, če se ne motim.

BorutO ::

TESKAn je izjavil:

Fake, ker vemo, da se ukrajinci skrivajo za civilisti. Zakaj bi jih torej evakuirali?

Čakaj... Saj vem, da si rusofili mislite, da so vsi ukrajinci vojaki, z otroki in dojenčki v red, ker za vas ukrajinci in ukrajinski civilisti ne obstajajo... Ampak... Daj se zresnit no. Zakaj je za vas vsaki civilist vojak? Ubijejo otroka, pa rusofili napišete, da so notri v stavbi sami vojaki.

Drugače je pa dokazano, da se ruski vojaki oblačijo v civiliste, da lahko pobegnejo iz vojne, da jih njihovi nadrejeni ne pobijejo zaradi dezertacije...


Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

gozdar1 ::

Glede na to, da se je zopet zgodil napad so očitno so imeli nato generali v taporožju neko srečanje.

MadMen ::

CoolBits je izjavil:

While Ukraine's counter-offensive fails in the south, Russia advance in the north.


Zakaj citiraš eno, linkaš pa drugo? Nova rusofilska taktika?:))

MadMen ::

Nikec3 je izjavil:

A tukaj vemo kaj več?

ISW na to temo

Pac-Man ::

na povezavi je še kratek video, v ekipi je zgleda tudi ženska, na sredini in najbrž skrajno desno


In the beginning of the war we(Israeli volunteers🇺🇦🇮🇱) got mission to hunt down a group of russian DRG(sabotage group in Kyiv) i can tell one thing about that at the moment something that impressed me a lot was the lvl of the Ukrainian intel, it was accurate as hell.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zmajc ::

Ne moreš da verjameš.

Someone got an order from russian military to deliver food rations and thought they would never be put in use so just pocketed the money and sold them canned water


Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

Lonsarg ::

Te številke se v vojnem času lahko zelo različno interpretira.

ne vem točnih cifer ampak recimo da gre takole:
- Ruski ne-vojaški del ekonomije pade za 20%
- Rusija s pomočjo rezerv in/ali tiskanja vloži dodatnih 21% GDP v vojsko

Zdaj pa lahko to interpretiraš tako da je Rusija 1% na boljšem al pa 20% na slabšem ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lonsarg ()

Bauc ::

Maxlos je izjavil:

Over the last year, the United States has launched dynamic and escalating sanctions to hurt Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies. The moves haven't prevented Putin from waging war in Ukraine, but they have severely hurt the Russian economy. Even so, according to a forecast from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Russia's economy is set to expand by 0.3 percent in 2023, even as a country like the United Kingdom sees its GDP shrink.Does this mean sanctions haven't worked?

Russia still weathering sanctions - Russia's economy is expected to grow significantly faster this year than the IMF forecast back in April, due largely to stronger-than-expected domestic demand, and continued government spending.
The IMF now sees Russian growth this year of 1.5 percent, up by 0.8 percentage points since April.

Odličen link kolega hvala z tole.

Sanctions on Russia Are Working. Here’s Why.
The Kremlin’s ability to wage war is already constrained, but the worst is yet to come.

There have been incessant debates over the effectiveness of sanctions on Russia. Far-right and far-left politicians who traditionally channel Moscow’s views claim they are ineffective and only hurt Europeans. French extreme-right leader Marine Le Pen has called the sanctions “completely useless, except to make Europeans suffer.” In Germany, her views are echoed not only by the right-wing Alternative for Germany but also by prominent Left Party politicians, such as Sahra Wagenknecht. “The sanctions don’t hurt Russia—only us,” she said recently. For these Kremlin-friendly voices, sanctions have done virtually no harm to the Russian economy, which in their view is thriving amid sky-high energy prices. Others who don’t necessarily share Moscow’s views nevertheless argue that sanctions have been a failure because they have not stopped Russian President Vladimir Putin from escalating his attacks on Ukraine.

Russia’s War in Ukraine
Understanding the conflict one year on.


This narrative serves the Kremlin’s interests. With winter fast approaching, Putin is betting that sanctions fatigue will soon set in. But a look at the data shows that the people claiming sanctions are ineffective are wrong: Only nine months after the first set of sanctions was imposed following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, they are already weighing on Moscow’s ability to wage war. And this is only the beginning. Sanctions on Russia are more of a marathon than a sprint, and the effectiveness of sanctions will increase over time.

The confusion around the effectiveness of sanctions stems from a lack of clarity about their goals. Western countries never intended to use sanctions to force Putin to back down and pull out of Ukraine; they know that Putin believes he is waging a war for Russia’s survival against a decadent West. Provoking regime change in Moscow is not the objective, either: Sanctions on Cuba, North Korea, and Syria show that this never works, and there is no reason to believe that Putin’s hypothetical successor would change course in Ukraine. Prompting a Venezuela-style collapse of the Russian economy is not the goal, either: This is impossible when the target is the world’s 11th-largest economy. Besides, Russia’s collapse would likely send the global economy into a recession by abruptly halting Russia’s exports of many commodities, including grain, fertilizer, energy, and metals.

What are the goals of Western sanctions on Russia, then? These have never been stated explicitly, but a closer look at sanctions packages implemented by the United States, the European Union, and their allies indicates that they have three objectives. First, Western countries are trying to send a strong signal of resolve and unity to the Kremlin. Second, sanctioning states aim to degrade Russia’s ability to wage war. Third, Western democracies are betting that sanctions will slowly asphyxiate the Russian economy and in particular the country’s energy sector. When judged on the basis of these criteria, sanctions are clearly working.

Western countries are using sanctions to send a message to the Kremlin: Europe and the United States are standing with Ukraine. From that perspective, mission accomplished. Trans-Atlantic collaboration on sanctions has proved strong over the past nine months, with only a few disagreements between Washington and European capitals. This confounded Putin’s likely expectation that the West would remain weak and divided, and there is also every chance that he was surprised by the speed and scale of these measures. It took the United States and the EU only weeks to impose sanctions on thousands of Russian individuals and companies, disconnect several Russian banks from the SWIFT system for international money transfers, and freeze half of the Russian central bank’s reserves.

Sending a diplomatic message is a good start, but the main objective of the sanctions is to degrade Russia’s ability to wage war. Here, too, the measures are working. Despite the Kremlin’s claims to the contrary, sanctions have sent the Russian economy into a deep recession. This impact is notable because sanctions have not yet targeted the country’s energy exports; in fact, Russia’s oil revenues have increased this year due to higher oil prices as a result of the war. Things would be much worse for the Kremlin if energy prices were at their historical average.

To make matters worse for Putin, Western countries have not exhausted all the options in their sanctions arsenal.

Presumably to deny the West transparency over the success of sanctions, the Kremlin has cut back on the release of economic statistics. Nonetheless, the data we have paints a bleak picture. In October, Russia’s GDP was 4.4 percent lower than during the same month in 2021. Industrial production, including oil and gas extraction, was almost 3 percent lower than in 2021. Retail trade has collapsed by nearly 10 percent year on year, highlighting the toll of high inflation. Data for the automotive sector—a bellwether for the health of the economy in Russia as in many other countries—is downright alarming: Russian car companies have slashed production by 64 percent compared with 2021 due to lack of demand and a shortage of imported components. October was not an outlier: The data has been awful in every month since April. Things are not getting better. They probably took a turn for the worse after mobilization began in late September.

Faced with such a difficult economic situation, the Kremlin knows that social stability is at stake. Putin sees public discontent as a threat to his survival—and he may be right. Yet the poor state of the economy means that Russia’s budget is firmly in the red. This is unusual for an energy exporter when commodities prices are at record-high levels. This also signals that trouble is brewing: In the coming months, Moscow will need to solve an impossible equation to finance the war in Ukraine while keeping social subsidies high enough to avoid unrest. (This will be no small feat if a second mobilization happens.) The Kremlin still has reserves, notably from its sovereign wealth fund. Without replenishment, however, these will run dry at some point. Already, the Russian government is living off reserves.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bauc ()

BlaY0 ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Še vedno me zanima kako fotraš "amere"? Kdorkoli že ti "ameri" so.
To o blaznih koristih od te vojne je bulšit ruska propaganda. Te vojne si ni želel nihče, začeli so jo pa rusi ne "ameri" ali pamarsovci.

Trdiš torej, da useki od vojne v Ukrajini nimajo popolnoma nobenega dobička?
Te prav razumem?

En od možnih scenarijev, ki se v bistvu napaja iz vaših informacijskih virov bi torej bil lahko ta, da se sprovocira Rusijo do te mere, da le ta napade Ukrajino, Amerika pa pri tem mastno zasluži. Ja OK, se pravi po tem scenariju je v bistvu Rusija pomagala Ameriki pri njenih ciljih? Se pravi je Putin ameriški vazal? Skratka, nekaj ne štima tukaj, ane?

Maxlos ::

Bauc je izjavil:

Maxlos je izjavil:

Over the last year, the United States has launched dynamic and escalating sanctions to hurt Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies. The moves haven't prevented Putin from waging war in Ukraine, but they have severely hurt the Russian economy. Even so, according to a forecast from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Russia's economy is set to expand by 0.3 percent in 2023, even as a country like the United Kingdom sees its GDP shrink.Does this mean sanctions haven't worked?

Russia still weathering sanctions - Russia's economy is expected to grow significantly faster this year than the IMF forecast back in April, due largely to stronger-than-expected domestic demand, and continued government spending.
The IMF now sees Russian growth this year of 1.5 percent, up by 0.8 percentage points since April.

Odličen link kolega hvala z tole.

Sanctions on Russia Are Working. Here’s Why.
The Kremlin’s ability to wage war is already constrained, but the worst is yet to come.

There have been incessant debates over the effectiveness of sanctions on Russia. Far-right and far-left politicians who traditionally channel Moscow’s views claim they are ineffective and only hurt Europeans. French extreme-right leader Marine Le Pen has called the sanctions “completely useless, except to make Europeans suffer.” In Germany, her views are echoed not only by the right-wing Alternative for Germany but also by prominent Left Party politicians, such as Sahra Wagenknecht. “The sanctions don’t hurt Russia—only us,” she said recently. For these Kremlin-friendly voices, sanctions have done virtually no harm to the Russian economy, which in their view is thriving amid sky-high energy prices. Others who don’t necessarily share Moscow’s views nevertheless argue that sanctions have been a failure because they have not stopped Russian President Vladimir Putin from escalating his attacks on Ukraine.

Russia’s War in Ukraine
Understanding the conflict one year on.


This narrative serves the Kremlin’s interests. With winter fast approaching, Putin is betting that sanctions fatigue will soon set in. But y in the red. This is unusual for an energy exporter when commodities prices are at record-high levels. This also signals that trouble is brewing: In the coming months, Moscow will need to solve an impossible equation to finance the war in Ukraine while keeping social subsidies high enough to avoid unrest. (This will be no small feat if a second mobilization happens.) The Kremlin still has reserves, notably from its sovereign wealth fund. Without replenishment, however, these will run dry at some point. Already, the Russian government is living off reserves.

Na količino vizualno avdio vsebi misliš da si uspešno izvedel propagando in zaključil s smetenjem teksta. Sem prepričan da v 7 minutah kolikor si rabil za odgovor, nisi niti uvoda prvega uvodnega intervjuja uspešno pogledal..

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Te številke se v vojnem času lahko zelo različno interpretira.

ne vem točnih cifer ampak recimo da gre takole:
- Ruski ne-vojaški del ekonomije pade za 20%
- Rusija s pomočjo rezerv in/ali tiskanja vloži dodatnih 21% GDP v vojsko

Zdaj pa lahko to interpretiraš tako da je Rusija 1% na boljšem al pa 20% na slabšem ;)

Vir : KyivPost
Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Production to Triple
Ukrainian news reports, citing soldiers who have recovered debris from the drones on the battlefield, have identified the inclusion of the NVIDIA Jetson TX-2 processor and the SoC Xilinx Zynq chip board within the drone’s guidance system.

Both of these high-tech components are US-made and are currently on the list of items banned by Washington for export to Russia.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Pac-Man ::

odlična kolumna na temo ruskega imperializma



Mnogim gre izraz »ruski imperializem« težko skozi zobe. Vedno so se posvečali le enemu imperializmu, ameriškemu. To je zvezda severnica, ki kaže pot in (poenostavljeno) razlaga vse dogodke na planetu.

Beremo, da se je Putin zgolj odzval na agresiven odnos ameriškega predsednika Bidna, ali da je hotel preprečiti ukrajinski napad na Donbas. Putin, skratka, ne razmišlja samostojno, ampak se kot Pavlovov pes s pogojnim refleksom odziva na ameriške poteze. Invazija kot nagonska reakcija na tuje provokacije, ne pa skrbno in tajno načrtovan osvajalski pohod s 190.000 vojaki, na katerega se je Kremelj pripravljal leta in ga zanikal še nekaj ur preden so tanki na štirih koncih prekoračili ukrajinsko mejo, na mesta pa so padle prve bombe. Zdaj nameravajo Ukrajino razkosati na dvoje nekje vzdolž reke Dnjepr.


Kdor je opravičeval zasedbo Krima, češ da je bil podarjen Ukrajini šele leta 1954, pozablja, da so Slovenci in Hrvati v istih letih pridobili Istro. Na enem polotoku so zmanjkali deportirani Tatari, z drugega so odšli Italijani. Kaj bi rekli, če bi nekdo s tanki čez noč zasedel Istro, da bi zaščitil rojake? Pa če bi odtrgal Prekmurje in jurišal na Ljubljano? Ali pa – iz teorije preidimo v prakso – če bi spet razkosali Bosno?

Z opravičevanjem ali s podpiranjem invazije, okupacije in kršenja mednarodnega prava sprejemamo zakon močnejšega. Napadeni pa naj si po svojih močeh sam pomaga ...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bauc ::

Maxlos je izjavil:

Bauc je izjavil:

Maxlos je izjavil:

Over the last year, the United States has launched dynamic and escalating sanctions to hurt Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies. The moves haven't prevented Putin from waging war in Ukraine, but they have severely hurt the Russian economy. Even so, according to a forecast from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Russia's economy is set to expand by 0.3 percent in 2023, even as a country like the United Kingdom sees its GDP shrink.Does this mean sanctions haven't worked?

Russia still weathering sanctions - Russia's economy is expected to grow significantly faster this year than the IMF forecast back in April, due largely to stronger-than-expected domestic demand, and continued government spending.
The IMF now sees Russian growth this year of 1.5 percent, up by 0.8 percentage points since April.

Odličen link kolega hvala z tole.

Sanctions on Russia Are Working. Here’s Why.
The Kremlin’s ability to wage war is already constrained, but the worst is yet to come.

There have been incessant debates over the effectiveness of sanctions on Russia. Far-right and far-left politicians who traditionally channel Moscow’s views claim they are ineffective and only hurt Europeans. French extreme-right leader Marine Le Pen has called the sanctions “completely useless, except to make Europeans suffer.” In Germany, her views are echoed not only by the right-wing Alternative for Germany but also by prominent Left Party politicians, such as Sahra Wagenknecht. “The sanctions don’t hurt Russia—only us,” she said recently. For these Kremlin-friendly voices, sanctions have done virtually no harm to the Russian economy, which in their view is thriving amid sky-high energy prices. Others who don’t necessarily share Moscow’s views nevertheless argue that sanctions have been a failure because they have not stopped Russian President Vladimir Putin from escalating his attacks on Ukraine.

Russia’s War in Ukraine
Understanding the conflict one year on.


This narrative serves the Kremlin’s interests. With winter fast approaching, Putin is betting that sanctions fatigue will soon set in. But y in the red. This is unusual for an energy exporter when commodities prices are at record-high levels. This also signals that trouble is brewing: In the coming months, Moscow will need to solve an impossible equation to finance the war in Ukraine while keeping social subsidies high enough to avoid unrest. (This will be no small feat if a second mobilization happens.) The Kremlin still has reserves, notably from its sovereign wealth fund. Without replenishment, however, these will run dry at some point. Already, the Russian government is living off reserves.

Na količino vizualno avdio vsebi misliš da si uspešno izvedel propagando in zaključil s smetenjem teksta. Sem prepričan da v 7 minutah kolikor si rabil za odgovor, nisi niti uvoda prvega uvodnega intervjuja uspešno pogledal..

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Te številke se v vojnem času lahko zelo različno interpretira.

ne vem točnih cifer ampak recimo da gre takole:
- Ruski ne-vojaški del ekonomije pade za 20%
- Rusija s pomočjo rezerv in/ali tiskanja vloži dodatnih 21% GDP v vojsko

Zdaj pa lahko to interpretiraš tako da je Rusija 1% na boljšem al pa 20% na slabšem ;)

Vir : KyivPost
Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Production to Triple
Ukrainian news reports, citing soldiers who have recovered debris from the drones on the battlefield, have identified the inclusion of the NVIDIA Jetson TX-2 processor and the SoC Xilinx Zynq chip board within the drone’s guidance system.

Both of these high-tech components are US-made and are currently on the list of items banned by Washington for export to Russia.

Seveda sem. Ti pa seveda nisi imel časa,da bi prebral odgovor. Sicer seveda nisi prebral niti tistega kar si prilepil razen naslova :D

Maxlos ::

Bauc je izjavil:

Maxlos je izjavil:

Bauc je izjavil:

Maxlos je izjavil:

Over the last year, the United States has launched dynamic and escalating sanctions to hurt Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies. The moves haven't prevented Putin from waging war in Ukraine, but they have severely hurt the Russian economy. Even so, according to a forecast from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Russia's economy is set to expand by 0.3 percent in 2023, even as a country like the United Kingdom sees its GDP shrink.Does this mean sanctions haven't worked?

Russia still weathering sanctions - Russia's economy is expected to grow significantly faster this year than the IMF forecast back in April, due largely to stronger-than-expected domestic demand, and continued government spending.
The IMF now sees Russian growth this year of 1.5 percent, up by 0.8 percentage points since April.

Odličen link kolega hvala z tole.

Sanctions on Russia Are Working. Here’s Why.
The Kremlin’s ability to wage war is already constrained, but the worst is yet to come.

There have been incessant debates over the effectiveness of sanctions on Russia. Far-right and far-left politicians who traditionally channel Moscow’s views claim they are ineffective and only hurt Europeans. French extreme-right leader Marine Le Pen has called the sanctions “completely useless, except to make Europeans suffer.” In Germany, her views are echoed not only by the right-wing Alternative for Germany but also by prominent Left Party politicians, such as Sahra Wagenknecht. “The sanctions don’t hurt Russia—only us,” she said recently. For these Kremlin-friendly voices, sanctions have done virtually no harm to the Russian economy, which in their view is thriving amid sky-high energy prices. Others who don’t necessarily share Moscow’s views nevertheless argue that sanctions have been a failure because they have not stopped Russian President Vladimir Putin from escalating his attacks on Ukraine.

Russia’s War in Ukraine
Understanding the conflict one year on.


This narrative serves the Kremlin’s interests. With winter fast approaching, Putin is betting that sanctions fatigue will soon set in. But y in the red. This is unusual for an energy exporter when commodities prices are at record-high levels. This also signals that trouble is brewing: In the coming months, Moscow will need to solve an impossible equation to finance the war in Ukraine while keeping social subsidies high enough to avoid unrest. (This will be no small feat if a second mobilization happens.) The Kremlin still has reserves, notably from its sovereign wealth fund. Without replenishment, however, these will run dry at some point. Already, the Russian government is living off reserves.

Na količino vizualno avdio vsebi misliš da si uspešno izvedel propagando in zaključil s smetenjem teksta. Sem prepričan da v 7 minutah kolikor si rabil za odgovor, nisi niti uvoda prvega uvodnega intervjuja uspešno pogledal..

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Te številke se v vojnem času lahko zelo različno interpretira.

ne vem točnih cifer ampak recimo da gre takole:
- Ruski ne-vojaški del ekonomije pade za 20%
- Rusija s pomočjo rezerv in/ali tiskanja vloži dodatnih 21% GDP v vojsko

Zdaj pa lahko to interpretiraš tako da je Rusija 1% na boljšem al pa 20% na slabšem ;)

Vir : KyivPost
Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Production to Triple
Ukrainian news reports, citing soldiers who have recovered debris from the drones on the battlefield, have identified the inclusion of the NVIDIA Jetson TX-2 processor and the SoC Xilinx Zynq chip board within the drone’s guidance system.

Both of these high-tech components are US-made and are currently on the list of items banned by Washington for export to Russia.

Seveda sem. Ti pa seveda nisi imel časa,da bi prebral odgovor. Sicer seveda nisi prebral niti tistega kar si prilepil razen naslova :D

Sem spregledal da mcdonald's menuja pa res nimajo. :)) Za zahodnega potrošnika je to merilo kvalitete. Toliko o dejemanju, razglabljanja udeležencev video vsebine.
Barking up the wrong tree

bbbbbb2015 ::

Chalky je izjavil:

JUST IN - Biden asks Congress for another $24 billion for Ukraine.

Kot kaže ameriška pomoč Ukrajini še dolgo ne bo pošla. So pa to res ogromne številke ki si jih mi sploh ne moremo predstavljati. To je skoraj 40% nemškega vojaškega proračuna v enem paketu. Američani lahko takšnem ritmu nadaljujejo še leta saj so v Afganistanu zapravljali skoraj 2x toliko vsako leto skoraj 10+ let, v naslednjih 10 letih se je poraba v Afganistanu zmanjšala na 50 milijard, zdaj ko so se umaknili iz Afganistana nadaljujejo samo da je zdaj Ukrajina v vlogi Afganistana s to razliko da tule za američane dejansko vsak dolar nekaj šteje.

Morda je še najbolj pomembno, da v glavnem gre že za proizvedeno opremo.

Morda kakšne granate 155mm in HIMARS strelivo proizvajajo za lastne zaloge, trenutne zaloge pa gredo v Ukrajino.
503 / 902