Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
jernejl ::
Sami podporniki ukrajineBrez skrbi, tudi v Sloveniji se najde nek manjši del tistih, ki so psihično moteni in se postavljajo na stran agresorja, tako da ne drži popolnoma, da vsi podpirajo Ukrajino.
To so tisti, ki se pri ropu stare mame postavljajo na stran roparja in pri posilstvu mlade deklice na stran posiljevalca, ter se ob tem sprašujejo, čemu se (skoraj) vsi ostali postavljajo na stran žrtve.
Ti psihopati so tudi dobri kandidati za to, da bodo (ali pa so že) tudi sami ropali in pretepali stare mame ter posiljevali mlade deklice, ker se jim tako početje pač zdi bolj sprejemljivo kot obsojanje takega početja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jernejl ()
BorutO ::
Sumi666, še en, ki mu je ruska propaganda oprala možgane. Če je po tvojem tako, pa si je rusija sama kriva, da več kot tričetrt sveta stoji za Ukrajino in menijo, da je Rusija tista, ki je zakuhala vojno.
Lesoto ::
Ukrainian Forces have used the Patriot to intercept at least one faraway Russian Fighter Jet, US Officials told CNN. Patriot is capable of intercepting aircraft 160km away, meaning the Patriot may have been responsible for intercepting 4 Russian Aircraft in Bryansk on May 13th
Ukrainian Forces have used the Patriot to intercept at least one faraway Russian Fighter Jet, US Officials told CNN. Patriot is capable of intercepting aircraft 160km away, meaning the Patriot may have been responsible for intercepting 4 Russian Aircraft in Bryansk on May 13th
T440 ::
Še Wagner potrjuje da se umika iz Bakhmuta in da so Ukrajinci dosegli največji napredek v 6 mesecih, eni tukaj pa še kar nabijajo...
pojmanimas ::
US signals to allies it won't block their export of F-16 jets to Ukraine
Končno so se stari prdci malo omehčali. Par 100 komadov in je zadeva rešena.
Končno so se stari prdci malo omehčali. Par 100 komadov in je zadeva rešena.
borisk ::
od kod pa rusi dejansko spuščajo kinžale? lahko z patrioti vsekajo kar po teh 10 predelanih migih, pa rešijo problem za naslednje leto??
pegasus ::
Ruski aviatičar o kinžalih:
Kar lepo pove, kako in kaj ... in da je zadeva pretežno marketing.
Kar lepo pove, kako in kaj ... in da je zadeva pretežno marketing.
MadMen ::
od kod pa rusi dejansko spuščajo kinžale? lahko z patrioti vsekajo kar po teh 10 predelanih migih, pa rešijo problem za naslednje leto??
Malo napačno si predstavljaš vse skupaj, trenutno je edino kar lahko "zahod" naredi da poveča število patriot-like sistemov in poskusi zaščititi čim več vojaške in civilne infrastrukture. Rusi imajo svoje letalske baze daleč stran od dosega Ukrajine(enako je z ruskim ladjevjem).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MadMen ()
Utk ::
Dokler si Ukrajinci še lahko privoščijo klatenje teh raket in dronov, se jim ne mudi toliko s protinapadom, če bojo šle zaloge proti koncu bojo pa pohiteli. Tako da to vsakonočno bockanje Rusov se jim lahko tudi maščuje.
Sc0ut ::
od kod pa rusi dejansko spuščajo kinžale? lahko z patrioti vsekajo kar po teh 10 predelanih migih, pa rešijo problem za naslednje leto??
Malo napačno si predstavljaš vse skupaj, trenutno je edino kar lahko "zahod" naredi da poveča število patriot-like sistemov in poskusi zaščititi čim več vojaške in civilne infrastrukture. Rusi imajo svoje letalske baze daleč stran od dosega Ukrajine(enako je z ruskim ladjevjem).
Ko bi se dalo ladjevje sabotirat.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
Rambutan ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Zanimivo pa je tudi to, da se niti ukrajinske ofenzive nič več ne omenja, mogoče so jim že vse zaloge pripravljene za ofenzivo uničili
Russian army strikes Ukrainian industrial enterprises and infrastructure - local authorities confirm arrivals
Overnight our units carried out a series of retaliatory strikes in Ukraine. Today they targeted certain areas. Local authorities have confirmed the strikes on industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities. Accordingly, facilities that have been turned into ammunition and equipment depots by the Kiev regime were attacked during the night.
In Kryvoi Rog, missiles struck one of the industrial plants, causing a major fire. In Lvov, our Heranis destroyed critical elements of the city's infrastructure. And in the Nikolayev region, an industrial enterprise was hit.
Zanimivo pa je tudi to, da se niti ukrajinske ofenzive nič več ne omenja, mogoče so jim že vse zaloge pripravljene za ofenzivo uničili
Russian army strikes Ukrainian industrial enterprises and infrastructure - local authorities confirm arrivals
Overnight our units carried out a series of retaliatory strikes in Ukraine. Today they targeted certain areas. Local authorities have confirmed the strikes on industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities. Accordingly, facilities that have been turned into ammunition and equipment depots by the Kiev regime were attacked during the night.
In Kryvoi Rog, missiles struck one of the industrial plants, causing a major fire. In Lvov, our Heranis destroyed critical elements of the city's infrastructure. And in the Nikolayev region, an industrial enterprise was hit.
Gregor P ::
Itak da niso, pa saj niso vendar Rusi
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Lancet_brrr ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Prvo rundo so bili super kinžali
Drugo rundo so bile stare KH iz TU bombnikov
Danes pomoči pa predvsem iranske kosilnice ...
Tole zgleda zelo zelo bogo... Ruska revščina.
Ko bodo Rusi pošiljali po 100 raket (ne kosilnic) na noč, kot so jih lani po napadu na most, potem bomo verjeli da imajo še neko resno zalogo oz. proizvodno kapaciteto.
Trenutno z njimi obstreljujejo zelo butično. In zelo neuspešno.
Pa kot rakete mislimo kinžale, kalibre, KH,...
Izstrelki MLRS-jev ne štejejo...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
gozdar1 ::
Za impresjonirat vatnike je dovolj, sploh ko ni dejanskoh uspehov.
Sploh ker so očitno tarče s protiletalsko obrambo slabše pokriti konci. V kijevu in očitno ni več preveč uspeha, razen seveda v poročilih ministrstva.
So pa rusi so očitno šparali rakete zadnja 2 meseca, seveda pa ne vidomo več 70+ raket na enkrat.
Sploh ker so očitno tarče s protiletalsko obrambo slabše pokriti konci. V kijevu in očitno ni več preveč uspeha, razen seveda v poročilih ministrstva.
So pa rusi so očitno šparali rakete zadnja 2 meseca, seveda pa ne vidomo več 70+ raket na enkrat.
fikus_ ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Kaj pa Kijev? Ali Rusi nič ne preverjajo z izstreljenimi raketami, koliko je ostalo od Patriota?
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
DarkSite ::
Rusi so začeli premikat enote in rezerve iz Zaporizja proti Bahkmutu. Točno to čakajo Ukrajinci, da udarijo na jugu.
fikus_ ::
Imaš kakšen vir za to?
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Lancet_brrr ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Kaj pa Kijev? Ali Rusi nič ne preverjajo z izstreljenimi raketami, koliko je ostalo od Patriota?
Že to, da nad Kijev pošiljajo kosilnice in ne raket, ti pove da so ugotovili da je UA protizračna obramba v veliki meri učinkovita proti njim in se jim ne splača.
In da morajo varčevat rakete.
o0o0o0o0o0 ::
Rambutan ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Kaj pa Kijev? Ali Rusi nič ne preverjajo z izstreljenimi raketami, koliko je ostalo od Patriota?
Ne vem, na zemljevidu je sicer eksplozija v Kijevu, niso pa nič bolj natančnega povedali. Sicer se pa na ukrajinskih dražbah že pojavljajo kosi Patriotov
gozdar1 ::
Že to, da rusi po skoraj 2 letih vojne čakajo ukrajinsko ofenzivo je nekaj kar na začetku ne bi napovedal niti največji ruski pesimist.
Ampak vse gr po načrtu.
Ampak vse gr po načrtu.
Lancet_brrr ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Kaj pa Kijev? Ali Rusi nič ne preverjajo z izstreljenimi raketami, koliko je ostalo od Patriota?
Ne vem, na zemljevidu je sicer eksplozija v Kijevu, niso pa nič bolj natančnega povedali. Sicer se pa na ukrajinskih dražbah že pojavljajo kosi Patriotov
Ves ruski "dokaz" je ena sfejkana slika
Ahaha kaka patetika
Če bi rusi zares verjeli da so uničili Patriota (ne samo posškodovali ali v najbolšem prieru uničili enga izmed X lanserjev), bi množično rakterirali nebranjen Kijev.
Tako pa tega rakteriranja kar ni in ni.
Opcija 1 - rusi lažejo glede uničenja patriota
Opcija 2 - rusi nimajo kaj prida drugega kot iranske kosilnice, ki so jih danes poslali nad kijev
Ruska patetika
Že to, da rusi po skoraj 2 letih vojne čakajo ukrajinsko ofenzivo je nekaj kar na začetku ne bi napovedal niti največji ruski pesimist.
Ampak vse gr po načrtu.
"zmagal bomo v 3h dneh"
smo prisšli na
"ukrajinska ofenziva zamuja"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
mikhaair ::
Ko imaš toliko ljudi oboroženih, številne PMC, številčne izgube vojaštva in tehnike, invalide, ki se vračajo domov, finančni kolaps, se stvar težko konča s podpisom premirja ali predaje. Sledi razpad vodenja, obsodbe, spopad za prestol, nacionalne težnje, ...
gozdar1 ::
Kolikor razumem naj bi se na netu znašli kosi ostankov raket, kaj natančno naj bi to dokazovalo? Očitno v rusiji rakete potem, ko so opravile svoje ostanejo v zraku in v enem kosu.
Gregor P ::
A to imajo Rusi posebno specialno skupino za posebno specialno operacijo pobiranja kosov raket sredi Kijeva ali kako?!?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Lancet_brrr ::
Kolikor razumem naj bi se na netu znašli kosi ostankov raket, kaj natančno naj bi to dokazovalo? Očitno v rusiji rakete potem, ko so opravile svoje ostanejo v zraku in v enem kosu.
Ruska propaganda (Rambutan) enkrat joka, zakaj imajo ukrajinci AD sisteme v mestu, da potem ostanki izstrelejnih in uničenih raket padajo po civilistih.
Naslednji dan pa te ostanke prodajajo po netu kot "dokaz" o uničenem patriotu
Mene bi bilo sram če bi bil tko patetičen.
Trije dnevi se jim že malo vlečejo pa so vsi blesavi
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
fur80 ::
Danes ponoči spet raketni napadi po celi Ukrajini. Zgleda da so Rusi čakali, da Ukiji napolnijo skladišča z orožjem za ofenzivo in sedaj tolčejo vsakodnevno. Daleč od tega, da bi Rusom zmanjkalo raket.
Kaj pa Kijev? Ali Rusi nič ne preverjajo z izstreljenimi raketami, koliko je ostalo od Patriota?
Ne vem, na zemljevidu je sicer eksplozija v Kijevu, niso pa nič bolj natančnega povedali. Sicer se pa na ukrajinskih dražbah že pojavljajo kosi Patriotov
Meni res ni jasno, a lahko mi kdo pomaga. A se ta človek dela norca iz nas, je tako neumen ali kaj ne štima, je res plačan trol? Tebi je dokaz slika iz bolhe, da so uničili patriora? Je še sploh smiselno komunicirati z njim, ali preprosto ignor?
fur80 ::
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Ruski "dokaz"
Ne vem no, kdo lahko tako naseda ruskim manipulatorjem. Jao. Kot tista, da so Ukrajinci prodali HIMARS Rusom, za 1 miljon dolarjev.
fikus_ ::
To so verjetno nekakšni distančniki, ki po vzletu rakete popadajo na tla v okolici.
To so verjetno nekakšni distančniki, ki po vzletu rakete popadajo na tla v okolici.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Sheteentz ::
Kaj novega glede Bahmuta? Glede na deepstatemap je orng v rdečem. Ajde, nekaj malega v modrem v okolici.
Gregor P ::
Čak mal a ni to vse kao ruski teritorij zdaj? A niso pol Rusi ta modri in Ukrajinci ta rdeči?!? Kdo je zdaj agresor tu?!?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Pac-Man ::
Sachs je bil pred par meseci v Sloveniji in je iz rok predsednice dobil neko državno priznanje.
NYTimes publishes a (paid) letter by 14 US national security experts. Jeffrey Sachs among the signees.
It calls for peace by stopping to support Ukraine.
Every claim it makes is misguided and uninformed. The arguments in the letter are embarrassingly weak. Claim 1. More weapons is a guarantee of further death and destruction.
This claim only makes sense if you don't think about it. But if you do, you see that the Western weapons allowed Ukraine to liberate Bucha, Kharkiv, Kherson, stopping torture, rape and executions there.
Yesterday and the night before, the Western provided air defense protected people and saved lives. Before Patriots, people would die from Russian missile strikes.
The Western weapons help liberate territories and protect Ukrainian controlled territories.
The implied assumption in the claim about weapons is that if there were no weapons there would be no war or violence. But it not true. Think about it. What would Russia do if Ukraine had no Western weapons? Well, they showed it in the begging of the invasion.
They would try to take the entire country by force. Ukrainians would not surrender, and many more people would die.
The only way stopping providing Western weapons can save lives is if Ukraine surrenders to Russia. But it won't.
Claim 2. The war could be ended speedily through diplomatic efforts.
If only we would live in the world in which this were true. Diplomatic efforts are relevant if Russia can be trusted to keep the agreement. But it can't as the past history has shown multiple times.
The Budapest memorandum, the Kharkiv agreements, the demarcation of the border of Ukraine, the case of Tuzla island, or the ceasefire agreements from 2014 to 2021.
The problem is that the only mechanism to enforce any agreement with Russia is to have sufficient force.
This literally means weapons. Ukraine should be able to militarily defend itself, only then any agreement will carry any weight.
Claim 3. The US is leaving Russian no choice but to either be humiliated or use nukes.
But Russia can withdraw its forces and end the war.
No, it will not be humiliation as the evidence show. Russia withdrew from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and not a thing changed. But it had to be forced to do it. And this how the war will go. Ukraine will force Russia give up territory until it is out of Ukraine.
Claim 4. NATO expansion provoked Russia.
Let's be serious here for a moment. Russia seized Crimea in 2014. What provoked it to do this? Plans of NATO expansion? No! The Revolution of Dignity. What was the revolution about? Joining the EU.
No, it has never been about NATO, but about the fact the Ukrainians dared to tell Russia to go mind itself and turned to Europe.
But NATO fears cannot justify systemic rape, torture, and other war crimes in the occupied territories. How is that related?
Well, Russia is destroying the spirit of resistance in Ukraine in the areas it occupies. But Ukraine won't have any of it. It is an existential fight for Ukraine. But it is not for Russia, and it is not about NATO. Russia can loose and go on ok.
The letter calls for "immediate ceasefire and negotiations without any disqualifying or prohibitive preconditions".
The implication here is that Ukraine should abandon its citizens in the occupied territories who are being terrorized by Russia.
The mistake the authors make is that they see this war as a war about territory (or NATO expansion), but the war is really about whether Ukraine has the right to be free.
So, if the authors say it does but the US should not support it, it is ok, but let's be honest about it.
Now let's look at this argument in earnest. Say the authors understand that Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and the US doesn't support it the war will stop, Ukrainians will be conquered, but there will be peace.
Is this in the interest of the US? No, and here is why. Consider the next step of Russia after it swallows Ukraine. Now, it has 30 more million people under its control that it must suppress. It will take time, but eventually, at least this is what the authors seem to assume, it will work. Now Russia will have 5 more million people it can recruit for other military operations elsewhere. This is exactly what it did in the East of Ukraine - it forced Ukrainians in DNR and LNR units to fight the Ukrainians in the Ukrainian army.
Most of these forcibly recruited people are dead by now. What will Russia do with this force? Moldova? Baltics? Georgia? Kazakhstan?
There is no reason why Russia will stop in Ukraine. Just a belief or hope that it would be insane for Russia to attack other countries.
But it was insane for Russia to attack Ukraine in the first place.
Basically, what the authors advocate is the new Cold War, where Russia will get all the countries that are not in NATO and suppress freedom and opposition there. And they think that this world is safer.
I disagree. The new Cold War and Russia controlling neighboring countries is as dangerous as the Soviet Union was if not more. The risk of global confrontation will increase and the nuclear war will be more likely.
The best way to contain Russia is now while Ukrainians are willing to fight and are doing it well. The world in which Russia wins in Ukraine will embolden Russia and many other countries around the world, it will demonstrate that using force pays off, and so force will be used.
The war in Ukraine will determine the next several decades of the European history. Will we move towards a more free and democratic world or will we move back in time to the 20th century? It is scary to stand up to a bully, but it must be done. Russia must be contained.
NYTimes publishes a (paid) letter by 14 US national security experts. Jeffrey Sachs among the signees.
It calls for peace by stopping to support Ukraine.
Every claim it makes is misguided and uninformed. The arguments in the letter are embarrassingly weak. Claim 1. More weapons is a guarantee of further death and destruction.
This claim only makes sense if you don't think about it. But if you do, you see that the Western weapons allowed Ukraine to liberate Bucha, Kharkiv, Kherson, stopping torture, rape and executions there.
Yesterday and the night before, the Western provided air defense protected people and saved lives. Before Patriots, people would die from Russian missile strikes.
The Western weapons help liberate territories and protect Ukrainian controlled territories.
The implied assumption in the claim about weapons is that if there were no weapons there would be no war or violence. But it not true. Think about it. What would Russia do if Ukraine had no Western weapons? Well, they showed it in the begging of the invasion.
They would try to take the entire country by force. Ukrainians would not surrender, and many more people would die.
The only way stopping providing Western weapons can save lives is if Ukraine surrenders to Russia. But it won't.
Claim 2. The war could be ended speedily through diplomatic efforts.
If only we would live in the world in which this were true. Diplomatic efforts are relevant if Russia can be trusted to keep the agreement. But it can't as the past history has shown multiple times.
The Budapest memorandum, the Kharkiv agreements, the demarcation of the border of Ukraine, the case of Tuzla island, or the ceasefire agreements from 2014 to 2021.
The problem is that the only mechanism to enforce any agreement with Russia is to have sufficient force.
This literally means weapons. Ukraine should be able to militarily defend itself, only then any agreement will carry any weight.
Claim 3. The US is leaving Russian no choice but to either be humiliated or use nukes.
But Russia can withdraw its forces and end the war.
No, it will not be humiliation as the evidence show. Russia withdrew from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and not a thing changed. But it had to be forced to do it. And this how the war will go. Ukraine will force Russia give up territory until it is out of Ukraine.
Claim 4. NATO expansion provoked Russia.
Let's be serious here for a moment. Russia seized Crimea in 2014. What provoked it to do this? Plans of NATO expansion? No! The Revolution of Dignity. What was the revolution about? Joining the EU.
No, it has never been about NATO, but about the fact the Ukrainians dared to tell Russia to go mind itself and turned to Europe.
But NATO fears cannot justify systemic rape, torture, and other war crimes in the occupied territories. How is that related?
Well, Russia is destroying the spirit of resistance in Ukraine in the areas it occupies. But Ukraine won't have any of it. It is an existential fight for Ukraine. But it is not for Russia, and it is not about NATO. Russia can loose and go on ok.
The letter calls for "immediate ceasefire and negotiations without any disqualifying or prohibitive preconditions".
The implication here is that Ukraine should abandon its citizens in the occupied territories who are being terrorized by Russia.
The mistake the authors make is that they see this war as a war about territory (or NATO expansion), but the war is really about whether Ukraine has the right to be free.
So, if the authors say it does but the US should not support it, it is ok, but let's be honest about it.
Now let's look at this argument in earnest. Say the authors understand that Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and the US doesn't support it the war will stop, Ukrainians will be conquered, but there will be peace.
Is this in the interest of the US? No, and here is why. Consider the next step of Russia after it swallows Ukraine. Now, it has 30 more million people under its control that it must suppress. It will take time, but eventually, at least this is what the authors seem to assume, it will work. Now Russia will have 5 more million people it can recruit for other military operations elsewhere. This is exactly what it did in the East of Ukraine - it forced Ukrainians in DNR and LNR units to fight the Ukrainians in the Ukrainian army.
Most of these forcibly recruited people are dead by now. What will Russia do with this force? Moldova? Baltics? Georgia? Kazakhstan?
There is no reason why Russia will stop in Ukraine. Just a belief or hope that it would be insane for Russia to attack other countries.
But it was insane for Russia to attack Ukraine in the first place.
Basically, what the authors advocate is the new Cold War, where Russia will get all the countries that are not in NATO and suppress freedom and opposition there. And they think that this world is safer.
I disagree. The new Cold War and Russia controlling neighboring countries is as dangerous as the Soviet Union was if not more. The risk of global confrontation will increase and the nuclear war will be more likely.
The best way to contain Russia is now while Ukrainians are willing to fight and are doing it well. The world in which Russia wins in Ukraine will embolden Russia and many other countries around the world, it will demonstrate that using force pays off, and so force will be used.
The war in Ukraine will determine the next several decades of the European history. Will we move towards a more free and democratic world or will we move back in time to the 20th century? It is scary to stand up to a bully, but it must be done. Russia must be contained.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.
Za par F-16 bo :)
Z F-16 pa ne vem če bo kaj, baje ZDA ne dovolijo niti treninga Ukrajincev na F-16 v Evropi. Mogoče je samo maskirovka, mogoče se pa bojijo slabe reklame tudi za F-16, zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil
The United States does not allow Ukrainian pilots to begin training on F-16 fighter jets in Europe, despite the readiness of several countries to conduct such training.
Source: The New York Times with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.
Details: The official noted that without US permission Ukrainian pilots can only be familiarised with the technical language and conduct tactical lessons. Test flights on the F-16 are not possible.
According to The New York Times, President Joe Biden's administration, which must approve the transfer of any American-made aircraft, is still not convinced that Ukraine needs expensive fighter jets.
A senior US official said the White House opposes F-16 deliveries to Ukraine because the fighter is too expensive. As a result, a very large share of the budget for supporting Ukraine may go to the sending of these fighters. Instead, the US administration is going to focus on supplying other weapons.
Tvoje napovedi imajo rok trajanja manj kot 24 ur. Še jagode iz Mercatorja vzdržijo dlje
The Biden administration has signaled to European allies in recent weeks that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the White House comes under increasing pressure from members of Congress and allies to help Ukraine procure the planes amid intensifying Russian aerial attacks.
Rambutan ::
Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.
Za par F-16 bo :)
Z F-16 pa ne vem če bo kaj, baje ZDA ne dovolijo niti treninga Ukrajincev na F-16 v Evropi. Mogoče je samo maskirovka, mogoče se pa bojijo slabe reklame tudi za F-16, zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil
The United States does not allow Ukrainian pilots to begin training on F-16 fighter jets in Europe, despite the readiness of several countries to conduct such training.
Source: The New York Times with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.
Details: The official noted that without US permission Ukrainian pilots can only be familiarised with the technical language and conduct tactical lessons. Test flights on the F-16 are not possible.
According to The New York Times, President Joe Biden's administration, which must approve the transfer of any American-made aircraft, is still not convinced that Ukraine needs expensive fighter jets.
A senior US official said the White House opposes F-16 deliveries to Ukraine because the fighter is too expensive. As a result, a very large share of the budget for supporting Ukraine may go to the sending of these fighters. Instead, the US administration is going to focus on supplying other weapons.
Tvoje napovedi imajo rok trajanja manj kot 24 ur. Še jagode iz Mercatorja vzdržijo dlje
The Biden administration has signaled to European allies in recent weeks that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the White House comes under increasing pressure from members of Congress and allies to help Ukraine procure the planes amid intensifying Russian aerial attacks.
Obrni se kar na NYT, pri njih sem prebral. Sicer pa kaj sploh toliko mutijo z F-16, zgleda da bodo morali Ukiji prestaviti ofenzivo na naslednje leto, če so se zdaj odločili da jim bodo dali tudi F-16.
mikhaair ::
Če sedaj govorijo o f16 verjetno to pomeni, da gre šolanje pilotov h koncu. Ugibam, da se izvaja že kakšno leto.
Lancet_brrr ::
Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.
Za par F-16 bo :)
Z F-16 pa ne vem če bo kaj, baje ZDA ne dovolijo niti treninga Ukrajincev na F-16 v Evropi. Mogoče je samo maskirovka, mogoče se pa bojijo slabe reklame tudi za F-16, zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil
The United States does not allow Ukrainian pilots to begin training on F-16 fighter jets in Europe, despite the readiness of several countries to conduct such training.
Source: The New York Times with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.
Details: The official noted that without US permission Ukrainian pilots can only be familiarised with the technical language and conduct tactical lessons. Test flights on the F-16 are not possible.
According to The New York Times, President Joe Biden's administration, which must approve the transfer of any American-made aircraft, is still not convinced that Ukraine needs expensive fighter jets.
A senior US official said the White House opposes F-16 deliveries to Ukraine because the fighter is too expensive. As a result, a very large share of the budget for supporting Ukraine may go to the sending of these fighters. Instead, the US administration is going to focus on supplying other weapons.
Tvoje napovedi imajo rok trajanja manj kot 24 ur. Še jagode iz Mercatorja vzdržijo dlje
The Biden administration has signaled to European allies in recent weeks that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the White House comes under increasing pressure from members of Congress and allies to help Ukraine procure the planes amid intensifying Russian aerial attacks.
Obrni se kar na NYT, pri njih sem prebral.
Ali pa nehaj lagat.
Če sedaj govorijo o f16 verjetno to pomeni, da gre šolanje pilotov h koncu. Ugibam, da se izvaja že kakšno leto.
Točno tako.
Saj se zgodba z f16 ponavlja povsem enako kot se je nekoč odvijala zgodba s tanki.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
tomlin ::
Rusija je začela to vojno in mi jo lahko končamo': Svetovni voditelji ponovno potrjujejo podporo Ukrajini z nadaljnjimi sankcijami proti Rusiji
Voditelji držav G7 so se dogovorili, da bodo uvedli nadaljnje sankcije proti Rusiji, saj so ponovno potrdili svojo podporo Ukrajini.
Skupina, ki jo sestavljajo Velika Britanija, ZDA, Japonska, Italija, Nemčija, Francija in Kanada, je dejala, da bo nov sveženj sankcij "povečal stroške za Rusijo in tiste, ki podpirajo njena vojna prizadevanja".
Ključni sektorji, ki bodo ciljni, vključujejo proizvodnjo, gradbeništvo in transport ter poslovne storitve.
Omeniti velja, da to stališče ni novo - skupina izvaja sankcije od februarja lani, ko je Rusija prvič začela svojo invazijo.
Kritizirali so ga, da ne gre dovolj daleč, vendar so voditelji dejali, da sistem "deluje" in da so ruski prihodki "upadli".
"Rusijo pozivamo, naj ustavi svojo sedanjo agresijo in takoj, v celoti in brezpogojno umakne svoje enote in vojaško opremo s celotnega mednarodno priznanega ozemlja Ukrajine," je skupina zapisala v skupni izjavi.
"Rusija je začela to vojno in jo lahko konča."
Voditelji držav G7 so se dogovorili, da bodo uvedli nadaljnje sankcije proti Rusiji, saj so ponovno potrdili svojo podporo Ukrajini.
Skupina, ki jo sestavljajo Velika Britanija, ZDA, Japonska, Italija, Nemčija, Francija in Kanada, je dejala, da bo nov sveženj sankcij "povečal stroške za Rusijo in tiste, ki podpirajo njena vojna prizadevanja".
Ključni sektorji, ki bodo ciljni, vključujejo proizvodnjo, gradbeništvo in transport ter poslovne storitve.
Omeniti velja, da to stališče ni novo - skupina izvaja sankcije od februarja lani, ko je Rusija prvič začela svojo invazijo.
Kritizirali so ga, da ne gre dovolj daleč, vendar so voditelji dejali, da sistem "deluje" in da so ruski prihodki "upadli".
"Rusijo pozivamo, naj ustavi svojo sedanjo agresijo in takoj, v celoti in brezpogojno umakne svoje enote in vojaško opremo s celotnega mednarodno priznanega ozemlja Ukrajine," je skupina zapisala v skupni izjavi.
"Rusija je začela to vojno in jo lahko konča."
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman
M. Friedman
Rambutan ::
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Obrni se kar na NYT, pri njih sem prebral.
Ali pa nehaj lagat.
Če sedaj govorijo o f16 verjetno to pomeni, da gre šolanje pilotov h koncu. Ugibam, da se izvaja že kakšno leto.
Točno tako.
Saj se zgodba z f16 ponavlja povsem enako kot se je nekoč odvijala zgodba s tanki.
Celo moje sporočilo si citiral, samo link do NYT si izpustil
Evo, še enkrat samo zate:
Lancet_brrr ::
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Obrni se kar na NYT, pri njih sem prebral.
Ali pa nehaj lagat.
Če sedaj govorijo o f16 verjetno to pomeni, da gre šolanje pilotov h koncu. Ugibam, da se izvaja že kakšno leto.
Točno tako.
Saj se zgodba z f16 ponavlja povsem enako kot se je nekoč odvijala zgodba s tanki.
Celo moje sporočilo si citiral, samo link do NYT si izpustil
Evo, še enkrat samo zate:
Tukaj ne piše tega. TROL!
Piše pa:
The Biden administration has signaled to European allies in recent weeks that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the White House comes under increasing pressure from members of Congress and allies to help Ukraine procure the planes amid intensifying Russian aerial attacks.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
fur80 ::
Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.
Za par F-16 bo :)
Z F-16 pa ne vem če bo kaj, baje ZDA ne dovolijo niti treninga Ukrajincev na F-16 v Evropi. Mogoče je samo maskirovka, mogoče se pa bojijo slabe reklame tudi za F-16, zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil
The United States does not allow Ukrainian pilots to begin training on F-16 fighter jets in Europe, despite the readiness of several countries to conduct such training.
Source: The New York Times with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.
Details: The official noted that without US permission Ukrainian pilots can only be familiarised with the technical language and conduct tactical lessons. Test flights on the F-16 are not possible.
According to The New York Times, President Joe Biden's administration, which must approve the transfer of any American-made aircraft, is still not convinced that Ukraine needs expensive fighter jets.
A senior US official said the White House opposes F-16 deliveries to Ukraine because the fighter is too expensive. As a result, a very large share of the budget for supporting Ukraine may go to the sending of these fighters. Instead, the US administration is going to focus on supplying other weapons.
Tvoje napovedi imajo rok trajanja manj kot 24 ur. Še jagode iz Mercatorja vzdržijo dlje
The Biden administration has signaled to European allies in recent weeks that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the White House comes under increasing pressure from members of Congress and allies to help Ukraine procure the planes amid intensifying Russian aerial attacks.
Obrni se kar na NYT, pri njih sem prebral. Sicer pa kaj sploh toliko mutijo z F-16, zgleda da bodo morali Ukiji prestaviti ofenzivo na naslednje leto, če so se zdaj odločili da jim bodo dali tudi F-16.
Zakaj pa ne. Zakaj bi sedaj tvegali z neko ofenzivo in bi bila recimo uspešna 30% do 50%. Ukrjina bo začela ofenzivo ko bodo pripravljeni in ko bodo zadovoljni z možnostmi uspeha. To kar bodo sedaj osvojili nazaj bo držalo potem 100 let, tako da se jim splača postavit dobre temelje.
Lancet_brrr ::
Tudi glede ofenzive je ist zgodba kot lani.
3 mesece so se ruskoti delal norca, kje je protiofenziva pa da je že propadla preden se je začela...
Dokler se potem kar naenkrat niso več delal norca, ko so junaško bežali
3 mesece so se ruskoti delal norca, kje je protiofenziva pa da je že propadla preden se je začela...
Dokler se potem kar naenkrat niso več delal norca, ko so junaško bežali
T440 ::
Ne, Rusi se le strateško v lahnem drncu umaknejo na za obrambo primernejše mesto, bližje ruski meji.
kajtimara ::
''18.13 Madžarska: Blokirali bomo vojaško podporo Ukrajini, dokler bodo sankcije proti banki OTP''
Utk ::
Lancet_brrr ::
The Ukrainian military has used the Patriot air defence system to shoot down a Russian bomber.
Source: Revealed in a comment to CNN by unnamed representatives of the Pentagon and the US Congress, as reported by European Pravda
Details: As noted, the Russian plane targeted by Patriot was going to launch missiles at Ukrainian targets.
Other air defence systems that are in service with Ukraine do not have sufficient range for this kind of task.
Uničen patriot uničuje ruska letala
Lancet_brrr ::
Sami podporniki ukrajine, javite se pa pojdite na fronto pomagat... Pa to enostransko poročanje zahodnih medijev, če bi samo njih poslušal bi bila frontna linija pred Moskvo že...
Ukrajina se brani pred rusi.
Niso oni napadli Rusije da bi morali zdej harat po ruskem ozemlju.
Zato nihče ne verjame rusom.
In njihovim zagovornikom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()