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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Stikalo ::

Ukrajinci bodo nasekali ruse. Dobro bi bilo narediti buffer cono na ruskem ozemlju, da ne bi v prihosnosti rusija ogrožala Ukrajino.

- rusija z dobavo orožja in vojskovanjem samo podalšuje konflikt
- rusija pobija in preganja Ukrajince
- v rusiji bi moral biti priznana tudi javna raba Ukrajinščine
- CSTO sili na meje NATA
- rusija naj umakne JEDERSKO OROŽJE IZ KALINGRADA, sredi NATO držav si rusija privošči imeit jedersko orožje. KATASTROFA
- rusija se naj demilitarizira

Lesoto ::

The failure of Russia's Wunderwaffe is game over for Putin

I was in Kyiv on Monday night when Ukraine's capital was hit by its biggest missile attack since the war began.

It was more than just another attempt to terrorise the city. Following hard on the heels of President Zelensky's visit to Europe with renewed guarantees of military aid, it amounted to a demonstration of force by an increasingly beleaguered Russian dictator.

In half an hour the city was attacked from the north, south and east. In came ballistic missiles, Iranian Shahed loitering drones, Kalibr 'hypersonic' cruise missiles launched from warships in the Black Sea, and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles fired from MiG-31K fighter planes.

The result of this tremendous firepower was nothing short of abject humiliation for Putin.

I watched as Ukraine's combined air defence forces, including American Patriots and German Gepards, seemingly knocked every Russian missile out of the sky. Just three people were injured by falling rocket debris, there was minimal physical damage and - by daylight - the city had returned to normal as though nothing had happened.

This event symbolises both Ukrainian resilience and Russian weakness. Especially the latter.

Rambutan ::

Zgleda, da se ZDA že pripravljajo na neuspeh ukrajinske ofenzive, delajo plane za zamrznitev konflikta.

Jest nisem siguren, da se bodo Rusi po neuspšni ukrajinski ofenzivi pripravljani pogajati o tem8-)


U.S. officials are planning for the growing possibility that the Russia-Ukraine war will turn into a frozen conflict that lasts many years — perhaps decades — and joins the ranks of similar lengthy face-offs in the Korean peninsula, South Asia and beyond.

The options discussed within the Biden administration for a long-term “freeze” include where to set potential lines that Ukraine and Russia would agree not to cross, but which would not have to be official borders. The discussions — while provisional — have taken place across various U.S. agencies and in the White House.

It’s a scenario that may prove the most realistic long-term outcome given that neither Kyiv nor Moscow appear inclined to ever admit defeat. It’s also becoming increasingly likely amid the growing sense within the administration that an upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive won’t deal a mortal blow to Russia.

A frozen conflict — in which fighting pauses but neither side is declared the victor nor do they agree that the war is officially over — also could be a politically palatable long-term result for the United States and other countries backing Ukraine.

It would mean the number of military clashes would fall, the costs of supporting Kyiv also likely would drop, and public attention to the war would wane.

“We are planning for the long term, whether it looks frozen or thawed,” said a U.S. official familiar with the Biden administration’s discussions on Ukraine. The official said such planning is a growing focus of the administration, whereas in past months “it was all about the urgent and short-term.”

At the moment, Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive against Russia, although the timing remains unclear. In recent days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suggested the counteroffensive would be delayed because Ukraine still needed more weapons from its Western partners, while also saying “the first important steps will be taken soon.

kow ::

Stikalo je izjavil:

Ukrajinci bodo nasekali ruse. Dobro bi bilo narediti buffer cono na ruskem ozemlju, da ne bi v prihosnosti rusija ogrožala Ukrajino.

- rusija z dobavo orožja in vojskovanjem samo podalšuje konflikt
- rusija pobija in preganja Ukrajince
- v rusiji bi moral biti priznana tudi javna raba Ukrajinščine
- CSTO sili na meje NATA
- rusija naj umakne JEDERSKO OROŽJE IZ KALINGRADA, sredi NATO držav si rusija privošči imeit jedersko orožje. KATASTROFA
- rusija se naj demilitarizira


mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Zgleda, da se ZDA že pripravljajo na neuspeh ukrajinske ofenzive, delajo plane za zamrznitev konflikta.

Jest nisem siguren, da se bodo Rusi po neuspšni ukrajinski ofenzivi pripravljani pogajati o tem8-)


U.S. officials are planning for the growing possibility that the Russia-Ukraine war will turn into a frozen conflict that lasts many years — perhaps decades — and joins the ranks of similar lengthy face-offs in the Korean peninsula, South Asia and beyond.

The options discussed within the Biden administration for a long-term “freeze” include where to set potential lines that Ukraine and Russia would agree not to cross, but which would not have to be official borders. The discussions — while provisional — have taken place across various U.S. agencies and in the White House.

It’s a scenario that may prove the most realistic long-term outcome given that neither Kyiv nor Moscow appear inclined to ever admit defeat. It’s also becoming increasingly likely amid the growing sense within the administration that an upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive won’t deal a mortal blow to Russia.

A frozen conflict — in which fighting pauses but neither side is declared the victor nor do they agree that the war is officially over — also could be a politically palatable long-term result for the United States and other countries backing Ukraine.

It would mean the number of military clashes would fall, the costs of supporting Kyiv also likely would drop, and public attention to the war would wane.

“We are planning for the long term, whether it looks frozen or thawed,” said a U.S. official familiar with the Biden administration’s discussions on Ukraine. The official said such planning is a growing focus of the administration, whereas in past months “it was all about the urgent and short-term.”

At the moment, Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive against Russia, although the timing remains unclear. In recent days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suggested the counteroffensive would be delayed because Ukraine still needed more weapons from its Western partners, while also saying “the first important steps will be taken soon.

Če še nisi opazil se itak noben ni pripravljen pogajati z Rusi tako,da si lahko Rusi pogajanja vtaknejo nekam kamor nikoli ne posije sonce8-) Roštilj se vrti. Počasi. Meso se že ločuje od kosti. Mast kaplja v ogenj. Gosti se počasi pripravljajo na drugo kišto pira. Budweiser, Pilsner,Warsteiner in ja tudi Laško8-) Nikomur se ne mudi. Ruski odojek je bil naročen well done in ne rare.

Chalky ::

Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.

Pac-Man ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.

Za par F-16 bo :)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gozdar1 ::

Zamrznjen konflikt bi pomenil da se več ali manj vračamo na stanje pred začetkom posebne operacije. Samo, da se je zraven rusija še krepko v koleno.

Pac-Man ::

to, nit

Bellingcat is a NATO state psy-op, as their own state partners admit. A leaked report for the UK gov't states: "Bellingcat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading disinformation itself, and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay."

in to

I suggest Aaron to move to Russia and try living under Putin's rule if he loves him so much.
It's fucking amazing to see the Western intellectuals writing off our lives, blood, fight and suffering - us who oppose Putin in Russia and those who heroically fight him in Ukraine - and treating us a mere intellectual exercise, calling passion for truth and freedom unreal, denying us subjectivity and dehumanizing us as NATO's psy-ops.
Aaron named the president Zelensky, hero fighting for his country, "a NATO pawn", and a war in Ukraine "a proxy war".
Now Arron attacks our fierce comrades from Bellingcat who're risking their lives resisting evil that Putin is.
Putin is cancer and evil and he has to be stopped.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Rambutan ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

to, nit

Bellingcat is a NATO state psy-op, as their own state partners admit. A leaked report for the UK gov't states: "Bellingcat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading disinformation itself, and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay."

in to

I suggest Aaron to move to Russia and try living under Putin's rule if he loves him so much.
It's fucking amazing to see the Western intellectuals writing off our lives, blood, fight and suffering - us who oppose Putin in Russia and those who heroically fight him in Ukraine - and treating us a mere intellectual exercise, calling passion for truth and freedom unreal, denying us subjectivity and dehumanizing us as NATO's psy-ops.
Aaron named the president Zelensky, hero fighting for his country, "a NATO pawn", and a war in Ukraine "a proxy war".
Now Arron attacks our fierce comrades from Bellingcat who're risking their lives resisting evil that Putin is.
Putin is cancer and evil and he has to be stopped.

Kaj pa sploh odgovorijo Pussy Riot, nič vsebine ne vidim, samo Aarona pošiljajo v Rusijo in poveličujejo Zelenskega in Bellingcat.

Sicer se pa še Elon Musk strinja, da so Bellingcat psyop pod kontrolo zahodnih obveščevalnih služb.

Lesoto ::

We would once again like to remind the russian MoD that the most favorable line of defense for russian troops runs along internationally recognized borders of the russian federation. You are almost out of time for your "reverse offensive." Don't miss your chance!

Rambutan ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Chalky je izjavil:

Reuters: The Pentagon overvalued U.S. equipment it sent to Ukraine by around $3 billion, a Senate aide and a defense official said on Thursday, an error that opens up the possibility of more weapons being sent to Kyiv for its defense against Russian forces.

Za par F-16 bo :)

Z F-16 pa ne vem če bo kaj, baje ZDA ne dovolijo niti treninga Ukrajincev na F-16 v Evropi. Mogoče je samo maskirovka, mogoče se pa bojijo slabe reklame tudi za F-16, zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil8-)


The United States does not allow Ukrainian pilots to begin training on F-16 fighter jets in Europe, despite the readiness of several countries to conduct such training.

Source: The New York Times with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.

Details: The official noted that without US permission Ukrainian pilots can only be familiarised with the technical language and conduct tactical lessons. Test flights on the F-16 are not possible.

According to The New York Times, President Joe Biden's administration, which must approve the transfer of any American-made aircraft, is still not convinced that Ukraine needs expensive fighter jets.

A senior US official said the White House opposes F-16 deliveries to Ukraine because the fighter is too expensive. As a result, a very large share of the budget for supporting Ukraine may go to the sending of these fighters. Instead, the US administration is going to focus on supplying other weapons.

Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil

ja, ja.. kar lajnaj svoje bedarije. Dokaza zopet nimaš nobenega. Nič ti ni jasno.

kow ::

Rambutan, raje napovej kdaj bo Rusija dosegla svoje cilje. Torej, popolno osvoboditev "svojega" deklariranega ozemlja. Glede na tvoje izjave, bo v nekaj dneh Ukrajina kolapsirala. Te prav razumem? Hvala!

Rambutan ::

Verjetno še letos, odvisno je od tega, če bo Ukrajina izvedla svojo napovedovano ofenzivo ali ne.
Odvisno je tudi od tega, koliko časa bo Zahod še podpiral Ukrajino, kot je povedal Borell, bi se Ukrajina brez zahodne pomoči sesula v parih dneh. Malo je sicer pretiraval, verjetno bi zdržala par mesecev.
Ko se bo ukrajinska vojska sesula, bodo Rusi bp zasedli "svoje" ozemlje.

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days

Zdaj pa lahko še vi poveste, kako se bo konflikt končal.

Lancet_brrr ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Verjetno še letos, odvisno je od tega, če bo Ukrajina izvedla svojo napovedovano ofenzivo ali ne.
Odvisno je tudi od tega, koliko časa bo Zahod še podpiral Ukrajino, kot je povedal Borell, bi se Ukrajina brez zahodne pomoči sesula v parih dneh. Malo je sicer pretiraval, verjetno bi zdržala par mesecev.
Ko se bo ukrajinska vojska sesula, bodo Rusi bp zasedli "svoje" ozemlje.

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days

Zdaj pa lahko še vi poveste, kako se bo konflikt končal.

Torej ne več do konca maja, sredi junija?
Tako si napovedoval 2 meseca nazaj.

Dolgo se vam že vlečejo 3je dnevi :D

Rambutan je izjavil:

zdaj ko se je že Patriot osramotil

Rusi z 6 "neustavljivimi" raketami niso sesuli ničesar razen mogoče poškodovali enega patriota.

Sramota tu je samo ruska.

Je pa vsekakor smešno da se Rusi hvalijo da so izstrelili 15 raket in vse kar so dosegli je poškodovan patriot.

Uspeh bi bil da vsak kinžal zadel nek visoko vreden cilj, ne pa tale revšna ki je bila sedaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days.

Borell samo trola Ruse. A ti res ni nič jasno? :))

kow ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Verjetno še letos, odvisno je od tega, če bo Ukrajina izvedla svojo napovedovano ofenzivo ali ne.
Odvisno je tudi od tega, koliko časa bo Zahod še podpiral Ukrajino, kot je povedal Borell, bi se Ukrajina brez zahodne pomoči sesula v parih dneh. Malo je sicer pretiraval, verjetno bi zdržala par mesecev.
Ko se bo ukrajinska vojska sesula, bodo Rusi bp zasedli "svoje" ozemlje.

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days

Zdaj pa lahko še vi poveste, kako se bo konflikt končal.

Ali bo Ukrajinska vojska zmagala v ofenzivi, ali pa bo zmagala v attrition vojni. Izgubili ne bodo.
Ce pride do nadaljnega poslabsanja globalne ekonomije, pa bo Putin v mocnih skripcih, ker jim bo zmanjkovalo denarja -> inflacija naslednje leto.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Rambutan ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days.

Borell samo trola Ruse. A ti res ni nič jasno? :))

Ne vem če samo trola Ruse, Podolyaka je tako razjezil, da je zagrozil EU s terorističnimi napadi če prekinemo dostavo orožja.


Sounds like a threat!
ukraine’s Podolyak threatened Europe with a sharp increase in terrorist attacks if the supply of weapons ceased.

“The number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase significantly. In general, we will not sit in restaurants and eat croissants in peace."

o0o0o0o0o0 ::

Samo na glas razmišljam, ampak sem prepričan, da je hotel povedati, da če UA pade, bo naslednja EU katero bodo rusi obstreljevali.

Ruskoti so iste screene limali za Zelenskega, da je rekel, da bodo šli EU/ZDA otroci v Ukrajino na bojišče

Pac-Man ::


Pussy Riot is what happens when Victoria Nuland gets a budget to launch a punk band

in to

Grayzone is what happens with Sid Blumenthal can't win a presidential campaign
I know it's low-hanging fruit and obvious, but man is it ever bold to accuse others of having shadowy funding and government influence when Grayzone keeps its funding sources 100% secret, and its founder's dad is the most well-known, longest-tenured Clinton operative out there.
It isn't one, but calling the Grayzone a Clinton Foundation op would have far more hard and anecdotal data behind it than all this garbage about Bellingcat psy-ops
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ne vem če samo trola Ruse

Ukrajincem ti tako nič ne verjameš, torej? Zakaj bi recimo Poljska, kjer so in bo še veliko ukrajinskih tovarn orožja, kar nehala podpirat Ukrajino? Bedarija prve klase. Že spet ti nič jasno.

Rambutan ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ne vem če samo trola Ruse

Ukrajincem ti tako nič ne verjameš, torej? Zakaj bi recimo Poljska, kjer so in bo še veliko ukrajinskih tovarn orožja, kar nehala podpirat Ukrajino? Bedarija prve klase. Že spet ti nič jasno.

To spodaj naprimer, sicer se mi to ne zdi preveč verjetno. Sicer pa itak se bo s trajanjem vojne seveda zmanjševala javna podpora oboroževanju Ukrajine in se bodo povečevale zahteve po pogajanjih. Sploh če bo ukrajinska ofenziva neuspešna.


I spoke about this from the very beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Elena Panina, Institute of Russian Strategic Studies: "Stopping hostilities in Ukraine without the complete defeat of the Kiev junta is a strategic loss for Russia.
According to journalist Seymour Hersh, Poland and other countries, including notorious Russophobic regimes in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, are allegedly secretly calling on Zelensky to end the war in Ukraine.
What is their intention?
The main thing is that they want to buy time.
Fix the current line of military contact: so that Kherson remains occupied - like Kharkov.
Save Ukraine access to the Black Sea.
In a year and a half, to resolve in favor of the West the issue of Transnistria, which Russia will not be able to help without the control of the Nikolaev and Odessa regions.
Create a confederation of Ukraine and Poland and draw it into the EU and NATO.
In the event of such a freezing of the conflict, the strategic risks for Russia, in connection with the deployment of the US and NATO military infrastructure on the territory of Ukraine, will become prohibitive.
Accordingly, Russia's only right decision is not to stop. No truce! It is necessary to carry out large-scale offensive operations in order to completely control Ukraine. Any preservation of this country on the map means a new war in the near future"

pojmanimas ::


Russia's progress in Ukraine is so slow that state TV reports on the war now feature street plans indicating which side controls *individual buildings* in Bakhmut

I'm pretty sure this wasn't the aim when Putin launched his "special military operation" last year...


MP Alexei Zhuravlyov is back on state TV after a long absence and oh have we missed him!

He says the aims of the "special operation" must be changed because Ukraine has in fact undergone "full nazification & militarisation"

He also claims Russia hasn't even started yet!

Močne droge morjo jest v rusiji 8-)

Gregor P ::

Ameriške stare rakete iz leta 1984 klatijo najmodernejše ruske supersonične oh in sploh rakete kot za stavo :))
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Lancet_brrr ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ameriške stare rakete iz leta 1984 klatijo najmodernejše ruske supersonične oh in sploh rakete kot za stavo :))

To pokaže vso bedo rusov.

Utk ::

Any preservation of this country on the map means a new war in the near future"

No vidte, stvar je jasna. Ali zmaga Ukrajina ali je pa več ne bo. O kakem koncu s predajo potem fantazirate? Zahodu je morda vseeno če Ukrajina izgubi, nikakor mu pa ni vseeno, če Rusija zmaga. To se ne bo zgodilo, niti se ne sme. Zato bo pač Ukrajina dobivala podporo do konca.

Lancet_brrr ::

Utk je izjavil:

Any preservation of this country on the map means a new war in the near future"

No vidte, stvar je jasna. Ali zmaga Ukrajina ali je pa več ne bo. O kakem koncu s predajo potem fantazirate? Zahodu je morda vseeno če Ukrajina izgubi, nikakor mu pa ni vseeno, če Rusija zmaga. To se ne bo zgodilo, niti se ne sme. Zato bo pač Ukrajina dobivala podporo do konca.

Do ruskega konca inu krute pogibeli!

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ameriške stare rakete iz leta 1984 klatijo najmodernejše ruske supersonične oh in sploh rakete kot za stavo :))

Teh 15 raket bi moralo uničiti 15 skladišč orožja, ali pa vojašnic ali pa bunkerjev...

Ali pa vsaj 15 blokov.

Domnevno uničilo, oz. kot prihaja na plan, lažje poškodovalo pa je enega patriota. :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

Lesoto ::

pojmanimas je izjavil:

Russia's progress in Ukraine is so slow that state TV reports on the war now feature street plans indicating which side controls *individual buildings* in Bakhmut
I'm pretty sure this wasn't the aim when Putin launched his "special military operation" last year...

Bahmut danes:

Pac-Man ::


Sweet Jesus. I actually thought this was an @ArmchairCopelrd post.
Mr. “My hairline was just a feint”’s takes getting wilder by the day.

in to

Lol. Ok let’s just say we take that the sights and thermals have been upgraded to the best available.
You know what’s missing? An upgraded ballistics computer and most important of all.. 3 axis stabilization. Without gun stabilization all other upgrades are a waste…

When I mean 3rd axis I’m not talking z-axis. It’s the active management down by the laser sight and gyroscope working with the computer actively. Fine adjustments are done in real time automatically thru the computer.
Oh and the fact that the turret moves at a snail’s pace compared to modern MBT’s makes it a sitting duck when facing multiple targets. 5-6 seconds to move 90 degrees. That’s a long time on a modern battlefield and the fact that beyond 1700 meters it’s aim is utter bull crap
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

The Pentagon declares that the Patriot air defense system damaged in Ukraine has already been repaired and fully returned to operation, press secretary Sabrina Singh said at a briefing.

Gregor P ::

Saj bodo danes ponoč izstrelil še ene 50 kinžalov na njega, ni da ni da vsaj ena pade ponesreč na njega :P
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

Pac-Man ::

Prešolanje ukrajinskih pilotov na F-16 bi trajalo 4, ne 18 mesecev.

Scoop: @YahooNews has obtained a U.S. Air Force assessment of how two Ukrainian pilots did in a 3-week course on F-16s at Morris Air National Guard Base in Feb/March. Conclusion: it’ll take 4 months to train them, not 18, as the Pentagon has said:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Rambutan ::

Domina je padla v Bakhmutu...


It is reported that the sweeping of the Domino fortified area on the western outskirts of Bakhmut near Yubileynaya Street has been completed. With the loss of Domino, we can say that the Armed Forces of Ukraine actually lost their main positions in the block of high-rise buildings.

Prigozhin said that only a few hundred meters in Bakhmut remained under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the liberation of Bakhmut will be officially announced.

The area “Airplane” is the last fight.

Gregor P ::

A že spet?!?;((
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Lesoto ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Saj bodo danes ponoč izstrelil še ene 50 kinžalov na njega, ni da ni da vsaj ena pade ponesreč na njega :P

Kinžale lahko izstreljujejo samo iz Mig-31K (enkrat v prihodnosti tudi z Tu-22M3M). Vsak nosi lahko samo enega. Vprašanje koliko jih imajo, ker ta modifikacija tega letala naj ne bi imela sploh radarja in ni primerna za nič drugega. Naj bi jih dobili 10 do maja 2018.

Arestovič pravi, da so morali kanibalizirati ostale Kinžale, da so dobili teh 6 delujočih.

od 35:20 naprej:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Domina je padla v Bakhmutu...>

Bahmut je razbit in požgan.
In zdaj ga bodo morali Rusi držati na vse pretege z najboljšimi enotami, ker če ga izgubijo, bi bili komplet demoralizirani. Najboljša situacija za Ukrajince, da svoje najboljše enote pošljejo drugam, tam kjer šteje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Cveto ::

Saj se ve: za izstrelitev Kinzhalov je bilo prilagojenih 10 Migov 31 (v verzijo Mig 31-K).

Btw, dva (2) Patriota sta uspela ustaviti kompletno salvo Kinzhalov. Samo ZDA trenutno uporablja 500 Patriotov. Tudi če bi Putin hotel "all in" z nuklearnim napadom, ne bi naredil dosti. Naslednje salve pa Rusija ne bi dočakala.

Edino, kjer so rusi res močni je pošiljanje nabornikov kot Lemminge pred topove in da potem že z samo količino naredijo nek napredek. Rusov je veliko, tako da lahko to še traja.

Pac-Man ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Kinžale lahko izstreljujejo samo iz Mig-31K (enkrat v prihodnosti tudi z Tu-22M3M).

Morda, ampak zmogljivosti bodo slabše. Tu-22M ima 1000 km/h nižjo najvišjo hitrost.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

No ja, hitrost letala nima veze z zmogljivostjo Kinžala, Tupovljev bi jih lahko nosil tri naenkrat.

Pac-Man ::

Če ga izpustijo pri 1000 km/h nižji hitrosti, bo dosegel konkretno nižjo hitrost. Osnove fizike.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Teh raket se ne izstreljuje pri maksimalnih hitrostih.
Pa tudi Rusi dajejo doseg Kinžala skupaj z dosegom letala. Ta je pri Mig31K 2000km, pri Tupoljevu pa 3000km.

Lesoto ::

Po moje bi Ukrajinci lahko naučili kaj tiste inštruktorje...

"Ukrainian pilots with MiG-29 and Su-27 qualifications, who were tested on a flight simulator in Arizona, after only 1 demonstration, were able to successfully land the aircraft after an engine failure in the accident."

"It's a technical skill that needs to be constantly practiced throughout an F-16 pilot's career." Both pilots were also able to "perform simulated attacks based on parameters passed in while flying the simulator."

"One of the main problems was that the Ukrainians did not like the complex F-16 avionics, which displays information in English. But within 2 weeks the pilots' English improved significantly."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Rambutan ::

Na SG pravijo, da je Artjomovsk osvobojen8-)


Sources of the 105th DPR Regiment report that Bakhmut ARTYOMOVSK has been liberated.

Lancet_brrr ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Na SG pravijo, da je Artjomovsk osvobojen8-)


Sources of the 105th DPR Regiment report that Bakhmut ARTYOMOVSK has been liberated.

Že 74ič?

gozdar1 ::

Rusi "osvobodili" mesto, ki ga ni na nobenem zemljevidu, kako ironično.

Lancet_brrr ::

Osvobajajo samo prebivalce njihovega imetja in življenja.

BorutO ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Verjetno še letos, odvisno je od tega, če bo Ukrajina izvedla svojo napovedovano ofenzivo ali ne.
Odvisno je tudi od tega, koliko časa bo Zahod še podpiral Ukrajino, kot je povedal Borell, bi se Ukrajina brez zahodne pomoči sesula v parih dneh. Malo je sicer pretiraval, verjetno bi zdržala par mesecev.
Ko se bo ukrajinska vojska sesula, bodo Rusi bp zasedli "svoje" ozemlje.

Borell: Without Western support, Ukraine would have to surrender in a few days

Zdaj pa lahko še vi poveste, kako se bo konflikt končal.
Konflikt se bo končal tako, kot se je še vsaka vojna - z diplomacijo oz. s pogajanji. Slika bo pa taka, da Rusi ne bodo imeli niti Krima. To, da si ti misliš, da bo Ukrajina kolapsirala prej, kot Rusija, se pa zelo motiš. Res je, da nekatere EU oz. Nato članice s težkim srcem pomagajo, ker bi rajši svojo državo obvarovale, ampak podpora Nata, predvsem pa ZDA, je tako velika, da je praktično nemogoče, da bi Ukrajina izgubila to vojno. Preden bi Ukrajini zmanjkalo vojakov, bi Nato prevzel vlogo mirovnika in zaključil z vojno. Zdaj je samo donator stare neuporabne opreme. Tistih par visokotehnoloških novejših strojev in raket, je pa samo za "test" ...

Najbolj je smešno, ko ta Rambutan še vedno nabija o nekem vsemogočnem kinžalu, ki se uspešno izmika radarjem, a vseeno so bili sestreljeni. Pa v redu, če tudi so Rusi verjetno zadeli Patriota ... Pa kaj, saj v Patriota ne gre neomejeno količino raket. Dobro so naštudirali, da so ga izpraznili z droneki in hobby raketami in potem napadli še močnejšimi raketami. Ampak vseeno. Glede na to, koliko so se Rusi prehvalili glede Kinžalov, jim je patriot vseeno razukal. Jaz vem, da Rusi 10x bolj napihnejo njihovo vsemogočnost, kot je v resnici ...

Sc0ut ::

Iz flankov pa bodo ruse v Bakhmutu obstreljevali do onemoglosti.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

jernejl ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ameriške stare rakete iz leta 1984 klatijo najmodernejše ruske supersonične oh in sploh rakete kot za stavo :))
Ne drži povsem. En kinžal se je izognil vsem obrambnim sistemom ter uspešno zadel tarčo (del sistema Patriot) in ga posledično opraskal.

sumi666 ::

Sami podporniki ukrajine, javite se pa pojdite na fronto pomagat... Pa to enostransko poročanje zahodnih medijev, če bi samo njih poslušal bi bila frontna linija pred Moskvo že...
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