Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Rambutan ::
Čakaj malo... A Američani preprečujejo irancem, da nabavljajo zdravila od rusov, kitajcev, severnih korejcev...? Če je to res, potem res ni o.k.
Z zahoda je pa itak vse pokvarjeno in zanič... Saj imate svoj NWO pa brics pa vsemogočnega putina. Sami se želite kregat z zahodom, ne pol jamrat...
Ja, Američani dejansko preprečujejo tretjim državam, da poslujejo z Iranom z t.i. sekundarnimi sankcijami. To pomeni, da sankcionirajo vse subjekte iz tretjih držav, ki poslujejo z Iranom. Posledično se tudi firme ki dobavljajo zdravila bojijo poslovati z Iranom in to v praksi povzroči raznorazna pomanjkanja.
Secondary sanctions are designed to prevent third parties from trading with countries subject to sanctions issued by another country - even if these third parties are not citizens of the issuing country or based in the issuing country. They may face penalties for doing business with the targeted country or individuals.
Enaka zgodba je tudi v drugih sankcioniranih državah kot npr. Venezuela, Sirija, ... Kot sem že prej povedal, te sankcije so ilegalne. So pa zgleda OK po t.i. RBO pravilih, za ohranitev katerih si prizadevamo. Zanimivo, kako tega ni moč zaslediti v medijih, ki so pa polni propagande o podpori Tibetu, Xinjangu, Tajvanu...
A $12.7 MILLION ORDER of critical medicines and medical supplies, placed by Venezuela’s development bank with the Pan American Health Organization, has been held up for more than two months as an indirect result of U.S. sanctions.
Although the health sector in Syria is not directly targeted by economic sanctions, it is indirectly affected by the sanctions imposed on by other sectors, which added to other accumulated damages to this sector during the last decade. This article attempts to highlight the most significant strains on the health sector resulting from sanctions, as well as how the recent global COVID-19 crisis made a bad situation worse.
Sanctions have decimated Syria's once thriving pharmaceutical industry by making it near impossible for companies to obtain raw materials, mainly because of financial sanctions that deter suppliers and increase costs exponentially.
Rambutan ::
Greghorian je izjavil:
Kaj je narobe z rules based order? Po domače povedano "vladavino prava"? Multipolarni svet po domače pomeni zakon močnejšega in vsakem dovoljeno vse, brez posledic. Če rambutan v tem ne vidi težav potem nevem kako bolj kristalno razložit. Ko bi enkrat nastale "divje države" z trdim režimom kot SK in z jedrskim orožjem je duh iz steklenice. In da se ne omenja varovanja okolja in drugih stvari, ki čakajo svet v tem stoletju in bi se jih morali vsi držati.
Z RBO je narobe to, da niso nikjer zapisana in sprejeta, ampak si jih Amerika sproti zmišljuje in sankcionira in napada države. ZDA same označujejo ljudi in cele države za teroriste. Vse to je po veljavnih pravilih OZN ilegalno.
An independent United Nations expert said Wednesday that the impact of sanctions imposed by the US on Iran was "devastating," describing them as illegal and urging they be lifted.
"During our visit, we were able to identify [the] devastating humanitarian impact of sanctions," said Alena Douhan, UN special rapporteur focused on the impact of unilateral sanctions.
"The measures imposed against Iran violate international law - they are illegal," Douhan added.
Kako bi se tebi zdelo, da bi Kitajska npr. določila kakega Slovenca za terorista in ga nato z dronom ubila, pri tem pa ubila še celo poroko, kot so Američani naredili npr. v Afganistanu? Potem bi pa Kitajci rekli, da je to po njihovih pravilih NWO...
Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike @ Wikipedia
RedDrake ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Pac-Man ::
Ni Voronež, ampak tudi Belgorod bo okej.
The phrase "bomb Voronezh" has become a staple of the Russian political lexicon, a reference to what Kremlin critics call Russia's penchant for responding to Western sanctions with punitive measures that end up harming its own citizens.
An emergency ejection of an air ordnance occurred when a Su-34 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces was performing a flight above the southwestern Russian city of Belgorod, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
"At around 22:15 Moscow time on April 20, when a Su-34 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces was performing a flight above the city of Belgorod, an emergency release of an air ordnance occurred," the ministry said.
Belgorod: Russia warplane accidentally bombs own city
The phrase "bomb Voronezh" has become a staple of the Russian political lexicon, a reference to what Kremlin critics call Russia's penchant for responding to Western sanctions with punitive measures that end up harming its own citizens.
An emergency ejection of an air ordnance occurred when a Su-34 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces was performing a flight above the southwestern Russian city of Belgorod, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
"At around 22:15 Moscow time on April 20, when a Su-34 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces was performing a flight above the city of Belgorod, an emergency release of an air ordnance occurred," the ministry said.
Belgorod: Russia warplane accidentally bombs own city
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Sheteentz ::
Rusi napadejo zahodno usmerjeno državo, potem pa jokajo nad sankcijami, ki jih je zahod proti njim uperil. A so Rusi lahko še bolj otročji? Saj so na nivoju triletnih mulcev v vrtcu. Kaj jim ni jasno, a so jim povsem zamrle neke osnove vzročno posledičnih razmerij?
Rambutan ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni. Imajo pa tragične posledice za paciente, ki nimajo dostopa do kritičnih zdravil. Po OZN pravilih je to ilegalno, po RBO pravilih pa je to zgleda OK. RBO so dejansko evfemizem za to da ZDA lahko počnejo kar hočejo in kršijo OZN pravila, napadajo druge države in jih sankcionirajo, ter posledično ubijajo nedolžne ljudi.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
mackilla ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni. Imajo pa tragične posledice za paciente, ki nimajo dostopa do kritičnih zdravil. Po OZN pravilih je to ilegalno, po RBO pravilih pa je to zgleda OK. RBO so dejansko evfemizem za to da ZDA lahko počnejo kar hočejo in kršijo OZN pravila, napadajo druge države in jih sankcionirajo, ter posledično ubijajo nedolžne ljudi.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Financirajo razvoj in proizvodno dronov namesto razvoj in proizvodnjo zdravil. Kriv je seveda zlobni amerikanec.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
bbbbbb2015 ::
nitka s strani italijanskega vojaka/oficirja
Is it easy to liberate Crimea? Of course not.
Is it impossible to liberate Crimea? Hell no!
A Crimea liberation campaign thread 🧵:
V grobem, kar ti kekci pravijo je, da osvoboditev Krima izpod okupacije je zahtevna, vendar ne tako zelo.
Čim so Ukrajinci na robu Krima, je osvoboditev stvar časa, niti ne toliko vojaške premoči. Kopanje jarkov Rusom niti ne pomaga, ker jih je moč s precizno municijo razbiti. Letališča so v dosegu HIMARSov (2 letališči od 3), pomoč iz morja odpade, ker jih čakajo Harpune. Pomoč iz zraka ne bo mogoča, ker so praktično do 2/3 v dometu Patriotov. Eventuelno nekaj pomoči preko Krimskega mosta - če bo takrat še cel.
Ključni problem je presekanje land-coridorja. Torej prodor na jug.
Rambutan ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni. Imajo pa tragične posledice za paciente, ki nimajo dostopa do kritičnih zdravil. Po OZN pravilih je to ilegalno, po RBO pravilih pa je to zgleda OK. RBO so dejansko evfemizem za to da ZDA lahko počnejo kar hočejo in kršijo OZN pravila, napadajo druge države in jih sankcionirajo, ter posledično ubijajo nedolžne ljudi.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Financirajo razvoj in proizvodno dronov namesto razvoj in proizvodnjo zdravil. Kriv je seveda zlobni amerikanec.
No, zgleda da veš ti bolje kot Human Rights Watch, ki so opravili obsežno raziskavo na to temo.
Between November 2018 and October 2019, Human Rights Watch interviewed six Iranian medical professionals, four former or current employees of Iranian and international pharmaceutical companies, two importers of medicines, two lawyers and four trade specialists familiar with humanitarian trade with Iran, three NGO workers with firsthand knowledge about the challenges of humanitarian operations in Iran, two experts on international sanctions law, and four other experts on US government policymaking on Iran and US sanctions policy. Some of the interviewees live in Iran, and many of those interviewed either previously lived in Iran and/or continue to travel to Iran but reside outside the country. Human Rights Watch interviewed US government policy experts with direct or indirect experience of working on Iran issues. A Human Rights Watch researcher also corresponded with several Iranians who had commented on social media about the inaccessibility of needed medicine for themselves or their family members.
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
All interviewees were informed of the purpose of the interview and the ways in which the information would be used, and when requested they were given assurances of anonymity. This report uses pseudonyms for all interviewees and withholds other identifying information for individuals and companies to protect their privacy and security. None of the interviewees received financial compensation or other incentives for speaking with Human Rights Watch.
Human Rights Watch relied on available Iranian and US government official statements and analyzed economic and trade data produced by Iran’s Central Bank, Iran’s Food and Drug Administration (Sazman-e-Ghaza-va-Daroo), and Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union based in Luxembourg.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
fur80 ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni. Imajo pa tragične posledice za paciente, ki nimajo dostopa do kritičnih zdravil. Po OZN pravilih je to ilegalno, po RBO pravilih pa je to zgleda OK. RBO so dejansko evfemizem za to da ZDA lahko počnejo kar hočejo in kršijo OZN pravila, napadajo druge države in jih sankcionirajo, ter posledično ubijajo nedolžne ljudi.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Financirajo razvoj in proizvodno dronov namesto razvoj in proizvodnjo zdravil. Kriv je seveda zlobni amerikanec.
No, zgleda da veš ti bolje kot Human Rights Watch, ki so opravili obsežno raziskavo na to temo.
Between November 2018 and October 2019, Human Rights Watch interviewed six Iranian medical professionals, four former or current employees of Iranian and international pharmaceutical companies, two importers of medicines, two lawyers and four trade specialists familiar with humanitarian trade with Iran, three NGO workers with firsthand knowledge about the challenges of humanitarian operations in Iran, two experts on international sanctions law, and four other experts on US government policymaking on Iran and US sanctions policy. Some of the interviewees live in Iran, and many of those interviewed either previously lived in Iran and/or continue to travel to Iran but reside outside the country. Human Rights Watch interviewed US government policy experts with direct or indirect experience of working on Iran issues. A Human Rights Watch researcher also corresponded with several Iranians who had commented on social media about the inaccessibility of needed medicine for themselves or their family members.
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
All interviewees were informed of the purpose of the interview and the ways in which the information would be used, and when requested they were given assurances of anonymity. This report uses pseudonyms for all interviewees and withholds other identifying information for individuals and companies to protect their privacy and security. None of the interviewees received financial compensation or other incentives for speaking with Human Rights Watch.
Human Rights Watch relied on available Iranian and US government official statements and analyzed economic and trade data produced by Iran’s Central Bank, Iran’s Food and Drug Administration (Sazman-e-Ghaza-va-Daroo), and Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union based in Luxembourg.
A kar naenkrat si pa pravičnik in podpornik mednarodnega prava? Omenjat HRW je pa že skoraj bogokletno iz tvoje strani.
V čem bi bila fora sankcij, če bi lahko kupovali preko posrednikov? Bodo dali malo vec za zdravila in malo manj za vojsko pa bo, se ti ne zdi?
Namesto v drone bi vložili v zdravila za pritisk, pa bi bilo vse ok, a mi pa moramo vse razvijati oni bodo se pa samo oborozevali ostalo pa kupili na Zahodu?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Pac-Man ::
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni.
Če kot metriko učinkovitosti uporabiš teroriziranje civilne populacije. Uhjej, kdo je že počel nekaj takega, ko mu je šlo za nohte?
V-1 flying bomb @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
SG pravi, da je Wagner zasedel zadnjo cesto do Bakhmuta, Ukiji so obkroženi. Zaenkrat še nepotrjeno.
Unconfirmed!! ???? PMC Wagner have surrounded (encircled) the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk?
Advisor to Acting Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin Yan Gagin: Wagner PMC fighters went to the Artyomovsk-Chasov Yar road, which was used to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Several hundred meters have been taken under control, which makes it impossible to supply the AFU's Artemovsk garrison . Thus, the lid of the cauldron, in fact, slammed shut.
Unconfirmed!! ???? PMC Wagner have surrounded (encircled) the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk?
Advisor to Acting Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin Yan Gagin: Wagner PMC fighters went to the Artyomovsk-Chasov Yar road, which was used to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Several hundred meters have been taken under control, which makes it impossible to supply the AFU's Artemovsk garrison . Thus, the lid of the cauldron, in fact, slammed shut.
kopriwa ::
To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni.
Zapišimo tale umotvor v neskončnost interneta še enkrat: "...iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni." Gledamo pa videe kjer dronček za nekaj kEUR onesposobni kar zajeten kup železja z orkovskim mesom zraven. Šahidi pa v prazno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kopriwa ()
fur80 ::
To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni.
Zapišimo tale umotvor v neskončnost interneta še enkrat: "...iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni." Gledamo pa videe kjer dronček za nekaj kEUR onesposobni kar zajeten kup železja z orkovskim mesom zraven. Šahidi pa v prazno.
Človek sploh ne ve, da če da zahod prave drone, bo Rus začel ww3, ker bi ti droni leteli direkt na Moskvo. ;) ampak Rambutan bo trdil, da je to vse kar ima zahod! :)
Rambutan preberi kako so USA ubili zadnjega terorista z dronom. ;) kateri dron je bil in na kak način. P. S. človek je pil kavico na balkonu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
AtaŠtumf ::
Greghorian je izjavil:
Kaj je narobe z rules based order? Po domače povedano "vladavino prava"? Multipolarni svet po domače pomeni zakon močnejšega in vsakem dovoljeno vse, brez posledic.
Popoplnoma nič, dokler so rules za vse enake.
Ko pa pride do tega, da ena država lahko, druga pa ne, pa imamo probleme in opozarjamo na to!
Danes na svetu nimamo vladavine prava, ampak, kakor si sam omenil multipolarni svet.
Daj ZDA sankcije, ko napadejo kako državo, pa boš hitro videl svojo vladavino prava, ali pa recimo probaj dobiti kakega njihovega predstavnika pred ICC...
Sicer pa, če že govoriš o vladavini prava, mi lahko pokažeš zakon po katerem Slovenci sedaj pošiljamo slovenski davkoplačevalski denar in s slovenskim davkoplačevalskim denarjem kupljeno opremo v Ukrajino?
Pa tole ni kritika, da se pošilja ali karkoli že, da se ne bo narobe razumelo, samo rad bi vidil pravno podlago tega.
Pa naj te opozorim, ko boš iskal zadeve, Ukrajina ni članica NATO zavezništva, niti ni članica EU!
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Pac-Man ::
TASS in RIA imata nasprotni trditvi, ampak Rusi bi znali upokojit admiralsko ladjo severne flote, jedrsko gnano bojno križarko Pjotr Veliki. Predraga modernizacija.
“Currently, the question about withdrawing “Pyotr Velikiy” from the Navy is under consideration. Based on the experience of repairing and modernizing the “Admiral Nakhimov” of the same class has shown that this is very costly,” a navy source said to state-owned news agency TASS.
Like in many speculations on the fate of older navy vessels, Russian state media send mixed information. Shortly after the TASS report came on Thursday, RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed source saying there are no plans to retire the huge warship.
The name of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser The Pyotr Veliky will be given to a project 955A Borey-A class strategic nuclear-powered submarine after the cruiser is withdrawn from the Russian Navy, a naval source told TASS.
Earlier, a source told TASS that The Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser may be withdrawn from the Russian Navy.
Russian battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy @ Wikipedia
“Currently, the question about withdrawing “Pyotr Velikiy” from the Navy is under consideration. Based on the experience of repairing and modernizing the “Admiral Nakhimov” of the same class has shown that this is very costly,” a navy source said to state-owned news agency TASS.
Like in many speculations on the fate of older navy vessels, Russian state media send mixed information. Shortly after the TASS report came on Thursday, RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed source saying there are no plans to retire the huge warship.
The name of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser The Pyotr Veliky will be given to a project 955A Borey-A class strategic nuclear-powered submarine after the cruiser is withdrawn from the Russian Navy, a naval source told TASS.
Earlier, a source told TASS that The Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser may be withdrawn from the Russian Navy.
Russian battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Ampak pol leta nazaj si pisal pod drugim nickom da sankcije ne delujejo, da bo Zahod zmrznil, bla bla bla.
Zakaj sedaj jok in stok čez nekaj kar itak ne deluje?
Saj če znajo uran bogatit, bojo pa valda še par tablet naštancal? Aja za tisto ni denarja, more zlobni zahod razvijat. Naj Rusi ali pa Kinezi razvijejo, pa bodo sankcije za Iran dim v vetru.
Sankcije seveda ne delujejo proti Iranu na vojaškem področju. To se lepo vidi v Ukrajini, kjer so iranski droni dosti bolj učinkoviti kot zahodni. Imajo pa tragične posledice za paciente, ki nimajo dostopa do kritičnih zdravil. Po OZN pravilih je to ilegalno, po RBO pravilih pa je to zgleda OK. RBO so dejansko evfemizem za to da ZDA lahko počnejo kar hočejo in kršijo OZN pravila, napadajo druge države in jih sankcionirajo, ter posledično ubijajo nedolžne ljudi.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Financirajo razvoj in proizvodno dronov namesto razvoj in proizvodnjo zdravil. Kriv je seveda zlobni amerikanec.
No, zgleda da veš ti bolje kot Human Rights Watch, ki so opravili obsežno raziskavo na to temo.
Between November 2018 and October 2019, Human Rights Watch interviewed six Iranian medical professionals, four former or current employees of Iranian and international pharmaceutical companies, two importers of medicines, two lawyers and four trade specialists familiar with humanitarian trade with Iran, three NGO workers with firsthand knowledge about the challenges of humanitarian operations in Iran, two experts on international sanctions law, and four other experts on US government policymaking on Iran and US sanctions policy. Some of the interviewees live in Iran, and many of those interviewed either previously lived in Iran and/or continue to travel to Iran but reside outside the country. Human Rights Watch interviewed US government policy experts with direct or indirect experience of working on Iran issues. A Human Rights Watch researcher also corresponded with several Iranians who had commented on social media about the inaccessibility of needed medicine for themselves or their family members.
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
All interviewees were informed of the purpose of the interview and the ways in which the information would be used, and when requested they were given assurances of anonymity. This report uses pseudonyms for all interviewees and withholds other identifying information for individuals and companies to protect their privacy and security. None of the interviewees received financial compensation or other incentives for speaking with Human Rights Watch.
Human Rights Watch relied on available Iranian and US government official statements and analyzed economic and trade data produced by Iran’s Central Bank, Iran’s Food and Drug Administration (Sazman-e-Ghaza-va-Daroo), and Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union based in Luxembourg.
In kaj so ugotovili?
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
Ni sankcij na uvoz zdravil v Iran. Iranci denar namenjajo za razvoj jedrskega orožja,financiranje teroristov in razvoj dronov. Denar namenijo za tisto kar jim je pomembno. Zdravje prebivalstva jim očitno ni prioriteta.
Rambutan ::
In kaj so ugotovili?
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
Ni sankcij na uvoz zdravil v Iran. Iranci denar namenjajo za razvoj jedrskega orožja,financiranje teroristov in razvoj dronov. Denar namenijo za tisto kar jim je pomembno. Zdravje prebivalstva jim očitno ni prioriteta.
Ugotovili so to, kar sem že prej povedal, čeprav sankcij na zdravila ni, se proizvajalci in distributerji zaradi sekundarnih sankcij bojijo poslovati z Iranom, zato so ljudje brez kritičnih zdravil.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Komu zdravje prebivalstva ni prioriteta, si pa lahko pogledaš spodaj:
Rambutan ::
TASS in RIA imata nasprotni trditvi, ampak Rusi bi znali upokojit admiralsko ladjo severne flote, jedrsko gnano bojno križarko Pjotr Veliki. Predraga modernizacija.
“Currently, the question about withdrawing “Pyotr Velikiy” from the Navy is under consideration. Based on the experience of repairing and modernizing the “Admiral Nakhimov” of the same class has shown that this is very costly,” a navy source said to state-owned news agency TASS.
Like in many speculations on the fate of older navy vessels, Russian state media send mixed information. Shortly after the TASS report came on Thursday, RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed source saying there are no plans to retire the huge warship.
The name of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser The Pyotr Veliky will be given to a project 955A Borey-A class strategic nuclear-powered submarine after the cruiser is withdrawn from the Russian Navy, a naval source told TASS.
Earlier, a source told TASS that The Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser may be withdrawn from the Russian Navy.
Russian battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy @ Wikipedia
V času, ko imajo Rusi hipersonične rakete, ki jih NATO ne more prestreči, so letalonosilke lahke tarče. Potopitev ene letalonosilke povzroči ogromno škodo. V prihodnosti bo tudi Američanom verjetno uspelo izdelati hipersonične rakete, zato ruska odločitev sploh ni neumna.
TheBlueOne ::
V času, ko imajo Rusi hipersonične rakete, ki jih NATO ne more prestreči, so letalonosilke lahke tarče. Potopitev ene letalonosilke povzroči ogromno škodo. V prihodnosti bo tudi Američanom verjetno uspelo izdelati hipersonične rakete, zato ruska odločitev sploh ni neumna.
Je kar neumna, ker ti letalonosilke ne bodo postregli, ce imas tako kapaciteto. Posebej neumna, ce ti manjkajo osnove, ti pa vlagas v drage igracke.
Imas tudi vprasanje natancnosti. Letalonosilka pac ne bo cakala na mestu, niti ti ne bo porocala o tem kje je. Sicer pa ti povej kaj pametnega so sklatili s hipersonicnimi raketami.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()
fur80 ::
TASS in RIA imata nasprotni trditvi, ampak Rusi bi znali upokojit admiralsko ladjo severne flote, jedrsko gnano bojno križarko Pjotr Veliki. Predraga modernizacija.
“Currently, the question about withdrawing “Pyotr Velikiy” from the Navy is under consideration. Based on the experience of repairing and modernizing the “Admiral Nakhimov” of the same class has shown that this is very costly,” a navy source said to state-owned news agency TASS.
Like in many speculations on the fate of older navy vessels, Russian state media send mixed information. Shortly after the TASS report came on Thursday, RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed source saying there are no plans to retire the huge warship.
The name of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser The Pyotr Veliky will be given to a project 955A Borey-A class strategic nuclear-powered submarine after the cruiser is withdrawn from the Russian Navy, a naval source told TASS.
Earlier, a source told TASS that The Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser may be withdrawn from the Russian Navy.
Russian battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy @ Wikipedia
V času, ko imajo Rusi hipersonične rakete, ki jih NATO ne more prestreči, so letalonosilke lahke tarče. Potopitev ene letalonosilke povzroči ogromno škodo. V prihodnosti bo tudi Američanom verjetno uspelo izdelati hipersonične rakete, zato ruska odločitev sploh ni neumna.
HAha, ne moreš verjet. Rusi so zaj* USA in nimajo nobene letalonosilke, torej iz tega velja, da USA ni sposobna potopiti ruske letalonosilke. Lahko malo opišeš kako in na kak način Rus na enostaven način potopi premikajočo USA letalonosilko in s čim?
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
V času, ko imajo Rusi hipersonične rakete, ki jih NATO ne more prestreči, so letalonosilke lahke tarče. Potopitev ene letalonosilke povzroči ogromno škodo. V prihodnosti bo tudi Američanom verjetno uspelo izdelati hipersonične rakete, zato ruska odločitev sploh ni neumna.
Je kar neumna, ker ti letalonosilke ne bodo postregli, ce imas tako kapaciteto. Posebej neumna, ce ti manjkajo osnove, ti pa vlagas v drage igracke.
Imas tudi vprasanje natancnosti. Letalonosilka pac ne bo cakala na mestu, niti ti ne bo porocala o tem kje je. Sicer pa ti povej kaj pametnega so sklatili s hipersonicnimi raketami.
Si mi vzel is ust, to tudi mene zanima?! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
fur80 ::
Se nekaj me zanima Rambutan, misliš, da bodo Rusi za napad na ameriške letalonosilke uporabili GPS od ameriške vojske? Čeprav niso plačali naročnine? :)
Rambutan ::
Rusi imajo hipersonične protiladijske rakete Cirkon, doseg 1500km, z možnostjo jedrske glave. Ni mi pa jasno, kako si vi predstavljate, da bodo Američani lahko skrili svoje letalonosilke da Kitajci in Rusi ne bi vedeli kje so.
3M22 Zircon @ Wikipedia
The high speed of the Zircon likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles, such as Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost eleven times as fast as Tomahawk, the Zircon has more than 242 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (?9 gigajoules, or equal to 2,150 kg TNT explosive energy). Its claimed Mach 9 speed would mean that it cannot be intercepted by existing missile defence systems, and its precision would make it lethal to large targets such as aircraft carriers.[53][54]
Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2.7 km/s). This has led to concerns[neutrality is disputed] that it could penetrate existing naval defense systems.[55] Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (plasma stealth).[56] However, this also blinds any radar or IR seeker on the missile. With plasma stealth, hypersonic-speed and sea skimming technique, intercepting a flying Zircon is extremely difficult, if at all feasible at the current level of technology. The final section of the trajectory is completed in minimal time (under 10 seconds), so the enemy will likely not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures to intercept it.[57] Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary.[58]
3M22 Zircon @ Wikipedia
The high speed of the Zircon likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles, such as Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost eleven times as fast as Tomahawk, the Zircon has more than 242 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (?9 gigajoules, or equal to 2,150 kg TNT explosive energy). Its claimed Mach 9 speed would mean that it cannot be intercepted by existing missile defence systems, and its precision would make it lethal to large targets such as aircraft carriers.[53][54]
Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2.7 km/s). This has led to concerns[neutrality is disputed] that it could penetrate existing naval defense systems.[55] Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (plasma stealth).[56] However, this also blinds any radar or IR seeker on the missile. With plasma stealth, hypersonic-speed and sea skimming technique, intercepting a flying Zircon is extremely difficult, if at all feasible at the current level of technology. The final section of the trajectory is completed in minimal time (under 10 seconds), so the enemy will likely not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures to intercept it.[57] Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary.[58]
fur80 ::
Rusi imajo hipersonične protiladijske rakete Cirkon, doseg 1500km, z možnostjo jedrske glave. Ni mi pa jasno, kako si vi predstavljate, da bodo Američani lahko skrili svoje letalonosilke da Kitajci in Rusi ne bi vedeli kje so.
3M22 Zircon @ Wikipedia
The high speed of the Zircon likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles, such as Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost eleven times as fast as Tomahawk, the Zircon has more than 242 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (?9 gigajoules, or equal to 2,150 kg TNT explosive energy). Its claimed Mach 9 speed would mean that it cannot be intercepted by existing missile defence systems, and its precision would make it lethal to large targets such as aircraft carriers.[53][54]
Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2.7 km/s). This has led to concerns[neutrality is disputed] that it could penetrate existing naval defense systems.[55] Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (plasma stealth).[56] However, this also blinds any radar or IR seeker on the missile. With plasma stealth, hypersonic-speed and sea skimming technique, intercepting a flying Zircon is extremely difficult, if at all feasible at the current level of technology. The final section of the trajectory is completed in minimal time (under 10 seconds), so the enemy will likely not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures to intercept it.[57] Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary.[58]
Tako kot so ono ministrico, ki je šla na Taivan! ;) hehe
Pa v tistem bo tudi priletelo marsikaj nazaj. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
gozdar1 ::
Rusi nimajo letalonosilk = letalonosilke so neuporabne.
Rusi imajo težave s stealthom = stealth je neuporaben.
Izgleda kot vzorec.
Sicer pa ta mit o ruskih hipersoničnih raketah, ki potaplajo vse v rAradiju 1000 km je še na bolj trhlih nogah, kot risanje krogov okrog s400,..
Dejansko pa so dosedaj pokazali samo modificifan iskaender namontiran na mig31.
Rusi imajo težave s stealthom = stealth je neuporaben.
Izgleda kot vzorec.
Sicer pa ta mit o ruskih hipersoničnih raketah, ki potaplajo vse v rAradiju 1000 km je še na bolj trhlih nogah, kot risanje krogov okrog s400,..
Dejansko pa so dosedaj pokazali samo modificifan iskaender namontiran na mig31.
Rambutan ::
Se nekaj me zanima Rambutan, misliš, da bodo Rusi za napad na ameriške letalonosilke uporabili GPS od ameriške vojske? Čeprav niso plačali naročnine? :)
Nisi še slišal da imajo Rusi svoj sistem satelitske navigacije? Nekam preveč podcenjujete nasprotnika, to nikoli ni dobro.
GLONASS @ Wikipedia
Utk ::
Sem precej prepričan, da bojo prej imeli Američani nekaj kar prestreže ta rakete kot pa bojo Rusi to raketo uporabili proti Američanom. Tudi če ruknejo eno letalonosilko, tudi če jo bi res potopila, mislim da se ne bi Rusi zadnji smejali. Pa tudi doseg 1500 km ni spet tolk. Lahko Američani tudi dovolj daleč pustijo letalonosilke in vseeno delajo škodo iz njih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()
LightBit ::
Torej bo Rusija z hipersoničnimi raketami potopila Ameriške letalonosilke in tako prinesla mir in pravičnost?
mackilla ::
In kaj so ugotovili?
Human Rights Watch reached out to 27 pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies that have sold products in the Iranian market, requesting information on the impact of re-imposed sanctions on their exports to the Iranian market. At the time of publication, three companies had declined to provide any information while the others failed to respond altogether. A copy of the letter sent to these companies is available in Appendix I.
Ni sankcij na uvoz zdravil v Iran. Iranci denar namenjajo za razvoj jedrskega orožja,financiranje teroristov in razvoj dronov. Denar namenijo za tisto kar jim je pomembno. Zdravje prebivalstva jim očitno ni prioriteta.
Ugotovili so to, kar sem že prej povedal, čeprav sankcij na zdravila ni, se proizvajalci in distributerji zaradi sekundarnih sankcij bojijo poslovati z Iranom, zato so ljudje brez kritičnih zdravil.
The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.
Komu zdravje prebivalstva ni prioriteta, si pa lahko pogledaš spodaj:
Iranci imajo denar in lahko zdravila kupijo pri svojih ruskih in drugih BRICS prijateljih. Oziroma,če znajo narediti boljše drone od zahoda lahko naredijo tudi boljša zdravila kot mi.
In kdo je zdaj kriv za slabo stanje ameriškega zdravstva? A so krivi Iranci?
Če bo Rusom zmanjkalo denarja za zdravila ne bodo krive sankcije ampak bodo krivi sami,ker so denar porabili za vojno. Isto je pri Iranu.
Rambutan ::
Sem precej prepričan, da bojo prej imeli Američani nekaj kar prestreže ta rakete kot pa bojo Rusi to raketo uporabili proti Američanom. Tudi če ruknejo eno letalonosilko, tudi če jo bi res potopila, mislim da se ne bi Rusi zadnji smejali. Pa tudi doseg 1500 km ni spet tolk. Lahko Američani tudi dovolj daleč pustijo letalonosilke in vseeno delajo škodo iz njih.
Lahko jih izstrelijo tudi iz podmornice...
The 3M22 Zircon[14] also spelled as 3M22 Tsirkon (Russian: Циркон, NATO reporting name: SS-N-33)[15] is a scramjet powered maneuvering anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile produced by Russia,[16][17] for the Russian Navy which has launch platforms on frigates and submarines.[18]
Utk ::
Ja, če bi bila to prva poteza. Ker prva ameriška poteza bi bila potopitev cele ruske flote, to je jasno. Pred tem ne bi letalonosilke (spet) niti blizu prišle.
TheBlueOne ::
Rusi imajo hipersonične protiladijske rakete Cirkon, doseg 1500km, z možnostjo jedrske glave. Ni mi pa jasno, kako si vi predstavljate, da bodo Američani lahko skrili svoje letalonosilke da Kitajci in Rusi ne bi vedeli kje so.
Od 1500km bos pac tezko zadel zadevo, ki je v najboljsem primeru 300m, ce ti pusti, da jo streljas od strani. Posebej glede na to kar vidimo pri natancnosti dosti pocasnejsih ruskih raket. In se potem upostevaj, da je kar nekaj sistemov, ki so naceloma sposobni motiti senzorje, sposobni sestreliti raketo ceprav je hitra, kakor tus metkov v zadnji liniji. In se kaksen rusilec se ti bo verjetno postavil vmes.
In tudi, ce jim uspe je to defakto samomor. Verjetno si malo izpostavljen ruski propagandi, ker dajes obcutek, da ti ni jasno kako dalec so ZDA pred Rusi v smislu vojske. Kaj sele, ce gledas cel NATO.
V primeru takega odprtega napada, posebej, ce bi bil jederski verjetno Rusija v kratkem roku ne bi imela kaj dosti vec od vojske, morda bi se sla apokalipsa, kaj drugega pa prakticno ni sans.
sparklyslo ::
Rusi imajo hipersonične protiladijske rakete Cirkon, doseg 1500km, z možnostjo jedrske glave. Ni mi pa jasno, kako si vi predstavljate, da bodo Američani lahko skrili svoje letalonosilke da Kitajci in Rusi ne bi vedeli kje so.
3M22 Zircon @ Wikipedia
The high speed of the Zircon likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles, such as Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost eleven times as fast as Tomahawk, the Zircon has more than 242 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (?9 gigajoules, or equal to 2,150 kg TNT explosive energy). Its claimed Mach 9 speed would mean that it cannot be intercepted by existing missile defence systems, and its precision would make it lethal to large targets such as aircraft carriers.[53][54]
Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2.7 km/s). This has led to concerns[neutrality is disputed] that it could penetrate existing naval defense systems.[55] Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (plasma stealth).[56] However, this also blinds any radar or IR seeker on the missile. With plasma stealth, hypersonic-speed and sea skimming technique, intercepting a flying Zircon is extremely difficult, if at all feasible at the current level of technology. The final section of the trajectory is completed in minimal time (under 10 seconds), so the enemy will likely not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures to intercept it.[57] Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary.[58]
Velika hitrost pomeni težave za manevriranje. Premikajoče tarče, recimo letalonosilka z vsem spremstvom, lahko naredi več km, preden jo raketa zadane.
Rambutan ::
Ja, če bi bila to prva poteza. Ker prva ameriška poteza bi bila potopitev cele ruske flote, to je jasno. Pred tem ne bi letalonosilke (spet) niti blizu prišle.
Good luck potopiti podmornico...
Michael Peterson, director of the Russia Maritime Studies Institute (RMSI), which researches the Russian military, said: “There are indications that “nuclear-powered submarines have been deploying off the coast of the United States and into the Mediterranean and elsewhere along Europe periphery.”
TheBlueOne ::
Ja, če bi bila to prva poteza. Ker prva ameriška poteza bi bila potopitev cele ruske flote, to je jasno. Pred tem ne bi letalonosilke (spet) niti blizu prišle.
Bolj del prve poteze.
Good luck potopiti podmornico...
Tudi ni nemogoce ampak kaj pa ti koristi, ce je tvoj zadnji asset? Bos sel v jezi unicit svet in posledicno vse svoje ljudi?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()
mackilla ::
Očitno je Zirkon novi ruski wunderwaffe aka gamechanger. Rusi bodo potapljali ameriške letalonosilke Američani bodo pa samo debelo gledali. Ne vem zakaj jih potem ne uporabijo. Američani tako ne morejo nič. Kdo bi vedel. Mogoče vesta History legends in Garoman?
Rambutan ::
Očitno je Zirkon novi ruski wunderwaffe aka gamechanger. Rusi bodo potapljali ameriške letalonosilke Američani bodo pa samo debelo gledali. Ne vem zakaj jih potem ne uporabijo. Američani tako ne morejo nič. Kdo bi vedel. Mogoče vesta History legends in Garoman?
Mogoče nočejo sprožiti WW3? Dovolj dober razlog?
gozdar1 ::
Dejansko rabiš najprej stvar najti in usešno slediti, ker letalonosilka ni ravno ladja ki se v vojni potika ob obalah. Pa ne začet o satelitih, ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
TheBlueOne ::
Mogoče nočejo sprožiti WW3? Dovolj dober razlog?
Ma nemoj. Morda ne bi zato, ker bi imajo dve opciji.
1. Sramotno izgubijo
2. Izgubijo ampak jih nima biti pred kom sram, ker so unicili clovestvo.
Dejansko rabiš najprej stvar najti in usešno slediti, ker letalonosilka ni ravno ladja ki se v vojni potika ob obalah. Pa ne začet o satelitih, ...
Tile tipi si 1500km predstavljajo kot 1500m.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()
mackilla ::
Očitno je Zirkon novi ruski wunderwaffe aka gamechanger. Rusi bodo potapljali ameriške letalonosilke Američani bodo pa samo debelo gledali. Ne vem zakaj jih potem ne uporabijo. Američani tako ne morejo nič. Kdo bi vedel. Mogoče vesta History legends in Garoman?
Mogoče nočejo sprožiti WW3? Dovolj dober razlog?
Se pravi,da ti wunderwaffe aka gamechanger Zirkon ne pomaga popolnoma nič. Dobro si pogruntal.
101teflon ::
Residents of Belgorod, Russia, who inadvertently posted footage of their destroyed homes, will be sued for "discrediting the Russian military".
Ne moreš verjet stopnji klovnovstva v Rusiji
Potem ko je pijani pilot odvrgel bombo na Rusko mesto.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 101teflon ()
Rambutan ::
Spet nov paket ameriške pomoči. Kot ponavadi spet brez konkretnih številk. Če malo izračunamo, bi za 325M dobili 100k 155mm granat ali pa 3.200 Himars raket. Ker bo seveda v paketu še drugo orožje, so trditve o enormnih količinah naravnost smešne
The U.S. is sending Ukraine about $325 million in additional military aid, including an enormous amount of artillery rounds and ammunition as the launch of the spring offensive against Russian forces approaches, the Pentagon said Wednesday.
The U.S. has declined to say exactly how much munitions will be sent to Ukraine, but the latest package resembles other recent deliveries, which included rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, and howitzers, as well as an array of other missiles and anti-tank ammunition. It will all be pulled from Pentagon stocks, so it can go quickly to the front lines.
The new U.S. aid package includes demolition munitions to clear routes, more than 9 million rounds of small arms ammunition, four logistics support vehicles, spare parts, and equipment for harbor security and maintenance and repair.
The U.S. is sending Ukraine about $325 million in additional military aid, including an enormous amount of artillery rounds and ammunition as the launch of the spring offensive against Russian forces approaches, the Pentagon said Wednesday.
The U.S. has declined to say exactly how much munitions will be sent to Ukraine, but the latest package resembles other recent deliveries, which included rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, and howitzers, as well as an array of other missiles and anti-tank ammunition. It will all be pulled from Pentagon stocks, so it can go quickly to the front lines.
The new U.S. aid package includes demolition munitions to clear routes, more than 9 million rounds of small arms ammunition, four logistics support vehicles, spare parts, and equipment for harbor security and maintenance and repair.
TheBlueOne ::
Spet nov paket ameriške pomoči. Kot ponavadi spet brez konkretnih številk. Če malo izračunamo, bi za 325M dobili 100k 155mm granat ali pa 3.200 Himars raket. Ker bo seveda v paketu še drugo orožje, so trditve o enormnih količinah naravnost smešne
Pa kaj ste neka ekipa propagandistov, da te ne zmoti biti demantiran in samo zamenjas temo. Bolj kot poves kaj zanimivega dajes lazni obcutek, da je ruska propaganda morda kolikortoliko kredibilna, ker jo vsaj nekdo povzema.
gozdar1 ::
Dejstvo je da je ruska operacija neuspeh. To je dovolj zgovorno, pa če se ruska proaganda na glavo postavi.
Utk ::
fur80 ::
Dejstvo je da je ruska operacija neuspeh. To je dovolj zgovorno, pa če se ruska proaganda na glavo postavi.
No no, to je sicer res, da imajo probleme z Ukrajino, ampak če bi se vključila še USA z letalonosilkami, bi jih pa potopili kot za šalo...
Wagner bi bil v 3-eh dneh v New Yorku, čez en mesec pa že v Las Vegasu!
gozdar1 ::
Dejstvo je da je ruska operacija neuspeh. To je dovolj zgovorno, pa če se ruska proaganda na glavo postavi.
No no, to je sicer res, da imajo probleme z Ukrajino, ampak če bi se vključila še USA z letalonosilkami, bi jih pa potopili kot za šalo...
Wagner bi bil v 3-eh dneh v New Yorku, čez en mesec pa že v Las Vegasu!
New York, Ukraine @ Wikipedia
mackilla ::
Dejstvo je da je ruska operacija neuspeh. To je dovolj zgovorno, pa če se ruska proaganda na glavo postavi.
No no, to je sicer res, da imajo probleme z Ukrajino, ampak če bi se vključila še USA z letalonosilkami, bi jih pa potopili kot za šalo...
Če bi ukrajinci imeli letalonosilke bi Rusi že zdavnaj zmagali