Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Lesoto ::
Fora je v tem, da je Mediazone takrat našel več kot 6600 mrtvih ruskih Rusov. Shoigu pa manj kot 6k :D
Rambutan ::
Fora je v tem, da je Mediazone takrat našel več kot 6600 mrtvih ruskih Rusov. Shoigu pa manj kot 6k :D
Rusi objavljajo cifre s 14 dnevnim zamikom, se pa podatki ruskega MOD v grobem skladajo z Mediazono.
Glede ocen ruskega MOD za ukrajinske žrtev sem malo na pamet povedal, zgleda da že nekaj časa ne objavljajo več številk. Spodaj je še par ocen ukrajinskih KIA, ni se treba obešat na točnost, so samo ocene. Resnične podatke pa bomo zvedeli po koncu vojne...
How about the Mossad, that claim as of January 14th Ukraine had 157.000 KIA, or Valery Zaluzhny who informed the pentagon about 257.000 KIA a claim supported by Douglas MacGregor, or Stratfor company that put the number around 305K, or Scott Ritter's estimate of under 300K???
mojsterleo ::
Fora je v tem, da je Mediazone takrat našel več kot 6600 mrtvih ruskih Rusov. Shoigu pa manj kot 6k :D
Sej to ni veliko presenečenje. Kot je povedal prebegli Putinov varnostnik, je Putin paranoičen, distancira se od vseh zunanjih virov informacij. 'Verjame' samo informacijam, ki mu jih dostavljajo najbližji sodelavci. Jasno je, da je Putin o vojni dezinformiran, odločitve sprejema na podlagi deloma izmišljenih dejstev bližnjih sodelavcev. Zato tako pogoste menjave in reorganizacije na vrhu Ruskega GŠ v zadnjem času.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mojsterleo ()
mackilla ::
Fora je v tem, da je Mediazone takrat našel več kot 6600 mrtvih ruskih Rusov. Shoigu pa manj kot 6k :D
Rusi objavljajo cifre s 14 dnevnim zamikom, se pa podatki ruskega MOD v grobem skladajo z Mediazono.
Glede ocen ruskega MOD za ukrajinske žrtev sem malo na pamet povedal, zgleda da že nekaj časa ne objavljajo več številk. Spodaj je še par ocen ukrajinskih KIA, ni se treba obešat na točnost, so samo ocene. Resnične podatke pa bomo zvedeli po koncu vojne...
How about the Mossad, that claim as of January 14th Ukraine had 157.000 KIA, or Valery Zaluzhny who informed the pentagon about 257.000 KIA a claim supported by Douglas MacGregor, or Stratfor company that put the number around 305K, or Scott Ritter's estimate of under 300K???
Douglas McGregor in Scott Ritter. Manja samo še Medvedev z napovedmi o zamrznjenih evropejcih pa je freak show kompleten. 300k mrtvih bi pomenilo še najmanj 600k ranjenih. Ajde zaokrožimo kar na en milijon žrtev na fronti,ker v zaledju so zrtve minimalne. Moderna vojska ima vsaj dve tretjini vojakov v zaledju. Se pravi,da so imeli Ukrajinci tri milijone vojakov. Ob takšnih izgubah bi ranjeni lezali po vseh bolnišnicah v Ukrajini in na parkiriščih in pločnikih,ker ne bi bilo prostora. Bolj verjetno bi bilo,če bi Medvedev napovedal,da bodo do konca leta izdelali 500k Armat in tri death star vesoljske postaje.
Rambutan ::
Ukiji pa imajo novo raketo zgleda, Grom-2. Preletela čez 400km.
Russian source Rybar claims Ukraine fired Grom-2/Hrim-2 short-range ballistic missile on Crimea, Feodosia today from Odesa.
Reports suggest it was shot down by S-300 air defence system.
The distance from the launching point to Feodosia in a straight line is 415 km.
Russian source Rybar claims Ukraine fired Grom-2/Hrim-2 short-range ballistic missile on Crimea, Feodosia today from Odesa.
Reports suggest it was shot down by S-300 air defence system.
The distance from the launching point to Feodosia in a straight line is 415 km.
mackilla ::
Ukiji pa imajo novo raketo zgleda, Grom-2. Preletela čez 400km.
Russian source Rybar claims Ukraine fired Grom-2/Hrim-2 short-range ballistic missile on Crimea, Feodosia today from Odesa.
Reports suggest it was shot down by S-300 air defence system.
The distance from the launching point to Feodosia in a straight line is 415 km.
Ne verjamem. Sam si povedal,da so ruski blogerji nivo NoraTV. Počakajmo,da potrdi Medvedev.
Lesoto ::
o0o0o0o0o0 ::
Če ima rusija tako malo mrtvih in UA tako veliko, zakaj je RU mobilizirala 300k pijancev in se ne premakne nikamor na fronti?
Moraš biti res orangutan, da verjameš tem številkam
Moraš biti res orangutan, da verjameš tem številkam
Rambutan ::
Rusi objavljajo cifre s 14 dnevnim zamikom, se pa podatki ruskega MOD v grobem skladajo z Mediazono.
Lej, zopet lažeš. Rusi prav nič ne objavljajo s 14-dnevnim zamikom. NIČ ne objavljajo.
14 dni si si izmislil, da si vkalkuliral razliko med 6k in 6.6k.
Na začetku so objavljali ruske KIA, zadnje čase pa jih ne več. Teh 14 dni zamika sem slišal tukaj, 9min40s.
Zepter101 ::
Rusi objavljajo cifre s 14 dnevnim zamikom, se pa podatki ruskega MOD v grobem skladajo z Mediazono.
Lej, zopet lažeš. Rusi prav nič ne objavljajo s 14-dnevnim zamikom. NIČ ne objavljajo.
14 dni si si izmislil, da si vkalkuliral razliko med 6k in 6.6k.
Na začetku so objavljali ruske KIA, zadnje čase pa jih ne več. Teh 14 dni zamika sem slišal tukaj, 9min40s.
Prodajaš bučke in lažeš.
Rusi so morali mobikizirat 300k folka, da se jim obramba ni sesula.
To pove vse.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zepter101 ()
Rambutan ::
Ruske številke za ukrajinske KIA so samo ocene. Ruski podatki za lastne KIA iz septembra so bili pa dokaj blizu ocenam Meduze. Zaključujem debato o tem zaenkrat.
Casualty data reported by Russian defense minister contradicts ministry's previous reports
9:13 pm, September 21, 2022Source: Meduza
Between February and 24 and September 20, Russian Defense Ministry representative Igor Konashenkov reported a total of at least 83,000 Ukrainian troop losses in his daily reports, according to the investigative outlet Agentstvo.
On September 21, however, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported that there had been 61,207 losses on the Ukrainian side.
In addition, Shoigu's statement put Russia's own troop losses at 5,937 since the start of the war. The BBC Russian Service and the independent outlet Mediazona, however, used open sources to confirm the deaths of more than 6,000 Russian soldiers in the war as of September. On September 21, Mediazona reported that more than 6,600 Russian losses had been confirmed.
Casualty data reported by Russian defense minister contradicts ministry's previous reports
9:13 pm, September 21, 2022Source: Meduza
Between February and 24 and September 20, Russian Defense Ministry representative Igor Konashenkov reported a total of at least 83,000 Ukrainian troop losses in his daily reports, according to the investigative outlet Agentstvo.
On September 21, however, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported that there had been 61,207 losses on the Ukrainian side.
In addition, Shoigu's statement put Russia's own troop losses at 5,937 since the start of the war. The BBC Russian Service and the independent outlet Mediazona, however, used open sources to confirm the deaths of more than 6,000 Russian soldiers in the war as of September. On September 21, Mediazona reported that more than 6,600 Russian losses had been confirmed.
T440 ::
Sam spremljam podcast Malcontent News. Redno dnevno update-ajo oceno trenutnega stanja in zaenkrat nimam razloga, da bi menil, da so pristranski. Tole so poudarki iz njihovega zadnje izdaje (včeraj):
1. Večja nevarnost obsežnejšega ruskega raketiranja v tem tednu - povezano s premiki črnomorske flote in aktivnostmi ruskih letalskih sil (VKS) ter prihajajočo pravoslavno veliko nočjo;
2. Ocenjujejo, da so Rusi sami vključeni v artilerijsko obstreljevanja (shelling) regije Donetsk z namenom povečati podporo vojni v okupiranih območjih;
3. Vse bolj se povečujejo verska in nacionalistična trenja, katera aktivno vzpodbuja tudi ruska pravoslavna cerkev;
4. Ruske vojaške sile so na terenu v veliki meri nepripravljene za boj (combat ineffective), ves potencial je trenutno zbran okrog Bakhmuta;
5. Ukrajinska obramba Bakhmuta je v finalni fazi; ocenjujejo, da bo ruska vojska naredila vse, da osvoji Bakhmut, ne glede na število žrtev (ni pa indicev, da bi Rusija razen konvencionalnega orožja posegala po radiološkem, biološkem ali kemičnem orožju);
7. Rusija se sooča s pomanjkanjem streliva, predvsem je za Rusijo kritično pomanjkanje proti-tankovskih raket;
8. Visoko ostaja tveganje jedrske nesreče v Zaporožju zaradi targetiranja ukrajinskega električnega omrežja s strani Rusije;
9. Rusija si aktivno prizadeva za destabilizacijo Moldavije in Gruzije in ustaviti njuna prizadevanja za približevanje EU.
1. Večja nevarnost obsežnejšega ruskega raketiranja v tem tednu - povezano s premiki črnomorske flote in aktivnostmi ruskih letalskih sil (VKS) ter prihajajočo pravoslavno veliko nočjo;
2. Ocenjujejo, da so Rusi sami vključeni v artilerijsko obstreljevanja (shelling) regije Donetsk z namenom povečati podporo vojni v okupiranih območjih;
3. Vse bolj se povečujejo verska in nacionalistična trenja, katera aktivno vzpodbuja tudi ruska pravoslavna cerkev;
4. Ruske vojaške sile so na terenu v veliki meri nepripravljene za boj (combat ineffective), ves potencial je trenutno zbran okrog Bakhmuta;
5. Ukrajinska obramba Bakhmuta je v finalni fazi; ocenjujejo, da bo ruska vojska naredila vse, da osvoji Bakhmut, ne glede na število žrtev (ni pa indicev, da bi Rusija razen konvencionalnega orožja posegala po radiološkem, biološkem ali kemičnem orožju);
7. Rusija se sooča s pomanjkanjem streliva, predvsem je za Rusijo kritično pomanjkanje proti-tankovskih raket;
8. Visoko ostaja tveganje jedrske nesreče v Zaporožju zaradi targetiranja ukrajinskega električnega omrežja s strani Rusije;
9. Rusija si aktivno prizadeva za destabilizacijo Moldavije in Gruzije in ustaviti njuna prizadevanja za približevanje EU.
scythe ::
Ruske številke za ukrajinske KIA so samo ocene. Ruski podatki za lastne KIA iz septembra so bili pa dokaj blizu ocenam Meduze. Zaključujem debato o tem zaenkrat.
Casualty data reported by Russian defense minister contradicts ministry's previous reports
9:13 pm, September 21, 2022Source: Meduza
Between February and 24 and September 20, Russian Defense Ministry representative Igor Konashenkov reported a total of at least 83,000 Ukrainian troop losses in his daily reports, according to the investigative outlet Agentstvo.
On September 21, however, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported that there had been 61,207 losses on the Ukrainian side.
In addition, Shoigu's statement put Russia's own troop losses at 5,937 since the start of the war. The BBC Russian Service and the independent outlet Mediazona, however, used open sources to confirm the deaths of more than 6,000 Russian soldiers in the war as of September. On September 21, Mediazona reported that more than 6,600 Russian losses had been confirmed.
Resnične izgube bodo jasne po koncu vojne, prej je pa vse skupaj propaganda in ugibanje. Rus lahko napiše, da ima ukrajina 300k mrtvih, isto lahko napiše ukrajina za ruse, vse skupaj pa je ugibanje. Samo vprašaj se, kdo je prva žrtev v vojni in ti bo vse jasno.
Glede izgube tehnične opreme, je pa Oryx najbližje resničnim številkam, saj imajo slikovno potrditev.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Chalky ::
Dober video. Sicer mi Rubio nikoli ni bi všeč ampak tule mu dam pa prav. Tega Macrona je potrebno spraviti v red ker to kar ta počne Evropi je res milo rečeno ogabno. To glede Severne Afrika je dobro izpostavil. Če bi imel Macron dovolj močno vojsko bi še danes kradel dobrine Afriki, hvala bogu Francija nima teh vojaških sposobnosti in zdaj Macrona to izjemno skrbi.
Dober video. Sicer mi Rubio nikoli ni bi všeč ampak tule mu dam pa prav. Tega Macrona je potrebno spraviti v red ker to kar ta počne Evropi je res milo rečeno ogabno. To glede Severne Afrika je dobro izpostavil. Če bi imel Macron dovolj močno vojsko bi še danes kradel dobrine Afriki, hvala bogu Francija nima teh vojaških sposobnosti in zdaj Macrona to izjemno skrbi.
Zepter101 ::
Ukiji pa imajo novo raketo zgleda, Grom-2. Preletela čez 400km.
Russian source Rybar claims Ukraine fired Grom-2/Hrim-2 short-range ballistic missile on Crimea, Feodosia today from Odesa.
Reports suggest it was shot down by S-300 air defence system.
The distance from the launching point to Feodosia in a straight line is 415 km.
Ne verjamem. Sam si povedal,da so ruski blogerji nivo NoraTV. Počakajmo,da potrdi Medvedev.
Je pa zanimivo.
Rusom zmanjkuje raket za svoje teroristične napade.
Ukrajina pa bo očitno začela delat svoje da rusom sesuje Krim.
mackilla ::
Rusi objavljajo cifre s 14 dnevnim zamikom, se pa podatki ruskega MOD v grobem skladajo z Mediazono.
Lej, zopet lažeš. Rusi prav nič ne objavljajo s 14-dnevnim zamikom. NIČ ne objavljajo.
14 dni si si izmislil, da si vkalkuliral razliko med 6k in 6.6k.
Na začetku so objavljali ruske KIA, zadnje čase pa jih ne več. Teh 14 dni zamika sem slišal tukaj, 9min40s.
Tip si bo požrl nohte. To ni normalno obnašanje. Mogoče mu lahko Sovoljev posodi svojo stress ball.
Pac-Man ::
Neo nazi music project "Russkiy Styag" playing a gig for Russian paratroopers from 106th VDV unit "Moscow". That's not even Wagner or some other private militia, that's regular Russian army. Let that sink in. Gonna be writing bigger piece about these "lovely" people soon.
They are apparently very active. Must be touring with their hit "Frei, Sozial, National"
in to
'Neo-Nazi,' as @Dywizjon161 uses below, is absolutely the right term to use for Russkiy Styag — a full-on neo-Nazi project whose songs include references to overthrowing the "Zionist regime," "white pride," and "SS soldiers," among many others (and worse) you can find
angleški tekst:
"Frei, sozial und national" - Russo-German national socialist song
This song was written by the band "Русский Стяг"
Denacifikacija z neonacističnim zabavnim programom za denacifikatorje. Rusija, kdo bo tebe jemal resno? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Neo nazi music project "Russkiy Styag" playing a gig for Russian paratroopers from 106th VDV unit "Moscow". That's not even Wagner or some other private militia, that's regular Russian army. Let that sink in. Gonna be writing bigger piece about these "lovely" people soon.
They are apparently very active. Must be touring with their hit "Frei, Sozial, National"
in to
'Neo-Nazi,' as @Dywizjon161 uses below, is absolutely the right term to use for Russkiy Styag — a full-on neo-Nazi project whose songs include references to overthrowing the "Zionist regime," "white pride," and "SS soldiers," among many others (and worse) you can find
angleški tekst:
"Frei, sozial und national" - Russo-German national socialist song
This song was written by the band "Русский Стяг"
Denacifikacija z neonacističnim zabavnim programom za denacifikatorje. Rusija, kdo bo tebe jemal resno? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Kdo verjame temu Prigozhinu sploh še kaj?
Vodja PMC "Wagner" Prigozhin je zaskrbljen zaradi števila vojakov, ki naj bi bili v Ukrajini pripravljeni za protiofenzivo
Ocenjuje ga na "200, po nekaterih virih pa do 400 tisoč ljudi"
Vodja PMC "Wagner" Prigozhin je zaskrbljen zaradi števila vojakov, ki naj bi bili v Ukrajini pripravljeni za protiofenzivo
Ocenjuje ga na "200, po nekaterih virih pa do 400 tisoč ljudi"
Pac-Man ::
Tisti trikotniki so neko skrajno desno sranje, spodaj pa Z jakna s koloradskim patchem
Russian banner - For white days
Russia froze in fear and hunger,
trapped in poverty.
For White power in a white stone city
you fight.
Moscow smoky, learned with fear
subdue the enemy.
By choice without choice they are doomed
in salty snow.
Here the dark night frowns in an oriental way
Where is our land?
Golden eyes, screwed up the streets
near the Kremlin.
Sparkle in the darkness of the domes of the semicircle
and faith at the bottom.
And you are in black uniform, sometimes without weapons
in eternal war.
Save Russia from evil and dishonor,
as fathers used to
what kind of blond beasts are there ...
Fighter boys.
After all, the meaning of this life is not in glory and gold.
Let the fires blaze
for the White power in the white-stone city! Glory to Russia!
For white days.
Še ena lepa zastava, video je bil naložen oktobra 2012:
RUSSIAN FLAG - Glory to the ancestors
Our ancestors are watching us
From heavenly heights with hope and faith,
That we will rise in difficult times
And the world will shudder from Russian wrath!
They know they didn't live in vain
And died for freedom
Their spirit is always with us
They became the spirit of their native people!
Know we will not forgive
those who desecrate your blessed memory
We will revive Great Rus'!
Let your glory shine!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Hear the cry of the native land
Do you feel salty tears?
You will swim with the flow
Or put your way back to sleep.
Raise your fearsome sword
For freedom and honor!
And shout "Forward people!
Russian Rus' is calling you!"
And you will see the heavenly army
And hear the thunder shaking the sky
These ancestors are in a hurry to help us
So we will win!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Among the gods we see your faces
And your stern look will not let us stumble!
Our path is straight! We are in bloom!
And hundreds of years later we hear your holy testament!
Our blood is holy blood!
Hear the descendant of the song of glory!
Hold your sword and be ready
Fight for your state!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Opevajo tudi ruske kolaborante z nacisti
Russian Liberation Army @ Wikipedia
The Russian Liberation Army[a] (ROA), also known as the Vlasov army after its commander Andrey Vlasov,[b] was a collaborationist formation, primarily composed of Russians, that fought under German command during World War II.[2]
Russian Flag - ROA
Wash our country with blood
She did not have to live in captivity.
Jewish rabble, bastards, degenerates,
run away - Russian soldiers are coming.
We have no barriers, the truth is behind us,
And God is with us, and glory awaits us!
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
We are here and there is no turning back!
We are the light of Russia or death!
Down with! Down with the Zionist regime!
And for Russian children, we will save Rus'.
Our honor will never be disgraced.
Russian! You won't win!
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Do you hear the thunder? This is our heartbeat.
The earth is shaking - we are going.
And more and more fear in the eyes of the enemy,
And more of us every day.
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Who is the boss here? We are not invaders.
\"Freedom! \" - Russian soldiers shout. (2 times)
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Spotoma sem našel, da so aprila 2018 v Togliatiju nekoga oglobili zaradi nalaganja njihovih pesmi na VK. Gre namreč za ekstremistične materiale :)
Recently, a resident of Tolyatti, or rather his page on the VKontakte social network, came into the view of prosecutors. There, representatives of the supervisory authority in the "Audio Recordings" section found songs by the Kolovrat group - "I hate the communists" and "The Punisher SS", the Russian Banner group - "ROA", the Gangs of Moscow group - "Vivat Russia". Everything would be fine, but these compositions are recognized as extremist materials and banned on the territory of our country.
In addition, an administrative offense case was initiated against the violator under Art. 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - mass distribution of extremist materials included in the published federal list of extremist materials.
The Avtozavodskoy District Court found the guy guilty and ordered him to pay 1,000 rubles of an administrative fine.
Russian banner - For white days
Russia froze in fear and hunger,
trapped in poverty.
For White power in a white stone city
you fight.
Moscow smoky, learned with fear
subdue the enemy.
By choice without choice they are doomed
in salty snow.
Here the dark night frowns in an oriental way
Where is our land?
Golden eyes, screwed up the streets
near the Kremlin.
Sparkle in the darkness of the domes of the semicircle
and faith at the bottom.
And you are in black uniform, sometimes without weapons
in eternal war.
Save Russia from evil and dishonor,
as fathers used to
what kind of blond beasts are there ...
Fighter boys.
After all, the meaning of this life is not in glory and gold.
Let the fires blaze
for the White power in the white-stone city! Glory to Russia!
For white days.
Še ena lepa zastava, video je bil naložen oktobra 2012:
RUSSIAN FLAG - Glory to the ancestors
Our ancestors are watching us
From heavenly heights with hope and faith,
That we will rise in difficult times
And the world will shudder from Russian wrath!
They know they didn't live in vain
And died for freedom
Their spirit is always with us
They became the spirit of their native people!
Know we will not forgive
those who desecrate your blessed memory
We will revive Great Rus'!
Let your glory shine!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Hear the cry of the native land
Do you feel salty tears?
You will swim with the flow
Or put your way back to sleep.
Raise your fearsome sword
For freedom and honor!
And shout "Forward people!
Russian Rus' is calling you!"
And you will see the heavenly army
And hear the thunder shaking the sky
These ancestors are in a hurry to help us
So we will win!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Among the gods we see your faces
And your stern look will not let us stumble!
Our path is straight! We are in bloom!
And hundreds of years later we hear your holy testament!
Our blood is holy blood!
Hear the descendant of the song of glory!
Hold your sword and be ready
Fight for your state!
Glory to Our Ancestors!
Glory to the Heroes and glory to the Victory!
Your fight has become ours
Look at us - we are your children!
Opevajo tudi ruske kolaborante z nacisti
Russian Liberation Army @ Wikipedia
The Russian Liberation Army[a] (ROA), also known as the Vlasov army after its commander Andrey Vlasov,[b] was a collaborationist formation, primarily composed of Russians, that fought under German command during World War II.[2]
Russian Flag - ROA
Wash our country with blood
She did not have to live in captivity.
Jewish rabble, bastards, degenerates,
run away - Russian soldiers are coming.
We have no barriers, the truth is behind us,
And God is with us, and glory awaits us!
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
We are here and there is no turning back!
We are the light of Russia or death!
Down with! Down with the Zionist regime!
And for Russian children, we will save Rus'.
Our honor will never be disgraced.
Russian! You won't win!
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Do you hear the thunder? This is our heartbeat.
The earth is shaking - we are going.
And more and more fear in the eyes of the enemy,
And more of us every day.
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Who is the boss here? We are not invaders.
\"Freedom! \" - Russian soldiers shout. (2 times)
ROA - for Rus' there is a struggle!
ROA - for our families and cities!
ROA - for the Russian order on our land!
ROA - brings freedom to our country!
Spotoma sem našel, da so aprila 2018 v Togliatiju nekoga oglobili zaradi nalaganja njihovih pesmi na VK. Gre namreč za ekstremistične materiale :)
Recently, a resident of Tolyatti, or rather his page on the VKontakte social network, came into the view of prosecutors. There, representatives of the supervisory authority in the "Audio Recordings" section found songs by the Kolovrat group - "I hate the communists" and "The Punisher SS", the Russian Banner group - "ROA", the Gangs of Moscow group - "Vivat Russia". Everything would be fine, but these compositions are recognized as extremist materials and banned on the territory of our country.
In addition, an administrative offense case was initiated against the violator under Art. 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - mass distribution of extremist materials included in the published federal list of extremist materials.
The Avtozavodskoy District Court found the guy guilty and ordered him to pay 1,000 rubles of an administrative fine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Kdo verjame temu Prigozhinu sploh še kaj?
Vodja PMC "Wagner" Prigozhin je zaskrbljen zaradi števila vojakov, ki naj bi bili v Ukrajini pripravljeni za protiofenzivo
Ocenjuje ga na "200, po nekaterih virih pa do 400 tisoč ljudi"
Saj upam, da razumeš, da Prigožin hajpa. On je svoje karte, boljkone, odigral. Nekaj se še nabirajo okrog Bakmuta, povsod drugod pa jih več ni. Ocenjuje se, da jih je še okrog 6000, od tega je zdaj že okrog 1000 žrtev, torej okrog 5000 ta hip.
Dostopa do zapornikov nima več, dostopa do rekrutnih centrov tudi ne.
Menda več ne dobijo toliko streliva, kot so ga prej. Racionalna razlaga je, da so tudi Rusi začeli šparati vire. Malo bolj neracionalna razlaga pa je, da so si itak prišli navzkriž z Moskoviti, Prigožin je kazal neke politične ambicije, pa je to zdaj nek payback. Menda se je Prigožin najbolje razumel s Surovikinom, ki je bil "mastermind" napadov v Siriji. V Siriji je bilo to simpl ko pasulj - ruši vse. Tu je problem, da nimajo Moskoviti toliko streliva več.
Zdaj, kolikor vem, tudi nima več dostopa do trening centrov, sicer pa ta hip tudi rekrutov nima, da bi jih moral šolati.
Prigožin verjetno upa, da bo uradnim Moskovitom trda predla, pa bodo (zopet) angažirali njega v večjem obsegu. Zato hajpa.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Dober video. Sicer mi Rubio nikoli ni bi všeč ampak tule mu dam pa prav. Tega Macrona je potrebno spraviti v red ker to kar ta počne Evropi je res milo rečeno ogabno. To glede Severne Afrika je dobro izpostavil. Če bi imel Macron dovolj močno vojsko bi še danes kradel dobrine Afriki, hvala bogu Francija nima teh vojaških sposobnosti in zdaj Macrona to izjemno skrbi.
Kar je Macron rekel in naredil, je bilo pričakovano. Nima to s tem voslom Rubiom nobene veze. Naj se vosu Rubio briga za Ameriko, ozroma natančneje za Florido.
V Evropi pa se karte mešajo na novo. Anglija je orožja dala, kar je dala, več itak nima, tistih 20+ tankov Challenger 2 OK, je nekaj, samo ne dosti. Poleg tega Challengerji uporabljajo drugo strelivo, kot vsi ostali (120mm L/44 top). Poljaki so se *NENORMALNO* angažirali. Zaugajo sedaj Evropski denar na polno.
Macron bo sicer dal zelo dobra letala Mirage (2000 in III) zatonj, kar nekaj narodov (predvsem Saudska Arabija) je pripravljena modernizirati svojo floto. Na žalost pa Dassault še ni uspel zagotoviti si novih pogodb in zopet vse kaže, da bi znal Macron pasti skozi. Uf, to bi bila pa blamaža. Enkrat so ga Američani in Angleži zajebali (prodali so svoje podmornice Avstraliji).
Macron želi povedati, tukaj sem sedaj moi, France. Mi delamo avione. Ne se tikati naših strank, sicer bomo tudi mi manj prijazni (do ZDA in še koga).
Rambutan ::
Ofenziva se pripravlja
#Summary #Report as of April 9, 2023
Over the past week, the enemy has been actively preparing for the expected offensive. They have transferred troops, revealed the positions of our air defense, conducted reconnaissance in force. Great attention is paid to a large-scale operation to misinform the Russian command. AFU conduct radio games, carry out demonstrative actions on the line of contact, send in DRGs
Kherson direction: The enemy pretended to be ready for an immediate offensive for several days in a row and tried to keep the personnel and command in suspense. They carried out demonstrative actions, launched lighting rockets. At the same time, they carried out serious artillery shelling of our units, inflicting rocket strikes deep into our defenses. In the rear of the Kherson region , controlled by the AFU, the enemy has established a railway connection (Snigirevka), at night it transfers heavy equipment from NATO countries and restores crossings across the rear small rivers (Ingulets). Prepares bridgeheads, which may be used to accommodate the deployed troops. It is possible that these real actions of the enemy "on the ground" are only to divert attention to an unusable object
Separately, it should be noted the missile attack on the Crimea, Feodosiya. The missile was shot down, but the very fact of such a single strike means an attempt to open the areas of positioning of Russian air defense systems
Zaporozhye front: AFU near Novoselki attempted an offensive, throwing manpower and armored vehicles into the attack with the support of tanks. Having received a rebuff, the enemy changed the direction of the blow, trying to bypass our positions, but was met by fire from a neighboring unit of the Russian Armed Forces. In fact, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted reconnaissance in force, clarified the location of our strongholds and means of fire destruction, including artillery. To the west of Orekhov, controlled by the AFU, information was received about the destruction of two MLRS "HIMARS" by our artillerymen
Heavy fighting continues in Maryinka , there were no significant changes in the front line. The enemy constantly transfers reinforcements instead of destroyed units. Actively uses drones of all types
Avdeevsky direction: Bloody battles. None of the parties has achieved significant success, the AFU are drawing up reserves
Artyomovsk/Bakhmut: Wagner PMCs are moving forward in the central part of the city. To the northwest there are also successes of local significance
Kursk and Belgorod regions - under constant shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Belgorod, they refused to hold the Parade on May 9 in order to prevent the accumulation of people and equipment.
Bryansk region. Traitors from the "Russian Volunteer Corps" took responsibility for the entry of the SRG into the region. The enemy is trying to use the theses about the alleged "internal struggle in Russia" by all available means. Thus, he solves the problems of destabilizing the internal situation and distancing the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
A week ago, on April 2, Vladlen Tatarsky died at the hands of a Russian woman used by foreign special services in a cafe in St. Petersburg . Yesterday he was buried with military honors. By decree of the Supreme Commander, he was awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously)
AFU are completing preparations for the offensive. The enemy will use massive raids by drones of all kinds, information about this comes from various sources. Weather conditions are conducive to active operations using armored vehicles after April 15
Military analysts argue about the timing and direction of the strike. But they agree on one thing: it will be a large-scale operation along the entire length of the front line and the use of SRGs and covert GUR cells in our rear. Kiev needs a resounding success, at least in the media sense
Summary prepared by: Two majors (
#Summary #Report as of April 9, 2023
Over the past week, the enemy has been actively preparing for the expected offensive. They have transferred troops, revealed the positions of our air defense, conducted reconnaissance in force. Great attention is paid to a large-scale operation to misinform the Russian command. AFU conduct radio games, carry out demonstrative actions on the line of contact, send in DRGs
Kherson direction: The enemy pretended to be ready for an immediate offensive for several days in a row and tried to keep the personnel and command in suspense. They carried out demonstrative actions, launched lighting rockets. At the same time, they carried out serious artillery shelling of our units, inflicting rocket strikes deep into our defenses. In the rear of the Kherson region , controlled by the AFU, the enemy has established a railway connection (Snigirevka), at night it transfers heavy equipment from NATO countries and restores crossings across the rear small rivers (Ingulets). Prepares bridgeheads, which may be used to accommodate the deployed troops. It is possible that these real actions of the enemy "on the ground" are only to divert attention to an unusable object
Separately, it should be noted the missile attack on the Crimea, Feodosiya. The missile was shot down, but the very fact of such a single strike means an attempt to open the areas of positioning of Russian air defense systems
Zaporozhye front: AFU near Novoselki attempted an offensive, throwing manpower and armored vehicles into the attack with the support of tanks. Having received a rebuff, the enemy changed the direction of the blow, trying to bypass our positions, but was met by fire from a neighboring unit of the Russian Armed Forces. In fact, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted reconnaissance in force, clarified the location of our strongholds and means of fire destruction, including artillery. To the west of Orekhov, controlled by the AFU, information was received about the destruction of two MLRS "HIMARS" by our artillerymen
Heavy fighting continues in Maryinka , there were no significant changes in the front line. The enemy constantly transfers reinforcements instead of destroyed units. Actively uses drones of all types
Avdeevsky direction: Bloody battles. None of the parties has achieved significant success, the AFU are drawing up reserves
Artyomovsk/Bakhmut: Wagner PMCs are moving forward in the central part of the city. To the northwest there are also successes of local significance
Kursk and Belgorod regions - under constant shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Belgorod, they refused to hold the Parade on May 9 in order to prevent the accumulation of people and equipment.
Bryansk region. Traitors from the "Russian Volunteer Corps" took responsibility for the entry of the SRG into the region. The enemy is trying to use the theses about the alleged "internal struggle in Russia" by all available means. Thus, he solves the problems of destabilizing the internal situation and distancing the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
A week ago, on April 2, Vladlen Tatarsky died at the hands of a Russian woman used by foreign special services in a cafe in St. Petersburg . Yesterday he was buried with military honors. By decree of the Supreme Commander, he was awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously)
AFU are completing preparations for the offensive. The enemy will use massive raids by drones of all kinds, information about this comes from various sources. Weather conditions are conducive to active operations using armored vehicles after April 15
Military analysts argue about the timing and direction of the strike. But they agree on one thing: it will be a large-scale operation along the entire length of the front line and the use of SRGs and covert GUR cells in our rear. Kiev needs a resounding success, at least in the media sense
Summary prepared by: Two majors (
Chalky ::
Jasno da so Avstralci zavrnili francoske podmornice saj so dizelske. Proti Kitajski takšne podmornice nimajo pogojev. Francija naj ponudi enako kot UK in ZDA ali pa kaj boljšega pa ne bo nobenega problema. Macron je navaden hinavec ki želi da se vsa Evropa podredi njegovi vojaški industriji ki je v primerjavi z ostalimi velikimi akterji izjemno uboga. Francija bo imela čez 10 let najslabše zračne sile na svetu ker bojnih letal 5 generacije nikoli ne bodo sposobni proizvesti medtem ko je še več kot pol Evropskih držav preklopilo na F-35 pa še več jih bo. Saj po eni strani je to odlična novica saj ne bo imel več mogel okupirati Severni del Afrike in tako krasti Afriških dobrin. To Macrona izjemno žre v to sem prepričan. Če nam že kdo mora diktirati je bolje da so to ZDA kot pa Francija.
Jasno da so Avstralci zavrnili francoske podmornice saj so dizelske. Proti Kitajski takšne podmornice nimajo pogojev. Francija naj ponudi enako kot UK in ZDA ali pa kaj boljšega pa ne bo nobenega problema. Macron je navaden hinavec ki želi da se vsa Evropa podredi njegovi vojaški industriji ki je v primerjavi z ostalimi velikimi akterji izjemno uboga. Francija bo imela čez 10 let najslabše zračne sile na svetu ker bojnih letal 5 generacije nikoli ne bodo sposobni proizvesti medtem ko je še več kot pol Evropskih držav preklopilo na F-35 pa še več jih bo. Saj po eni strani je to odlična novica saj ne bo imel več mogel okupirati Severni del Afrike in tako krasti Afriških dobrin. To Macrona izjemno žre v to sem prepričan. Če nam že kdo mora diktirati je bolje da so to ZDA kot pa Francija.
blay44 ::
Hm, glede na razsulo ruske vojske je logičen umik na Krim?
Ostane pa samo še donbaška regija. Jao, jao.....
Ostane pa samo še donbaška regija. Jao, jao.....
Pac-Man ::
@pobegli top sekret fajli
Yes, I have seen the Top Secret JCS files.
Yes, there is lots of very interesting stuff in there.
No, we're not gonna discuss that on twitter.
I am not helping the russians. They will miss tons of details and none of us should help these fascist war criminals.
Just one thing: the 71.5k KIA number is fake. The russians crudely faked the JSC KIA estimates:
1) copy/pasted lower Ukrainian numbers to russia
2) deleted 1 digit from both russian air losses
3) switched UA numbers to turn 17.5k in to 71.5k
One more thing: I already see journalists refer to the leaked JSC briefing slides as "plans".
These files ARE NOT A PLAN!!!
They are part of the daily briefing for Pentagon leaders on all things/events/statistics related to the war in Ukraine.
NOT A PLAN!!!!!!!!
No, the Top Secret Pentagon leaks do not endanger Ukraine's spring offensive at all.
The files are full of info about Ukrainian training plans and equipment delivery schedules (but with huge gaps as lots of pages are missing).
All it tells the russians is Ukraine is getting ready. The russians already knew that. The Germans in 1943/44 also knew the US was building ships, raising divisions, producing equipment, stockpiling ammo, training troops. Didn't help them one bit.
So: chill, the offensive is not endangered by this leak.
From the secret US military files. Countries that:
train Ukrainian troops: 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇦🇨🇿🇩🇰🇪🇪🇫🇮🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇷🇭🇺🇮🇸🇮🇪🇮🇹🇱🇻🇱🇹🇲🇰🇲🇩🇳🇱🇳🇴🇵🇱🇵🇹🇷🇴🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸🇸🇪🇨🇭🇹🇷🇬🇧🇺🇸
provide lethal aid to Ukraine: 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇦🇭🇷🇨🇿🇩🇰🇪🇪🇫🇮🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇷🇮🇹🇱🇻🇱🇹🇱🇺🇲🇰🇲🇩🇲🇪🇳🇱🇳🇴🇵🇱🇵🇹🇷🇴🇷🇸🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸🇹🇷🇬🇧🇺🇸
refuse to help Ukraine in any way: 🇦🇹🇧🇦🇨🇾🇲🇹
The really amazing thing: Hungary has ruled out lethal aid to Ukraine, while Serbia delivers, produces more, and has told the US it will continue to deliver military aid to Ukraine.
Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Malta flat out refused to consider any type to help to Ukraine.
Hungary, Ireland and Switzerland at least train Ukrainian troops.
Well, thanks to the West's sanctions Austria now owns the most profitable bank in russia... so it makes sense they brown nose the russian fascists.
As these are a Europe related Pentagon slide countries like 🇦🇺🇳🇿🇮🇱🇰🇷🇵🇰🇪🇬🇰🇪🇹🇳🇲🇦🇨🇴 etc. were not mentioned, although they deliver lethal aid and some of them also train Ukrainians.
PS: Cyprus just agreed to train Ukrainians, so it really is just three countries that refuse to help
@banka, nitki:
In today's #vatniksoup, I'll be introducing a bank well-known in both Austria and Russia: Raiffeisen Bank International and its Russian subsidiary, AO Raiffeisen. It is one of the few foreign banks that still continues business-as-usual in Russia. 1/12
Must-read thread on Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank.
Note: Long before Raiffeisen was enabling Russia to break Western sanctions, it enabled the plundering of Ukraine’s wealth by Russian and Ukrainian leaders.
Yes, I have seen the Top Secret JCS files.
Yes, there is lots of very interesting stuff in there.
No, we're not gonna discuss that on twitter.
I am not helping the russians. They will miss tons of details and none of us should help these fascist war criminals.
Just one thing: the 71.5k KIA number is fake. The russians crudely faked the JSC KIA estimates:
1) copy/pasted lower Ukrainian numbers to russia
2) deleted 1 digit from both russian air losses
3) switched UA numbers to turn 17.5k in to 71.5k
One more thing: I already see journalists refer to the leaked JSC briefing slides as "plans".
These files ARE NOT A PLAN!!!
They are part of the daily briefing for Pentagon leaders on all things/events/statistics related to the war in Ukraine.
NOT A PLAN!!!!!!!!
No, the Top Secret Pentagon leaks do not endanger Ukraine's spring offensive at all.
The files are full of info about Ukrainian training plans and equipment delivery schedules (but with huge gaps as lots of pages are missing).
All it tells the russians is Ukraine is getting ready. The russians already knew that. The Germans in 1943/44 also knew the US was building ships, raising divisions, producing equipment, stockpiling ammo, training troops. Didn't help them one bit.
So: chill, the offensive is not endangered by this leak.
From the secret US military files. Countries that:
train Ukrainian troops: 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇦🇨🇿🇩🇰🇪🇪🇫🇮🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇷🇭🇺🇮🇸🇮🇪🇮🇹🇱🇻🇱🇹🇲🇰🇲🇩🇳🇱🇳🇴🇵🇱🇵🇹🇷🇴🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸🇸🇪🇨🇭🇹🇷🇬🇧🇺🇸
provide lethal aid to Ukraine: 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇦🇭🇷🇨🇿🇩🇰🇪🇪🇫🇮🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇷🇮🇹🇱🇻🇱🇹🇱🇺🇲🇰🇲🇩🇲🇪🇳🇱🇳🇴🇵🇱🇵🇹🇷🇴🇷🇸🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸🇹🇷🇬🇧🇺🇸
refuse to help Ukraine in any way: 🇦🇹🇧🇦🇨🇾🇲🇹
The really amazing thing: Hungary has ruled out lethal aid to Ukraine, while Serbia delivers, produces more, and has told the US it will continue to deliver military aid to Ukraine.
Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Malta flat out refused to consider any type to help to Ukraine.
Hungary, Ireland and Switzerland at least train Ukrainian troops.
Well, thanks to the West's sanctions Austria now owns the most profitable bank in russia... so it makes sense they brown nose the russian fascists.
As these are a Europe related Pentagon slide countries like 🇦🇺🇳🇿🇮🇱🇰🇷🇵🇰🇪🇬🇰🇪🇹🇳🇲🇦🇨🇴 etc. were not mentioned, although they deliver lethal aid and some of them also train Ukrainians.
PS: Cyprus just agreed to train Ukrainians, so it really is just three countries that refuse to help
@banka, nitki:
In today's #vatniksoup, I'll be introducing a bank well-known in both Austria and Russia: Raiffeisen Bank International and its Russian subsidiary, AO Raiffeisen. It is one of the few foreign banks that still continues business-as-usual in Russia. 1/12
Must-read thread on Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank.
Note: Long before Raiffeisen was enabling Russia to break Western sanctions, it enabled the plundering of Ukraine’s wealth by Russian and Ukrainian leaders.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
In today's #vatniksoup, I'll be introducing a bank well-known in both Austria and Russia: Raiffeisen Bank International and its Russian subsidiary, AO Raiffeisen. It is one of the few foreign banks that still continues business-as-usual in Russia. 1/12
Must-read thread on Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank.
Note: Long before Raiffeisen was enabling Russia to break Western sanctions, it enabled the plundering of Ukraine’s wealth by Russian and Ukrainian leaders.
Raiffeisen bank International je znana banka, oziroma brand. Poslovali so tudi v Sloveniji, ter na Balkanu, nekako do (nekdanjih) mej Avstroogrske. Kasneje pa so iz nekega razloga, šli čez te meje.
V Sloveniji so štacuno zaprli oz. odprodali, drugod jih niso toliko pritiskali s kapitalskimi rezervami, pa so ostali.
Je pa to kup enih grabežljivcev, da dol padeš. Oni so do zadnjega tam, kjer je denar.
Lesoto ::
To je za verjet, glede na to, da so vedeli, da bodo Rusi napadli Ukrajino.
Leaked Pentagon Papers. TG: "???? ???"
- US intelligence has penetrated almost all the structures of the Russian Federation, including the Ministry of Defense, the GRU and the Wagner PMC, it uses various surveillance methods, including interception of conversations
Leaked Pentagon Papers. TG: "???? ???"
- US intelligence has penetrated almost all the structures of the Russian Federation, including the Ministry of Defense, the GRU and the Wagner PMC, it uses various surveillance methods, including interception of conversations
mackilla ::
Ofenziva se pripravlja
#Summary #Report as of April 9, 2023
Over the past week, the enemy has been actively preparing for the expected offensive. They have transferred troops, revealed the positions of our air defense, conducted reconnaissance in force. Great attention is paid to a large-scale operation to misinform the Russian command. AFU conduct radio games, carry out demonstrative actions on the line of contact, send in DRGs
Kherson direction: The enemy pretended to be ready for an immediate offensive for several days in a row and tried to keep the personnel and command in suspense. They carried out demonstrative actions, launched lighting rockets. At the same time, they carried out serious artillery shelling of our units, inflicting rocket strikes deep into our defenses. In the rear of the Kherson region , controlled by the AFU, the enemy has established a railway connection (Snigirevka), at night it transfers heavy equipment from NATO countries and restores crossings across the rear small rivers (Ingulets). Prepares bridgeheads, which may be used to accommodate the deployed troops. It is possible that these real actions of the enemy "on the ground" are only to divert attention to an unusable object
Separately, it should be noted the missile attack on the Crimea, Feodosiya. The missile was shot down, but the very fact of such a single strike means an attempt to open the areas of positioning of Russian air defense systems
Zaporozhye front: AFU near Novoselki attempted an offensive, throwing manpower and armored vehicles into the attack with the support of tanks. Having received a rebuff, the enemy changed the direction of the blow, trying to bypass our positions, but was met by fire from a neighboring unit of the Russian Armed Forces. In fact, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted reconnaissance in force, clarified the location of our strongholds and means of fire destruction, including artillery. To the west of Orekhov, controlled by the AFU, information was received about the destruction of two MLRS "HIMARS" by our artillerymen
Heavy fighting continues in Maryinka , there were no significant changes in the front line. The enemy constantly transfers reinforcements instead of destroyed units. Actively uses drones of all types
Avdeevsky direction: Bloody battles. None of the parties has achieved significant success, the AFU are drawing up reserves
Artyomovsk/Bakhmut: Wagner PMCs are moving forward in the central part of the city. To the northwest there are also successes of local significance
Kursk and Belgorod regions - under constant shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Belgorod, they refused to hold the Parade on May 9 in order to prevent the accumulation of people and equipment.
Bryansk region. Traitors from the "Russian Volunteer Corps" took responsibility for the entry of the SRG into the region. The enemy is trying to use the theses about the alleged "internal struggle in Russia" by all available means. Thus, he solves the problems of destabilizing the internal situation and distancing the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
A week ago, on April 2, Vladlen Tatarsky died at the hands of a Russian woman used by foreign special services in a cafe in St. Petersburg . Yesterday he was buried with military honors. By decree of the Supreme Commander, he was awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously)
AFU are completing preparations for the offensive. The enemy will use massive raids by drones of all kinds, information about this comes from various sources. Weather conditions are conducive to active operations using armored vehicles after April 15
Military analysts argue about the timing and direction of the strike. But they agree on one thing: it will be a large-scale operation along the entire length of the front line and the use of SRGs and covert GUR cells in our rear. Kiev needs a resounding success, at least in the media sense
Summary prepared by: Two majors (
Seveda imajo tvoji "viri" tudi slikovno potrditev?
To the west of Orekhov, controlled by the AFU, information was received about the destruction of two MLRS "HIMARS" by our artillerymen.
Rambutan ::
Zanimivo, v leakanih dokumentih piše, da ZDA prisluškujejo Zelenskemu. Ker so Ukrajinci hoteli napadat cilje v RUsiji, jim ZDA noče dati raket dolgega dosega.
One document reveals that the US has been spying on Zelensky. That is unsurprising, said the source close to Zelensky, but Ukrainian officials are deeply frustrated about the leak.
The US intelligence report, which is sourced to signals intelligence, says that Zelensky in late February “suggested striking Russian deployment locations in Russia’s Rostov Oblast” using unmanned aerial vehicles, since Ukraine does not have long-range weapons capable of reaching that far.
Signals intelligence includes intercepted communications and is broadly defined by the National Security Agency as “intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems.”
The intelligence could explain public US comments about not wanting to give Ukraine long-range missile systems over fears that Kyiv will use them to strike inside Russia. But Ukraine has pledged not to use US-provided weapons to do so.
Relatedly, another intelligence report says that China could use Ukrainian strikes on targets deep inside Russia “as an opportunity to cast NATO as the aggressor, and may increase its aid to Russia if it deems the attacks were significant.”
One document reveals that the US has been spying on Zelensky. That is unsurprising, said the source close to Zelensky, but Ukrainian officials are deeply frustrated about the leak.
The US intelligence report, which is sourced to signals intelligence, says that Zelensky in late February “suggested striking Russian deployment locations in Russia’s Rostov Oblast” using unmanned aerial vehicles, since Ukraine does not have long-range weapons capable of reaching that far.
Signals intelligence includes intercepted communications and is broadly defined by the National Security Agency as “intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems.”
The intelligence could explain public US comments about not wanting to give Ukraine long-range missile systems over fears that Kyiv will use them to strike inside Russia. But Ukraine has pledged not to use US-provided weapons to do so.
Relatedly, another intelligence report says that China could use Ukrainian strikes on targets deep inside Russia “as an opportunity to cast NATO as the aggressor, and may increase its aid to Russia if it deems the attacks were significant.”
Sheteentz ::
Ukrajinci definitivno niso dorasli celotni situaciji. Manjka jim izkušenj iz geopolitičnih dinamik, manjka jim ruske preračunljivosti in sposobnosti direktnega laganja v ksiht sočloveku. Ampak se bodo naučili, saj jih učijo jenkijo, ki so tudi prasci prve klase. Tako da jih je za razumet, da so Ukrajinci hoteli razfukat Rusijo vse do Urala, če so jim pa Rusi razfukali pol države. Ampak v tej situaciji zmaga tisti, ki deluje kot robot. Vojna je maraton in ne šprint.
Pa tudi novica, da jim jenkiji niso hoteli dati raket dolgega dosega, pa zakaj jim jih niso hoteli dati, je tudi že stara kot zemlja. To novica ne prinese nobene dodatne vrednosti k tej že tako zblojeni diskusiji.
Pa tudi novica, da jim jenkiji niso hoteli dati raket dolgega dosega, pa zakaj jim jih niso hoteli dati, je tudi že stara kot zemlja. To novica ne prinese nobene dodatne vrednosti k tej že tako zblojeni diskusiji.
Rambutan ::
Zanimivo je predvsem to, da jim prisluškujejo. To pomeni, da si ne zaupajo. Ukrajinci bodo seveda zdaj užaljeni, da so jim ZDA prisluškovali. Slabi obeti za prihodnost.
mackilla ::
Na katerem planetu ti živiš. Vse tajne službe prisluškujejo zaveznikom in sovražnikom ti si pa videti šokiran. Še sreča,da drugi niso tako naivni
bbbbbb2015 ::
Jasno da so Avstralci zavrnili francoske podmornice saj so dizelske. Proti Kitajski takšne podmornice nimajo pogojev. Francija naj ponudi enako kot UK in ZDA ali pa kaj boljšega pa ne bo nobenega problema. Macron je navaden hinavec ki želi da se vsa Evropa podredi njegovi vojaški industriji ki je v primerjavi z ostalimi velikimi akterji izjemno uboga. Francija bo imela čez 10 let najslabše zračne sile na svetu ker bojnih letal 5 generacije nikoli ne bodo sposobni proizvesti medtem ko je še več kot pol Evropskih držav preklopilo na F-35 pa še več jih bo. Saj po eni strani je to odlična novica saj ne bo imel več mogel okupirati Severni del Afrike in tako krasti Afriških dobrin. To Macrona izjemno žre v to sem prepričan. Če nam že kdo mora diktirati je bolje da so to ZDA kot pa Francija.
Ah, no. Da so podmornice dieselske, so vedeli že od samega začetka.
F-35 je avion, ki je izjemno drag. Izjemno. So rekli, da bo z leti cenejši. Nič ne kaže, da bi bil cenejši. Resda ima "sensor fusion" in je do ene mere neviden za radar, samo drag pa je hudičevo. Nemci so rekli, da ga bodo kupili, samo mogoče pa ga ne bodo. F-35 ne bo nikoli "nadomestek" za F-16, ki je sedaj že na dvojnih steroidih.
Ne vem, če se bodo Evropejci odrekli izdelavi lovca 5. generacije. Vojna v Ukrajini je pokazala, da je to "low-tech" vojna, da štejejo tone granat na uro. In ne high-tech avion za 50 mio €.
MadMicka ::
Tole si pa fejst falil. Kaj je high tech armada proti low tehc se je v zgodovini pokazalo že tisočkrat. Recimo, druga Iraška vojna, tam se je videla strašna razlika. Če bi se NATO sile spopadle z Rusko armado, bi jim sesuli aviacijo in potolkli topove že v štartu, ne vem, kaj jim bodo potem low tech granate, a jih bodo z roko metali?
bbbbbb2015 ::
V grobem, priprave na ofenzivo se stopnjujejo. Ukrajinci so se približali oz. anulirali sive cone v Zaporožju, napadli so tudi železniške postaje in njihove elektro podpostaje. Intenzivno napadajo z droni proti-artilerijske radarje, ki so postavljeni na vrh stavb. So tudi (neuspešno) neuspešno napadli cilje na Krimu z taktičnimi izstrelki Grom-2.
Napadli so tudi nekaj taktičnih pozicij Rusov in jih sčistili, kar jim sedaj omogoča napad iz Zaporožja v dve različni smeri. Premaknili so dve taktični skupini (delni armadni skupini) na sever od Zaporožja. HIMARSE so postavili na sam rob razmejitvene črte (kar doslej niso delali).
Rusi so izvedli nekaj borbenih letalskih napadov s SU-25 in nekaj z aligator (KA-52) helikopterji. Zaenkrat ni videti, da bi lahko prišli blizu ukrajinskim resursom. Ali so se obrnili ali pa niso naredili škode. Ukrajinci, ki so prej poročali, če je samo del repa na sovražnem Su-25 odpadel, so zdaj tiho.
Okrog Melitopola partizani šopajo na polno. Saj šopali so že prej, samo zdaj pa intenzivno.
Ukrajinci pravijo, da je bil del plana razkrit z leaki, ampak v leakih je kar nekaj vojaških nedoslednosti. Pravijo, da bodo plane spremenili, oz. so jih že. Rusi na RT.COM razglabljajo, kaj od tega je res in kaj ne. Ukrajinci so sigurno zbrali že ta hip okrog 400 tankov zahodnega izvora (vključno z Leopard 1 tanki). Po drugih virih niso uspeli zbrati niti 100 zahodnih tankov.
Tako da ja, napetost se veča.
Ahahah. Daj poglej v kleti ali garaži, če imaš slučajno kak ostanek kakšnega arzenala od 10 dnevne slovenske vojne. Morda pa je tvoj fotr bil v njej, pa se vam kaj vala v garaži.
Kupim do 1 miljon granat 155mm, če se ti slučajno nepomembno vala po garaži.
Napadli so tudi nekaj taktičnih pozicij Rusov in jih sčistili, kar jim sedaj omogoča napad iz Zaporožja v dve različni smeri. Premaknili so dve taktični skupini (delni armadni skupini) na sever od Zaporožja. HIMARSE so postavili na sam rob razmejitvene črte (kar doslej niso delali).
Rusi so izvedli nekaj borbenih letalskih napadov s SU-25 in nekaj z aligator (KA-52) helikopterji. Zaenkrat ni videti, da bi lahko prišli blizu ukrajinskim resursom. Ali so se obrnili ali pa niso naredili škode. Ukrajinci, ki so prej poročali, če je samo del repa na sovražnem Su-25 odpadel, so zdaj tiho.
Okrog Melitopola partizani šopajo na polno. Saj šopali so že prej, samo zdaj pa intenzivno.
Ukrajinci pravijo, da je bil del plana razkrit z leaki, ampak v leakih je kar nekaj vojaških nedoslednosti. Pravijo, da bodo plane spremenili, oz. so jih že. Rusi na RT.COM razglabljajo, kaj od tega je res in kaj ne. Ukrajinci so sigurno zbrali že ta hip okrog 400 tankov zahodnega izvora (vključno z Leopard 1 tanki). Po drugih virih niso uspeli zbrati niti 100 zahodnih tankov.
Tako da ja, napetost se veča.
Tole si pa fejst falil. Kaj je high tech armada proti low tehc se je v zgodovini pokazalo že tisočkrat. Recimo, druga Iraška vojna, tam se je videla strašna razlika. Če bi se NATO sile spopadle z Rusko armado, bi jim sesuli aviacijo in potolkli topove že v štartu, ne vem, kaj jim bodo potem low tech granate, a jih bodo z roko metali?
Ahahah. Daj poglej v kleti ali garaži, če imaš slučajno kak ostanek kakšnega arzenala od 10 dnevne slovenske vojne. Morda pa je tvoj fotr bil v njej, pa se vam kaj vala v garaži.
Kupim do 1 miljon granat 155mm, če se ti slučajno nepomembno vala po garaži.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
Pac-Man ::
Dobre 4 minute dolg video o NASAMS v Ukrajini z angleškimi podnapisi:
Ukrainian report on the NASAMS air defence systems currently effectively used by the military to protect the Ukrainian skies.
Ukrainian report on the NASAMS air defence systems currently effectively used by the military to protect the Ukrainian skies.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Tole si pa fejst falil. Kaj je high tech armada proti low tehc se je v zgodovini pokazalo že tisočkrat. Recimo, druga Iraška vojna, tam se je videla strašna razlika. Če bi se NATO sile spopadle z Rusko armado, bi jim sesuli aviacijo in potolkli topove že v štartu, ne vem, kaj jim bodo potem low tech granate, a jih bodo z roko metali?
V 2. iraški vojni so Američani tedne butali s tomahawki vse, kar je imelo količkaj vojaško vrednost za Irak. Že prej so mapirali vse objekte s sateliti in z izvidovanjem. Metodično so dobili tudi načrte bunkerjev, kar so gradile jugoslovanske firme. Irak je za vojno izrazito neprimerna država. Nikjer naravnih ovir, samo pesek.
Ena odkritik Rusov je bila, da niso naredili česa enakega z Ukrajinci. Težava je samo to, da Rusi tako natančnih manevrirnih izstrelkov nimajo. Druga težava pa je bila, da so Ukrajinci dosti opreme že pred tem umaknili iz statičnih pozicij. Tretji razlog pa je pomanjkanje komunikacije, kjer se rodovi vojske niso pogovarjali med sabo in rigidnost komandne strukture Rusov.
Rambutan ::
Na katerem planetu ti živiš. Vse tajne službe prisluškujejo zaveznikom in sovražnikom ti si pa videti šokiran. Še sreča,da drugi niso tako naivni
Mogoče se zato že dva dni skriva v bunkerju, ker je zvedel da mu ZDA prisluškuje
In the West, it is noted that Zelensky is coming out of a bunker with white walls for the second day in a row, he has shortness of breath and difficulty speaking, as well as a haggard face.
LightBit ::
Rambutan ::
Zanimivo, v leakanih dokumentih piše, da ZDA prisluškujejo Zelenskemu. Ker so Ukrajinci hoteli napadat cilje v RUsiji, jim ZDA noče dati raket dolgega dosega.
Ali ni Zelenski lutka od ZDA?
Ja, to sem tudi jaz mislil. Leakani dokumenti pa pravijo, da je Zelensky bolj samostojen, da niti ZDA nimajo dobrega vpogleda v ukrajinsko oblast. To, da se ZDA zanašajo na to, kar jim sporočajo Ukrajinci in na podatke od Oryxa, potrjuje to dejstvo. Vse kaže, da imajo ZDA velike probleme z obveščevalnimi službami iz terena. Podobno je moralo biti tudi v Afganistanu.
mackilla ::
Na katerem planetu ti živiš. Vse tajne službe prisluškujejo zaveznikom in sovražnikom ti si pa videti šokiran. Še sreča,da drugi niso tako naivni
Mogoče se zato že dva dni skriva v bunkerju, ker je zvedel da mu ZDA prisluškuje
In the West, it is noted that Zelensky is coming out of a bunker with white walls for the second day in a row, he has shortness of breath and difficulty speaking, as well as a haggard face.
Kdo na zahodu pa poroča,da se Zelenski že dva dni skriva v bunkerju? Sem ti že povedal,da Samo bedaki mislijo,da si zavezniki ne prisluškujejo med sabo. Rusi prisluškujejo Belorusom, Kitajcem, Eritreji in severni Koreji ter seveda tudi obratno Nemci prisluškujejo Američanom, Francozom, Italijanom ter seveda tudi obratno. Brez skrbi,da tudi Ukrajinci prisluškujejo ZDA,če imajo možnost. Zdaj pa ti misliš,da je Zelenski šokiran. Hrvati so naprimer prisluškovali Sloveniji in zelo verjetno tudi mi njim. A misliš,da se Putin drži za mize in je cel zabuhel,ker je izvedel,da mu ZDA prisluškuje?
Zanimivo, v leakanih dokumentih piše, da ZDA prisluškujejo Zelenskemu. Ker so Ukrajinci hoteli napadat cilje v RUsiji, jim ZDA noče dati raket dolgega dosega.
Ali ni Zelenski lutka od ZDA?
Ja, to sem tudi jaz mislil. Leakani dokumenti pa pravijo, da je Zelensky bolj samostojen, da niti ZDA nimajo dobrega vpogleda v ukrajinsko oblast. To, da se ZDA zanašajo na to, kar jim sporočajo Ukrajinci in na podatke od Oryxa, potrjuje to dejstvo. Vse kaže, da imajo ZDA velike probleme z obveščevalnimi službami iz terena. Podobno je moralo biti tudi v Afganistanu.
Seveda. Sam si včeraj lepil,da imajo Američani infiltrirane vse veje ruske oblasti in vojske. Danes pa pišeš,da nimajo pojma kaj se dogaja. Enkrat pišeš,da je Zelenski lutka drugič pa da je samostojen. Kar ti pač sporočijo "viri"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Rambutan ::
Ja, to sem tudi jaz mislil. Leakani dokumenti pa pravijo, da je Zelensky bolj samostojen, da niti ZDA nimajo dobrega vpogleda v ukrajinsko oblast. To, da se ZDA zanašajo na to, kar jim sporočajo Ukrajinci in na podatke od Oryxa, potrjuje to dejstvo. Vse kaže, da imajo ZDA velike probleme z obveščevalnimi službami iz terena. Podobno je moralo biti tudi v Afganistanu.
Seveda. Sam si včeraj lepil,da imajo Američani infiltrirane vse veje ruske oblasti in vojske. Danes pa pišeš,da nimajo pojma kaj se dogaja. Enkrat pišeš,da je Zelenski lutka drugič pa da je samostojen. Kar ti pač sporočijo "viri"
Iz Slovenije je nemogoče točno vedeti, kaj se v Ukrajini resnično dogaja. Vsak od nas pač verjame tistim virom, ki se mu zdijo najbolj realni. Ker je vojna fluidna zadevščina, seveda spreminjam svoje mnenje glede na nove informacije.
To, da ZDA ne vedo točno kaj se v Ukrajini dogaja, pa priznavajo tudi Američani sami .
But early on during the war, Ukrainian officials were hesitant about sharing their battle plans with the United States, for fear of leaks, American and European officials said. As recently as last summer, American intelligence officials said they often had a better understanding of Russia’s military plans than of Ukraine’s.
Concerned that sharing their operation plans could also highlight weaknesses and discourage continued American support, the Ukrainians were closely guarding them even as American intelligence was gathering precise details on what the Kremlin was ordering and Russian commanders were planning.
But despite the flow of all this news to the public, American intelligence agencies have less information than they would like about Ukraine’s operations and possess a far better picture of Russia’s military, its planned operations and its successes and failures, according to current and former officials.
mackilla ::
Ja, to sem tudi jaz mislil. Leakani dokumenti pa pravijo, da je Zelensky bolj samostojen, da niti ZDA nimajo dobrega vpogleda v ukrajinsko oblast. To, da se ZDA zanašajo na to, kar jim sporočajo Ukrajinci in na podatke od Oryxa, potrjuje to dejstvo. Vse kaže, da imajo ZDA velike probleme z obveščevalnimi službami iz terena. Podobno je moralo biti tudi v Afganistanu.
Seveda. Sam si včeraj lepil,da imajo Američani infiltrirane vse veje ruske oblasti in vojske. Danes pa pišeš,da nimajo pojma kaj se dogaja. Enkrat pišeš,da je Zelenski lutka drugič pa da je samostojen. Kar ti pač sporočijo "viri"
Iz Slovenije je nemogoče točno vedeti, kaj se v Ukrajini resnično dogaja. Vsak od nas pač verjame tistim virom, ki se mu zdijo najbolj realni. Ker je vojna fluidna zadevščina, seveda spreminjam svoje mnenje glede na nove informacije.
To, da ZDA ne vedo točno kaj se v Ukrajini dogaja, pa priznavajo tudi Američani sami .
But early on during the war, Ukrainian officials were hesitant about sharing their battle plans with the United States, for fear of leaks, American and European officials said. As recently as last summer, American intelligence officials said they often had a better understanding of Russia’s military plans than of Ukraine’s.
Concerned that sharing their operation plans could also highlight weaknesses and discourage continued American support, the Ukrainians were closely guarding them even as American intelligence was gathering precise details on what the Kremlin was ordering and Russian commanders were planning.
But despite the flow of all this news to the public, American intelligence agencies have less information than they would like about Ukraine’s operations and possess a far better picture of Russia’s military, its planned operations and its successes and failures, according to current and former officials.
Članki izpred enega leta niso pomembni. Kaj Američani vedo ali pa ne vedo mi v resnici ne bomo nikoli izvedeli. Seveda tega ne bodo povedli časopisom. Sicer pa zanimivo,da so imajo Ukrajinci bolj zaščitene podatke kot Rusi. Očitno so Rusi nesposobni ali pa imajo Američani vohune na zelo visokih ruskih položajih. Vprašanje je kdo so ti vohuni. Sam Putin ali generali v moskovitskem generalštabu
bbbbbb2015 ::
Sicer pa zanimivo,da so imajo Ukrajinci bolj zaščitene podatke kot Rusi. Očitno so Rusi nesposobni ali pa imajo Američani vohune na zelo visokih ruskih položajih. Vprašanje je kdo so ti vohuni. Sam Putin ali generali v moskovitskem generalštabu
Ukrajinci so imeli, po moje, težave z varnostjo in obveščevalno dejavnostjo do samega začetka vojne, ter morda še tam 2 meseca v začetek vojne. Predvsem zato, ker je v varnostnih strukturah Ukrajine delalo mnogo ljudi, ki so se (kasneje) identificirali kot Donbasvci, kot direktno podložni Rusom. Nekaj je bilo strelov v glavo in z ene in z druge strani.
Zdaj so Ukrajinci na eni strani, rusofili, donbasovci, orke in kar je še teh, pa na drugi strani.
Rusi imajo večje težave. Že sicer imajo zelo skorumpirano mrežo uradnikov in vojakov, ki bi za denar prodali vse. Nenazadnje imajo tudi aparat dosti večji. Tudi glede tehnološke varnosti so Rusi zadaj. Niso uspeli spraviti skupaj tistega Azarta, oz. karkoli bi naj bil tisti software-defined-radio:
Odkar so sankcije, pa še posebej ne dobijo čipov. Ampak že prej niso skupaj spravili tega radia. Od tega, da je bil domet preslab, do tega, da je žrlo baterijo nenormalno.
Zanimivo je to, da vedo, da imajo problem, pa ga še do danes niso uspeli porihtati. Tega ne razumem povsem.
Sheteentz ::
TLDR: Rusi so tole nuklearno orožje prestavili v Belorusijo samo za šov za domačo rajo, da se raja počuti bolj močno. Operativno ni razlike, saj imajo Rusi nukice v Kaliningradu, ki je dejansko zahodno od Belorusije.
Močan je ta Potemkin ko sto mater!
mackilla ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Sicer pa zanimivo,da so imajo Ukrajinci bolj zaščitene podatke kot Rusi. Očitno so Rusi nesposobni ali pa imajo Američani vohune na zelo visokih ruskih položajih. Vprašanje je kdo so ti vohuni. Sam Putin ali generali v moskovitskem generalštabu
Ukrajinci so imeli, po moje, težave z varnostjo in obveščevalno dejavnostjo do samega začetka vojne, ter morda še tam 2 meseca v začetek vojne. Predvsem zato, ker je v varnostnih strukturah Ukrajine delalo mnogo ljudi, ki so se (kasneje) identificirali kot Donbasvci, kot direktno podložni Rusom. Nekaj je bilo strelov v glavo in z ene in z druge strani.
Zdaj so Ukrajinci na eni strani, rusofili, donbasovci, orke in kar je še teh, pa na drugi strani.
Rusi imajo večje težave. Že sicer imajo zelo skorumpirano mrežo uradnikov in vojakov, ki bi za denar prodali vse. Nenazadnje imajo tudi aparat dosti večji. Tudi glede tehnološke varnosti so Rusi zadaj. Niso uspeli spraviti skupaj tistega Azarta, oz. karkoli bi naj bil tisti software-defined-radio:
Odkar so sankcije, pa še posebej ne dobijo čipov. Ampak že prej niso skupaj spravili tega radia. Od tega, da je bil domet preslab, do tega, da je žrlo baterijo nenormalno.
Zanimivo je to, da vedo, da imajo problem, pa ga še do danes niso uspeli porihtati. Tega ne razumem povsem.
Saj je povsem logično,da prikrivaš podatke tudi pred zavezniki. Če se prav spomnim Japonci niso javili Nemcem,da bodo napadli Pearl Harbor kot zanimivost niso spustili nemških atašejev niti na svoje najtežje bojne ladje,da ne bi razkrili kaliber topov. Pravtako zavezniki niso razkrili detajlev glede invazije v Normandiji in podobno. Kot seveda tudi Rusi niso razkrivali svojih načrtov zaveznikom. Vohunili so pa seveda vsi med sabo. Zdaj se pa folk čudi kot,da je nekaj neverjetnega,da Američani vohunijo pri Ukrajincih oziroma mogoče celo Ukrajinci pri Američanih. To je splošna praksa,ki je znana vsem politikom in vojaškim uslužbencem po vsem svetu. Prav tako je popolnoma logično,da Ukrajinci ne razkrivajo svojih načrtov zahodu. Podatki glede ofenzive so verjetno znani peščici ljudi v Ukrajini in NATO poveljstvu. Razni anonimni viri,ki jih navajajo časopisi so seveda zgolj ugibanja kakšnih nižjih uradnikov,ki slepi tipajo po temi. Da sploh ne govorim o nekih rusofilskih analizah,da se Zelenski skriva po bunkerjih,ker Američani pridobivajo podatke o Ukrajini. To mu je seveda popolnoma logično saj ni neki retard,ki razpravlja o politiki z pijanci po gostilnah
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
PacificBlue ::
Javili so americanom ene pol ure pred napadom, so pa s tem nardili si medvedjo uslugo. Americani so bili (javnost) zelo proti temu, da vstopijo v vojno. Po napadu na Pearl Harbor pa je se je to konkretno spremenilo.
Torej če ne bi japonci napadli Pearl Harbor bi se vojna v Evropi lahko drugace koncala ali pa vsaj zelo zavlekla.
Torej če ne bi japonci napadli Pearl Harbor bi se vojna v Evropi lahko drugace koncala ali pa vsaj zelo zavlekla.
I’m out.