Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Malidelničar ::
"This war which was launched against us..." Lavrov's statement has crowd burst into laughter
Sploh mi ni jasno,da se ne pogrezne direkt v oder. Moraš imeti debelo kožo in biti brez kančka sramu,da daješ takšne izjave na mednarodni sceni. Ko bo vsega konec se bo verjetno izgovarjal,da je samo izpolnjeval ukaze oziroma da so ga prisilili![]()
Sem presenečen nad reakcijo občinstva, glede na to, da gre za Indijce, ki naj bi držali z Rusi.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
yansek ::
Takole pravi npr."...asocialna revolucija se odvija pod preprogo, na forumih, na socialnih omrežjih itn. kjer pa Rusija deluje z naskokom, najbolj strukturirano, najmočnejše in z najbolj vzporedno realnostjo ustvarjajoče na svetu..."
PacificBlue ::
"This war which was launched against us..." Lavrov's statement has crowd burst into laughter
Sploh mi ni jasno,da se ne pogrezne direkt v oder. Moraš imeti debelo kožo in biti brez kančka sramu,da daješ takšne izjave na mednarodni sceni. Ko bo vsega konec se bo verjetno izgovarjal,da je samo izpolnjeval ukaze oziroma da so ga prisilili![]()
I’m out.
Pac-Man ::
Shit for brains babica iz Moskve bi pobila vse Ukrajince, ker ne ljubijo več Rusov, video.
This nice older Russian lady openly calls Ukrainian "Nazis" and urges to kill every Ukrainian, including the babies (she repeats this wish several time) in order to "clean up this rot (the Ukrainians)". This is the face of the Russian "antifascism".
cel video:
Should we invade Poland next?
This nice older Russian lady openly calls Ukrainian "Nazis" and urges to kill every Ukrainian, including the babies (she repeats this wish several time) in order to "clean up this rot (the Ukrainians)". This is the face of the Russian "antifascism".
cel video:
Should we invade Poland next?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
BorutO ::
Rusom zelo zmanjkuje keša. Treba je povedati, da je pred vojno v Ukrajini bila Rusiji med največjimi uvozniki ravno EU, isto so v države EUja izvozili skoraj največ vsega, razen žita. Ampak, glihkar berem, da je trgovski biznis med EU-jem in Rusijo (skoraj) propadel: Ves uvoz Rusije v EU se je zmanjšal na 4,3%, izvoz EU-ja v Rusijo pa je padel na 2,0% ... Papa, Rusija. :)
Zato pa se dela Putler tako sladkega ob Kitajcih, da se skoraj topi, ko pa ve, da so Kitajci še edini, ki mu lahko rešijo državo pred razpadom na prafaktorje. Razen Kitajske je Putler začel trgovati z državami, katere imajo že po defaultu zelo nizek bdp.
Zato pa se dela Putler tako sladkega ob Kitajcih, da se skoraj topi, ko pa ve, da so Kitajci še edini, ki mu lahko rešijo državo pred razpadom na prafaktorje. Razen Kitajske je Putler začel trgovati z državami, katere imajo že po defaultu zelo nizek bdp.
Unchancy ::
BRAVO Žiga Turk! Direkt v center in spot on komentar na “mirovniško” pismo našega levega establishmenta, kjer se točno prebere, kje se glede vojne v Ukrajini nahaja slovenska rdeča fevdalna aristokracija. 10/10
Žiga Turk: Prijatelji spet na napačni strani
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Lesoto ::
"We can not do anything!" - Igor Girkin assessed Russia's performance after one year of war and claims that without a lend-lease for Russia, they will lose.
"We can not do anything!" - Igor Girkin assessed Russia's performance after one year of war and claims that without a lend-lease for Russia, they will lose.
Unchancy ::
BTW zakaj obstaja retradirano prepričanje, da smo vsi, ki pravimo, da Ukrajina ne more zmagati, Rusofili?
Da bo jasno, Putin je čisti avtokrat, ki dela ogromno pizdarij, eni smo celo prebrali to knjigo, ki jo napisala ruska novinarka, ki je zgoraj citirana, zasluži si mesto v zaporu za marsikatero zadevo, ki jo je naredil in dopustil.
Tukaj lahko nalimate še 1000 in 1 citat, študije, zapise, twitter threade, ali karkoli že, glede Putinovih in ruskuh pizdarij, pa se mnenje glede samega razpleta vojne, niti malo ne bo spremenilo.
In še vedno trdim, da Ukrajina ne more zmagati, pa če dobi še 100 tankov, 100 milijard pomoči, vse Javeline tega sveta, pa še vse F16, kar jih obstaja.
Zato sem, vsaj osebno, proti tej opciji, ker se mi zdi, da s tem samo več ukrajinskih ljudi brez veze umira.
Tudi za ceno ukrajinskega poraza in dopustitve Rusiji, da dobi določena ozemlja, je potrebno čim preje priti do miru v tem konfliktu.
Osebno ne vidim, da bi lahko vsa ta pomoč, kakorkoli že efektivna je, kolikorkoli ruskih vojakov umre, spremenila ukrajniski poraz v zmago na dolgi rok, ne vidim niti malo možnosti, da bo Putin popustil, še manjšo pa, da bo v Rusiji prišel nekdo, ki ga bo eliminiral.
Ker alternativa in edina možnost, da bi Ukrajina lahko premagala Rusijo je, da vstopijo NATO vojaki na ozemlje Ukrajine in se direktno in uradno začnejo boriti z ruskimi.
A ta scenarij se mi zdi veliko hujši scenarij za ves svet, ker pospešeno vodi v WW3.
Ta cel sklop tvojih komentarjev gre v zaznamke in te bom spomnil nanje čez pol leta, leto.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
redtech ::
Tankers going to the Netherlands, meanwhile, moored at the berth in Rotterdam harbour that feeds the Zeeland Refinery, in which Lukoil has a 45% stake. Lukoil also owns the main Bulgarian refinery in Burgas on the Black Sea, as well as a refinery in Constanta, Romania
Price cap, do RU rafinerije.![:))](
Nevem, lahko so brez denarja, samo imajo polno košarico dobrot, ki bodo vedno in povsod dobrodošle.
Iz rafinerije pride dizel po tržni ceni, katero dobi RU podjetje.
Price cap, do RU rafinerije.
Nevem, lahko so brez denarja, samo imajo polno košarico dobrot, ki bodo vedno in povsod dobrodošle.
Iz rafinerije pride dizel po tržni ceni, katero dobi RU podjetje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: redtech ()
Lesoto ::
Iz rafinerije pride dizel po tržni ceni, katero dobi RU podjetje.
To je pljunek v morje.
Russia’s Revenue From Oil and Gas Almost Halved in February
- Budget’s proceeds from oil taxes fell 48% from a year ago
- Gas revenue declined 42% due to lower exports to Europe
PS: Pa počakaj, da pridemo v tiste mesece, ko so imeli Rusi najvišje zaslužke od norih cen nafte in plina, to je tja do septembra. Padci bodo globoko nad 50%.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Lesoto ::
Ja sej pravim, nevem, kako bo. Samo res bo smeha, da ne bomo na koncu mi imeli manj![]()
ja, ja, zmrznli bomo.
Rekordno številno delovno aktivnih, največ zaposlitev v predelovalnih dejavnostih in gradbeništvu
Število delovno aktivnih oseb se je na mesečni ravni povečalo za 0,4 odstotka in doseglo novo najvišjo vrednost. V primerjavi s koncem leta 2012 je zraslo za kar 18,0 odstotkov.
redtech ::
Ja, če bereš, kako je bilo v Wemarski rep., opaziš kup podobnosti. To je offtopic..
Wagnerju je skočila cena, ker so dobili največjo bitko v 21. stoletju :)
Večja od Aleppa in Mosula?
Wagnerju je skočila cena, ker so dobili največjo bitko v 21. stoletju :)
Večja od Aleppa in Mosula?
sparklyslo ::
Ja, če bereš, kako je bilo v Wemarski rep., opaziš kup podobnosti. To je offtopic..
Wagnerju je skočila cena, ker so dobili največjo bitko v 21. stoletju :)
Večja od Aleppa in Mosula?
Sicer so take primerjave slabe, ampak Mosul in Alepo sta imela št. prebivalcev med 1 500 000 in 2 000 000.
Bakhmut 70 0000. In za to so potrebovali eno leto, tako da daleč so še milijonska mesta.
Rambutan ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, I am skeptical that there would be a chance that by the fall, Ukraine would regain its territories, which it lost firstly after 2014 and secondly after February 24 of last year. Second. The support of the West is also limited in that the West either cannot or does not want to give everything that Ukraine asks for in order to be successful. He can't give them about the fact that he doesn't have that much equipment and, above all, the ammunition that the Ukrainians would need. Armies are already at their limits. Then there are the weapons systems that we don't want to give her, meaning aircraft and other technology, when we refer to the fact that they don't need it. See Biden's latest statement on F16 aircraft," comments security adviser General Andor Šándor.
Sándor sees a dilemma between how we politically support Ukraine and show something that we are not able to fulfill. How public PR is at odds with what we are able or willing to do. “It's very controversial to say whether we should support Ukraine long enough to win before the Russians break it all. We have a number of politicians who believe that Ukraine can win, and any other opinion is ostracized. On the other hand, the option that Ukraine does not have to win is being realistically considered," described Sándor, who reminds us that Russia is a country used to hardship. "A country that has far greater potential, both military and human. It is a country that, unfortunately, has not suffered as much from the sanctions. At the same time, we should say that Russia is not isolated at all. There are many more countries that have not acceded to sanctions. Even Turkey, a country of the North Atlantic Alliance, did not accede to sanctions," Sándor said. “Russia is capable of continuing the conflict for much longer than Ukraine. Therefore, I can imagine that it has two dimensions. One politically open, but also the other, when there may be challenges. It is possible that Biden's trip to Kyiv on February 20 was also about starting to consider a different solution than insisting that Ukraine liberate its entire territory this year. Unrealistic," he added.
"Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops."
In the direction of Bachmut, the situation becomes more and more complicated. And what or who does he think will matter how the war ends? "Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops. They keep the Ukrainian troops in touch with daily artillery shelling and short sorties, forcing them to fight without a break, maximum loss of human lives occurs, on both sides. There is a wear roller. Ukrainians can hardly rest, which complicates the state of the Ukrainian army. It is an attrition tactic on the part of the Russians to make it impossible for the Ukrainians to prepare a spring counter-offensive, on which the further fate of the country could depend," said Sándor. "Contrary to the expectations of many of us, when we thought we would see some big encircling operations of the Russian army, they rather choose this path of daily exhaustion. Ukrainian resources are not unlimited. we see that the promises of technology deliveries are not fulfilled in terms of numbers, and are delayed. The Russian plays brutally for time and knows very well what he will achieve by doing so. A number of experts and the Americans are appealing to the Ukrainians to stop defending Bakhmut and exhausting themselves in this area, and rather concentrate the limited forces they have to improve their position on the battlefield somewhere else. The idea that Russia will lose Crimea is unrealistic at the moment," concludes the security adviser.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, I am skeptical that there would be a chance that by the fall, Ukraine would regain its territories, which it lost firstly after 2014 and secondly after February 24 of last year. Second. The support of the West is also limited in that the West either cannot or does not want to give everything that Ukraine asks for in order to be successful. He can't give them about the fact that he doesn't have that much equipment and, above all, the ammunition that the Ukrainians would need. Armies are already at their limits. Then there are the weapons systems that we don't want to give her, meaning aircraft and other technology, when we refer to the fact that they don't need it. See Biden's latest statement on F16 aircraft," comments security adviser General Andor Šándor.
Sándor sees a dilemma between how we politically support Ukraine and show something that we are not able to fulfill. How public PR is at odds with what we are able or willing to do. “It's very controversial to say whether we should support Ukraine long enough to win before the Russians break it all. We have a number of politicians who believe that Ukraine can win, and any other opinion is ostracized. On the other hand, the option that Ukraine does not have to win is being realistically considered," described Sándor, who reminds us that Russia is a country used to hardship. "A country that has far greater potential, both military and human. It is a country that, unfortunately, has not suffered as much from the sanctions. At the same time, we should say that Russia is not isolated at all. There are many more countries that have not acceded to sanctions. Even Turkey, a country of the North Atlantic Alliance, did not accede to sanctions," Sándor said. “Russia is capable of continuing the conflict for much longer than Ukraine. Therefore, I can imagine that it has two dimensions. One politically open, but also the other, when there may be challenges. It is possible that Biden's trip to Kyiv on February 20 was also about starting to consider a different solution than insisting that Ukraine liberate its entire territory this year. Unrealistic," he added.
"Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops."
In the direction of Bachmut, the situation becomes more and more complicated. And what or who does he think will matter how the war ends? "Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops. They keep the Ukrainian troops in touch with daily artillery shelling and short sorties, forcing them to fight without a break, maximum loss of human lives occurs, on both sides. There is a wear roller. Ukrainians can hardly rest, which complicates the state of the Ukrainian army. It is an attrition tactic on the part of the Russians to make it impossible for the Ukrainians to prepare a spring counter-offensive, on which the further fate of the country could depend," said Sándor. "Contrary to the expectations of many of us, when we thought we would see some big encircling operations of the Russian army, they rather choose this path of daily exhaustion. Ukrainian resources are not unlimited. we see that the promises of technology deliveries are not fulfilled in terms of numbers, and are delayed. The Russian plays brutally for time and knows very well what he will achieve by doing so. A number of experts and the Americans are appealing to the Ukrainians to stop defending Bakhmut and exhausting themselves in this area, and rather concentrate the limited forces they have to improve their position on the battlefield somewhere else. The idea that Russia will lose Crimea is unrealistic at the moment," concludes the security adviser.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Pac-Man ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
Strokovnjakom, ki so dva dneva pred invazijo trdili, da le-te ne bo pač ne moremo reč strokovnjaki. Sploh ker je potem maja sklical tiskovno konferenco o veliki nevarnosti, ki grozi Češki in jo uporabil kot infomercial za bunkerje, ki lahko v miru služijo kot vinske kleti.
In January 2022, a month before Russia's invasion of Ukraine , he assessed the security situation in Eastern Europe as follows: (...) "Looking at the few images we see, the Russian military isn't even deployed so-called out of combat. It is lined up as if on a platform. In my judgment, it does not show any element of being prepared to attack in a way that would attack south-eastern Ukraine. On the other hand, it wouldn't be that difficult for her to transform into this situation. Attacking from Belarus with the number of soldiers there, so that they go to Kiev and so-called grip Ukraine in a pincer, does not make sense from a military point of view. (...)"
Two days before the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he evaluated the claims of Western politicians about the upcoming Russian attack as an attempt to cover up domestic problems:
In May 2022, Andor Šándor publicly announced that on May 26, 2022, he would speak at a press conference with "an important security challenge for the citizens of the Czech Republic ". At the press conference on May 26, 2022, which was broadcast live by the Czech media, he presented the sales offer of anti-collapse covers. [15] [16] [17]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, I am skeptical that there would be a chance that by the fall, Ukraine would regain its territories, which it lost firstly after 2014 and secondly after February 24 of last year. Second. The support of the West is also limited in that the West either cannot or does not want to give everything that Ukraine asks for in order to be successful. He can't give them about the fact that he doesn't have that much equipment and, above all, the ammunition that the Ukrainians would need. Armies are already at their limits. Then there are the weapons systems that we don't want to give her, meaning aircraft and other technology, when we refer to the fact that they don't need it. See Biden's latest statement on F16 aircraft," comments security adviser General Andor Šándor.
Sándor sees a dilemma between how we politically support Ukraine and show something that we are not able to fulfill. How public PR is at odds with what we are able or willing to do. “It's very controversial to say whether we should support Ukraine long enough to win before the Russians break it all. We have a number of politicians who believe that Ukraine can win, and any other opinion is ostracized. On the other hand, the option that Ukraine does not have to win is being realistically considered," described Sándor, who reminds us that Russia is a country used to hardship. "A country that has far greater potential, both military and human. It is a country that, unfortunately, has not suffered as much from the sanctions. At the same time, we should say that Russia is not isolated at all. There are many more countries that have not acceded to sanctions. Even Turkey, a country of the North Atlantic Alliance, did not accede to sanctions," Sándor said. “Russia is capable of continuing the conflict for much longer than Ukraine. Therefore, I can imagine that it has two dimensions. One politically open, but also the other, when there may be challenges. It is possible that Biden's trip to Kyiv on February 20 was also about starting to consider a different solution than insisting that Ukraine liberate its entire territory this year. Unrealistic," he added.
"Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops."
In the direction of Bachmut, the situation becomes more and more complicated. And what or who does he think will matter how the war ends? "Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops. They keep the Ukrainian troops in touch with daily artillery shelling and short sorties, forcing them to fight without a break, maximum loss of human lives occurs, on both sides. There is a wear roller. Ukrainians can hardly rest, which complicates the state of the Ukrainian army. It is an attrition tactic on the part of the Russians to make it impossible for the Ukrainians to prepare a spring counter-offensive, on which the further fate of the country could depend," said Sándor. "Contrary to the expectations of many of us, when we thought we would see some big encircling operations of the Russian army, they rather choose this path of daily exhaustion. Ukrainian resources are not unlimited. we see that the promises of technology deliveries are not fulfilled in terms of numbers, and are delayed. The Russian plays brutally for time and knows very well what he will achieve by doing so. A number of experts and the Americans are appealing to the Ukrainians to stop defending Bakhmut and exhausting themselves in this area, and rather concentrate the limited forces they have to improve their position on the battlefield somewhere else. The idea that Russia will lose Crimea is unrealistic at the moment," concludes the security adviser.
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
mackilla ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, I am skeptical that there would be a chance that by the fall, Ukraine would regain its territories, which it lost firstly after 2014 and secondly after February 24 of last year. Second. The support of the West is also limited in that the West either cannot or does not want to give everything that Ukraine asks for in order to be successful. He can't give them about the fact that he doesn't have that much equipment and, above all, the ammunition that the Ukrainians would need. Armies are already at their limits. Then there are the weapons systems that we don't want to give her, meaning aircraft and other technology, when we refer to the fact that they don't need it. See Biden's latest statement on F16 aircraft," comments security adviser General Andor Šándor.
Sándor sees a dilemma between how we politically support Ukraine and show something that we are not able to fulfill. How public PR is at odds with what we are able or willing to do. “It's very controversial to say whether we should support Ukraine long enough to win before the Russians break it all. We have a number of politicians who believe that Ukraine can win, and any other opinion is ostracized. On the other hand, the option that Ukraine does not have to win is being realistically considered," described Sándor, who reminds us that Russia is a country used to hardship. "A country that has far greater potential, both military and human. It is a country that, unfortunately, has not suffered as much from the sanctions. At the same time, we should say that Russia is not isolated at all. There are many more countries that have not acceded to sanctions. Even Turkey, a country of the North Atlantic Alliance, did not accede to sanctions," Sándor said. “Russia is capable of continuing the conflict for much longer than Ukraine. Therefore, I can imagine that it has two dimensions. One politically open, but also the other, when there may be challenges. It is possible that Biden's trip to Kyiv on February 20 was also about starting to consider a different solution than insisting that Ukraine liberate its entire territory this year. Unrealistic," he added.
"Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops."
In the direction of Bachmut, the situation becomes more and more complicated. And what or who does he think will matter how the war ends? "Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops. They keep the Ukrainian troops in touch with daily artillery shelling and short sorties, forcing them to fight without a break, maximum loss of human lives occurs, on both sides. There is a wear roller. Ukrainians can hardly rest, which complicates the state of the Ukrainian army. It is an attrition tactic on the part of the Russians to make it impossible for the Ukrainians to prepare a spring counter-offensive, on which the further fate of the country could depend," said Sándor. "Contrary to the expectations of many of us, when we thought we would see some big encircling operations of the Russian army, they rather choose this path of daily exhaustion. Ukrainian resources are not unlimited. we see that the promises of technology deliveries are not fulfilled in terms of numbers, and are delayed. The Russian plays brutally for time and knows very well what he will achieve by doing so. A number of experts and the Americans are appealing to the Ukrainians to stop defending Bakhmut and exhausting themselves in this area, and rather concentrate the limited forces they have to improve their position on the battlefield somewhere else. The idea that Russia will lose Crimea is unrealistic at the moment," concludes the security adviser.
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
A mu ne zaupaš? Tip je legit rusofilski prodajalec copium driske
He is often presented in the media as a security and military expert. [5] His views are regularly published by the server , which in the Czech media environment is considered to be manipulating and aiding Russian propaganda [6] [7] [8] [9] . Sándor has repeatedly expressed pro-Russian positions and rhetoric, using disinformation [10] to question Russia's activities in Western Europe , such as the assassination of Sergei Skripal using the Novichok nerve agent, or stated that he considers Russia's terrorist action in the destruction of the ammunition depot in Vrbětice to be a political action because he proper evidence is lacking.[11] He repeatedly defends Russian ruler Vladimir Putin and downplays his crimes, saying that Putin is not stupid
Rambutan ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
mackilla ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Nismo zaposleni v ukrajinskem generalštabu. Lahko ti pa povem,da pogajanj ne bo v nobenem primeru
Rambutan ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Nismo zaposleni v ukrajinskem generalštabu. Lahko ti pa povem,da pogajanj ne bo v nobenem primeru![]()
Tudi jaz nisem zaposlen v ruskem generalštabu, pa si vseeno upam podati napoved, kako se bo končala vojna. Bi rekel da nisi preveč prepričan v ukrajinske možnosti, zato si ne upaš napovedati. Bomo videli če bo kdo drug zbral več poguma.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
mackilla ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Nismo zaposleni v ukrajinskem generalštabu. Lahko ti pa povem,da pogajanj ne bo v nobenem primeru![]()
Tudi jaz nisem zaposlen v ruskem generalštabu, pa si vseeno upam podati napoved, kako se bo končala vojna. Bi rekel da nisi preveč prepričan v ukrajinske možnosti, zato si ne upaš napovedati. Bomo videli če bo kdo drug zbral več poguma.
Napovedal si konec vojne najkasneje do junija. Bo čas povedal
luli ::
Ti si samo upaš napovedati, jaz pa vem.
Končalo se bo s pridružitvijo Srbije EU in posledično osamitvijo Dodika. Rusija bo kolapsirala in začela se bo državljanska vojna. Kavkaz bo prvi vsekal. Potem bo svoje zahteve podala tudi Kitajska. Takrat se bom pa odlocil koga podpreti.
Končalo se bo s pridružitvijo Srbije EU in posledično osamitvijo Dodika. Rusija bo kolapsirala in začela se bo državljanska vojna. Kavkaz bo prvi vsekal. Potem bo svoje zahteve podala tudi Kitajska. Takrat se bom pa odlocil koga podpreti.
mackilla ::
No bom pa še jaz podal svojo napoved. Vojna bo trajala še najmanj par let oziroma do zadnjega rublja. Pogajanja niso mogoča. Če Ukrajina sprejme ruske pogoje izgubi državo. Če Putin sprejeme ukrajinske izgubi jajca in glavo. Vmesne poti ni. Rusija bo slej kot prej prisiljena prodati svoje vrtine,rudnike in naftna polja Kitajcem,ki jih bodo na koncu požrli
Neke ofenzive sploh niso pomembne,ker je rusija vojno in prihodnost izgubila že prvi dan invazije
Rambutan ::
Napovedal si konec vojne najkasneje do junija. Bo čas povedal![]()
Moja napoved je prodor skozi linijo Slavjansk - Kramatorsk in obkroženje ukrajinskih sil na levem bregu Dnjepra do konca poletja 2023.
Možno je da bo Rusija počakala ukrajinsko ofenzivo in po neuspehu naredila svojo kontraofenzivo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Bolibri ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Kdaj se bo Rusija umaknila, glede na to, da osvaja eno mesto že eno leto in ji še ni uspelo in jim bodo morali pustiti, da ga osvojijo?
Wermacht je bil v tem času že pred Moskvo in predvsem amerikancem se morajo zahvaliti, da niso končali za Uralom.
Tudi jaz nisem zaposlen v ruskem generalštabu, pa si vseeno upam podati napoved, kako se bo končala vojna. Bi rekel da nisi preveč prepričan v ukrajinske možnosti, zato si ne upaš napovedati. Bomo videli če bo kdo drug zbral več poguma.
Si že slišal tisto - v enem letu niso uspeli zasesti enega mesta in jim morajo to pustiti, da jih ne bo preveč sram. Mest pa je več kot 1. 3 dni do Berlina, teden dni do Pariza. Vidim, da si tudi ti ne upaš napovedati, kdaj bodo ruski naciji zasedli Ukrajino. Ko jih dobijo po počki, nekaj jokajo ruski naciji. Kdaj bodo denacificirali Rusijo? Tega ti pa ne bi znal povedati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bolibri ()
Pac-Man ::
promo video, nekateri uporabljajo bullpop puške sumljivo podobne F(S)2000
Soldiers of the recently formed Ukrainian 13th Jager Brigade prepare to liberate Ukrainian land.
Soldiers of the recently formed Ukrainian 13th Jager Brigade prepare to liberate Ukrainian land.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Ukrajina bo naredila final ali pa second final push poleti. Če ne bo ratalo bodo dobili letala in rakete dolgega dosega, če bo ratalo pa tako OK, bitka bo krvava, če Putina odnesejo bodo pogajanja, če bo Putin gor se bo vleklo, kot so ti rekli, do zadnjega Rublja!
mailer ::
Prej bo zmanjkalo $ in € oz pri eskalaciji nobena valuta ne bo pomembna.
Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz
fur80 ::
Prej bo zmanjkalo $ in € oz pri eskalaciji nobena valuta ne bo pomembna.
Rusija mora le nahranit vseeno 14 miljonov javnih uslužbencev, ki jih je imela leta 2014, verjetno se je ta številka še povečala.
Russia has more than 14 million public sector employees working in spheres such as education, health care, culture, and governance. One out of every five people employed in the Russian economy, one out of three Russians working for any type of organisation, and two out of five employees of large and medium-sized enterprises in Russia are public sector employees.
mackilla ::
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
No, potem me pa zanimajo vaše napovedi za ukrajinsko pomladno/poletno ofenzivo. Kdaj se bo začela? Kje bodo udarili? Do kam bodo prišli? Kaj bodo dosegli? Se bodo po uspehu začeli pogajati ali bodo nadaljevali z osvoboditvijo cele Ukrajine?
Ukrajina bo naredila final ali pa second final push poleti. Če ne bo ratalo bodo dobili letala in rakete dolgega dosega, če bo ratalo pa tako OK, bitka bo krvava, če Putina odnesejo bodo pogajanja, če bo Putin gor se bo vleklo, kot so ti rekli, do zadnjega Rublja!
Poznamo dva tipa vojn. Kratke in dolge. Ta vojna traja predolgo,da bi lahko bila kratka. Lahko je začeti vojno ampak težje jo je končati. Ukrajina je prevelika,da bi lahko izgubila vojno brez,da kapitulira in Rusija ni dovolj močna,da bi jo lahko prisilila v kapitulacijo. Ameriska vojaška industrija je dobila bikovsko injekcijo steroidov in Evropska vsaj konjsko. To bo pokalo še vsaj par let. Če kdo misli,da se bo Rusijo snelo z roštilja preden bo preprečena do kosti je blazen. Lahko bi se sami ampak potem čaka rusko vodstvo usoda zadnjega ruskega carja. Preveč so napumpali narod. Lahko bi rekli,da je ruska politika in propaganda pisala čeke,ki jih rusko gospodarstvo in vojska nista sposobna pokriti
fur80 ::
No ta javni sektor se plačuje iz tega denarja, pa še ta gre sedaj za vojsko, tukaj se pa porabljajo rezerve.
Russian tax revenue from crude oil and petroleum products plummeted by 48% in February from a year earlier due to the much lower price of Russia's flagship crude grade after the EU banned imports of Russian oil, according to Bloomberg estimates based on official Russian data.
Russian tax revenue from crude oil and petroleum products plummeted by 48% in February from a year earlier due to the much lower price of Russia's flagship crude grade after the EU banned imports of Russian oil, according to Bloomberg estimates based on official Russian data.
one too many ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, ...
Da še dodam strojno prevedeno češko Wikipedio o Parlamentni listy:
Parlamentní, običajno imenovan Parlamentní listy ali s kratico PL, je spletna stran z razpravami, novicami in komentarji, ki deluje od leta 2008, kritiki pa jo ocenjujejo kot medij za dezinformacije[1][2][3], ki ni institucionalno povezana s parlamentom Češke republike. Izdaja ga medijska skupina Our Media, ...
V splošnem diskurzu je Parlamentní listy med mediji, ki jih na Češkem krivijo za prorusko propagando. Objavljajo besedila avtorjev, "ki so nestrpni do drugih kulturnih, verskih in družbenih razlik"[6] in jih tako označujeta na primer Jan Čulík ali strežnik Romea. Po študiji politologov z Univerze Masaryk so v člankih na strežniku uporabljali manipulativne tehnike, kot sta etiketiranje in vzbujanje negativnih čustev.
Urad poslanske zbornice Češke republike se je 23. aprila 2012 odločno distanciral od spletnega portala Parlamentní listy in izjavil, da njegovo ime, vsebina, usmeritev, avtorji člankov in izdajatelji nimajo nič skupnega z delom poslanske zbornice Češke republike in nikakor ne odražajo njenih stališč[44][45].
Po raziskavi Masarykove univerze, objavljeni poleti 2016, so Parlamentní listy dojemali kot križišče med resnimi mediji in sivo cono prokremeljske manipulacije, po vsebini pa je bil po podatkih enakovreden na primer strežniku AC24 in "manipulativne tehnike se tam pojavljajo celo pogosteje kot na primer na Sputniku". [39] Po rezultatih iste analize, ki je poleg Parlamentní listy vključevala še Sputnik, AC24 in Svět kolem nás, so ti strežniki omenjali Rusijo v približno 30 % od 2 500 preučevanih besedil, skoraj dve tretjini omemb pa je bilo nevtralnih, pri čemer je bila raven zastopanosti Rusije v pozitivnem ali negativnem kontekstu uravnotežena. Vendar se je proruska optika kazala predvsem v vzbujanju negativnih čustev in prikazovanju nefunkcionalnega političnega sistema na Zahodu.
Pac-Man ::
to, video
The wives of Russian barbarians beg Putin to save their husbands that were sent into combat with no food or water, only machine guns and are currently surrounded by Ukrainian Forces near Avdiivka.
in to
Putin has spent 23 years developing this idea that his subordinates often do wrong, but he is the tough boss (nachal’nik) who can fix everything. See below a long passage from Mr Putin, the book from Fiona Hill and Clark Gifford.
The wives of Russian barbarians beg Putin to save their husbands that were sent into combat with no food or water, only machine guns and are currently surrounded by Ukrainian Forces near Avdiivka.
in to
Putin has spent 23 years developing this idea that his subordinates often do wrong, but he is the tough boss (nachal’nik) who can fix everything. See below a long passage from Mr Putin, the book from Fiona Hill and Clark Gifford.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
If some western feminists spoke about rape the same way they speak about the russian invasion of Ukraine🧵:
"Women should not be allowed to possess any self-defense weapons because it provokes rapists even more, we definitely should stop arming women"
"Why not peace talks with rapists? How about he uses a condom or how about he rapes you only in the ass but not in the vagina? There is a peaceful solution"
"Police should stay away from rape cases because there are more serious crimes. What about tax evasion, for example?"
"If the rapist apologizes that's definitely enough. There should not be any further responsibility at all"
"Rape victims are being too angry online. Stop the rapistphobia!"
V Ukrajini bo stala tovarna za naslednika Leopardov. Mogoče ;)
The armaments group Rheinmetall is negotiating the construction of a tank factory on Ukrainian soil. "A Rheinmetall plant can be built in the Ukraine for around 200 million euros," company boss Armin Papperger told the Rheinische Post newspaper. It could produce up to 400 Panther-type main battle tanks annually. The talks with the Ukrainian government are »promising«. Papperger hoped for a decision "within the next two months."
Panther KF51 @ Wikipedia
The KF51 is based on the hull of the Leopard 2A4.[4] A new turret is to be mounted on the Leopard 2; the main gun is an autoloaded 130 mm calibre.[4]
If some western feminists spoke about rape the same way they speak about the russian invasion of Ukraine🧵:
"Women should not be allowed to possess any self-defense weapons because it provokes rapists even more, we definitely should stop arming women"
"Why not peace talks with rapists? How about he uses a condom or how about he rapes you only in the ass but not in the vagina? There is a peaceful solution"
"Police should stay away from rape cases because there are more serious crimes. What about tax evasion, for example?"
"If the rapist apologizes that's definitely enough. There should not be any further responsibility at all"
"Rape victims are being too angry online. Stop the rapistphobia!"
V Ukrajini bo stala tovarna za naslednika Leopardov. Mogoče ;)
The armaments group Rheinmetall is negotiating the construction of a tank factory on Ukrainian soil. "A Rheinmetall plant can be built in the Ukraine for around 200 million euros," company boss Armin Papperger told the Rheinische Post newspaper. It could produce up to 400 Panther-type main battle tanks annually. The talks with the Ukrainian government are »promising«. Papperger hoped for a decision "within the next two months."
Panther KF51 @ Wikipedia
The KF51 is based on the hull of the Leopard 2A4.[4] A new turret is to be mounted on the Leopard 2; the main gun is an autoloaded 130 mm calibre.[4]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
to, video
The wives of Russian barbarians beg Putin to save their husbands that were sent into combat with no food or water, only machine guns and are currently surrounded by Ukrainian Forces near Avdiivka.
in to
Putin has spent 23 years developing this idea that his subordinates often do wrong, but he is the tough boss (nachal’nik) who can fix everything. See below a long passage from Mr Putin, the book from Fiona Hill and Clark Gifford.
Na zahodu greš protestirati ali na volitve v Rusiji pa posnameš video za Putina v upanju,da se te bo usmili. Če ne bi bilo žalostno bi bilo smešno. No saj je
Pac-Man ::
Shitload satelitskih posnetkov in foto ter video materiala
This thread will focus on 3 large military vehicle production plants in Russia:
The first plant we will discuss is Omsktransmash which is part of the state-owned Uralvagonzavod Group. This sanctioned engineering company is based in Omsk.
By observing satellite images from September and November 2022, we can notice an increase in activity around the factory as well as the arrival of a large number of armored vehicles. About 150 armored vehicles are visible in November.
This thread will focus on 3 large military vehicle production plants in Russia:
The first plant we will discuss is Omsktransmash which is part of the state-owned Uralvagonzavod Group. This sanctioned engineering company is based in Omsk.
By observing satellite images from September and November 2022, we can notice an increase in activity around the factory as well as the arrival of a large number of armored vehicles. About 150 armored vehicles are visible in November.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Lesoto ::
Avdijevka postaja ta drug Vuhledar.
At the frontline at Avdiivka a Russian assault made up by 5 MBTs and 10 BMPs ended in disaster. 3 Russian MBTs and another 5 BMPs were destroyed. 6 Russian soldiers were captured.
"oh look mum, they are doing the convoy-thingy again"
At the frontline at Avdiivka a Russian assault made up by 5 MBTs and 10 BMPs ended in disaster. 3 Russian MBTs and another 5 BMPs were destroyed. 6 Russian soldiers were captured.
"oh look mum, they are doing the convoy-thingy again"
Chalky ::
Rusi v konvencionalnem spopadu z ZDA nebi imeli nobenih možnosti.
Unchancy ::
Intervju češkega generala Andor Šandorja o možnostih za vojaški uspeh Ukrajine in ruski taktiki v Bakhmutu. Strojno prevedeno.
Vojaški strokovnjaki vedo, da Ukrajina izgublja in da nima realnih možnosti. Postopoma to začenjajo priznavati tudi v medijih.
"First. Personally, I am skeptical that there would be a chance that by the fall, Ukraine would regain its territories, which it lost firstly after 2014 and secondly after February 24 of last year. Second. The support of the West is also limited in that the West either cannot or does not want to give everything that Ukraine asks for in order to be successful. He can't give them about the fact that he doesn't have that much equipment and, above all, the ammunition that the Ukrainians would need. Armies are already at their limits. Then there are the weapons systems that we don't want to give her, meaning aircraft and other technology, when we refer to the fact that they don't need it. See Biden's latest statement on F16 aircraft," comments security adviser General Andor Šándor.
Sándor sees a dilemma between how we politically support Ukraine and show something that we are not able to fulfill. How public PR is at odds with what we are able or willing to do. “It's very controversial to say whether we should support Ukraine long enough to win before the Russians break it all. We have a number of politicians who believe that Ukraine can win, and any other opinion is ostracized. On the other hand, the option that Ukraine does not have to win is being realistically considered," described Sándor, who reminds us that Russia is a country used to hardship. "A country that has far greater potential, both military and human. It is a country that, unfortunately, has not suffered as much from the sanctions. At the same time, we should say that Russia is not isolated at all. There are many more countries that have not acceded to sanctions. Even Turkey, a country of the North Atlantic Alliance, did not accede to sanctions," Sándor said. “Russia is capable of continuing the conflict for much longer than Ukraine. Therefore, I can imagine that it has two dimensions. One politically open, but also the other, when there may be challenges. It is possible that Biden's trip to Kyiv on February 20 was also about starting to consider a different solution than insisting that Ukraine liberate its entire territory this year. Unrealistic," he added.
"Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops."
In the direction of Bachmut, the situation becomes more and more complicated. And what or who does he think will matter how the war ends? "Russian tactics are deadly for Ukrainian troops. They keep the Ukrainian troops in touch with daily artillery shelling and short sorties, forcing them to fight without a break, maximum loss of human lives occurs, on both sides. There is a wear roller. Ukrainians can hardly rest, which complicates the state of the Ukrainian army. It is an attrition tactic on the part of the Russians to make it impossible for the Ukrainians to prepare a spring counter-offensive, on which the further fate of the country could depend," said Sándor. "Contrary to the expectations of many of us, when we thought we would see some big encircling operations of the Russian army, they rather choose this path of daily exhaustion. Ukrainian resources are not unlimited. we see that the promises of technology deliveries are not fulfilled in terms of numbers, and are delayed. The Russian plays brutally for time and knows very well what he will achieve by doing so. A number of experts and the Americans are appealing to the Ukrainians to stop defending Bakhmut and exhausting themselves in this area, and rather concentrate the limited forces they have to improve their position on the battlefield somewhere else. The idea that Russia will lose Crimea is unrealistic at the moment," concludes the security adviser.
Sedaj, ko se vse pripravlja za poletje, ko se vozi orožje v Ukrajino na polno, ko se trenira in pripravlja taktiko, ko ima Ukrajina 2-3 mesece časa, da naolji stroj, ko zaveznice odprejo mošnjiček na polno, ko so Nemci končno poustili, ko USA generali trdijo, da bo uspelo, pride nek Čeh, ki trdi da je vse brezveze in da naj nehajo? OK, potem pa bomo poslušali tega Čeha in Jožeta P Damjana?
Saj jaz Damjanovih blodenj ne berem, ampak glede na to, da je profesor na ekonomskem faksu in je zajebal lastni kredit, kako mora biti bukov šele pri stvareh, ki mu niso v fohu?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Lesoto ::
Moja napoved je prodor skozi linijo Slavjansk - Kramatorsk in obkroženje ukrajinskih sil na levem bregu Dnjepra do konca poletja 2023.
To so fantazije, ki nimajo nobene veze s tem, kar gledamo v Ukrajini, ker bi to pomenilo, da bi miljonski Harkov moral pasti v roke Rusije.
Ruski vozni park postaja vedno slabši, vojaki pa slabše opremljeni in izurjeni (govorimo o jebenih mobilizantih).
Kako lahko prideš do takih zaključkov glede na to, kaj se dogaja v Ukrajini. Tudi če bi bila celotna ruska armada sestavljena iz Wagnerja, bi jim s to samomorilsko zaporniško taktiko, ki jim uspeva okoli Bahmuta, zmanjkalo folka.
Unchancy ::
Napovedal si konec vojne najkasneje do junija. Bo čas povedal![]()
Moja napoved je prodor skozi linijo Slavjansk - Kramatorsk in obkroženje ukrajinskih sil na levem bregu Dnjepra do konca poletja 2023.
Možno je da bo Rusija počakala ukrajinsko ofenzivo in po neuspehu naredila svojo kontraofenzivo.
In do takrat boš zamenjal že tri nove nick, tako da ne bo nobenih posledic tega nabijanja.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Lesoto ::
Prigozhin said that Wagner needs another 20-30K soldiers for the quick capture of Bakhmut
"If you want to help take Bakhmut in the near future, then a big request is to prepare 20-30K strong guys. We will train them, and let's go and get them,"
Meanwhile Ukraine has ...... sent in special units per reports. I think Ukrainians will try to bleed the Russians dry, to fully deplete Russian offensive capabilities.
še 30 jurjev zapornikov mu dajte ja
Russian BBQ
The special forces of the Special Operations Center "A" of the SBU burned another 8 units of enemy equipment in one night:
- 5 tanks
- 2 BMP
- one truck with ammunition
Prigozhin said that Wagner needs another 20-30K soldiers for the quick capture of Bakhmut
"If you want to help take Bakhmut in the near future, then a big request is to prepare 20-30K strong guys. We will train them, and let's go and get them,"
Meanwhile Ukraine has ...... sent in special units per reports. I think Ukrainians will try to bleed the Russians dry, to fully deplete Russian offensive capabilities.
še 30 jurjev zapornikov mu dajte ja
Russian BBQ
The special forces of the Special Operations Center "A" of the SBU burned another 8 units of enemy equipment in one night:
- 5 tanks
- 2 BMP
- one truck with ammunition
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Lesoto ::
"Putin wants to exchange occupied parts of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions for Crimea, with the subsequent withdrawal of Russian troops from these territories" - British intelligence
Putin's main goal is to save his face and not lose power, the second, no less important, is the lifting of Western sanctions, and only the liberation of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions will help him in this, according to British intelligence.
"Putin wants to exchange occupied parts of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions for Crimea, with the subsequent withdrawal of Russian troops from these territories" - British intelligence
Putin's main goal is to save his face and not lose power, the second, no less important, is the lifting of Western sanctions, and only the liberation of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions will help him in this, according to British intelligence.
yayo ::
promo video, nekateri uporabljajo bullpop puške...
Nič novega, že večkrat videno na slikah, zaradi kompaktnosti so jih najprej dajali artiljercem. Drugače šminkerske puške v uporabi tudi v naši vojski, sumim, da je šlo za kak ugoden deal zaradi testiranja v praksi ali pa je kdo dobro provizijo pohamsal 😁 Kolikor vem so jim tudi hrvati podarili svoje VHS (ni videorekorder) jurisne bullpup puške.
mackilla ::
Zdaj se začenja zares. Rusi so prestavili v peto brzino.
Lesoto ::
Zdaj se začenja zares. Rusi so prestavili v peto brzino.
Development 1945 - 1949
mackilla ::
Zdaj se začenja zares. Rusi so prestavili v peto brzino.
Development 1945 - 1949