Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
TezkoDihanje ::
Pac-Man ::
Nuclear threats. Satanism. Threatening a dam. Whining about 🇺🇸 & 🇺🇦 not negotiating. Threats to shoot down satellites. Lies about dirty bombs and fake biolabs.
These are not signs of a superpower winning an unprovoked war that they themselves started.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
to, video
in to
JUST IN: Anti War Protester confronts #SquadMember @IlhanMN on her funding of the Ukrainian War that is leading us into nuclear war. She was part of the cowardly 30 who rescinded the letter calling for diplomatic talks with Russia!
in to
I am sorry, you all aren’t “anti war protesters”, you are dangerous propagandists who are literally making a mockery of the anti war movement.
I have never had the pleasure of responding to 🇷🇺 ridiculous internet disinformation in person before. Thank you for the opportunity ✌🏽
I am amazed at the nerve that some people have to not be upset with the country literally waging war, but at the country defending itself and those helping them do that.
I was even told by one of these people tonight, “it’s America that started the Russia war”, seriously wtf.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BBB ::
Saj Biden je lepo povedal, da ga bodo uničili, medtem ko je predsednik "suverene" Nemčije zgolj nemo poslušal, kako njegovi "zavezniki" grozijo z uničenjem njihove infrastrukture:
Da ne omenjamo, da je "zanimivo", kako vsa napredna vojaška tehnologija ne more zaznati "rusov", ki pred EU obalo sabotirajo našo infrastrukturo.
Zanimive so tudi izjave senatorja Rona Johnsona in Victorie Nuland, dne 7.12.2021, glede načrtovanih sankcij proti Rusiji, predvsem glede plinovoda Nord Stream 2.
Full Committee Hearing, Update on U.S.- Russia Policy, 7.12.2021 (glej 1:04:18 - 1:08:30) oz.
Za ljudi, ki prisegate na ameriško literaturo, je tu manjši prispevek Antonyja J. Blinkna, ki je leta 1987 napisal knjigo Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis.
Nekaj besed o knjigi in zanimiv citat (več nimam na voljo):
For a number of influential policy makers the time seemed opportune to engage the Soviet Union in a round of economic warfare regardless of the price that might have to be paid by the economies of Western Europe and the American Business Community.
(Google translate: Številnim vplivnim oblikovalcem politik se je zdel pravi čas, da Sovjetsko zvezo vključijo v krog gospodarske vojne, ne glede na ceno, ki bi jo morala plačati gospodarstva Zahodne Evrope in ameriška poslovna skupnost.)
Ameriški troli, ki se sramežljivo skrivate pod ukrajinsko zastavo, zakaj na povprašate kar svojega gospodarja Antonyja Blinkna, zakaj ameriški strateški interesi ne vključujejo gospodarske blaginje njene "zaveznice" Evrope.
jernejl ::
zakaj na povprašate kar svojega gospodarja Antonyja Blinkna, zakaj ameriški strateški interesi ne vključujejo gospodarske blaginje njene "zaveznice" Evrope.
Zakaj bi morali kogarkoli spraševati o nečem povsem logičnem?
Američani imajo svoje interese, Evropejci svoje. Seveda se ti interesi v marsičem prekrivajo. Recimo šibka rusija je v strateškem in ekonomskem interesu obeh. Še bolj evrope, ker smo bližje rusom.
mackilla ::
Saj Biden je lepo povedal, da ga bodo uničili, medtem ko je predsednik "suverene" Nemčije zgolj nemo poslušal, kako njegovi "zavezniki" grozijo z uničenjem njihove infrastrukture:
Da ne omenjamo, da je "zanimivo", kako vsa napredna vojaška tehnologija ne more zaznati "rusov", ki pred EU obalo sabotirajo našo infrastrukturo.
Zanimive so tudi izjave senatorja Rona Johnsona in Victorie Nuland, dne 7.12.2021, glede načrtovanih sankcij proti Rusiji, predvsem glede plinovoda Nord Stream 2.
Full Committee Hearing, Update on U.S.- Russia Policy, 7.12.2021 (glej 1:04:18 - 1:08:30) oz.
Za ljudi, ki prisegate na ameriško literaturo, je tu manjši prispevek Antonyja J. Blinkna, ki je leta 1987 napisal knjigo Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis.
Nekaj besed o knjigi in zanimiv citat (več nimam na voljo):
For a number of influential policy makers the time seemed opportune to engage the Soviet Union in a round of economic warfare regardless of the price that might have to be paid by the economies of Western Europe and the American Business Community.
(Google translate: Številnim vplivnim oblikovalcem politik se je zdel pravi čas, da Sovjetsko zvezo vključijo v krog gospodarske vojne, ne glede na ceno, ki bi jo morala plačati gospodarstva Zahodne Evrope in ameriška poslovna skupnost.)
Ameriški troli, ki se sramežljivo skrivate pod ukrajinsko zastavo, zakaj na povprašate kar svojega gospodarja Antonyja Blinkna, zakaj ameriški strateški interesi ne vključujejo gospodarske blaginje njene "zaveznice" Evrope.
Očitno si funkcionalno nepismen. Po temle ameriški interesi ne vključujejo ne ameriške blaginje in ne evropske blaginje. Ali si namerno spregledal?
Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinski poziv vojakom na fronti, video+podnapisi
+ Vlog mobikov s fronte, enako
Enostavno jih pošljejo na lokacijo brez vsega, še najbolj bode v oči pomanjkanje vozil. Pač par dodanih teles mimo katerih se morajo prebit Ukrajinci.
Message of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to russian soldiers.
We call on everyone who wants to live to surrender.
+ Vlog mobikov s fronte, enako
Another!Maybe a🧵would be good
These say they were beaten & had no training,had to buy their own things,were left without ammo while loosing equipment/men,& walked for kms on end!
Another satisfied Russian group in Ukraine!Left to die
Enostavno jih pošljejo na lokacijo brez vsega, še najbolj bode v oči pomanjkanje vozil. Pač par dodanih teles mimo katerih se morajo prebit Ukrajinci.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Q&A o putinovem govoru na valdajskem forumu in še par stvari
@2:40, NWO anyone?
00:00 Putin's speech
01:00 Putin fanaticism
02:05 Munich speech
02:25 Putin's incoherence
03:47 Nuclear threats
04:42 Liz Truss
05:40 Putin sincerity
07:50 Who wrote the speech
08:24 Sobchak
10:32 Critical Russians
10:39 Bias
@2:40, NWO anyone?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Zato so zavezniki zahtevali od Nemčije in Japonske brezpogojno kapitulacijo.
Brezpogojno kapitulacijo so zahtevali američani, v namen dominacije sveta. Azijo so sicer nameravali dominirati preko Kitajske, a ko so kitajci nabutali ameriško lutko, je bilo treba improvizirati z japonci, korejci in Tajvanom.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Sc0ut ::
V sevastopolu je bila huge eksplozoja kjer so ladje parkirane.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
Poldi112 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Zanimivo, da glede Nemčije se vsi strinjajo, da so bili pač nazis the ultimate evil
Vojno pišejo zmagovalci. Če bi zmagali nemci, bi se vsi strinjali, da so rusi/američani ultimate evil.
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Tu je Ukrajina na koncu žrtev, ker se vse izhodišče reducira na WWII in rusko superiornost.
Ukrajina je žrtev, ker se velesile borijo za interesna območja. Vse ostalo je pa propaganda.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Poldi112 ::
Recimo šibka rusija je v strateškem in ekonomskem interesu obeh. Še bolj evrope, ker smo bližje rusom.
Zakaj bi bila šibka rusija v našem interesu? Saj EU države niso več kolonialne sile, ki se po svetu tepejo za province.
V našem interesu je sodelovane z rusi, ker z njihovimi surovinami in EU tehnologijo lahko predstavljamo protiutež kitajcem in američanom.
Za razliko od interesov američanov, ki rinejo v novo hladno vojno in nas z ločitvijo od rusov silijo v svoj tabor. S tem nas tudi efektivno držijo na ketni.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Zato so zavezniki zahtevali od Nemčije in Japonske brezpogojno kapitulacijo.
Brezpogojno kapitulacijo so zahtevali američani, v namen dominacije sveta. Azijo so sicer nameravali dominirati preko Kitajske, a ko so kitajci nabutali ameriško lutko, je bilo treba improvizirati z japonci, korejci in Tajvanom.
Brezpogojno kapitulacijo so zahtevali, ker se jim ni dalo čez par desetletji spet reševat evropo. In veš kaj? Zgodovina na našem kontinentu od WW2 pravi, da so se odločili pravilno. In če bi putina nabutali, ko je haral po sosedah, bi zdaj imeli mir. Sploh je to edino zdravilo za bullyja. Če ga ne zabiješ v poden, bo polizal rane in naslednjič mogoče ne boš imel več premoči.
A da ZDA so iste? No shit. Samo za razliko od rusov imajo dejansko nepremagljivo vojsko + ekonomijo. 'Premagaš' jih edino tako, da preživiš dosti časa da postane 'hec' predrag in spokajo domov.
Recimo šibka rusija je v strateškem in ekonomskem interesu obeh. Še bolj evrope, ker smo bližje rusom.
Zakaj bi bila šibka rusija v našem interesu? Saj EU države niso več kolonialne sile, ki se po svetu tepejo za province.
V našem interesu je sodelovane z rusi, ker z njihovimi surovinami in EU tehnologijo lahko predstavljamo protiutež kitajcem in američanom.
Za razliko od interesov američanov, ki rinejo v novo hladno vojno in nas z ločitvijo od rusov silijo v svoj tabor. S tem nas tudi efektivno držijo na ketni.
Šibka rusija nam je v interesu, dokler imajo na oblasti diktatorja. Je zgodovina pokazala, da ima prevečkrat 'ključne varnostne interese' v šibkih sosedah, da se lahko doma dela mogočnega in ga pustijo na oblasti.
Surovine od diktatorjev pa niso poceni. Vsaj če nam je kaj do 'malenkosti', kot so človekove pravice. No, za to si že pokazal, da te ne brigajo, tako da tvoje stališče ne preseneča...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
mackilla ::
Nekaterim tule se očitno zdi krivično,da so zavezniki zahtevali brezpogojno kapitulacijo Hitlerjeve Nemčije. Z nacistično Nemčijo bi se bilo potrebno pogajati. Hitler je samo hotel buffer zone v spodnji štajerski,delih Poljske, Sudetih ter Alzacije in Loreni. Popolnoma razumljivo,ker je Nemčija bila v preteklosti brutalizirana s strani Napoleona,ruskih carjev ter Poljakov. Nemčija je bila velesila in to so bile čisto razumske zahteve ampak so zlobni zahodnjaki hoteli vojno in so celo oboroževali nemške sovražnike in s tem podaljševali vojno. Prekleti amerikanci.
Pac-Man ::
angleški prevod govora, PDF, 12 strani:
Important speech by President #Steinmeier about Putin’s war. He prepares Germans for hard times and an age of confrontation. But the speech is as remarkable for what it mentions as for what it omits. The good, the bad and the ugly - a 13 piece 🪵here:
Steinmeier does what 🇩🇪 leading politicians (exception: Robert Habeck) have avoided doing so far: saying out loud that the tailwinds which 🇩🇪has felt since 1990 have been replaced by headwinds. The times of the peace dividend are over. Every citizen will feel it.
This speech was necessary. It prepares citizens for the moment when economic hardship can no longer be compensated by the government. That moment will come soon.
Steinmeier does not mince words about Putin’s “imperial obsession”. Germans needed to hear from their head of state that the world is in "a phase of confrontation” – and that 🇩🇪cannot wean itself out of it. His support for the investment program for the Armed Forces is strong.
The President is unequivocal in his support for Ukraine. He directly addresses and rejects those Germans who claim the government is not doing enough to help negotiate a settlement. Steinmeier rejects any settlement that legalizes a landgrab.
What could possibly be wrong with such a strong performance? First, timing. What took Steinmeier so long? Had he followed up on Scholz’ “Zeitenwende” speech to provide context, he would have made a mark. 8 months later, the speech represents caution rather than strength.
Second, lack of urgency. Being late itself, the speech conveys no sense of immediacy of the impending change. No call to speed things up. 🇩🇪incrementalism drives foreigners nuts anyway, this speech will be no exception: come back in a decade, and you might see the change.
Third, little agenda for change. That 🇩🇪 needs a new economic model, is – in Steinmeier’s thinking – limited to changes that climate change imposes. No agenda for innovation, nothing on exports, nothing on energy intensive industries. Instead: redistribution and social justice
Fourth, lack of historical awareness. The speech portrays a glorious time of peace and cooperation that was abruptly ended with Putin’s aggression. No mention that the new age was long in coming and 🇩🇪chose to ignore it for years and against all warnings by its allies.
Fifth, no self-critique. Steinmeier acknowledges his own role in leading into a foreign policy mega-crash only indirectly. And only in the form of disappointed hopes, not errant assessments. No demand for larger reassessments and investigations into spying and corruption.
Sixth, sugar-coating. No mention of the loss of trust in 🇩🇪 by its most important allies, not just because of its past Russia-policy but because of its tepid and contradictory response since. How to become the Europ. leader that Steinmeier wants 🇩🇪 to be if it lacks followers?
Seventh, incoherence on 🇨🇳. He remarks on 🇨🇳 dark role in the “phase of confrontation”. But no mention of systemic competition. No analysis what the 🇨🇳🇷🇺partnership means for democracies. Instead, a warning against a new block confrontation. What is it, Mr. President?
In sum, Steinmeier’s speech represents perfectly where 🇩🇪 stands: first steps to adapt to the new world have been taken, belatedly and cautiously, but a larger concept of the global change and what it will mean for 🇩🇪 is still missing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Naši tanki so prispeli v Ukrajino, kaj niso zadnjič trdili eden tudi tukaj, da so jih Rusi že vse uničili? :D
Se spomnim na začetku napada kako je nekdo trdil, da bo Ukrajini nemogoče spravit težko orožje na fronto, ker imajo Rusi vse pokrito. :D sedaj bi lahko pripeljal Debelo Berto v Kherson, če bi hoteli :D
Se spomnim na začetku napada kako je nekdo trdil, da bo Ukrajini nemogoče spravit težko orožje na fronto, ker imajo Rusi vse pokrito. :D sedaj bi lahko pripeljal Debelo Berto v Kherson, če bi hoteli :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
fur80 ::
Pac-Man ::
en del je dal že fur80, vsekakor se nekaj kadi. Najverjetneje rezervoarji goriva ali cevovodi. Ali pa je na obisk prišel Kuznecov?
in špekulacije
Images of the ongoing fire in occupied Sevastopol. I believe the ongoing fire in Sevastopol is around this bay. 44.5843799, 33.4219746
in špekulacije
There is still a massive fog of war surrounding the #Ukraine️ attack on #Russian forces at Sevastopol. All UNCONFIRMED
3 parts to reports:
1. Reports in Russian media /SM that some Russian navy ships damaged. Reportedly including frigate Admiral Makarov
2. There are images of fires on one of the headlands outside the main harbor.
Hot take: drone (UAV) attacks on something on land
3. Videos and images of explosion at sea this morning, variously reported as a Russian helicopter destroying a Ukrainian underwater drone. Like other info treat as UNCONFIRMED, and I have slight doubts what we are seeing [video]
A Russian Navy submarine was also in the general area
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
2x video s plavajočih samomorilskih dronov. IR posnetki kažejo, da so prišli presneto blizu in bi znala bit solidna škoda, odvisno od bojne glave
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
2x video s plavajočih samomorilskih dronov. IR posnetki kažejo, da so prišli presneto blizu in bi znala bit solidna škoda, odvisno od bojne glave
Pa to je drone prišel čisto zraven trupa. Če je tole eksplodiralo nekaj metrov stran, je ladja samo še za remont. Ali pa še to ne.
ta ruska mornarica, jao jao
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
2x video s plavajočih samomorilskih dronov. IR posnetki kažejo, da so prišli presneto blizu in bi znala bit solidna škoda, odvisno od bojne glave
Pa to je drone prišel čisto zraven trupa. Če je tole eksplodiralo nekaj metrov stran, je ladja samo še za remont. Ali pa še to ne.
ta ruska mornarica, jao jao
Kakšen tip drona je to? A imajo Ukrajinci domačo izvedbo?
Pac-Man ::
Verjetno tole
Kaj bi bilo, če bi se vsi pobegli aktivno ali pasivno uprli?
People leaving twitter for other services now are the same as russian men fleeing from putin's mobilization to other countries.
If you want to preserve the freedoms you have, you stay and fight.
It's as simple as that. All Ukrainians understand this universal truth.
Kaj bi bilo, če bi se vsi pobegli aktivno ali pasivno uprli?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
Russian tank got hit. Watch 'til end, you won't regret it. #Ukraine
UAF actively destroy russian military equipment turning some enemy units into 'bike battalions'
"We have two tanks: the other one moves but can't shoot and the other one can shoot but can't move. All harasoo." -Motorized brigade of Russian Army
Russian tank got hit. Watch 'til end, you won't regret it. #Ukraine
UAF actively destroy russian military equipment turning some enemy units into 'bike battalions'
"We have two tanks: the other one moves but can't shoot and the other one can shoot but can't move. All harasoo." -Motorized brigade of Russian Army
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
scythe ::
Pestra zima bo, zgleda da se morajo civilna ladije ostraniti tam, ker bo začel pokati na morju.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
temp1337 ::
Tole floto morajo na hitro potopiti. Če bo sodeloval London, bo to šlo kot po maslu. Oni so specialisti za take specialne operacije na vodi.
scythe ::
Nič ne bo šlo na hiter, step to step in učinek. Morali bodo počistiti vse kar imajo v črnem morju. Zgleda da so Ukrajinci ugotovili, da gre dost raket iz morja na njih, zato morajo rešiti tale problem. Tudi Ameriški RQ-4 Global Hawk je vsakrat bližje Krimu, če gledamo malo Flightradar24.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
petrus ::
Tole floto morajo na hitro potopiti. Če bo sodeloval London, bo to šlo kot po maslu. Oni so specialisti za take specialne operacije na vodi.
Točno, celo plinovodi so mala malca za njih!
stati inu obstati
clancy ::
Haha... ne me j... En je od strahu kar skočil dol z barke
Na 1:16
Na 1:16
TezkoDihanje ::
According to the resource, the new flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the frigate Admiral Makarov, received very serious damage. It was probably hit by several kamikaze drones at once, in connection with which superstructures, radar equipment, and the ship's fire control systems were disabled.
According to the resource, the new flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the frigate Admiral Makarov, received very serious damage. It was probably hit by several kamikaze drones at once, in connection with which superstructures, radar equipment, and the ship's fire control systems were disabled.
mojsterleo ::
Pestra zima bo, zgleda da se morajo civilna ladije ostraniti tam, ker bo začel pokati na morju.
Ukrajina itak ni neposredna podpisnica sporazuma. Če bodo Rusi ustavili izvajanje sporazuma, bodo prizadeti predvsem svetovni trgi z žitom in gnojili.
TezkoDihanje ::
Russian racism is quite funny some times.
Dirty Albanians..
Russian racism is quite funny some times.
Dirty Albanians..
mackilla ::
Pestra zima bo, zgleda da se morajo civilna ladije ostraniti tam, ker bo začel pokati na morju.
Teroristični napad Slovensko novinarstvo je resnično navaden drek.
Scaramouche3 ::
Eu pa z proračunom čez 200 milijard noče imeti skupnega programa za razvoj ICBM in pro ICBM rakete..
Mi bomo tampon med Ameriko ki je vse to sranje pod mizo začela in Rusi, ki se bodo nad njimi znesli tako da pošljejo strateško atomsko nad kako NATO bazo v EU...
Mi bomo tampon med Ameriko ki je vse to sranje pod mizo začela in Rusi, ki se bodo nad njimi znesli tako da pošljejo strateško atomsko nad kako NATO bazo v EU...
TezkoDihanje ::
Unknown hackers hacked all the key Russian propaganda TV channels in the occupied Crimea, and locals can just now enjoy footage of the destruction of ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, writes Andrii Tsaplienko.
Unknown hackers hacked all the key Russian propaganda TV channels in the occupied Crimea, and locals can just now enjoy footage of the destruction of ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, writes Andrii Tsaplienko.
TezkoDihanje ::
As it turns out, not three but no less than five Russian 2S19M2 Msta-SM2 152mm SPG were lost in Novolyubivka, Luhansk Oblast.
As it turns out, not three but no less than five Russian 2S19M2 Msta-SM2 152mm SPG were lost in Novolyubivka, Luhansk Oblast.
Matejjjjj ::
Kaj je to bilo? Zgleda kot day after tommorow.... še na paradah so bolj narazen... kaj takega v WW2 ni bilo sploh izvedljivo, z izjemo uporabe strateških bobnikov ali ladijskih topov... ?????
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Matejjjjj ::
5 ljudi na eno havbico = 25 mrtvih. vsaj... ni čudno, da ji je strah. med sodelavci v RF velja, da je verjetnost preživetja v tej vojni manj kot 30%. Če je to himars, pomeni, da si ukrajinci lahko privosčijo uporabo takih sistemov v taktične namene... kot ZdA leta 1945, ko so B25 metali bombe na posamezne nemške vojake ali tovornjake...
Matejjjjj ::
HIMARS prebil 5 nadstropij železobetonske stavbe in eksplodiral v kleti... množično grobišče po besedah rusov... klet te ne zaščiti, raketa pade s hitrostjo 4500 kmh.
HIMARS prebil 5 nadstropij železobetonske stavbe in eksplodiral v kleti... množično grobišče po besedah rusov... klet te ne zaščiti, raketa pade s hitrostjo 4500 kmh.
pangro ::
The cult of Putin in Serbia reflects a nation that has still not dealt with its past
Rusija je zadnje srbsko upanje, v primeru ruskega poraza na vseh možnih nivojih bodo le tega spremenili v zmago.
Kaj pa je z neptuni pa harpun raketami a to je še užitno za petardiranje ruskih križark?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: pangro ()
Pac-Man ::
o Tončku, ki bi utapljal ukrajinske otroke, 20 minut.
Krasovsky: Russia's Most Hateful Propagandist
Krasovsky: Russia's Most Hateful Propagandist
Russia these days is full of sell-out journalists and propaganda pundits. In today's video we'll talk about Anton Krasovsky - in my opinion one of the most despicable propaganda pundits in Russia. Recently Krasovsky was in the news when he essentially got canceled and fired from RT (Russia Today) for some terrible comments he made regarding Ukraine. I've been aware of this guy for years, and in my opinion he is one of the biggest grifters the world has ever seen: in the span of several years Krasovsky turned from an anti-Putin pro-Ukraine liberal and LGBT rights activist to a pro-Kremlin Z homophobe. I think his story is quite fascinating, so today we'll talk about the life of Anton Krasovsky - Russia's worst propagandist.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
yansek ::
Robert Barić
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: yansek ()
Pac-Man ::
V Kazanu imajo pripravljeno kletko za pijane mobike.
Drugi armadi sveta gre vse po planu.
At a mobilisation centre in Kazan, drunken reservists are kept in a makeshift cage. Local officials say there's nothing wrong with it
Drugi armadi sveta gre vse po planu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
yayo ::
fur80 ::
To ste videli? Kako Rusi bežijo iz Kherson? Obvezno poglejte do konca :D in kako je video pristal v Ukrajinskih rokah.