Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi

Invictus ::
Brexit se je v veliki meri zgodil zaradi Ruskih troll farm, ki so zmanipulirale britance na socialnih omrežjih. Podobno kot so zmanipulirali Američane 2016.
Rusi so tako krivi za vse.
Za BREXIT so krivi Britanci sami, saj so pro BREXIT politiki nagovarjali debile in njihov nacionalizem, pametni pa sploh niso šli na referendum, ker se jim je zdelo prebutasto, da bi kdo sploh glasoval za izstop iz EU. In da bi referendum celo uspel...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

Malidelničar ::
Invictus: Vseeno podcenjuješ moč ruske internetne propagande IMHO. Pa ne samo pri Brexitu.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Chalky ::
Bo še zanimivo. Me prav zanima kakšna bo kapica na rusko nafto. Tole bi znalo močno udariti ruse po žepu.

Malidelničar ::
Ne vem kaj USA čaka, sedaj bi bilo potrebno najavit novih 3 milijarde orožja!
Američani morajo neprestano manevrirati in politično stopati kot po jajcih zaradi ruskega jedrskega orožja. Zato je tudi Zahod iz strahu sfalil odziv na vojno. Na žalost je to realnost.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Malidelničar ()

mackilla ::
Ne vem kaj USA čaka, sedaj bi bilo potrebno najavit novih 3 milijarde orožja!
Verjetno jim dajejo pomoč postopoma,da jo Ukrajinci lahko mirno integrirajo v svojo vojsko. Če bi jim dali vseh 45 milijard naenkrat bi se jim ogromno robe vlačilo po skladiščih. Kaj pa vem. Dolgo tudi traja,da se Ukrajinci usposobijo na moderno orožje. Mogoče bodo dobili tudi letala in patriote ampak šele čez par mesecev.

TezkoDihanje ::
Kar pestro tole.
Ukrainian forces liberated the town of Nova Husarivka
This video depicts Ukrainian forces removing the occupation flag.
Ukrainian forces liberated Bairak, just south of Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Nekaj se dogaja tukaj ja.
24.februarja je bila cena okoli 92 USD.
Ukrainian forces liberated the town of Nova Husarivka
This video depicts Ukrainian forces removing the occupation flag.
Ukrainian forces liberated Bairak, just south of Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Bo še zanimivo. Me prav zanima kakšna bo kapica na rusko nafto. Tole bi znalo močno udariti ruse po žepu.
Nekaj se dogaja tukaj ja.
24.februarja je bila cena okoli 92 USD.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

fur80 ::
Nemško podjetje je ponudilo Ukrajini 100 najnovejših tankov, nemška vlada je to blokirala v strahu pred Rusi zaradi plina, sami pa zaprejo 3 jedrske elektrarne! Svabi so hinavci in skopuhi!

TezkoDihanje ::
Mogoče bodo dobili tudi letala in patriote ampak šele čez par mesecev.
Vse to bodo dobili, ko pridejo NASAMSi pa IRIS-T SAM sistemi. Brez tega ne moreš imet letal parkiranih po letališčih.
Ukrainian tanks entering Yakovenkove in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
crazy shit
The document leaked from RUS MinFin says that by AUG 28, 361.4B RUB has been paid to families of KIA soldiers, 7.4M per one. Dividing would give 48838 confirmed dead. This does not include those MIA, killed separatists and WIA. Thus, UKR estimate may well be an UNDERSTATEMENT.
Advancing Ukrainian troops captured a Russian Lieutenant colonel near Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
The document leaked from RUS MinFin says that by AUG 28, 361.4B RUB has been paid to families of KIA soldiers, 7.4M per one. Dividing would give 48838 confirmed dead. This does not include those MIA, killed separatists and WIA. Thus, UKR estimate may well be an UNDERSTATEMENT.
Advancing Ukrainian troops captured a Russian Lieutenant colonel near Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

Pac-Man ::
Ukrainian civilians in joy as they salute Ukrainian tanks entering their village as Russian troops fled the area. Video from Kharkiv Oblast.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Geho ::
Brexit se je v veliki meri zgodil zaradi Ruskih troll farm, ki so zmanipulirale britance na socialnih omrežjih. Podobno kot so zmanipulirali Američane 2016.
Rusi so tako krivi za vse.
Za BREXIT so krivi Britanci sami, saj so pro BREXIT politiki nagovarjali debile in njihov nacionalizem, pametni pa sploh niso šli na referendum, ker se jim je zdelo prebutasto, da bi kdo sploh glasoval za izstop iz EU. In da bi referendum celo uspel...
Sam poglej rašistične trole na tem forumu... vse jasno.

Geho ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
crazy shit
The document leaked from RUS MinFin says that by AUG 28, 361.4B RUB has been paid to families of KIA soldiers, 7.4M per one. Dividing would give 48838 confirmed dead. This does not include those MIA, killed separatists and WIA. Thus, UKR estimate may well be an UNDERSTATEMENT.
Advancing Ukrainian troops captured a Russian Lieutenant colonel near Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Piše na papirju 48759... crazy. Zdaj samo vprašanje, če je tu tudi kaj fantomskih smrti oz. fejkanih ali ne. Ampak za separatistične regije se ve, da odraslih moških skorajda nimajo več, kar pomeni da tudi če obstanejo kot svoje republike, bodo imeli hude hude probleme še desetletja naprej...

Akira_ ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
crazy shit
The document leaked from RUS MinFin says that by AUG 28, 361.4B RUB has been paid to families of KIA soldiers, 7.4M per one. Dividing would give 48838 confirmed dead. This does not include those MIA, killed separatists and WIA. Thus, UKR estimate may well be an UNDERSTATEMENT.
Advancing Ukrainian troops captured a Russian Lieutenant colonel near Balakliia in #Kharkiv Oblast.
Misliš da je pristen dokument?

TezkoDihanje ::

fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Some of today's captured Russians are right out of 1939.
Malo še pa se jih bo predalo 20 000. Se spomni kdo Oluje in kdo se je predal in boril, Specialci in plačanci so prvi pobegnili! Iste slike kot leta 95.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Bostjan_321 ::
The five stages of grief
1. Denial
- There is no counterattack!
2. Anger
- Mass artillery shelling along the whole front.
3. Bargaining
- Russia wanted to talk with Zelensky about peace.
4. Depression
- We didn't want Ukraine anyways. (we are here)
5. Acceptance
- Fucking back off to russia. Then distribute tea and window based flight lessons to selected people.

Pac-Man ::
There it is!
The video in t e linked tweet shows an Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuze Setter (EPIAFS) in Ukrainian hands. EPIAFS is used to enter target GPS-coordinates in M982 Excalibur artillery projectiles, M395 mortar rounds and M1156 PGK fuzes. And it looks like this EPIAFS is connected to a Precision Lightweight Universal Mortar Setter System (PLUMSS) - but I am not sure, because I never got to see one of the rare PLUMSS in real life.
Either way - awesome to see Ukraine get the best stuff the US Army has.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Some of today's captured Russians are right out of 1939.
Ruski Volkssturm. Nekateri se čudijo,da imajo Ukrajinci v vojski ženske. Tole si naj pogledajo.

Akira_ ::
Ruska vladajoča stranka Enotna Rusija predsednika Vladimirja Putina je danes predlagala 4. november kot datum za izvedbo referendumov za priključitev ozemelj na jugu in vzhodu Ukrajine, ki so jih zasedle ruske sile.
"Pravilno in simbolično bi bilo, da bi glasovanje v Donbasu in na osvobojenih ozemljih potekalo 4. novembra," na dan narodne enotnosti Rusije, je na spletni strani sporočil generalni sekretar stranke Enotna Rusija, Andrej Turčak.
Po glasovanju se bodo "Doneck, Lugansk in mnoga druga ruska mesta končno vrnila v domače pristanišče. In ruski svet, ki je zdaj razdeljen s formalnimi mejami, bo ponovno pridobil svojo celovitost," je dodal po poročanju francoske tiskovne agencije AFP.
Mal bodo mogl pohitet z referendumi. Dvomim da bodo še držali vsa ozemlja do takrat


Pac-Man ::
Samo ja, desant na Kijiv je bil finta.
Mirja je na posnetkih še cela, zelo verjetno so jo uničili Ukrajinci med obstreljevanjem teh oklepnikov.
UAV footage taken at the Antonov airport in Gostomel during the presence of Russian troops there
Mirja je na posnetkih še cela, zelo verjetno so jo uničili Ukrajinci med obstreljevanjem teh oklepnikov.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
🟠Russia still burning gas at the LNG Terminal near the Compression Station Portovaya Gazprom, Bol'shoy Bor, Leningrad Oblast, #Russia🇷🇺 6 Sep 2022 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ➡️ Russia burns 4.3 million m3 of gas a day, that makes 8,600 tonnes of CO2 every day.
i.a. here, close to the Finish border 👀:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Hm, nihče še ni omenil, da še šestnajst let očitno ne bo tako sladkih :).
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Akira_ ::

mackilla ::
Vse gre po načrtu. Rusi ne rabijo mostov tudi pontoni so čisto vredu.

Pac-Man ::
video, na koncu nekaj bluzi, kako je Zelenski rekel, da Ukrajina rabi jedrsko orožje in so mu vsi ploskali, ampak ga Amanpourjeva zabije
Prepis govora, edina omemba "nuclear", ki jo najdem
Just weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia’s Ambassador to the EU @RusMission_EU
Vladimir Chizhov told me there was no way Russia would invade. Tonight I asked him whether he was bluffing, or did he just not know what was coming?
Prepis govora, edina omemba "nuclear", ki jo najdem
Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world's third nuclear capability. We don't have that weapon. We also have no security. We also do not have part of the territory of our state that is larger in area than Switzerland, the Netherlands or Belgium. And most importantly - we don’t have millions of our citizens. We don’t have all this.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Comandante ::
offtopic ampak me firbec matra: What has happened to Vladimir Solovyov's face?
Po moje je padel skozi okno. Ampak pijanci taksne padce pogosto prezivijo, ker je telo mehko, in lepo absorbira udarec. Njemu ni bilo nic, malo je okrusil tlakovce.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Comandante ()

Pac-Man ::
Vse gre po načrtu. Rusi ne rabijo mostov tudi pontoni so čisto vredu.
welkom tu ukrejn, sukkka
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Geho ::
Vse gre po načrtu. Rusi ne rabijo mostov tudi pontoni so čisto vredu.
welkom tu ukrejn, sukkka
Welcome to Ukraine CYKA!!!

Pac-Man ::
Vse gre po načrtu. Rusi ne rabijo mostov tudi pontoni so čisto vredu.
sam napad:
LOL edit:
This is another map-take of Ukraine's Kharkiv offensive. It appears Russia currently doesn't have either the ground maneuver unit reserves or artillery fires to respond locally and seal this breach.
The Ukrainians have achieved a tactical break-in and have opened a breach in the Russian forward defenses.
It remains to be seen if the Ukrainian military has enough local mobile forces to make this into an operational scale breakthrough offensive that cuts the Russian ground lines of communications to Izyum.
The only rapidly available tool for the Russians appears to be airpower.
The Russians have to commit the VKS in a big way to slow this Ukrainian break-in down and helicopter lift infantry blocking forces in front of the Ukrainians to save their logistical position at Izyum.
People should expect to hear about Russian claims of successful air strikes & Ukrainian claims of VKS jets and helicopters shot down in the next 48 hours.
Assuming this Ukrainian Kharkiv offensive gains operational level momentum.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bostjan_321 ::
Ruska vladajoča stranka Enotna Rusija predsednika Vladimirja Putina je danes predlagala 4. november kot datum za izvedbo referendumov za priključitev ozemelj na jugu in vzhodu Ukrajine, ki so jih zasedle ruske sile.
"Pravilno in simbolično bi bilo, da bi glasovanje v Donbasu in na osvobojenih ozemljih potekalo 4. novembra," na dan narodne enotnosti Rusije, je na spletni strani sporočil generalni sekretar stranke Enotna Rusija, Andrej Turčak.
Po glasovanju se bodo "Doneck, Lugansk in mnoga druga ruska mesta končno vrnila v domače pristanišče. In ruski svet, ki je zdaj razdeljen s formalnimi mejami, bo ponovno pridobil svojo celovitost," je dodal po poročanju francoske tiskovne agencije AFP.
Mal bodo mogl pohitet z referendumi. Dvomim da bodo še držali vsa ozemlja do takrat![]()
Zakaj taka fascinacija nad referendumi?
To naj bi dalo neko legitimnost?
Nekako tako kot da bi Hitler naredil referendum v zavzetih državah in bi to kaj štelo po koncu vojne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bostjan_321 ()

Zmajc ::
Malo težje, ko ne streljaš prometne znake
TikTik brigade unscripted:
TikTik brigade unscripted:

Pac-Man ::
Compare how Putin treated Gerasimov and Shoigu during the Kavkaz 2020 exercise with his demeanor during the recent Vostok exercise. The body language is very different.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

DarkSite ::
Russian sources: "Ukrainian forces have bypassed Shevchenkove and are continuing towards Kup'yans'k"
če drži tole ... wow, totalen kolaps ruske vojske ...

WallSreet ::
Tile Ukrajinci so mi čez dalje bolj všeč lol
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Quotes Pusha T to flex on Russia
Putin's health called into question as legs twitch uncontrollably at speech
Exodus 23:1 Kot kaže so Putinu šteti dnevi:
Now you out here all by yourself
Ask Steve Jobs, wealth don't buy health
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Quotes Pusha T to flex on Russia
Putin's health called into question as legs twitch uncontrollably at speech
Exodus 23:1 Kot kaže so Putinu šteti dnevi:
Now you out here all by yourself
Ask Steve Jobs, wealth don't buy health
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WallSreet ()

pangro ::
Nemško podjetje je ponudilo Ukrajini 100 najnovejših tankov, nemška vlada je to blokirala v strahu pred Rusi zaradi plina, sami pa zaprejo 3 jedrske elektrarne! Svabi so hinavci in skopuhi!
Jebeš nemce, rab se samo usa+vb in poljska za tranzit govorim za worst case scenario vse ostale je samo bonus da razbijejo ruse, ukrajinci me presenečajo pa še vseeno ne pričakujem nekih uspehov, lend lease bo zalaufal šele naslednji mesec, potem f16 letala in čuvanje teh letal, razen čebodo vzletali iz Poljske, potrebuje se še čas.

pangro ::
Ima dober track record
Me on 5 April: Ukraine will attack towards
• Kupiansk ✅
• Kherson's Antonovskiy Bridge✅
• Nova Kakhovka dam ✅
• Melitopol
3 out of 4 attacks are finally underway. Ukrainians waited for fresh brigades to become operational before attacking - a smart decision. [citiran tvit]
res je dober zna predvidevat napram propadlim ruskim navijaškim skupinam aka propadli napovedovalci "septembra bo odeesa padla" in njihovo posmehovanje himarsom ("wundervaffe") pa to.....

Pac-Man ::
Russia has lost, in two days (if at full strength):
Tanks: 12 ( tank co.)
APCs: 13 (mechanized rifle co. in BTR/MTLB)
Cmd Vic: 1
Arty/AT: 15 (3 mixed arty co.'s)
AD: 2 (AAA & S300)
IFV: 19 (1.5 mech. rifle co.'s)
Log/transpo: 14 (1+ motor rifle co.) The equivalent strength in a battalion format is roughly 8 companies of infantry, armor, artillery, and supporting arms + command/logistics, so 2+ battalions. Or an understrength brigade.
If any western military lost this kind of equipment (not to mention manpower) in 2 days time we would have riots.
This kind of loss is almost unthinkable for a modern military. Armenia, an underequipped military on the defensive facing a technologically superior/better equipped foe who had amassed greater numbers in tough terrain, didn't suffer these losses in a 48 hour period with essentially no air force or air defense active.
*Russia* a power with the best access to heavy arms, on the defensive, in relatively easy terrain, with overwhelming airpower, & dense air defense, artillery, & armor advantage, couldn't hold off on 2 of 3 active fronts, the might of Ukraine, a power who has been on the defensive for 6 months, with one of the most complex logistics systems on planet earth (Egypt & India must be jealous of how ridiculous Ukraine's system/caliber setup is), undersupplied in armor, artillery, air defense, & with essentially no capacity for aviation beyond the line of contact aside, no capacity for air-air combat, no real strategic rocket capability, no navy for seaborne fires, limited EW, ISR overwhelmingly limited to COTS, & the need to safeguard civil infrastructure... Is putting nearly the entire combat might of the Russia military on the defensive & seizing territory from them whilst whittling down the remaining combat power they have.
It is likely that Ukraine can't sustain this level of ops for a long period, it is exhausting in manpower, stockpiles, & equipment. But for the moment, they are rolling back what was probably the 3rd most powerful army on earth, &doing so while retaining defensive positions along the rest of their positions. This isn't the "all or nothing" attack one might expect such results from, this is months of studious observation, careful marshalling of resources, humiliating trades of kilometers for time, & strategic patience.
It is difficult not to see the past week, and especially the past 48 hours, as transformational. Ukraine will likely have to pause offensive ops before too long, & that's probably a smart move. But they'll end it having recaptured land & established their capacity to combat & contest control of Ukraine from what most of us (including me) saw as a inevitable domination whose only question was "how painful can Ukraine make it".
Слава Україні!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Rusija mora v mobilizacijo, po kateri se bo videlo kako popularna sta res konflikt & režim, sicer sledijo nove poteze dobre volje.
Tudi z mobilizacijo - Ukrajini je trajalo več kot pol leta, da so lahko sprožili to ofenzivo. S prekratkim šolanjem bomo gledali World war Z.
Russian military: "Catastrophe" is only a matter of days away.
"The biggest Russian military defeat since 1943".
"Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov are one step away from an unthinkable achievement - the strategic defeat of the RF Armed Forces by a weaker enemy with almost no aviation"
Tudi z mobilizacijo - Ukrajini je trajalo več kot pol leta, da so lahko sprožili to ofenzivo. S prekratkim šolanjem bomo gledali World war Z.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Invictus ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Invictus: Vseeno podcenjuješ moč ruske internetne propagande IMHO. Pa ne samo pri Brexitu.
Niso za vse sranje na zahodu krivi Rusi.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

Akira_ ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Invictus: Vseeno podcenjuješ moč ruske internetne propagande IMHO. Pa ne samo pri Brexitu.
Niso za vse sranje na zahodu krivi Rusi.
Po tvojem so za vse sranje krivi, naj uganem, Američani?

kopriwa ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Invictus: Vseeno podcenjuješ moč ruske internetne propagande IMHO. Pa ne samo pri Brexitu.
Niso za vse sranje na zahodu krivi Rusi.
Res je, niso krivi za vso sranje na zahodu. So pa v veliki večini krivi za vojno v Ukrajini ter vse posledice, ki jih občutimo. Zato jih je potrebno popolnoma odrezat z zahoda ter Ukrajini pomagat na vse načine da počisti svojo državo te zalege.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kopriwa ()

Invictus ::
ZA večino sranja so krivi glupi volilci.
In Američani ga serjejo okoli že od 2. svetovne vojne. Pač niso hoteli zapreti vojaških tvarn, pa je vojna za nekatere dober biznis.
Če se še tako oklepaš krivde rusov, zgodovina pač pravi, da so Angleži in Američani naredili veliko več sranja po celem svetu. Sploh v modernih časih po razpadu Sovjetske zveze. In v 19. stoletju ter prej...
Sploh Angleži, ki so služili z makovimi polji v Indiji in izvozom opija na Kitajsko.
In Američani ga serjejo okoli že od 2. svetovne vojne. Pač niso hoteli zapreti vojaških tvarn, pa je vojna za nekatere dober biznis.
Če se še tako oklepaš krivde rusov, zgodovina pač pravi, da so Angleži in Američani naredili veliko več sranja po celem svetu. Sploh v modernih časih po razpadu Sovjetske zveze. In v 19. stoletju ter prej...
Sploh Angleži, ki so služili z makovimi polji v Indiji in izvozom opija na Kitajsko.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

fur80 ::
ZA večino sranja so krivi glupi volilci.
In Američani ga serjejo okoli že od 2. svetovne vojne. Pač niso hoteli zapreti vojaških tvarn, pa je vojna za nekatere dober biznis.
Če se še tako oklepaš krivde rusov, zgodovina pač pravi, da so Angleži in Američani naredili veliko več sranja po celem svetu. Sploh v modernih časih po razpadu Sovjetske zveze. In v 19. stoletju ter prej...
Sploh Angleži, ki so služili z makovimi polji v Indiji in izvozom opija na Kitajsko.
Saj so Rusi dovolj sranja naredili že doma svojim ljudem, kaj bi ga še po svetu delali, razen tega, da so se šli proxi vojne z USA po celem svetu.
Probably 61,911,000 people, 54,769,000 of them citizens, have been murdered by the Communist Party--the government--of the Soviet Union. This is about 178 people for each letter, comma, period, digit, and other characters in this book.
Old and young, healthy and sick, men and women, and even infants and infirm, were killed in cold-blood. They were not combatants in civil war or rebellions, they were not criminals. Indeed, nearly all were guilty of ... nothing.
To je ene 100X več kot Nagasaki in Hirošima skupaj! ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Zmajc ::
ZA večino sranja so krivi glupi volilci.
In Američani ga serjejo okoli že od 2. svetovne vojne. Pač niso hoteli zapreti vojaških tvarn, pa je vojna za nekatere dober biznis.
Če se še tako oklepaš krivde rusov, zgodovina pač pravi, da so Angleži in Američani naredili veliko več sranja po celem svetu. Sploh v modernih časih po razpadu Sovjetske zveze. In v 19. stoletju ter prej...
Sploh Angleži, ki so služili z makovimi polji v Indiji in izvozom opija na Kitajsko.
Za vse sta potrebna dva. Tudi za žrtve hladne vojne. Ne moreš reči da je za vse absolutno kriva en stran če sta obe strani po celem svetu mešali drek za svojo agendo. Kri imajo na rokah vsi USA, Rusi IN Kitajci. In noben ni nedolžen.
Na našo žalost pa samo ena stran podpira demokracijo in to je "naša".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Pac-Man ::
fun times
Gremo ugibat kak bo rezultat? Samo pravilne objave, prosim.
Four independent municipal deputies in St Petersburg have appealed to the State Duma with a demand to remove president Putin for treason. They wrote that his “special operation” threatens Russia’s security.
Gremo ugibat kak bo rezultat? Samo pravilne objave, prosim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.